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You can actually charge money for this. Others do to teach this technique.

This method incorporates both Vedic and Kabbalistic techniques. Strangely, both
systems are actually very similar. The vedic ceremony also includes a gift of food
like fruit or a vegetable.

I did not make this up to answer your question last night. I was merely trying to
remember ALL of the aspects to include into the ceremony. The last time I read
about these was over 30 years ago so I was trying to remember all of the aspects.

I will explain ALL of the reasons for each process below.

1. Wash the hands a face with clean water. Then dry them using a clean towel.

2. Find a comfortable location to sit. A reclining chair is perfect or a

comfortable lounge.

3. Now light a special candle (white or bees wax) this candle should only be used
for this ceremony (if possible)

4. Then wrap a clean WHITE handkerchief or clean white cloth around the MIDDLE

5. Next, you are do deep breathing for 10 deep breaths and they focus on Clearing
their mind while doing this breathing

6. Start saying a mantra (positive affirmation) - This is something IN your OWN

language which makes Sense to YOU personally and not some foreign Vedic mantra
which has no meaning.

7. This technique can only be used as the "formula" for good - the negative
ceremony is very different from the ceremony for drawing positive energy.

8. Every time they do this special meditation, they MUST have a piece of cloth
wrapped around their middle finger.

9. The candle is used so that they can visualise light and draw this into their

10. One must focus at the very TOP point of the flame where the 2 flames meet. This
may be different for each candle type you use or if the formula in that specific
candle batch is different from previous batches.

10a. This should be done for 15-20 minutes until you have enough mental strength to
last for longer than 60 minutes per session.


There is 2 reasons for this washing the hands and face.
a) positive meditation should be done when the body is clean for hygiene reasons
b) this also helps remove any negativity which often lingers on the fingers
especially after sleeping when (or if) the soul makes an ascension and leaves the
body behind unprotected. (if this ascension happens, then the body "may" be
inhabited by negative energies according to kabbalistic sources).
Further NOTE: the person should ideally use running water and not water which has
been sitting in a container.

The person does NOT have to sit in the Lotus Position, in FACT it is strongly
recommended that they DO NOT sit in the lotus position because most people cannot
do this without pain and this "lotus sitting" puts more people OFF meditation than
many people are aware of.

In fact I have often noticed teachers showing off to students that THEY can sit in
the lotus but the students has great discomfort when they try and do the same. Of
course this is all ego based on the teachers part.

Ideally, the candle should be made from Bees wax which is much less toxic that
traditional white PARAFIN wax candles which contain toxic chemicals (even lead -
especially wicks from china).

If you are using a PARAFIN wax candle, then the room should be well ventilated to
let the toxic fumes out.

Wrap some clean white material around one of their middle fingers.

During the winding process, the person should say a short prayer like this. "I bind
my soul to return to my body no matter what experience I have."

This should be said while they wrap the cloth around the finger. Not before and not
after. But while wrapping the cloth.

The handkerchief or cloth is actually a grounding mechanism and is VERY important

for higher level meditations.

Breathing should be at least 10 breaths. 20 is better.

The person should see themselves going DOWN some stairs - 1 step per breath. They
should go down slowly.

When they reach the bottom, this is where they will be safe and warm. This is their

This "mantra" should be stated in the present tense as a command if possible.

DO NOT USE future tenses such as "I WILL become" or "I will get 20 sales a day".

Instead, say it as a definitive present tense such as " I GET 20 sales a day".

This positive formula needs to be pointed out to people so that they do not try and
use this for negative or nasty invocations.

In fact, the negative affirmations formula is quite different. In fact the

statement in Star Wars where Yoda said to Luke "Whomever starts down the path of
the dark side, forever consume him it will" is actually taken from kabbalah.

See page 120 - 126 of attached PDF.

This is important as stated for grounding purposes especially IF the person has a
transcendental mystical experience which Can often leave people mentally

The cloth helps them return more easily and in fact, if they do have a mystical
experience, they should physically rub the cloth to help them come down more

There are 2 purposes for the candle.

a) is to draw in light into their soul using the physical image of the candle light
to help visualise the spiritual light.
b) they should focus on the TOP part of the flame where the 2 parts of the flame

This has the effect of drawing the person INTO the flame which helps them release
from the physical.

It becomes like a mirror as they gaze into the flame, they should only focus on the
flame which helps them move past the physical.

Interesting reading about WHY candles have different colours.

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