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ASAD “ink ator - the g Ouro > _lumnibe Pie cise fa 43 or eye Huh q kit 4 fas Rice at “ReCe. a _be_ Rapiictacl -sach_ anaes foe The. tapak Signal. coulll be | wake grated ere if toe_tinoe_perrod. of tbe__signal_ 1s oo —than_or_ a ReCe. é “ 7 eee ~-1 OIFFERENTIATOR: _ _| We ciyewt performs. the mnatbiencealial Loperakion_of- differentiation “The oudpet c cvave| |For 18. te __clerivacive oP dAhe__tapet cuavePorn The difPerentiator reay be constreictecl Crono. a basic taverting. aropliPier. IP ov inpet ~ kesistor_Ri_is replaced by a_ capacitor 13 Cr. ee ane Voltoge.18. given PH —- Ve = - REC) AVi0 Se “dt he oukpuk voltage 1g equal oe REC, (sieves the negalive instantaneous. vate of | change Of the Input voltage Mie with Hime. A | 2 cuave Ste ev mais Q Sipe coave a 1 _a_tiangalay inpuk cuill produce a | Square cyave cotpul. the basis differentiator | has some. pracktal. problenos.. “the gare \—\inereasea_ cat increase to requency. ot a. rata. _ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ad) —_ of 20 dB/decade. Thais rakes. tire ctreuit “unstable > Also. tHe input tnapecarce._cecreases evita toevease. in. freqerency»cubrele _reakes ab enveath very _suscepl ble__to_ lrgb— frequency — “worse - When anoplifed , tore norse__complately | override. .oli FPerenk take _octpek Signal re | Rraave fate foe frequency —ak_colaicl the quan 18— 0. dB__ G15 given_buy— | i 21 REC, (Leis -umnity __g.cute band eniett —— | Both stabi Uiky. an. ol__laigh __ frequancy, _narse problems | coun _loe__coreckeol__by- 4be_addition of tcxo —— components Re 4. hs _eureuit ts. a practical | diflerenk ator. iP pie the — operating frequency, | fron fF to- __fp_, the —gaio _yoereases ok _|.20 dB/ decade Lt _is__ give boy, \ \ RC, =e Re Ce __ .-—+— | PARE @ scanned with OKEN Scanner PROCEDURE sipauth Construct the scireait ga Shoewo_ to figure: . Of. -ctrcuik.duagran. a 1 Gave—4the_inpat signals _as_speciGied __Note_doeve the output vo Ikewge _frore cro. __. Increase. frequency and_—_note tho.octp.cit _ Nolkage~— ee - chen. draco the. firequancy response §- find & . Pe a __ DESIGN _| Gano. =} roto rs. oe Lek Girona! ib fa=Po fa > Break Prequancy, _. Bs db frequency _ Choose C= 0 [AR Ry = bike 2 Re = _ <¢ 499078 X10 F_ Tx 0.0078 x 10 &x 10? | a 2RT x O+007%X 106 x 104 in 1 a Qy ReCr @ scanned with OKEN Scanner B2+ 14 32)%o -~20.¢4ko | Ry =-(0- 98 + O47) ko. aV4QSnwg q pifferenttatk i Ensen ata mite gain ia seine Be — 2T REC, Se Beng Feng an = = bet © EE leu | C1 = 0.0) HE i Ra= 1 7 t ] 2a7thc, 27 x 10%x0-01 x16° 1 RS le ee eee Take %% =\0 fa =10 KHe poeeeg ae 3 {, -jo*= 1 = Q7ReCr * 4 Ce= | _= : | 27 Re xto4 QT x15. A x10” x 104 4A = 9.001 AE a 4 Sine RIG, = ReCe — ea eeseee ReCe = IAXIO*xO.Co1n15S 2 15 Oral x16& prem Se pe eet +. “The _prackical_integrator_ §< pee e. using Op: panp 741 and constructed . 2 oF ciroait 1's _ veriPred _§ Skadieds 3 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ye Se Inpar coave fore oukpuk eoave bo Nye vo > 0 > v vin Ve ” oes or . v Frequency response Zs Basie ditferenbaber Respor \ \ \- Proctrcod DifRerenbidor Respor @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 3 2 = 5 S a \z & x 3 s = 3 a 2 € S a | Mast @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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