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Hi moms and hi dads and everyone who cares about children.

What is child sexual abuse? Sexual abuse takes place when a person in power coerces, tricks and forces a
child to take part in sexual activity, using the child for his/her or others own sexual gratification.

Who do you consider a person in power? Adults??

Person in power is only restricted to adults??

Power can come from various sources such as age, physical attributes, knowledge, position, relationship
and more. Sexual gratification can be defined as achieving pleasure, enjoyment or satisfaction via sexual

The hallmark of child sexual abuse is secrecy. Why do you think the child keep the secret?

The child is unable to speak up or reach for help as they fear being blamed and stigmatized. It is
important to understand and believes that it is never the child’s fault.

One possible way to break through the secrecy is to create an enabling environment for children to
speak up when they face abuse.

So what’s next?? How we can prevent this from happening?

Teach your kids About “Safe” and “Unsafe” Touch. Experts say that a child can be taught about it
as early as 2 years of age when they can start identifying the parts of their body. By the age of 5
years, the child should be able to understand good and bad touch in a comprehensive manner.
To talk about preventing sexual abuse isn’t a big deal. Its just how we talk to keep kids safe.

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