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3/27/23, 6:28 AM Oops

In [148… class Math:

def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self._hands = 2
self.__legs = 2
self.__eyes = 2

def walk(self):
print(f'This human is walking on {self.__legs} legs')

def eat(self):
print(f'This human is eating as it has {self.hands} hands')

def pi():
return 3.141

In [149… class Indian(Human):

def __init__(self, name, nl, food):
self.food = food
self.national_language = nl

def eat(self):
print(f'Indians love {self.food} foods')

In [150… ram = Indian('ram','english', 'Indian')

Polymorphism in python defines methods in the child class that have the
same name as the methods in the parent class. In inheritance, the child
class inherits the methods from the parent class. Also, it is possible to
modify a method in a child class that it has inherited from the parent class.

In [151… ram.walk()

This human is walking on 2 legs

In [18]: from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Iquack(ABC):
def quacking(self):

class Ifly(ABC):
def flying(self):

In [19]: class simpleQuack(Iquack):

def quacking(self):
return 'simple quack'

class normalQuack(Iquack):
def quacking(self):

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3/27/23, 6:28 AM Oops

return 'normal quack'

class noQuack(Iquack):
def quacking(self):
return None

In [20]: class highFly(Ifly):

def flying(self):
return 'High fly'

class lowFly(Ifly):
def flying(self):
return 'low fly'

class noFly(Ifly):
def flying(self):
return None

In [21]: class IDuck(ABC):

def flying():
def quacking():

In [22]: class wildDuck(IDuck):

def __init__(self, Iflying, Iquacking):
self.fly = Iflying
self.quack = Iquacking

def flying(self):
return self.fly.flying()

def quacking(self):
return self.quack.quacking()

In [23]: johny = wildDuck(highFly(), simpleQuack())

In [24]: johny.flying()

Out[24]: 'High fly'

In [ ]:

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