ICQM 2223 G8 Test 1 Answers

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2022-2023 1st Term

G.8 History Test

Question and Answer Book

Time allowed: 25 minutes Date: ___________, 2022

Name: _____________________ Class: _________ ( )

1. This paper must be answered in English.

2. Write your Name, Class and Class Number in the space provided on Page 1.

3. This paper consists of 6 pages, including this cover.

4. When told to open the question-answer book, you should check that all the questions are
there. Look for the words ‘END OF PAPER’ after the last question.

5. The full mark of the paper is 40. This paper consists of Three sections, Section A, Section
B, and Section C. Section A carries 10 marks, Section B carries 20 marks, and Section C
carries 10 marks.

6. Answer ALL questions in each section. Write your answers in the space provided in this
Question-Answer book. Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied upon request.
Write your Name, Class and Class Number on each sheet.

7. Your writing must be tidy and clear.

Section A /10
Section B /20
Section C /10
Total Mark /40

Page 1 of 6
Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks, 1 mark@)
Choose the best option and write the correct answer in the box provided.

1. Which of the following statements about the impacts of the Reformation are correct?
i. There was a sale of massive indulgences in the Church.
ii. There was a split of Christianity into the Roman Catholic Church and the
Protestant Church.
iii. Many rulers separated religion from politics.

A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iii
D. All of the above

2. Which of the following statements about the impacts of the Scientific Revolution are
i. The development of the printing press promoted academic exchanges.
ii. The Europeans stressed on rational thinking, which encouraged them to
challenge traditional authority.
iii. The Europeans applied the scientific theories to develop new technologies and
made inventions.

A. i and ii
B. i and iii
C. ii and iii
D. All of the above

3. Which of the following statements about the Enlightenment is incorrect?

A. People criticized absolutism.
B. People criticized the idea of ‘divine right of kings’.
C. Enlightenment thinkers stressed about the importance of rational thinking.
D. People accepted all inequalities in the society.

4. Which of the following statements about the main ideas of the Enlightenment is
A. The government powers should be only divided into legislature and judiciary.
B. The Enlightenment thinkers spread the idea of social contract.
C. Rulers could not maintain their rule by force.
D. The government should implement constitution and reforms.

5. When did the Enlightenment begin?

A. 15th century
B. 16th century
C. 17th century
D. 18th century

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6. Which of the following statements about the impacts of the Enlightenment is
A. It awakened the Europeans to rethink about their political systems and pursuit of
B. It led to the Industrial Revolution.
C. It led to the outbreak of the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
D. Some absolute rulers carried out reforms to grant more rights to their people.

7. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

A. Britain
B. Italy
C. France
D. Germany

8. Which of the following statements about the causes of the Industrial Revolution is
A. Merchants accumulated capital from government’s subsidy.
B. European population kept on increasing during the 18-19th century.
C. Merchants were keen on investing technological innovations.
D. The world trade centre emerged in Europe since the 15th century.

9. Which of the followings about the features of Industrial Revolution is incorrect?

A. Urbanization
B. Industrialization
C. Overproduction
D. Mechanization

10. When did the Industrial Revolution begin?

A. mid 18th century
B. mid 17th century
C. mid 16th century
D. mid 15th century

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Section B: Fill in the Blanks (20 marks, 2 marks@)

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words.

1. Renaissance was the transitional period from Medieval Times to Modern Times.

Europeans were keen to revive the ancient Greco-Roman civilization.

2. Before the Renaissance, buildings were mainly built in Gothic style, which had pointed

arches, tall pointed towers, flying buttresses and stained glass.

3. Renaissance buildings are characterized by stone pillars, round domes, pediments and

semi-circular arches.

4. The Enlightenment was an intellectual and cultural movement. Enlightenment thinkers

stated that people should enjoy natural rights such as equality and liberty.

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Section C: Data-based Questions (10 marks)

Study the Sources and answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. Study Sources A and B. (10 marks)

The Crucifixion

A portrait of an Italian woman

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a) State the time periods that the painting in Source A and Source B belongs to

respectively. (2 marks)

The painting in Source A belongs to Medieval Times. (1)

The painting in Source B belongs to Renaissance. (1)

b) Compare the arts between the two different periods that mentioned in question (a).

Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B. (4 marks)

According to Source A, the painting in Medieval Times looked less

colorful/unrealistic/not lively/dull/boring. (1) According to Source B, the painting in

Renaissance looked colorful/lively/realistic/interesting. (1)

According to Source A, the theme of the painting in Medieval Times was only about

religion. (1) According to Source B, the theme of the painting in Renaissance was

diverse/mainly about human affairs. (1)

c) State one feature of the time period that the painting in Source B belongs to. Explain

your answer with reference to Source B. (4marks)

The feature of Renaissance was emphasizing humanism. (2) According to Source B,

the theme of painting was more concerned with human affairs (1) as it showed a

portrait of a normal woman. (1)


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