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How far do you think young people are influenced by what they

see on Social Media?

To socialise and enjoy.These said motto were understood to be

the foundational roots for all social media platforms ranging
from Facebook,Instagarm,Snapchat to Tiktok.As the world
decided to exist on these platform,hordes of people began to
flock in to create their digital identities.Moving on a decade
later,with an entire generation digitally addicted,living with a
false perception of reality and ingrained with herd mentality it is
no wonder to find ourselves questioning the very grounds it was
build upon.

It is neither a surprise nor a parents pleasure to see their child

scroll through their social media accounts endlessly for
hours.Bitter words,harsh arguments and a damaged
relationship–that is whats left afyer their confrontation.It
however would be an injustice to blame this on the child
alone.There is a behavioural phenomena termed Intermittent
Reinforcement,discovered by the 20th psychologist BF
SKinner.It says that if someone is exposed to novel contents
invariably over a certain period of time then that person is at a
higher risk of becoming addicted to it compared to it being
shown on a a variable.The contents need not be of a certain
domain as long it is stimulating and show at a variable.
Unfortunateytely as many children today are socially
isolated,social media corporates target this vulneribilty to bind
them to digital addiction.Instead of pursuing plasures through
menaingful hobbies what we rather see is a crippled kid
Subsequently the problem not only lies in hw the contents are
shown but aso what is being shown.Speeding luxury
cars,perfectly symmetrical beuatiful faces on a yacht,lavish
lifestyle—these are said to be what life is on social media.Love
is cheap,as it is only sexual attraction that matters not the
persons inner qualities.A farrago of distortions of reality blinded
accepted,for no longer life is about overcoming
challenges,difference,finding ones meaning in this
incomprehensible jouney we call life.It getting rich quick and
body standars that define a person today.A split today exist
between the digital personailty and real life as the former
strives to fulfill the required criteries of a succesful digital prfile
while the other lacks,experiences

All this dark pathleads to one alley, a place of blind

obedience ,a herd lead by a lie.Never before,have younger
minds been at a greater mercy of propaganda as today–being
told by coporations what virtue is.Complacement,sickly and all
yes saying are what virtue today is on digutal
platforms.Uniquness is shunned blind conformity is applaud.No
longer are our emphereal opinions judged by those next to our
kin,on thos ewe can place our trust on but rather by the all
egulfing virtue signalling internet mobs.If breached this
unbreacheble accpted laws,the mob then resrts to bullying–Pra
of huxley

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