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Dear Lord, today is my friend Marilou's birthday, a day of gift and celebration.

We pray for blessings

and joy over her. We thank you for your guidance and plan of prosperity for her life! Grant her
needs, physical and spiritual strengths. Pervade her ways and her thoughts. Have a supreme control
and order over her life as well as her loved ones. Bless her intentions and purpose of serving and
living. Help her to find joy in all circumstances, easy or difficult. Let her find humility in all
successes, simple or grand. We thank you dear Lord for the gift of person and as my friend celebrates
this special day today, may she continually experience your grace and protection. We may not be
able to partake on the same table today in celebration, we hold in ours hearts your promise of
abundant blessing and present. May her joy be a source of our spiritual nourishment as well. As we
celebrate, we also ask you to shield us especially from the pandemic that is badly affecting us. This
simple petition, we fervently pray in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus, Amen. Happy birthday Sis!
Enjoy it and savor the blessings! God bless you!

Dear Lord, today is my friend Marilou's birthday, a day of gift and celebration. We pray for blessings
and joy over her. We thank you for your guidance and plan of prosperity for her life! Grant her
needs, physical and spiritual strengths. Pervade her ways and her thoughts. Have a supreme control
and order over her life as well as her loved ones. Bless her intentions and purpose of serving and
living. Help her to find joy in all circumstances, easy or difficult. Let her find humility in all
successes, simple or grand. We thank you dear Lord for the gift of person and as my friend celebrates
this special day today, may she continually experience your grace and protection. We may not be
able to partake on the same table today in celebration, we hold in ours hearts your promise of
abundant blessing and present. May her joy be a source of our spiritual nourishment as well. As we
celebrate, we also ask you to shield us especially from the pandemic that is badly affecting us. This
simple petition, we fervently pray in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus, Amen. Happy birthday Sis!
Enjoy it and savor the blessings! God bless you!

Molly told Today Parents it was the time when her airline had a computer shutdown.
After her flight got delayed and re-booked several times, Molly and her then 2-month-
old youngest daughter, Anastasia, ended up spending more than 20 hours sitting in

"Anastasia had been held or in her carrier for many hours. My arms were tired. She
needed to stretch," Molly said. The reason she was on her phone? "I had to
communicate with all the family members wondering where the heck we were," the
mom of three explained.

Molly knew the photo was making the rounds, and she feared she was going to lose
her job as a part-time pediatric nurse. "I was terrified of my co-workers or boss seeing
the photo and comments and believing that I should no longer work with infants," she
said. Thankfully, it didn't happen. 

Molly shared with Scary Mommy she is thankful for the positive support since she
came out as the mom in that photo. "It affirms what I always knew about the situation
-- I did nothing wrong, and my baby was perfectly safe," she said.

Her advice: Ignore the photos and the comments and draw support from the people
you hold dear. 

With the Internet and social media, viral posts may be a passing moment, but it leaves
a digital footprint. Even if the status, photo, or post had been taken down, screenshots
have already been taken and anyone who finds it online could easily re-share it. And
the nightmare repeats itself. 

One supporter, Mary Katherin Backstrom of the blog Mom Babble, puts it this way,

"We do not snap photos of exhausted mothers...and shame them publicly. This is
gross and needs to stop."  

She added, "I wish she knew that there are mamas who understand exhaustion and
imperfection and don't choose to pounce someone in their weakest moment."

Think before you click is the way to go. Before posting or writing comments, ask
these five questions:
 Is it an informed post?
 Is it helpful?
 Is it necessary? 
 Is it inspiring? 
 Is it kind? 

If the situation is reversed, you'd be thankful if kindness and love overpower

everything else. 

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