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Name : Supriyatiningsih Wenang

NIK : 19720218200010 173 041
NIDN : 0818027203
Functional status : Lector
Home Address : Miliran Baru, GG Delima No.9, Muja Muju,Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta,
55165, Indonesia
Office Address : 1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)/UMY PKU
Muhammadiyah Gamping Teaching Hospital Indonesia
2. Faculty of Medicine, Universitatsklinikum Muenster/
Westfaliche-Wilhelms University of Muenster,
Email :
Telephone : +49 174 8212074/+6287738556592
Whatsapp +49 174 8212074/+6287738556592

Education :
2019 – 2022 : PhD in medicine from Faculty of Medicine, WWU(Westfaliche-
Wilhelms), University of Muenster, Germany
2007 – 2010 : Residency program in specialization of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
1999 – 2001 : Master in Public Health Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
1991 – 1997 : Medical Doctor Faculty of Medicine YARSI University, Jakarta, Indonesia
1988 – 1991 : Senior High School 5 Bandung, Indonesia
1985 – 1988 : Junior High School 2 Gombong, Indonesia
1979 – 1985 : Elementary School of Wonokriyo, Gombong, Indonesia
Career Overview
1. Research Fellow in Health Systems Collaborative group, Centre for Global Health
Research, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, 2023
2. Trial Coordinator, Community Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention in Indonesia,
2021-2023, research project is funded by German Alliance for Global Health Research
(GLOHRA), Ministry of Education, Germany
3. Researchers leader of prematurity global research between Aisyiyah Central Board
and Nuffield Department Nuffield Department of Medicine, Oxford University Global
Surgery Group, UK. 2021-2023
4. Director of Education, Research and Quality of PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping UMY
Teaching Hospital, Yogyakarta, 2021-2025
5. Director of Muhammadiyah Maternal and Child Health Center (MMCC) UMY 2021-
6. Project director Neonatal Prematurity Program, Aisyiyah Central Board- Mama and
Leo Foundation London UK, 2021-present
7. Individual Consultant UNICEF Indonesia, in program Strengthening Community Roles
on Nutrition Program in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, 2020-2021
8. Chairman of Presidium of the National Movement of Maternal and Child Health (GKIA)
in the period June 2015 - 2018
9. Project Director of Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center (MTCC) UMY, 2017- 2020.
10. Project Director of Aisyiyah Central Board-IPAS (International Pregnancy Advisory
Board Services), Program of Quality Services Improvement in Post Abortion Care,
Muhammadiyah Moeslem’s women Organization cooperation with IPAS North
Carolina-USA, 2018-2020.
11. Member of Multi Stakeholders Board Advisory, Jalin Program to reduce maternal and
neonatal mortality, USAID-Indonesia cooperation, 2018 up 2020
12. Specialist Program Manager “My Choice”, Aisyiyah Central Board-Johns Hopkins
University Centre for Communication Program USA, in collaboration with Melinda
Gates Foundation-USA, 2016-2018
13. Member of Health Services Division of Health Council Central Board of Aisyiyah,
Indonesia Modern Moslem’s Women organization 2015-2021
14. PIC for Maternal and Child Health of Health Assembly, Central Board of Aisyiyah 2015-
15. Chairman of the joint research between the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta with University Hospital of Muenster
Germany: "Mother's Health and Obstetrics Structures in Indonesia", from May 2015 -
16. Medical Services Manager of Asri Medical Center, 2016-February 2018.
17. Member of Reproductive Medicine Society Forum, New York-USA, 2016.
18. Chairman of Work Package in Degree Training and Research: Task Force for initiative
Cardiovascular and Cancer Center, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) -
PKU Muhammadiyah Teaching Hospital, from February 2015 - 2017.
19. Member of community service committee, Indonesian Society Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Yogyakarta branch, 2013 - present.
20. Member of the medical committee of PKU Muhammadiyah Teaching Hospital in
Yogyakarta, from April 2014 - March 2017.
21. Assistant of Vice Dean for Education and Research Faculty of Medicine, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, in 2000 – 2001
22. Vice Dean for Finance and Administration Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in 2001 – 2007
23. Manager of specialist clinic in Asri Medical Center, in 2011 – 2013
24. Chairman of the steering organization event: "Indonesia - Germany Conference on
Cardiovascular and Cancer Care", May 2014.
25. Chairman of the steering organization event: "An Update On Comprehensive
Cardiovascular and Cancer Health Care Delivery Service" A Collaboration Of
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta And Münster University Of Germany, in
October 2014.
26. Chairman of the Task Force in initial step of Cardiovascular and Cancer Center, UMY-
Muenster University Hospital, 2014 - February 2015.

Awards/Reviewer Record/Research Fellowships/Publications/Training

1. 2022, Co-applicant for training 'Methodological considerations when performing a
systematic review with meta-analysis'. Collaboration between University of Halle,
University of Muenster, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology –
BIPS GmbH, and Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover.
Funded by GLOHRA (German Alliance for Global Health Research)
2. 2022, GLOHRA Field trip to World Health Organization, Geneve-Switzerland. Funded
by German Alliance for Global Health Research and Global Fund
3. 2022, ALARM International Indonesian Program "Advanced Expert in Intrapartum
Obstetrics", A Program to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity nder the Auspices
of SOGC-Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologist of Canada
4. 2021, Greater Germany PCIM Award for her service as the coordinator of the
DIASPORA MUH information media in Europe
5. 2020, Chair of the GKIA Presidium in 2017-2018 with a high motivation and inspiring
performance in leading a coalition of civil society organizations to reduce maternal
mortality, newborns, children and adolescent health.
6. 2018, Fellowship Sheed Program, NCD Alliance, Geneve, Switzerland
7. 2018, Best Lecturers with achievement number 1 period 2018 in Medical Program,
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
8. 2017, Best Lecturers with achievements number 1 period 2017 in Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
9. 2016, Fellowship in Basic Laparascopic for infertility, Dubai, Uni Emirates Arab
10. 2017, Sheed Fellow Program, Switzerland
11. 2016, The second winner of Call Papers Competition in a “Seminar Update of Maternal
Health in Primary Care” The 40th National Continuing Medical Education Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
12. 2015, The Best Article in “International Conference of Medical and Health Science”
Yogyakarta, September 1- 4 September 2015.
13. 2014, The first winner of Call Paper and Poster Competition in the Seminar and
Workshop “An Update on Comprehensive Cardiovascular and Cancer Health Care
Delivery Service”.
14. 2011, Tadjuluddin Award : awards the best graduate number 1 in National Board
Examination, National Collegium of Obstetrics and Gynecology Indonesia.
15. Fellowship program in the Department of Gynecologic Endocrinology and
Reproductive Medicine, Universitats Klinikum Heidelberg, Germany, July 2011-2012
16. 2003, Medika Award 2003, Field Report: Factors Influencing Status of Public Health
in the District Kaliangkrik (A Preliminary Study on Decentralization 2001), Award
from Indonesia Ministry of Health
17. 1995, Top Student Achievement University level throughout the Province of DKI-
Jakarta, Runner-up II, Award from Indonesia Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs
18. 1987, First Winner Leadership Development Training (LPK) IV organized by OSIS
SMAN 5 Bandung, PUSDIKU ARMY in Bandung, West Java
19. 1986, the best student number 3, Junior High School throughout Kebumen district in
commemoration of National Education Day
20. 1985, The winner of Contest Intensification some Field Studies, smart level, Junior
High School, throughout-districts Gombong
21. 1985, The Winner of Speech Contest level Gombong district, Junior High school class
1 in the framework of the National Heroes Day
22. 1985, Winner of II, Speech Contest level Gombong district, Junior High School in the
framework of the National Heroes Day

Reviewer Record
1. Reviewer for Journal of Global Health with the title: A scoping review, mapping, and
prioritization process for emergency obstetric and neonatal quality of care indicators,
2. Reviewer for Journal of Global Health with the title: The impact of antibiotic treatment
for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea during pregnancy on birth outcomes: a
systematic review and meta-analysis, 2022
3. Reviewer for Journal of Global Health with the title: Measuring maternal improvement
through multi-stakeholder engagement: Documenting developments in the dynamic
programmatic context of the global COVID-19 pandemic through outcome harvesting,
4. Reviewer for Journal of Global Health with the title: Effectiveness of the Maternal and
Child Health Handbook for improving Continuum of Care and other Maternal and
Child Health indicators: a cluster randomised controlled trial in Angola , 2022
5. Reviewer for Malaysia Journal of Public Health Medicine with tittle: Challenges in Dah
Kuala Jerlun Covid-19 Cluster Containment: Highlighting Public Health Approach
Tackling Persons Who Inject Drugs, 2022
6. Reviewer for Malaysia Journal of Public Health Medicine with tittle: Exploring
Pharmacists’ Roles and Barriers In Public Health Center During Covid-19 Pandemic:
A Qualitative Study, Tahun 2022
7. Reviewer for Malaysia Journal of Public Health Medicine with tittle: Turkish
Community’s Vaccine Hesitancy: A Community-Based Research. 2022
8. Reviewer for ICMHS 2022 with the title “Sleep Quality and The Incidence of Primary
Headache Among Medical Students”
9. Reviewer for JKKI (Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia) with tittle: Analysis
of Demographic Factors and Anemia of the Incidence of Spontaneous Abortio”. 2022
10. Reviewer for ICMHS 2022 with the title “Risk Study Of The Impact Of Age And
Residence On The Occurence Of Tuberculous Osteomielitis”
11. Reviewer for ICMHS 2022 with the title “Relationship Of Pneumonia Characteristics
With Pneumonia Severity Among Children Under 5 Years”
12. Reviewer for ICMHS 2022 with the title “The Correlation Of BMI Pulmonary
Tuberculosis Patient With The Conversion AFB Sputum On Intensive Phase”
13. Reviewer for Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan with the title:
Diagnostic Value Of Gynecologic Ultrasonography As A Malignancy Predictor In
Children Ovarian Tumor. 2022
14. Reviewer for Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG) with tittle: The
Relationship Between Human Embryo Parameters and de Novo Chromosomal
Abnormalities in Preimplantation Genetic Testing Cycles (JARG-D-21-00780)Tahun
15. Reviewer for ICMHS 2021 with the title “Effect Supplementation Vitamin D in
Pregnant Women for Incident Pre-eclampsia : A Literature Review” and “Obesity and
Hormonal Contraceptive as A Risk Factor of Breast Cancer in Asian Population”
16. Reviewer for Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG) with tittle:
MBOAT1 homozygous missense mutation causes nonobstructive azoospermia [JARG-
D-20-00651]. ISSN : 00222593, 14686244, 2020
17. Reviewer for Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan with tittle:
Perbedaan Tingkat Ekspresi Cyclin-D1 Antara Endometrioma dan Karsinoma Ovarii.
ISSN: 2614-0101 Tahun 2020
18. Reviewer for Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG) with tittle: The
impact of single versus double blastocyst transfer on pregnancy outcomes: A
prospective, randomized control trial [ISRCTN69937179]. ISSN : 1058-0468, 2019.
19. Reviewer for Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices (IJNP) Vol.2-2017 with tittle:
Perceived Barriers of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Married Women in Sleman

The presentation of scientific papers in National Meeting

1. A Case Report: ovarian cancer stage IIIC in patient with Lynch syndrome. Presented in
a poster presentation in August 2009 at the XIV Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
2. A Case Report: ovarian cancer stage IIIC in patient with Lynch syndrome. Call
presentation presented at the Paper and Poster Competition in the Seminar and
Workshop "An Update on Comprehensive Cardiovascular and Cancer Health Care
Delivery Service" in October 2014 in Yogyakarta.
3. Correlation between parity against the incidence of IUD expulsion of IUD acceptors
post placental delivery in spontaneous delivery in Magelang, Central Java, presented
at the Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Bandung, August 2015.
4. The Comparison of Umbilical Cord Care Between Dry Open and Use Betadin in
Newborn Cord Release Time At Mergangsan Health Center of Yogyakarta and Patas
Health Center of Borneo, presented at National Conference, conducted by National
Movement Maternal and Child Health at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, in August 2015.
5. Correlation Urinary Tract Infection’s Risk Factor and Parity’s Risk Factor with
Incidence of Premature Rupture of Membranes In RSKIA Sadewa Yogyakarta,
presented at the “Seminar Update of Maternal Health in Primary Care”, January2016.
6. Permasalahan Obstetri dan Ginekologi Perempuan pada Perjalanan Haji, Presented in
7. Pembelajaran Pengendalian Tembakau di Jerman Presented in Kemenko PMK
(Kementerian Koordinator bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan) RI.

The presentation of scientific papers in International Meeting

1. 6th International Conference of Medical and Health Sciences held from 20th – 21st July
2022 at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia by virtual conference
2. Research priority-setting exercise on pandemic preparedness. presented at the
“Summer school dan 3rd ISoGH Conference on Global Health, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 11 -
14 September 2022.
3. WHO Meeting, Eliminasi HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, presented at the GLOHRA Field Trip,
Genewa, Switzerland, 29 Agustus – 3 September 2022
4. Methodological considerations when performing a systematic review with meta-
analysis. Methodological considerations when performing a systematic review with
meta-analysis. presented at the GLOHRA Research collaboration. Halle, Germany. 22 -
25 September 2022
5. Research report and world meeting in the field of Global Health. presented at the
“GLOHRA Day dan World Health Summit, Berlin, Germany, 15 -18 Oktober 2022
6. The Differences between Pregnant Women with Obese and Non Obese Towards
Length of Labor Time in Sadewa Mother and Children Hospital, presented at the
“International Conference of Medical & Health Sciences (ICMHS) 2015.
7. Correlation between menstrual cycle and follicular maturation process in patientwith
polycystic ovary at Asri Medical Center, Yogyakarta Indonesia. Presented in
Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology
Conference hosted by the Foundation for Reproductive Medicine (FRM) USA,
November 2016.
8. The Comparison of Maternal Leukocytosis Incidence Between Preterm Premature
Rupture of Membranes and Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term in Panembahan
Senopati Hospital Bantul, Yogyakarta. Presented in 2nd International Conference of
Medical & Health Sciences and The Life Sciences Conference, December2016.
9. Civil society involvement in Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) program for goal:
eliminating all forms of poverty anywhere. Presented in 1st Health Science
International Conference (HSIC) Faculty of Health Science, University of
Muhammadiyah Malang, October 2017.
10. The Effect of Ovarian Stimulation with Human Menopausal Gonadotropine (hMG) for
Intra Uterine Insemination on Anti Müllerian Hormone Reserve Levels as a marker of
Ovarian Reserve. Presented in Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical
Reproductive Endocrinology Conference hosted by the Foundation for Reproductive
Medicine (FRM) USA, November 2017.
11. Risk Factors of Ovarian Cancer Incidence in PKU Muhammdiyah Teaching Hospital,
Yogyakarta. Presented in 3rd ICHMS UMY, 2018.
12. Lumbar Epidural Analgesia: The shortening of active phase time in the first andsecond
stage of labor. Presented in ICHMS UMY, 2019
13. The Occurence of Proteinuria in Preeclampsia A Proof of the Latest Guideline,
Presented in ICHMS UMY, 2020
14. Implementation of Indonesia’s National Insurance Scheme Knowledge, Perception,
and Experiences of the Poorest Households related to Maternal and Child Health
Presented in ICHMS UMY, 2020
15. The Understanding of Gender Equality in Indonesia of Indonesian Women’s Diaspora
in Germany A Descriptive Study. Presented in ICHMS UMY, 2021
16. The Importance of Reproductive Health for Women. Presented in PERMIF e.V.
Frankfurt, 2021
17. Health-Integrated Management for Rural Health Services. DIGM presentation in 70
DIG in Koln, 2021
18. Community Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention in Indonesia. Presented in
GLOHRA day, Berlin, Germany, 2021

Research grant
1. May 2011, Program Grant Competition Education Quality Improvement (HPEQ /
Health Professional Education Quality-of Higher Education), as the principal
investigator in the Research Grant "Influence of Oxygen Saturation Intraabdominal
Pressure against Sterilization Tubal Occlusion Laparoscopy with Local Anesthesia
Technique (LOTAL)".
2. May 2011, Program Grant Competition Education Quality Improvement (HPEQ /
Health Professional Education Quality-of Higher Education), as the principal
investigator in Teaching Grant "Learning Bedside Teaching to Achieve Quality
Improvement in Professional Education Program at Faculty of Medicine,
Muhammadiyah Teaching Hospital in Yogyakarta".
3. April 2015, research fellow in the study: "Effectiveness Against Hypnobirthing
Decrease Pain And Anxiety In Normal Delivery At Asri Medical Centre.
4. October 2016, Partnership Research with tittle “Perbandingan Peningkatan Kadar
Hemoglobin antara Pemberian Besi Sukrosa Intravena dengan Besi Oral pada Anemia Post
Partum di Asri Medical Center”.
5. October 2016, Community Service Research with tittle “Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan Ibu
dan Anak dalam Bedside Teaching (BST) Program Pendidikan Profesi Dokter di Bagian
Obstetri dan Ginekologi RS PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Yogyakarta”.
6. January 2018, Partnership Research with tittle “Perbandingan Efek Bone Loss Pada Wanita
dengan KB Hormonal dan Non Hormonal”, Research grant from LP3M UMY (Research,
Publication and Community Service Institute, UMY)
7. January 2018, Multidicipline Research “Lumbar Epidural Analgesia (LEA) versus non LEA
Terhadap Pemendekan Kala 1 Fase Aktif dalam Persalinan Per Vaginal”.
8. January 2018, Community Service with tittle “ PKM Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan
Reproduksi untuk Remaja Difabel di SLB Negeri 1 Yogyakarta”
9. January 2018, Unggulan Prodi Research with tittle “ Perbandingan Efek Bone Loss pada
Wanita yang Menerima Hormron Replacement Therapy (HRT) Pada Masa Pre-Menopouse”
10. 2021-2023, Indonesia Cervical Cancer phase 1" international research collaboration
between MHH Hannover, UKM Münster Hospital, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
and Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia. Funded by GLOHRA and Bunderministerium
Germany for education and research.
11. 2022-2023 Booster funding for Cervical Cancer : education and training program
between UMY Yogyakarta, MHH Hannover, Universitatsmedizin Charité Berlin. Funded
by GIZ and Minister International Affairs Bundesministerium Germany.
12. 2021-2023 Grant Policystic Management in infertility couple: a Randomized Clinical
Trial. Funded by Dexa Medica.
13. Strengthening Community Empowerment for Stunting Prevention : Performance
Mothers With Under 5 years. Funded by UNICEF 2020
14. 2023-2024 Theory of Change for Reducing Prematurity Problem in Indonesia. Funded
by Research and Innovation Institution, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
15. 2023- 2024 Indonesia’s National Health Insurance in Obstetrics Healthcare Services.
Funded by Research and Innovation Institution, Universitas Muhammadiyah
16. 2023-2024 Risk Factors Influencing the Degree of Dismenorerage in Adolescent
Women. Funded by Research and Innovation Institution, Universitas Muhammadiyah
Publication in national scientific journals
1. The relationship between parity with the rupture of the perineum in normal delivery
at Asri Medical Center Yogya and Panembahan Senopati Regional Public Hospital,
published in Journal Kesehatan Reproduksi vol.2 no. 3, December 2015.
2. Correlation between parity against the incidence of IUD expulsion of IUD acceptors
post placental delivery in spontaneous delivery, published in Indonesian Journal of
Obstetrics and gynecology , online : 2338-7335, Vol 3, 2015.
3. Current Treatment Options in Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma uterus, published in the
Journal of Mutiara Medika vol.13 1 January 2013.
4. Field Report: Factors Influencing Public Health Status in District Kaliangkrik (A
Preliminary Study on Decentralization 2001), published in the Medical Journal, 8, vol.
XXIX, August 2003, p 45.
5. A Case Report: stage IIIC ovarian cancer in patient with Lynch syndrome, published in
Obstetrics and Gynecology Indonesia Magazine volume 33, August 2009, p 61
6. Efficacy and Safety The use of tocolysis in Version Outer Head (External Cephalic
Version), will be published in the Journal of Mutiara Medika.
7. Analysis of Effect of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Intra-Abdominal Pressure Decline
Against Oxygen Saturation in Patients Who Do Laparoscopic Sterilization (Preliminary
Report), published in the magazine of Obstetrics and Gynecology Indonesia.
8. Family history of PCOS, obesity, low fiber diet, and low physical activity increase the risk
of PCOS, Published in Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia, 31 May 2022
9. Pentingnya Pengetahuan Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri Sebagai Deteksi Dini Kanker
Payudara. Published in Berdikari Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan IPTEKS. February 2022
10. Knowledge About Nutrition and Testing Gestational Hypertension in Multiple
Pregnancies, Published in Magna Medika Jurnal, August 2023

Publication in international scientific journals

1. Syringomyelia in pregnancy - Is caesarean sectionn is the best option for delivery?- A
case report, published in International Medical Journal, vol. 8 No 1 June 2009, The
official journal of The Faculty of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia
2. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy-A case report, published in International Medical
Journal, vol. 10 No 2 July 2009, The official journal of The Faculty of Medicine,
International Islamic University Malaysia
3. The Differences between Pregnant Women with Obese and Non Obese Towards
Length of Labor Time in Sadewa Mother and Children Hospital Published in Jurnal
IISTE 2015.
4. Correlation between menstrual cycle and follicular maturation process in patientwith
polycystic ovary at Asri Medical Center, Yogyakarta Indonesia. Abstractpublished in
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG). EndocrinologyConference
held November 17-20, 2016. 33, 1693-1708.
5. Maternal mortality as a Millenium Development Goal of the United Nations: a
systematic assessment and analysis of available data in threshold countries using
Indonesia as example. Research Article, Published in Journal of Global Health (JoGH)
2016 Vol 7 No 1 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.07.010406
6. The Effect of Ovarian Stimulation with Human Menopausal Gonadotropine (hMG) for
Intra Uterine Insemination on Anti Müllerian Hormone Reserve Levels as a marker of
Ovarian Reserve. Abstract published in Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
(JARG) November 2017. Reproductive Endocrynology Conference, 34, 1385- 1402
7. Reducing the women’s bone turnover by high doses calcium suplementation during
menopausal transition. Published in Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment,
February 2018 ;1[1]: 35-38
8. Implementation of shelter and Mid-Level Provider (MLP) to decrease Mother
Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia, Published in Enfermería Clínica Volume 30,
Supplement 6, October 2020, Pages 143-146
9. Reducing Maternal Mortality: A Qualitative Study of Health Workers’ Expectation in
Urban Area, Indonesia, Published in Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical
Sciences Vol. 9 No. T4 (2021): T4 DOI:
10. Availability and Accessibility of Primary Care for the Remote, Rural, and Poor
Population of Indonesia. Published in Front. Public Health, 21 September 2021
11. COVID-19 Pandemic: Maternal Anxiety Increases During Pregnancy, Indonesia.
Published in Bali Medical Journal (Bali MedJ) 2021, Volume 10, Number 3 Special Issue
ICONURS: 1053-1057 DOI: 10.15562/bmj.v10i3.2851
12. The COVID-19 Pandemic: How Does it Affect Pregnant Women?. Published in Open
Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022 Jan 02; 9(T5):60-69.
13. Neisseria gonorrhoeae Cases at AMC Muhammadiyah Hospital Indonesia: The
Importance of Screening and Health Service Improvement to Prevent its Transmission
and Complications. Published in Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical
Sciences. 2022 Apr 02; 10(E):733-738. Link
14. Research priorities to reduce the impact of COVID-19 in low- and middle-income
countries. Published in Journal of Global Health. 2022 Apr 15;12:09003. doi:
10.7189/jogh.12.09003 link (still in
galley proof from journal).
15. Predictive factors and the relationship between the early detection of osteoporosis and
pathological fractures in Indonesian menopausal women. Published in Bali Medical
Journal. Link
16. Population-based study on coverage and healthcare processes for cancer during
implementation of national healthcare insurance in Indonesia. Dimuat di The Lancet
Regional Health - Southeast Asia 2022;6: 100045
17. Strengthening community roles to reduce stunting in COVID-19 pandemic inindonesia
rural areas: capacity building program for cadres and local government” Published in
Bali Medical Journal 11.3 (2022): 1730-1734.
18. Community health worker empowerment through collaborative models with
community midwifery. Published in International Journal of Public Health Science
(IJPHS) Vol. 12 No. 2, June 2023 Doi: 10.11591/ijphs.v12i2.22431
19. Efforts and expectations of pregnant women against the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic: a phenomenological study. Published in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 23, 53 (2023).
20. Impact of Men with Undescended Testis on Fertility and Hormonal Function
Promoting Hypogonadism, Published in Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science,
October 2023
21. Universal health coverage in Maternal and Child Health:knowledge, perception and
experiences of the Poorest Households, Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine,
Accepted in May 2023
Training / speaker / moderator
1. February 2001, Trainer of Training on the internet, powerpoint, digital cameras and
scanners, Computer Center, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
2. March 2001, The speaker in Counseling of Family Nutrition Improvement and
exclusive breastfeeding, Independent Real Work Lecture, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
3. 2009-now, Guest Speaker in Ask The Doctor program of Gynecology and Reproductive
Health at Radio Retjo Buntung, Yogyakarta.
4. March 2010, Speaker on the academic stage Lab Skills Workshop at the Medical Faculty
of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang.
5. May, 2010, The speaker in the seminar Controversy midwifery care of pregnancy and
delivery by using hypnosis, Jogya Hyno Care 2010.
6. November 2010, The speaker in the seminar Hypnotherapy / hypnobirthing, Institute
of Hypnotherapy Indonesia.
7. November 2010, Speaker in seminar Public hypnobirthing, organized by Asri Medical
8. November 2010, Speaker in Interactive dialogue “Dokter Kita” in Jogja TV with theme
Delivery Without Pain with Hpnobirthing.
9. December 2010, doctor examiner in ANC Inspection Free in the framework Mother's
Day, dated December 22, 2010 hosted by Asri Medical Centre.
10. February, 2011, Moderator in Seminar Waterbirth at the Happy Land Hospital.
11. April 2011, speaker in Seminar of Public Recognizing and Preventing Cervical Cancer
organized by Asri Medical Centre.
12. May 2011, speaker in Seminar of Premarital and Reproductive Health "Beautiful
Marriage Fully of Barokah", organized by the the Regional Executive Nasyiatul
Aisyiyah, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
13. May 2011, The speaker in the Health Seminar on family planning and Beauty organized
by Bayer Health Care, at the Hotel Sheraton Yogyakarta.
14. May 2011, The speaker in the discussion Family Planning, Contraception Method,
benefits and impact on health, organized by Board of Women Empowerment Society,
Government of DIY.
15. February 2012, A speaker on the Socialization family planning of Male for
representatives SKPD Government.
16. July 2012, A guest speaker at program “Dokter Kita” in Jogja TV with the theme:
Delivery without Pain.
17. November 2012, A speaker in Adolescent Health Jamboree SMA / MA in 2012 in
Yogyakarta and Central Java theme "Youth Indonesia: Young, Healthy & achievers".
18. November 2012became speaker in Peel Completed Cervical Cancer held by Special
Hospital of Maternal and Child Sadewa Yogyakarta.
19. December 2012, Being Speaker antenatal update in Special Hospital Maternal and
Child Sadewa Yogyakarta.
20. January 2013, A speaker organized by FKIK UMY in the National Seminar on
Continuing Medical Education XXXV An Update On Emergency Management at Asri
Medical Centre, Yogyakarta.
21. March 2013, A speaker organized by Muhammadiyah Medical Student Activities FKIK
UMY with the theme: "Management of Maternal Nutrition".
22. March 2013, A speaker held by the BKKBN with the topic: "Current Developments
23. May 2013, a speaker that was held by Board of National Family Welfare of Women and
Family Planning Bantul Regency with the theme: "Adolescent Reproductive Health.
24. May 2013, a speaker that is held by the Society of Board of Women Empowerment
Society, Government of DIY with the topic: Adolescent Reproductive Health.
25. September 2013, A speaker which held BKKBN DIY theme Current Developments
contraceptive device.
26. August 2013, Moderator of the national symposium Maternal and Child "Drug
Therapy Management Safe”.
27. November 2013, A speaker which held by Board of Women Empowerment Society,
Government of DIY with material Adolescent Reproductive Health.
28. October 2013, A speaker organized by BKKBN with the topic: Current Developments
29. September 2013, A speaker held by Board of Women Empowerment Society,
Government of DIY wtih the material KB Program in Population Control.
30. January 2014, Moderator of the Continuing Medical Education Seminar on the 37th
with the title "Jogja One Stop Hypertension: Current Issues and Management of
Hypertension in Daily Practice" at the Hotel Grand Tjokro Yogyakarta.
31. September 2014, the moderator in the National Symposium on the theme
"Management of Drug Therapy safe in Addressing health problems of pregnant women
and children".
32. September 2014, Speaker in the event organized by the Board of Women
Empowerment Society, Government of DIY with the theme: "The family planning
program in the control population".
33. February 2014, a speaker, held by BKKBN with the material: Latest Developments
34. March 2014, a moderator of the event interprofessional Education Workshop.
35. April 2014, assesor in ICI-GT organized by Jogja Medical Scientific Competition
36. May 2014, a speaker in the Seminar and Workshop held FKIK UMY in the "Indonesia-
Germany Conference on Cardiovascular and Cancer".
37. May 2014, a Trainer in a Workshop held FKIK UMY in the "Indonesia-Germany
Conference on Cardiovascular and Cancer".
38. June 2014, a speaker at an event organized by Board of Women Empowerment Society,
Government of DIY, on the topic: "Recent Developments Contraceptives".
39. September 2014, a speaker in an event organized by the exhibition and Dental
Research Meeting 2014, with the theme: Strategic Achievement For Dental Care In
Multidisciplanary "
40. October 2014, the speaker in Jogja TV with the theme: "Early Detection Tumor
Reproductive Organs"
41. October 2014, a speaker in the event of advocacy activities organized by the Board of
National Family Welfare of Women and Family Planning Bantul Regency with the
theme: "Adolescent Reproductive Health".
42. November 2014, a speaker in events organized by the Student Association of Medical
Education in UMY in the event SEMAKU FKIK Leadership and Management Training
Students (LKMM) National with the theme: "Making Project".
43. November 2014, a Speaker in the seminar entitled Emergency in obstetrics and fetal
assessment unit at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta.
44. April 2015, a guest speaker in the activities organized by the Board of National Family
Welfare of Women and Family Planning Bantul Regency, presenting "Adolescent
Reproductive Health".
45. April 2015, followed Laparoscopy Course (Basic - Intermediate) in Dubai, UnitedArab
46. May 2015, a guest speaker in the activities organized by the Board of National Family
Welfare of Women and Family Planning Bantul Regency, presenting "Adolescent
Reproductive Health".
47. August 2015, participated in a course-ALARM IN INDONESIA held in KOGI Bandung.
48. August 2015, participated in the Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology Indonesia
49. August 2015, a speaker in the Seminar on Clinical Management and Implication in
Primary care in Yogyakarta.
50. September 2015, a participant in the International Conference of Medical and Health
Science, in Yogyakarta.
51. November 2015, participated in the workshop "Improving the Quality of Human
Resources" in Yogyakarta
52. December 2015, participated in the workshop "Improving the Quality Assessment
2015-2016" in Yogyakarta.
53. December 2015, participated in the workshop "An Improvement of Clinical Teaching
and Assessing in Medical Education" in Yogyakarta.
54. December 2015, a speaker in seminar “Resuscitation & Nutrition for High Risk
Maternal & Neonatal” in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta.
55. January 2016, a speaker in the limited discussion on the theme: "Vasectomy-
Tubektomi in perspective Muhammadiyah and Medical" in Yogyakarta.
56. January 2016, a participant: "Training Basic Statistics" in Yogyakarta.
57. January 2016, participated in the Workshop: "Research Methodology" in Yogyakarta.
58. January 2016, participated in training: "Strategic Leadership and Learning
Organization" in Yogyakarta.
59. January 2016, a speaker in the Workshop: "Update of maternal health in primary
care" in Yogyakarta.
60. February 2016, a speaker in the Advocacy activities: "Adolescent Reproductive Health”
in Yogyakarta.
61. August 2016, participated in Workshop: “Laparoscopy Cystectomy (live surgery) &
Hysterectomy (video session)” held by POGI in Solo.
62. September 2016, a steering commitee in workshop Human Centered Design with
collaboration of USAID, EMAS, GKIA, Jhpiego, AT&T and Innovesia: “Generating
Solutions to increase mother and newborn survival” in Jakarta.
63. September 2016, participated in Workshop: “Stem Cell in Perspective of science,
jurisprudence and medical ethics” in Yogyakarta.
64. October 2016, a speaker in Seminar “ Reproductive Health from medical side” in
65. October 2016, a speaker in Seminar “Reproductive Health from religion perspective” in
city goverment office Yogyakarta.
66. October 2016, participated in Workshop: “Urgency legislation for the protection of the
community of midwifery and midwives” in Jakarta.
67. October 2016, participated in Launching of Gerakan Infaq Sayang Ibu (GISI) “Your
donations save mothers” in University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon.
68. October 2016, Guest Speaker in Health Disscussion program of Gynecology and
Reproductive Health at Radio MQFM, Yogyakarta.
69. November 2016, active participant in International Reproductive Conference that held
by Foundation fo Reproductive Medicine in Amerika.
70. December 2016, Oral presentator in ICMHS Conference with tittle “The comparison of
maternal leukocytosis Incidence between preterm and at term premature rupture of
membrane in Panembahan Senopati Hospital Yogyakarta”.
71. January 2017, a speaker in CME Conference with tittle “Permasalahan Obstetri dan
Ginekologi Perempuan pada Perjalanan Haji”.
72. January 2017, a speaker in Plenary Discussion with tittle “ Pathophysiology of Poly
Cystic Ovarium Syndrom” in FKIK UMY.
73. February 2017, a speaker in Workshop which held by MTCC with tittle “Quit now stop
74. March 2017, a speaker in Milad seminar of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital with tittle
“Skrining Kelainan Jantung dan Kehamilan di layanan primer”.
75. March 2017, a speaker in Launching Griya Aisyiyah Bokoharjo PRA Bokoharjo,
Prambanan with tittle “ Kesehatan Reproduksi”.
76. March 2017, a speaker in 60th PKBI (Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia)
with tittle “Kepeloporan PKBI sebagai Mitra GKIA dalam Pemenuhan Kesehatan
Reproduksi dan Seksual”.
77. April 2017, a speaker in Training PLKB with tittle “Kesehatan Reproduksi dan
Kontrasepsi” held by DPPKB PMD Bantul.
78. May 2017, a speaker in Seminar Nasional Kependudukan “Peran Masyarakat Madani
dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Manusia”.
79. May 2017, a speaker in National Seminar with tittle “Inovasi Peran Kecamatan dalam
Penyelamatan Ibu Melahirkan dan Bayi Baru Lahir di Kabupaten Pekalongan”
80. July 2017, a speaker in The 2nd International Seminar of Health Sciences in University
of Muhammadiyah Prof.Dr.Hamka with theme Investing in Women and Children’s
Health to Achieve SDGs: Strategies, Challenges and the way forward in the ASEAN
81. August 2017, a speaker in Pelatihan tenaga kesehatan dan pendidik dalam upaya
implementasi KTR dan UBM with theme Implementation of Smoking Area and Stop
82. September 2017, a speaker in DPPKB Yogyakarta, Indonesia with theme
83. January 2018, Speaker in Pra Tanwir I- Aisyiyah National Seminar “ Edukasi Kesehatan
Perempuan dan Anak melalui Keluarga” in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.
84. April 2018, Speaker in Workshop Pengendalian Rokok degan Pengaturan Sistem
Penjualan dan Pelarangan Iklan, Promosi dan Sponsorship (TAPS BAN), hold by CTCLH
Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia.
85. May 2018, Speaker in UAD Biology Seminar with theme “ Biologi yang Meningkatkan
Daya Saing Saintis Muda Indonesia”, hold by Study Program of Biology in Univerasitas
Akhmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta.
86. May 2018, Speaker in Public Health Office Sleman, Yogyakarta “ Pembekalan
Komunikasi Perubahan Perilaku (KPP) Berhenti Merokok.
87. July 2018, Speaker of Focus Discussion Group Maternal Health in Bulukumba ,South
Sulawesi Indonesia,
88. July 2018, Training of Community Empowerment Modul for cadres in Bontobangun
89. August 2018, Speaker and Trainer Workshop Evalution After Delivery Process in
Bulukumba, South Sulawesi.
90. Juli 2020, The Role of Indonesian Women in Preserving Indonesian Culture organized
by PIM in collaboration with Permif Frankfurt
91. October 2020, Speaker and Trainer in PITA LILA Training for Rapid Preparation of
Malnutrition for Cadres in collaboration with UNICEF and the DIY Provincial Health
92. October 2020, Speaker and Trainer in Integrated Malnutrition Management (PGBT)
training in collaboration with UNICEF and the DIY Provincial Health Office
93. October 2020, Speaker in International Conference on Aisyiyah Studies (ICAS 2020)
94. December 2020, Speaker in Webinar Supporting Active Participation of Women
in Preparing the Golden Generation, organized by the Office of the Staff of the
President ofthe Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Women and Children
Empowerment of the Republic of Indonesia
95. January 2021, speaker in Talkshow Maternal Nutrition to Prevent Early
Stunting, in collaboration with Muhammadiyah Maternal and Child Health UMY
with the DIYProvincial Health Office and UNICEF

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