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E-security issues and Public and private involvement in e-security

policy development in issues
Protecting the privacy of confidential information is
an information-sharing quickly becoming a measure of success in the business
world, because companies improve their reputation
and networked when they take care to safeguard the personal data
people entrust to them (Parker, 2003, p. 47).
environment Computers and IT-networks have been part of
business organisations’ electronic infrastructure
Alan D. Smith for many years. These information systems are, for
the most part, self-contained and are used to
record financial and customer data, share
information with trading partners, and to enable
employees to carry out daily operational tasks.
However, since the mid-1990s, there has been an
explosion in e-commerce exchanges and sharing of
information over the Internet. Companies are now
The author connecting their self-contained IT infrastructures
Alan D. Smith is in the Department of Management and to the Internet. Lower cost, opportunity and wider
Marketing, Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, reach are driving these changes:
USA. E-mail: In the brick and mortar days, time was money.
Now, information is money (Tuthill, 2001, p. 52).
Unfortunately, this phenomenal information
Electronic commerce, Data security, Criminals explosion has opened up opportunities for crackers,
hackers, disgruntled employees, corporate
Abstract adversaries, and terrorists to launch attacks against
With the rapid growth of e-commerce, governmental and corporations and governmental concerns. These
corporate agencies are taking extra precautions when it comes recent developments raise the question of how
to protecting information. The development of e-security as a governments and companies may better secure
discipline has enabled organisations to discover a wider array of sensitive information, especially client-related
similarities between attacks occurring across their security information, in a globally networked environment?
environment and develop appropriate countermeasures. To
A model is presented to illustrate the factors that
further improve the security of information, there is a need for
influence the security of information. Since, in
conceptualising the interrelationships between e-security and
the major elements involved in changing a company’s theory, people should act in a manner that causes the
infrastructure. Organisations should act in an ethical manner, greatest amount of good for the greatest number of
especially when it comes to e-security and e-privacy policies, people, the utilitarianism theory is used and applied
procedures, and practices. The consequential theory of to the model to explain how companies may better
utilitarianism is used and applied to a conceptual model to help secure both company and customer information in a
explain how organisations may develop better secured networked world of electronic information. Table I is
information in an information-sharing and globally networked a listing of basic terms that are used throughout this
environment. paper in exploring the theoretical aspects of
improved security and privacy issues.
Electronic access
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is
available at E-security issues in an information-rich
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is environment
available at Model development associated with
improved security
The model in Figure 1 is an illustration of some of
the different elements that affect a company’s

Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives

Received 6 April 2004
Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · pp. 272-285
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited · ISSN 0001-253X
Revised 8 April 2004
DOI 10.1108/00012530410560878 Accepted 10 April 2004

E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

Table I Listing of basic terminology

AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the national, professional organisation for all
certified public accountants
CPA Certified public accountants
DOS/DDOS – Denial of A form of network attack in which a site or network is flooded with so many fictitious requests or
service/distributed denial of packets simultaneously that it cannot respond to legitimate requests. DDOS hits multiple sites or
service networks at the same time
Firewall A device that uses hardware and software to protect a LAN from penetration attempts from the
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers – provides the standard for electrical and electronic
IP address Four 8-bit numbers used to uniquely identify every machine on the Internet or network
Local area network A network that is designed to span a small geographic area such as a single building
Network interface card (NIC) A hardware device that plugs into a computer and connects it to a network
Sniffers Another term for a network analyser a device that listens to a network in promiscuous mode and
reports on traffic
TCP/IP The protocol suit is the use for Internet communications
WEP Wired equivalent privacy – a security protocol for wireless local area networks

Figure 1 E-security model

information security infrastructure. Each element discussions. In general, this theory stresses the
on the model is dependent on another for the final importance of examining the implications of
outcome of a more secure information system. The corporate action. Ultimately, one cannot be sure
theoretical framework that drives the model is the whether an action is right until one observes how it
consequential theory of utilitarianism (Ashein and has affected others in society. It is difficult to
Buchholz, 2003; Wong and Beckman, 1992). This estimate consequences and strategically weigh
theory represents the behaviour factors that link them.
the various elements together. The drawbacks of
this theory are that it is difficult to predict Information security threats
consequences, it disregards motivation and Information security threats are among the first
goodwill, and that the majority is always right. A elements in the e-security model presented in
single criterion for corporate morality (as reflected Figure 1. In recent years, the Internet has become
in the consequential theory of utilitarianism) is far a potential market for businesses to sell products,
too simplistic, due to the complexity of emerging transmit or collect information, and offer services.
business issues. However, the theory does set the With the world becoming increasingly
stage for model development and issues-driven interconnected, there are many different ways
E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

people may misuse the Internet to cause damage to scenario. Crackers, on the other hand, are
a corporation’s image, obtain valuable criminals who use their knowledge of operating
information, and promote sabotage of Web sites systems and utilities to intentionally damage or
through denial of social and information services. destroy data and systems and should be prosecuted
The rate at which these attacks are occurring is to the fullest extent of the law.
increasing substantially. For instance, according to
a report by the Defense Information System
Security threats from inside the company
(a division of the US Department of Defense), its
Many inside threats come from disgruntled
network experienced at least 250,000 attacks a
current employees, former employees with a
year (Cheng et al., 1999).
grudge, model employees who may need quick
cash, or employees that have left the company and
Different types of cybercriminals have gone to work for a competitor. In a company
One of a government and/or corporation’s biggest not all employees have the same access to
fears is to be visited by hackers, crackers (criminal information. This may help reduce the amount of
hackers), and other forms of cybercriminals. As damage that an employee may do, but all it would
suggested by Hopwood et al. (2000): take is for one of them to gain administrative rights
While it is important that managers broaden their via “cracking the SAM (security access manager)”
perspective of potential electronic commerce and the entire system is in jeopardy.
criminals, the hacker is still a threat they must
evaluate (p. 48).
Internet security breaches
Cybercriminals often may intercept messages, sniff Most Internet security breaches may be classified
programs, steal passwords and break codes. as: password-based attacks, IP spoofing, attacks
Information security threats may come from both that exploit trusted access, network snooping, and
inside and outside of a company. Outside threats attacks that exploit technology vulnerabilities
include script kiddies, competitors, extortionists, (Cheng et al., 1999; Smith, 2002, 2003; Smith and
and thieves. Script kiddies are usually teenagers to Offodile, 2002; Smith and Rupp, 2002a, b, c).
young adults that break and enter into cyberspace With these security breaches, the cracker may steal
to gain respect and admiration from their fellow confidential information, alter the integrity of
peers. They usually do not understand the extent information and/or reduce/stop the availability of
of the damage they cause, nor are they interested in the network to its users. Each of the previous
the value of the information itself. It is estimated security breaches may be classified into three
that these intruders make up the largest group of broader categories. These categories include
cybercriminals (Campbell and McCarthy, 2001). annoyance and loss, breaking and entering, and
On the other hand, thieves and extortionists penetration and theft (Campbell and McCarthy,
understand what a company’s information is 2001; Smith and Rupp, 2002a, b, c).
worth. Extortionists want to get a government/ The first category of general annoyance and/or
company’s information so they may sell it back to loss consists of denial of service (DOS) and
the victim as a blackmail scheme. Thieves just take distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks.
a company’s information and try to sell it to the DOS attacks happen when a cybercriminal
highest bidder. Thieves are a great way for a bombards an individual Web site or network
company to obtain a competitor’s trade secrets. segment with billions of simultaneous hits using
Most criminals may be divided into two types, host or affected computers. DDOS-type attacks
simply as hackers or crackers. A hacker is someone are basically the same as a DOS attack, but it
who masters the inner workings of an operating affects multiple Web sites and network segments at
system and various types of utilities to better a time. These two attacks bring Web sites and
understand them and to have fun testing the networks to a virtual stand still, causing some to
system’s limits. Some in the corporate world would completely crash due to servers becoming
rather have a hacker find the vulnerabilities of a completely inundated with network traffic. This
system before customers do. Typically hackers do prevents regular users from logging on to the
not cause significant damage and many become network or using the Web site for legitimate
essentially unpaid consultants. Thus, not all reasons. Virtually all Web sites and networks are
cybercriminals break into IT systems with susceptible to these kinds of security risks and all
malicious intent. Many hackers get into systems governments and firms must be on constant alert
just to see if it is possible and often do not leave for their potential presence. Cybercriminals
traces of their mischief. In some cases, a hacker launching these types of attacks are usually not
may anonymously contact the company they have into privacy contravention, data corruption, or
just hacked and simply tell them about their data theft. They merely want to cause widespread
vulnerabilities – this would be the best-case disruptions of services. Governments and
E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

companies may suffer a gamut of tribulations from data loss or manipulation, and steal valuable data
DOSs- and DDOSs-related attacks. A company’s (Smith and Rupp, 2002a, b, c).
customers may become frustrated because DOSs Attracting the attention of security experts deals
prevents regular e-commerce activities from being with the category of penetration and actual theft.
performed to their completion. One of the most In this category the attacks exploit trusted access.
relevant disruptions is loss of reputation for Attacks may be password based or physical theft of
dependable and reliable service. This may cause equipment that may contain information. This
investors, partners, and customers to lose trust in occurs when a cybercriminal gains access by social
governmental and corporate agencies. This type of engineering or stealing a company laptop, as in
damage could take a company many years to recent high profile cases of such stealing of FBI
recuperate from, if ever. Common examples exist assigned laptops. Such intruders may call a
in online gambling and e-casino sites when DOS company’s help desk and pretend to be an
attack extortions are threatening to prevent employee that is not able to log onto the network or
customers from placing bets in a timely fashion. may ask questions that allow them to gain
Such attacks could come in the form of the latest passwords and other valuable information. In
form of MS Blaster or Code-Red, which could addition, other tactics include setting up
result in loss of service and serious damage to the opportunistic scenarios that trick the average
functionality of IT-based systems. Management employee into giving out their passwords. If a
should be up-to-date with the constant evolution laptop is stolen, it may contain not only passwords
of commercially available intrusion prevention and information about the company’s network, but
systems that can reduce or stop Internet attacks it may also contain confidential documents.
that threaten a firm’s information assets and
A significant category of serious security Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses
breaches includes cyber-breaking and entering. Other e-security threats to a company come in the
This occurs when an intruder has gained access to form of viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. A virus
a company’s network and completes some kind of may be defined as a program that replicates itself to
network snooping and/or tries to exploit infect many computers. Viruses may be passed
technology vulnerabilities. The hacker/cracker from computer to computer via a network
usually gains access through security holes in the connection, e-mail, and removable media such as
network infrastructure. A particular avenue of floppy disks. There are several different kinds of
concern may be the backdoor accesses that Y2K viruses that may cause a loss of information in a
programmers left in many enterprise systems for company’s network. For example, a network virus
future quick access. These criminals use utilises network protocols, commands, messaging
sophisticated tools such as sniffers that were programs, and data links to spread itself across a
initially intended as network analysers. Most network. These viruses may destroy or damage
sniffers are portable, consisting of a laptop and a files, or may just cause an annoying pop up
network interface card (NIC) that is set into message to appear. Another type of virus is a file-
promiscuous mode. This changes the NICs infected virus. These types of viruses attach
hardware configuration to allow it to pick up all themselves to executable files. These viruses may
network traffic and it does not do an infect many programs and files. To get rid of file-
authentication check-sum test on the destination infected viruses a computer will not only need to
address, which tells a NIC card if the message is be disinfected by an antiviral program, but also
meant for it to receive. The information that is may need its major software, such as operation
recorded may be analysed by crackers and then systems and applications, reinstalled.
decoded. This is an excellent way for crackers to Worms are not considered true viruses. They
gain password information. Most NICs and the are programs that travel between computers and
software that controls them do not allow regular across networks, such as the dangerous W32/
users to control their promiscuity, but it only takes Sobig.F virus. Worms are usually spread through
a few lines of code to change them. This means some form of file transfer or more commonly by
that a cracker could make a simple sniffer out of e-mail. A worm may contain and launch viruses if
any PC with a NIC card. Messages sent over a they are executed. Worms may cause massive file
LAN are not guaranteed to be private. Another damage. On the other hand, Trojan horse viruses
way an attacker may gain access is by IP spoofing. are not viruses at all. They are programs that
IP spoofing is when a cybercriminal obtains appear to do one thing that is useful, but instead
internal IP addresses, then uses those addresses to they harm the computer or system they have
pretend that they have the authority to access the infected. A Trojan horse may be easily recognised
network from the Internet. Cybercriminals’ since it is usually an executable file for a program.
missions are usually to compromise privacy, create They may cause wide spread damage to files and
E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

systems. They have also been used to launch development process for expanding and
programs that scan a computer’s hard drive and maintaining a security system. Security policies
look for personal information such as network IDs, also help to avoid liability and legal problems.
passwords, and telephone numbers. They E-security policies define who has ownership of the
eventually send this information via e-mail to the responsibilities for security and by what means to
attacker. In general, with all these threats to set up action on what to do with violators of these
security, a governmental or corporate agency security policies. A good security policy will ensure
needs to have a clear set of rules and policies on the entire company is consistent in its security
how to deal with these problems. This comes in the practices and will avoid having fragmented efforts.
form of a security policy, which is the next element Since a single document for all security policies
in the e-security model in Figure 1. may be unmanageable, security policies should be
made up of multiple documents. In many cases,
employees would just disregard the policy without
reading it because it is too hard to follow. Multiple
Exploring security policies documents would make it much easier to train
employees and would make distributing the policy
Goals for a successful security policy much easier. An e-security policy with multiple
The first step in securing an entity’s electronic data documents is also much easier to modify. It may be
and system is to design and implement a security modified one policy at a time and only an addendum
policy. Security policies are important because needs to be distributed. The policies should be short
they define what is being protected and what type and to the point, but at the same time these policies
of restrictions should be put on those controls. A should cover the scope and objectives a company
security policy should define (Barman, 2002): has determined would fit its needs.
company goals for security;
security risks to a company and its systems;
the levels of authority (designate a security Security policies should be defined by a firm’s
coordinator and security team members); customers
responsibilities of all employees in regards to An e-security policy content should be determined
security; and by the company’s needs. As previously stated, a
procedures for handling security breaches. security policy should be made up of several
documents. Each department, and its customers
A company’s security policy should be at the centre with associated documents, should have its own
of all security issues, both inside and outside the policies: such as policies on passwords, software
company. Of course, taking a proactive approach installation, confidential and sensitive data,
for a security policy is to develop it before the first network access, Internet use, remote access,
security issue arises. It is much easier to develop a customers’ and vendors’ networks, laptops, and
security policy for a developing IT-infrastructure computer room and closet access (Barman, 2002;
rather than trying to fit it to something that already Smith and Rupp, 2002a, b, c). Passwords are
exists in the business environment with add-ons usually the first item that crackers will try to obtain
and/or security patches. or break. A security policy on passwords should
In addition, security policies are important to clearly define the length and what type of criteria
assure proper implementation of control. A an employee’s password should follow. A password
security policy should have several universal goals, should not be simply any word or combination of
no matter what the size of the company. The first words out of the dictionary. Passwords should
goal is ensuring authorised users have the correct never be something that is obvious about the user
access to resources (Barman, 2002; Swanson, or information that is easily obtainable, such as
1994). On the other hand it should also have birth date or name of a family pet that a cracker
measures for preventing unauthorised users from through simple social engineering techniques may
getting to the network, systems, programs, and find. Good passwords are the first line of defence.
data warehouse/databases. An e-security policy The security policy on software installation
should help prevent both accidental damage and should clearly define the employee’s software
intentional damage to the associated hardware and installation rights. It should define the correct
software systems. It should also help in creating an procedures for obtaining permission to have
environment where the network and system can programs installed and the security criteria each
withstand, quickly respond to and recover from piece of software must meet. Too many times IT
any type of threat. An e-security policy should managers use the default settings that are current
provide a conceptual framework on the type of at the time of installation, which usually grants
product selection that will go into a company’s access rights equally to all users. Policies on
information security systems and guidelines on the Internet use, network access, and remote access
E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

should clearly define how each is supposed to be identify the risks that are involved for not following
used. For instance, the policy may limit what is policies or failure to protect personal information.
considered business use and personal use for the The second phase typically requires the
Internet (Smith and Faley, 2001). It may also designing of a strategic plan for achieving
define what groups have rights to use certain compliance. In this phase the team evaluates the
services on the network. In addition, due to their organisation’s legal and technology resources
portability and lack of direct organisational (Parker, 2003). To do this the team may bring in a
control, there should be strict policies on the use of consulting firm to make sure that the company’s
laptops. There should be clear guidelines as to computer network complies with regulatory
what is acceptable company information that may requirements in security. The team also creates a
be stored on a laptop. The security policy must security policy, appoints a privacy officer, creates a
state what procedures need to be carried out in consent mechanism, and makes sure that privacy
case a laptop is stolen. A well thought out security policies on the forms for the customer are clear and
policy will also cover physical security in company concise. The team will also evaluate who needs the
buildings as well. There should be documents on private information, for how long, and what kind
the types of security levels and policies on of authentication is needed.
employee ID use. The next phase deals with implementing
A security policy may be developed in a number planned changes (such as changes in systems,
of stages. One obvious first step involves scope and procedures, forms, brochures or other elements
objectives for the policy document, which must be related to privacy), and monitoring systems and
established early in its development. Next, procedures (Parker, 2003). The team must set up
defining what policies need to be written, followed procedures to verify company adherence to the
by a risk assessment and analysis, typically policies, track new regulations, document
performed by an outside auditor. Provisions complaints and identify and solve chronic
should be made for effective review, approval, and complaints. These approaches will help ensure
enforcement procedures (Barman, 2002; Smith that a governmental or corporate security policy
and Rupp, 2002b). A security policy should not follows legal requirements. Hence, a security
define any specific detail about the actual network policy is only effective if it has the support of both
security that has been implemented in a company management and customers. Management
– that is it should not disclose any detail about the support, as demonstrated in Figure 1, is a major
type of hardware that is being used or how it is force in understanding e-security and privacy
configured; this also holds true for the security issues.
software. The security policy may have guidelines
for what types of network protocols may meet their
needs, but it should not specifically state which Managerial support issues
ones are being used. The company’s network Management support for a security policy is
architecture should not be defined in order to crucial. Management must participate in and fully
minimise the information available to potential support the security policies that have been put in
crackers. Organisations should not advertise that place. The problem in most companies today is
they are easy and available targets. that security is looked upon as an overhead
Security policies should ensure that state and expense that may be cut or downsised, especially in
federal regulations are being followed with times of economic hardships. For example, an
reference to handling private and personal Internet Security Alliance commissioned survey
information. The team members should come found that 39 per cent of senior executives at the
from all parts of an organisation. The results of the companies surveyed were not involved in
plan should be reported to an executive in charge cybersecurity decisions (Roberts, 2002).
of privacy. The team generally has four phases of Management’s goal should be to make employees
responsibility. The first phase is to perform initial and customers an integral part of the solution.
assessments of privacy policies and procedures. In Governmental and corporate agencies must
this phase the team must document the types and understand that people may be the greatest asset to
location of all customer/client data, review security, but are a potential weak link as well. In
compliance deadlines, investigate the current many companies, managers make everyone
security policies, and conduct a gap analysis. The responsible for their own security. If different
team also uses data mapping to track the flow of departments use different standards then this
personal information within a company. The could lead to interoperability problems between
information is usually classified and the parties departments. A company’s security must start at
who are responsible for its security are specifically the top of the company, this means from the CEO
identified. A designated team member should also on down to the lowest level employee.
E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

Management should be responsible for making boost productivity rather than e-security.
people part of the solution, which means that Unfortunately, many governmental and corporate
management must be made an integral part of agencies feel that “IT investments are unrelated to
security. Management should understand that business strategy” (Bensaou and Earl, 1998,
security requires them to show the same leadership p. 119). These same entities often complain,
initiatives as they do with other parts of the “there’s too much technology for technology’s
business that have a direct bearing on profitability. sake” (p. 119). However, budgeting for e-security
Unfortunately, many managers cringe at the is very important to an entity’s long-term survival
thought of having to deal with the technology, and competitiveness. Managers must understand
especially when dealing with e-security issues, but that the total cost of ownership for e-security
they must realise that they do not need to have a solutions is an equally long-term expense.
detailed working knowledge of how the technology Governmental and corporate agencies spend most
works to effectively management it. Management of their IT security budgets on firewalls and virtual
needs to ensure that the business processes are private networks that provide secure connections
protected, not hindered by e-security measures, in between remote users and central corporate
order to pursue sound business procedures, networks (Roberts, 2002). These are merely quick
practices, and policies. They should also should fixes to a few immediate problems, but it does not
ensure any e-marketing policies the company may provide a long-term strategy and solution that
have are protected (McGivern et al., 2002; Smith, provides a layered security barrier against
2002). Managers must be able to closely work with cybercriminals.
IT personnel in conveying such needs to There are many factors that go into
implement an Information Security Management understanding and calculating the total cost of
System (ISMS). ownership in e-security systems. Effort should be
ISMS may be used to bridge the gap between taken to identify all-important assets, both tangible
management and IT-security personnel. This team and intangible. Important IT assets may include
should be made up of management representatives firewalls, e-mail, Web and data servers, routers,
from both the business and technical sides of the and other types of hardware that go into creating
organisation. They should be able to effectively an IT infrastructure. A company’s budget should
deal with and certify that the planned security also include funds for equipment warranties,
policies will support any changes to the strategic annual subscription for perimeter scans, salaries
business plan. The team may also assign for IT personnel, training, and analysis and audit
ownership to data and its control. Each owner is
tools (Campbell and McCarthy, 2001). Actual
responsible for defining access to data and how the
costs for maintaining offsite data storage should
controls are set. Owners are also responsible for
also be calculated. The company should also
determining how sensitive the data is. The security
allocate resources to ensure proper backup for the
management team is then responsible for making
IT infrastructure in more of a redundant capacity
sure that the owner follows the guidelines outlined
(like maintaining an additional hot site) in case
in the security policy. Management must be
part of the security hardware fails and it does not
leaders in making security part of a company’s
leave the system wide open for attack. It is also a
culture. This ensures that the entire company is on
good idea for companies to invest in insurance
the same wavelength when it comes to enforcing
coverage due to losses attributed to malicious
information security. Managers should understand
that the systems and data security have real costs.
Another important factor in creating a security
If management does not understand these costs
budget is to identify the costs of rectifying
then they are not going to be able to effectively
implement governmental and corporate security vulnerabilities and comparing them to the costs to
policies and will not approve the necessary budget repair the network or Web site from a successful
requirements for e-security resources. This makes attack that has destroyed data, stolen data or
the budget for security in Figure 1 extremely rendered the network inoperative. This not only
dependent on management’s support of e-security includes the damage done to the infrastructure,
policies, procedures, and practices. but also the possibility of a negligence lawsuit due
to loss of customers or partners’ data and/or
service. A negligence lawsuit could cost
Effective budgeting for e-security governmental and corporate agencies considerable
Many companies do not initially allocate enough sums in legal fees and retribution. It may also cost
capital for information security, primarily due to organisations similar amounts in lost revenues/
underestimating its final costs and maintenance. profits due to the tarnishing of their reputation. In
Most companies are more interested in spending fact, all forms of cybercrimes have major security
more for technology and software that will directly and financial consequences (Murphy, 2001; Smith
E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

and Rupp, 2002b). Budget needs should include They may be used as firewalls by being able to filter
funds for upgrading system hardware and software out various types of traffic over the Internet. This
systems as well. Also, even though much IT work is adds an extra layer of hardware protection to a
being outsourced globally, enough funds must be network. However, routers’ and switches’ user
made available to attract talented IT professionals name and password security features that allow
that understand the technology and are able to remote access for configuration may be
configure and upgrade it effectively and efficiently. compromised if IT personnel forget to change the
In order to help in budgeting and reducing default user name and password. A cracker only
costs, management may choose to allocate has to know the default password for a particular
expenditures across the entire enterprise. This may brand of device to go in and reconfigure the device
help in network planning by allowing to allow them access.
governmental and corporate agencies the ability to
monitor the usage rates of the network by various
Security issues with hardware and network
users, workgroups, or departments. The costs for
maintaining, upgrading, and security are then
There are many other threats that may affect the
distributed within departments across the entire
various types of hardware on a company’s network.
enterprise. In a well-defined budget, which is
It is a combination of hardware and network
supported by the e-security policies and
design that may either make a network more or less
management, IT personnel may purchase
secure. Every piece of hardware in a network has
technology and software that have sufficient potential avenues of attack. A network that uses
security features built into them. leased public lines, such as a T1 cables or ISDN to
connect to the Internet, are vulnerable to
Hardware and software issues in e-security eavesdropping. Unused hub, router, or server
Hardware and software in a company’s ports should be disabled. It they are not disabled,
information infrastructure go hand in hand (as an attacker could exploit them to gain access to the
illustrated in Figure 1). They are on the front line network. If a router is used to hide an internal
for information security and it takes a combination network from an external network, such as the
of both to make a network fast, reliable, and Internet, and is not properly configured, it could
secure. Together, they should also create an leave governmental and corporate agencies’ entire
infrastructure that is capable of protecting assets as network exposed once an attacker gained an
described within the security policy and internal private IP address. With these internal IP
procedures. The drive to make Internet technology addresses, attackers could log on as a legitimate
more compatible, economically attractive, and user using IP spoofing. If a network server that is
more scalable, has made most of the new used for storing and accessing sensitive data is
technology and software conform to more open configured improperly, by having it exist on a
standards, such as IEEE and network protocols network segment that is open to the general public,
such as TCP/IP. This increased standardisation is it could lead to lost or stolen data.
making it easier for cybercriminals to use the Hence, a network’s infrastructure must be
various standards and exploit them to hack into designed to be fault tolerant. It should have
redundant hardware and software that is able to
systems. To help defuse these types of problems,
keep the network and electronic information
governmental and corporate agencies’ IT
stored on it safe. This is important since data that
personnel should be familiar with various types of
are not backed up properly could result in a
e-security defence strategies and associated tools.
complete loss if a disaster was to occur or an
The IT personnel are also responsible for taking
attacker was able to shut down the network. It is
the security policy concepts that are mandated by
also important to have fault tolerance built in to
management and translating them into network
gateways to the Internet and hardware firewalls. If
schematics and detailed configurations for the
these fail, it could leave the network open to attack.
entire network.
In order to identify vulnerabilities in the
hardware and software, companies must do Security issues with software
periodic vulnerability scanning. Vulnerability Software will continue to play a dominant role in
scanning will help reveal weaknesses in firewalls, e-security. Software controls hardware’s functions
routers, e-mail, Web, data, and e-commerce along with providing the services for an
servers. An example of hardware vulnerability is organisations’ networks. An enterprise should use
the exposure of routers and switches, which have a configuration management program to maintain
the same internal software and hardware system configurations. This may include operating
configurations, to attack. These devices are systems, off-the-shelf software, and security
generally used to control the traffic on a network. controls. Companies often create insecure network
E-security issues and policy development Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives
Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

environments because of insecure software. All traffic trying to access it at the same time. Antivirus
types of software may cause a potential security software should not be able to be altered by users.
threat. The most vulnerable software is the Governmental and corporate agencies’ network
network operating systems that are being used to should be audited by outside sources on a regular
run the various servers in a company’s network basis to ensure that it is secure. Outside auditors
(Campbell and McCarthy, 2001; Smith and Rupp, are not as familiar with the network and will be
2002b). Organisations may have several network able to pick up on flaws that are overlooked by
operating systems, such as Windows 2000 Server, regular network personnel.
Unix, Novell Netware, and Linux running on their With this in mind, a company must have a good
networks simultaneously. Very rarely do business security policy in place, manager support, and an
entities use only one network operating system for appropriate budget to keep the hardware security
their entire network. Network operating systems measures and system software up to date, as
include software that enables network servers to portrayed in Figure 1. Governmental and
share resources with clients. They also handle corporate agencies should also have
things such as, communications, security, and user knowledgeable staff that are able to properly
management within a network infrastructure. configure and maintain the hardware and software.
Network operating systems may also be Even with good hardware and software security in
responsible for data storage, file and print sharing, place, employees must be properly trained how to
and data backup and recovery. Each type of use it and understand the security procedures
operating system has its own set of defaults when outlined in the security policy.
installed. In general, these default settings are
available to the public. In many cases it is these
Employees as instruments of e-security
default settings that a cracker will exploit to gain
As illustrated in Figure 1, the contributions of
access to a network. It is up to network
employees are essential to the overall effectiveness
administrators to pick operating systems that
of an e-security program. Governmental and
provide security features and services as suggested
corporate agencies’ security policies, procedures,
in the security policy; and they must have a clear
and practices should clearly outline employee
understanding of how the operating systems work rights and proper guidelines for using information
in order to configure them properly. Another systems. Employees must be empowered with
possible security flaw is combining more than one proper training and resources to be able to know
network operating system on a network. Network what to do in case of an attack or threat. In any
administrators must ensure that the services organisation, human capital is the key to security,
running on the networks that provide not just the leverage of technology and physical
interoperability among the various network assets. An enterprise may have all the latest
operating systems are secure. security technology in place, but it must still rely
Essentially all software, whether it is the on its employees to identify security events and
network operating systems application software or appropriate corrective action. Unfortunately,
embedded in network protocols, should be many major system breaches are due to the actions
installed in accordance with governmental and of a few employees that inadvertently give out their
corporate agencies’ security policies. IT personnel password to the wrong party. Training
should be aware of published security flaws, such programmes should be integrated into human
as back doors, in the programs and keep the resource standard procedures. The training
programs up to date with patches or software fixes programmes should be made part of orientations
supplied by the software vender. As stated earlier, and on going training programmes. It is
an outside auditor should audit a company’s management’s responsibility to set aside time and
network regularly to ensure that there are no flaws resources for the employees to be trained. These
in its security features. Every computer in a training initiatives should consider the needs of its
network should have antiviral software installed on employees. Regular employees that use the
it. The antiviral software should fit the network electronic information systems to carry out their
environment it routinely operates in. An antiviral daily job functions have different needs than IT
program should be updated on a regular basis to personnel that are responsible for keeping the
ensure that its virus definitions are current, so that information infrastructure available to the users
it is configured correctly in order to balance the and making sure that it is secure.
need for protection against the need for network The regular employees usually do not have
performance. For instance, if a file server is expert computer training in terms of e-security
scanned continuously throughout the day the matters. They may only know just enough about
network would significantly be impaired, since the an electronic information system to get their daily
server could not handle both the scanning and the work done. They may not be technically familiar
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Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

with how network protocols work, what methods passwords correctly, be able to discriminate
crackers may use to gain access to the company’s between the types of programs allowed to be
networks, or how viruses may be spread. Every installed, where to get permission for installation
employee needs a basic awareness of security and of programs needed to do their jobs, and what to
its use in order to understand what information do in case of an attack. If the employees view the
needs protection and be held responsible through e-security infrastructure and procedures as a
information ownership. nuisance, then they will be more apt to work
In many organisations, security policies around it or subvert it. It is designed to help them
specifically state that the company has the right to protect the information they are responsible for.
use electronic surveillance techniques to monitor They should also be made aware of the penalties
an employee’s use of their electronic information for not following procedures.
system (Smith and Faley, 2001). Governmental IT personnel, on the other hand, have the
and corporate agencies must be prepared to deal greatest employee responsibility for implementing
with disputes concerning ethical issues over successful e-security measures. The IT
employee privacy, especially in the use of e-mail department should be staffed with high-
and other e-materials that are readily shared performing information technology professionals
amongst employees. Employees do have the right (Burke and Witt, 2000). They must have excellent
to fair information practices that include problem solving skills and should be very intimate
notification prior to the collection of data, access with the electronic infrastructure’s environment as
to the data collected about them, and the company implemented. It is the IT staff who are responsible
keeping the information secure and only using it for configuring the hardware and software of
network devices to ensure that they function
for business purposes (Arnett and Liu, 2002).
properly and do not leave any security risks
Many managers claim that the surveillance of
unattended. They are also responsible for making
electronic information may be the key to sustaining
sure that the regular employees have the correct
a firm’s competitive advantage. Many companies
permission for network resources. Help desk
are dependent on communication devices for
personnel should be trained to distinguish the
keeping the information flowing and providing
difference between an attacker trying to gain
metrics for operational effectiveness. With the information by pretending to be an employee and a
overwhelming amount of computers in the legitimate employee – that is they must
workplace some “type of automatic identification understand the e-security policies and procedures.
and data capture system is necessary to ensure the IT professionals should constantly be updating
level of accuracy needed to support managerial themselves on the latest security threats and
decision-making systems” (Smith and Faley, 2001, countermeasures. They are responsible for
p. 8). Many governmental and corporate agencies scheduling hardware and upgrades for security by
claim the need for surveillance is to be able to having a clear understanding of what should be
monitor its products in terms of both the employee done in the case of a security threat. In many cases,
and the customer to enable better delivery of IT personnel will work closely with management to
products and services. For example, “Companies develop and revise security policies as needed. IT
may gain significant advantage by utilising their personnel must also be able to work with and
information infrastructures for communication monitor the employees. They must be empowered
purposes” (Smith and Faley, 2001, p. 9). One of to enforce proper security procedures and policies.
the primary reasons for monitoring employee In many cases, this may lead to a poor relationship
activity is to ensure that the employees are using between the users of IT technology and personnel
the network infrastructure for work purposes only. (Bensaou and Earl, 1998).
There have been a number of cases in recent
history were employees have access to illegal Web
sites from their company computers. Employees Secured information outcomes
could also be using company resources to More secured information is the ultimate
download programs and other questionable outcome, as demonstrated in Figure 1. With the
material that could possibly contain viruses. There transferring of electronic information becoming
have also been cases where employees have used a more automated, faster, and cheaper than more
company’s e-mail system to send company secrets traditional modalities of information transfer,
to competitors. Therefore, employees need to be more governmental and corporate entities are at
properly trained on how to identify security threats risk from e-security breaches. Each one of the
and propriety information. They should know elements of the model presented in Figure 1
what to do in case a virus attacks the system. With should work together to create layered security
mandatory training, employees will learn how to barriers to the ever-constant threat of
interpret the security policy guidelines by using cybercriminals. Although it is impossible to totally
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Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

secure information, information is money and a application to e-security behaviourisms. Both act
business entity cannot afford to take short cuts and rule utilitarianism ignore actions that appear
when it comes to e-security. To understand the to be morally wrong and the principle of utility
driving force behind the major forces presented in may come into conflict with that of justice. Lastly,
Figure 1, an understanding of consequential it is very difficult to formulate satisfactory rules for
theory is necessary. rule utilitarianism. Utilitarianism also has some
In general, consequential theories of ethics major strength in evaluations success of programs
emphasise the consequences or results of in e-security. It provides a good basis for
behaviour. Consequential theory basically states formulating and testing polices and can be used as
that the moral right of an action may be a guiding principle for legislation. Utilitarianism
determined by looking at its consequences. This may also be used to provide an objective way of
means if the consequences are good, then the act is resolving conflicts of self-interest, especially
right and is justified; if the consequences are not among primary claimant groups of clients and
good, then the act is wrong. The behaviour itself customers, organisations, professions, and society.
has no moral status, but the moral worth is Essentially, with every model there is a theory or
attached to the consequences. There are two types behaviour that must drive it – something that
of consequential theories, egoism and forms the cohesion between the elements within
utilitarianism. These two theories were derived the model. Specifically, for the model of e-security
from theology. Egoism theory focuses on an displayed in Figure 1, rule utilitarianism may be
individual’s long-term interest. Under this theory, the driving force behind the process of a business
the best way of promoting the common good is to entity obtaining more secure information
promote individual good and well being. This concerning B2B or B2C environments. Rule
essentially means that it is always good to pursue utilitarianism will represent what occurs in the
one’s best interest, since it is “rational and always arrows between the elements in the model.
right to aim at one’s own greater good” (Knyght Utilitarianism is well suited for understanding the
et al., 2000, p. 77). There are a number of need to make policies, procedures, and practices
weaknesses to egoism in that it does not take into that lead to appropriate decision-making activities
account blatant wrongs. This means that even if that affect a group or organisation. Among the
the outcome is right to the individual, it does not elements of the model, there is a struggle that takes
mean that the outcome is moral or just for others. place. In other words, should actions to secure
Also, egoism may be incompatible with the social governmental and corporate agencies’ information
role of most organisations. Most governmental and be for the greater good of the entire organisation or
corporate agencies do not pursue interests or should it benefit the individual elements
perform actions solely for the good of the separately? By breaking down each transition in
individual, since it is inconsistent with its moral the model, perhaps some insight in the decision-
guidance. Yet many actions of cybercriminals seem making process is possible.
to follow this line of reasoning. Information security threats, as displayed in
In terms of utilitarianism, a person should Figure 1, are what drives the need for an
always act so as to produce the greatest ratio of e-governmental and corporate agencies’ systematic
good to evil for everyone concerned with the and widespread security policy. When
individual’s decision. Utilitarianism is rooted in implementing a security policy, there needs to be a
that an action is right if it leads to the greatest good clear understanding of what types of policies need
for the greatest number or the least possible to be communicated and how are they going to be
balance of bad consequences (Beauchamp and enforced. Each section in the security policy must
Bowie, 1983); in other words the greatest good for be carefully considered. For instance, when
the greatest number. Utilitarian theory essentially writing a security policy concerning the use of
proposes that an individual should evaluate all e-mail, employees may want to use the e-mail
outcomes of an action/inaction and weigh them system for personal business. This, however, may
one against another to determine what is best for be determined as a major security threat, so the
society in terms of its social consequences security policy may be written to deny employees
(Reidenbach and Robin, 1990). The two types of these rights for the security of the organisation.
utilitarianism include act utilitarianism and rule Security policies should be constructed so that it
utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism contends that in provides a set of effective guidelines that will
every situation one ought to act to maximise the provide security that will benefit the company as a
total good, even if the rules are violated. Rule whole, even if it means the employees do not get to
utilitarianism contents that a person will act use the e-mail system for personal use. This
consistently in different situations based on a set of provides the greatest good for the greatest amount
rules. Utilitarianism does have weaknesses in its of people in the organisation and the various
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clientele it services (clients and customers, employees. It is in the organisation’s best interest
organisation, profession, and society). that all employees are on the same level when it
When creating an e-security policy, there should comes to strategic thinking of e-security issues.
be checks and balances in place that would prevent This means management should budget resources
one department from swaying the policy in their for extensive employee training in the area of
favour over other parts of the organisation. security. Therefore, management is setting a
Without proper checks and balances in place, a budget that is able to work for the greater good of
weakened e-security policy would result, since the the company.
other departments would be less willing to accept Once the budget is approved, IT personnel with
the policy under the grounds it did not either appropriate input for all interested parties may
benefit them or was considered unreasonable if it determine what type of hardware and software is
was not applied to all departments in an equal and needed to maintain and upgrade a company’s
equitable fashion. Information security threats do electronic information infrastructure. The IT
not work towards the benefit of the organisation. department needs to work with individual
The cybercriminals do not work towards the departments in an organisation to determine the
greater good of the company – they do just the type of technology that is needed to allow the
opposite. Organisations need to work together employees to perform their daily job
toward a common goal of eliminating such threats. responsibilities and still provide the security
Governmental and corporate agencies need to be mandated by sound policies, practices, and
part of the solution in stopping cybercrime, not procedures. Hardware and software should not
part of the problem. They should work toward a only fit within the budget constraints, but should
common goal that benefits not only them, but also also add value to the company by improving
society as a whole. employees’ performance, streamlining production
The link between the security policy and processes and providing security to the company’s
management support elements are also crucial. electronic information. Many governmental and
Management must fully support the security corporate agencies make the common mistake of
policy in order for it to be effective. With the trying to integrate the newest and fastest
security policy in place, management needs to use technology into its business structure without
it to make decisions on how to enforce the policy. regard to a needs assessment. This situation is
In many organisations, management may be identical for e-security initiatives. It takes more
unaware of the implications of e-security policies. than just a few firewalls and antiviral programs to
Management should understand that it is their stop attacks on organisational information and
responsibility to create an environment that fully delivery systems. Implementing new technology
supports the security policy, regardless of requires planning and the cooperation of many
individual inconveniences. Security plans have departments in order to ensure success. In
been put in place not just to protect individuals, addition, the cost of hardware and software
but also to protect the entire organisation from systems should be contained within the company
attacks. Management needs to create a company budget and it should benefit the company as a
culture that benefits the entire company. whole. Establishing and maintaining proper levels
Therefore, they are acting towards the greater of e-security for an organisation’s electronic
good of the company. information have become one of the most
The relationship between the constructs of important aspects driving configurations and
management support and the budget plays a very budget allocations to many IT departments. If
important role in what direction a company may hardware and software systems cannot provide the
go in when spending on its e-security measures, as required safety, it will not be purchased and
portrayed in Figure 1. It is important that implemented. That is why many IT departments
management understands the risks in losing the perform extensive research before they make the
organisations and customers’ private information decision on what hardware or software they
in terms of lost revenue and the damage to recommend that the company should purchase.
reputation. Proper management of an organisation The links between hardware and software and
allows for the understanding of guidelines set forth employees in Figure 1 are important due to the
in the e-security policy and the ability to set a dependency that successful implementation of
budget that will cover the needs of the e-security measures has on employees’ basic
organisation. If the management treats e-security understanding of the strategic fit of hardware and
as an overhead cost that may be cut, then they may software systems. It benefits the company as a
not be working toward the greater good of the whole if employees are trained how to use the
organisation. Management should be the leaders technology and have a basic understanding of their
in enforcing e-security policy rules for their role in a company’s information security.
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Employees may either make a decision to follow e-security environment are another growing
the security policy guidelines and benefit the IT-related field. Unfortunately, there is a gap
company as a whole or they may try to subvert between laws defining computer offences and
them and employ what specific actions that they associated issues of how to investigate cybercrimes
think will best benefit them. This is where as compared to the fast pace of changing
management needs to use the security policy to technology and social acceptance of these
enforce the rules and make employees understand technologies. Along with this, further research may
that they are the key to a company’s information be done to better understand how countries that
security infrastructure. They are not just working have not yet adopted computer crime statutes
for the greater good of the company, but also for affect the security of those that have (Karsten,
themselves because it is also their information and 2002; Murphy, 2001). The growth of cybercrime
jobs that are at stake if an attacker hits the has caused this problem to span across countries.
company. More secured information is the end It has become impossible for any one government,
result of the e-security model presented in Figure 1. business or country to develop successful systems
Information may never be fully secured from to solve it. In the future, more governments and
attacks, but with the elements of the model companies will be forming alliances and sharing
working together for the greater good of the security information threats and techniques,
company, e-security will continually improve and similar in structure to the sharing of information
adjust to the evolution of cyberattacks as a whole. concerning terrorist threats after September 11,
2001. This information sharing is already evident
in non-profit organisations such as the Information
Sharing and Analysis Centre for Information
General conclusions and implications
Technology (IT-ISAC). This organisation brings
As stated earlier, the purpose of this paper was to many high technology companies together along
develop a conceptual model that illustrated the with government agencies to help collaborate and
basic elements and processes governmental and share information on common threats and how
corporate agencies need to achieve for a more they may be effectively prevented (McGivern et al.,
secured information environment. The struggle 2002).
for protecting company data will eventually come As systems become more complex, there will be
down to who is more motivated to win the battle a greater need for hardware and software systems
for information, the organisation or the attacker. to counter more rapidly e-security threats in a
Information security in a networked world takes more concerted and global fashion. New hardware
much more than just technology and a few written and software for monitoring systems will have to be
policies. It takes many elements working together developed in order to enhance the user-friendly
in harmony to form a layered security blanket in interface so that adoption rates will increase
governmental and corporate agencies’ information security prevention and awareness efforts. Wireless
infrastructure. A company should look at technology will also play a big part in the future.
electronic information security as a valuable How may a company secure something that is
strategic asset that is valuable, imitable, and non- invisible and is broadcast over the air? It may add
substitutable. Security should be integrated into an more convenience and cost saving to the company
organisation’s culture, not simply placed as an in network cabling and overall network design, but
add-on. It should hold the same importance that it could cost the company millions if not secured.
every other business decision entails. The ethical Even with 256-bit WEP encryption, wireless is still
side of electronic security is an evolving field that extremely vulnerable to attacks. In essence,
has many applications that may lead to a better governmental and corporate agencies need to
understanding of how electronic surveillance focus less on technology and more in managing
methods may affect employee performance and e-security. In the future security will have to
trust in an information sharing and globally become part of the culture of a company, rather
networked environment. In addition, more than just being something that is bolted on and
research is needed in understanding the does not fit. Information managers must work with
mechanisms associated with hardware and various elements of the model to enhance e-
software systems integration with e-security security to deliver a ROI by allowing organisations
development and policy formation. As stated to reduce business risk in real time. As suggested
earlier, many network devices and software are by Hopwood et al. (2000), Web servers operate as
conforming to open standards, which may cause an extension of the operating system and any
an increase in cyberattacks. failure in operating system security is likely to spill
Legal structures for detection and successful over into Web server security – the administrator’s
prosecution of offenders in promoting an primary task is to seek a secure operating system.
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Alan D. Smith Volume 56 · Number 5 · 2004 · 272-285

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