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Cell biology otherwise known as cytology is a branch of biology that includes the study of cells
regarding their physiological properties (properties that enable the normal functioning of the
cell), structure and functions, the organelles they contain, interaction with their environment,
their life cycle, division and death. This study has to do with both single cell organisms like
bacteria and the complex organisms (multicellular) like humans.

Cell Discovery
In 1663 an English scientist, Robert Hooke discovered cell in a piece of cork which he
examined under his primitive microscope. He discovered the cell wall but never saw the inner
content. In 1665, He coined the word “CELL”. The word cell is derived from the latin word
“cellula” which means small compartment.
Schleiden and Schwann proved that both plants and animals are cellular in character and founded
the cell theory.
Robert Brown discovered the nucleus of the cell in 1833.
Nageli distinguish the two main part of a cell.
Radolf Virchow (1821-1902) stated “omni cellula e cellula” which means every cell is derived
from a cell.
Loius Pasteur (1865) stated“omni vivum e vive” meaning all living things comes from living

Definition of Cell
1. It is defined as the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all living organisms.
2. A cell is the smallest unit of life and they are often called the building blocks of life
(because all organisms are made up of cells, from unicellular to multicellular, the basic
body structure and plan starts with cell: even during division and reproduction, it is the
cell that divides.

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3. Cells are those units of protoplasm which are controlled by a single nucleus and whose
boundaries are limited by a cytoplasmic membrane
4. Cells are tiny microscopic units which collectively carry out process that make the
organism a living entity

Modern version of cell theory

The cell theory was postulated by Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden (1839).
1. All living organism (plant, animal or microorganism) are made up of one or more cells
and their product.
2. All metabolic reactions in unicellular and multicellular organism take place in cell.
3. Cell originates from other cells by process of division and duplication of already existing
4. The smallest basic functional unit of life is cell.

Parts of cell
Cell wall: - is the non-living structure formed by living protoplasm e.g in plant cell. It forms a
case which surrounds and encloses the cell structure found inside the cell.

Protoplast: - is the living content of cell

Inclusion: - is the non-living substance in protoplasm

Organelles: - are the living substances in the protoplasm

Component of cells and their functions

1. Cell wall: - cell of all plant are supported by a cell wall which are constructed from
cellulose. It is the non- living structure secreted by living part of the cell.
i. It maintain the form of the cell
ii. It serve as protection to the protoplast
iii. It forms the skeleton of plant body and its responsible for rigidity, strength and

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2. Cell membrane/ plasmalemma/ plasma membrane

Membranes are found at the surface of cell, around the nucleus, mitochondrion and
lysosome. Danielli Davson hypothesis propose that the plasma membrane is made of a
double layer of phospholipids sandwich between two layers of protein.
i. It controls the control the entry and exit of substances into and out of the cell.
ii. It protect the internal structure of the cell
iii. It gives support to the cell and maintain cell shape
3. Nucleus – is the largest organelle surrounded by nuclear envelop which a double
membrane with nuclear pores. Nucleus directs the affairs of the cell. The nucleoli are the
reservoir of RNA (Ribonucleic acid) and DNA. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a
nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and
functioning of all living organism.
i. It controls all the physiological activities of the cell
ii. It contains DNA which controls hereditary characters
4. Cytoplasm -is the protoplasm of the cell minus the nucleus. It contains enzymes
responsible for all metabolic activity taking place inside the cell. Cytoplasm consists of
60 - 90% water.
5. Lysosome – are special membrane containing enzymes that break down large molecules,
unwanted chemicals, toxin, organelles or whole cells, so that material can be recycled. In
other words, lysosome is a membranous bag which contain hydrolytic enzyme which
work optimally at PH 5 and digest macromolecules.
6. Endoplasmic reticulum -The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membranous structure that
contains a network of tubules and vesicles. It is a structure that substances can move
through it. ER are of two forms
i. Rough Endoplasmic: contains a combination of proteins and enzymes. These
parts of the endoplasmic reticulum contain a number of ribosomes, giving it a
rough appearance. Its purpose is to synthesize new proteins.

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ii. Smooth Endoplasmic: does not have any attached ribosomes. Its purpose is to
synthesize different types of lipids (fats). The smooth ER also plays a role in
drug and carbohydrate metabolism.

7. Ribosomes are minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins found in large
numbers in the cytoplasm of living cells. They give cytoplasm a rough appearance and
are also attached to endoplasmic reticulum. They bind messenger RNA and transfer RNA
to synthesize polypeptides and proteins.

8. Mitochondria: - are sausage- shaped organelle. The outer part is simple and permeable
while the inner membrane is highly folded into cristae which give it a large surface. The
space enclosed by the inner membrane is called mitochondrial matrix. The interior
space of mitochondrion filled with fluid material rich in enzymes is called cisterna.
Mitochondrion is the power house of the cell which helps to breakdown nutrients to
produce energy.


i. It carries out oxidation of food substances
ii. Site of ATP generation in cell
iii. It converts potential energy of different food materials into a form of energy that
can be used by the cell to carry out its various activities.

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9. Golgi apparatus: -is a packed collection of flat vesicles. It receives substances produced
from the endoplasmic reticulum which are transported as vesicles and fuses with the
Golgi apparatus. They process and package macromolecules synthesized by the cell;
primarily proteins and lipids.

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8. Vacuole: - are membranous bound sacs containing water or dilute solutions of salts and other
i. Storage area for food materials
ii. Depot for liquid materials
iii. Maintain cell turgidity

9. Plastids: occur in all types of plant cells but not in animals. They are necessary to store
starch, to carry out the process of photosynthesis. Some of the vital types of plastids and
their functions are stated below:
Leucoplasts: - are colorless plastids and are found in non-photosynthetic tissues of plants e.g
root, underground stem. They are used for the storage of protein, lipid, and starch.

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Chloroplasts: - The chloroplast is shaped like a disc and the stroma is the fluid within the
chloroplast that comprises a circular DNA. Each chloroplast contains a green colored pigment
called chlorophyll required for the process of photosynthesis

Chromoplasts:-They are colored plastid which is responsible for pigment synthesis and for
storage in photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. Chromoplasts have red, orange and yellow
colored pigments which provide colour to all ripe fruits and flowers.

Exception of the cell theory/ Organism that does not obey cell theory

1. Viruses: -they do not have true cell. They lack plasma membrane, nucleus and cytoplasm.
They also lack metabolic machinery for energy production and protein synthesis.
2. Paramecium (protozoa)
3. Rhizopus (fungi)
This organism does not fit into the frame of cell theory.

Characteristics of a true cell

1. A true cell must possess a set of genes

2. A true cell must possess a limiting plasma membrane which permits the exchange of
matter and energy.
3. A true cell must possess metabolic machineries for sustaining life activities such as
growth, excretion, reproduction etc.

Types of cell
1. Eukaryotic cell
2. Prokaryotic cell

1. Eukaryotic cell
It contains a nucleus, which houses the cell DNA or otherwise serves as a membrane-
bound for the cell DNA. Eukaryotes can either unicellular or multicellular organisms and
are referred to as true nucleus. Plants, animals, fungi, slime moulds, protozoa, algae are
all eukaryotes. The eukaryotic cells are about fifteen times wider than a typical
prokaryotic cell and can be as much as a thousand times greater in volume.

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2. Prokaryotic cell
It does not contain nucleus, the DNA therefore has no membrane- bound.
They are smaller and simpler than the eukaryotic cells. The prokaryotes are unicellular
organism’s e.g bacteria. Prokaryotic cells occur mostly as bacteria
e. g cyanobacteria. They produce infectious disease which affects humans and animals.

Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

1. Absence of a membrane around the nuclear material
2. Absence of membrane limited organelles such as mitochondria, Endoplasmic
reticulum, chloroplast, Golgi apparatus, ribosome e.t.c
3. The size of Prokaryotic cell is between 1 10 μm as compared to 10 - 100μm
4. The genetic material is located in a single chromosome and it represents a circular
double stranded DNA. In eukaryotic cells the genetic material are present in linear
double stranded DNA
5. 70Subunits ribosome in Prokaryotic and 80Subunits ribosome in eukaryotes

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