ATAR Notes - Selective School Tips Student Guide

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Selective school
tips: student
! 5th, July " Charlie M, Jai M, Nguyen L, Ethan C

! 1 ! 0 ♥ Favourite

This article is adapted from a

thread created on the ATAR Notes
Forums. You can find the original
thread here. It is based on specific
student experiences (the authors’)
alone, and should be taken as a
reflection of those personal
experiences rather than blanket
advice; student experiences and
information may differ.


Hi everyone! We wrote the selective high

school entrance examination in 2020 and
decided to formulate this guide that offers
insight about the stressful processes involved
in the entrance into selective schools.

The Verbal Reasoning


“This test assesses the ability to think and

reason using words and language. Vocabulary,
word relationships, coding, classification and
deduction are assessed.”

Verbal reasoning, the first test of the day!

Comprised of 60 questions and you are limited
to a time of 30 minutes to complete it. You are
not expected to complete the test, but you
should ideally complete 40 – 45 questions
without blindly guessing. Roughly 20% of the
test assesses your language reasoning, 40%
on word relationships and the other 40% on
logical and deductive reasoning.

The test was moderately difficult, but

seemingly easier than mathematics and
numerical reasoning. Hendersons offered fairly
accurate verbal reasoning exams to a certain
extent so it may be worth purchasing a mock
from them. Usually you don’t really need to
know the word definitions, I mean you do but
you don’t. See, just read the question and use
elimination. For example if they ask an
antonym for filibuster, and the options are
hesitate, postpone, withdraw, adjourn and
sustain, you would pick sustain because all the
other words have similar meanings.

As well as the aforementioned tactic for

approaching vocabulary questions, having
memorised word roots, prefixes and suffixes
will help immensely. Anagrams (unjumble a
word then find out which category it fits) can
be solved by looking for potential prefixes,
suffixes and word roots. Or alternatively jot
down as many synonyms or words that fit a
certain category in the options, and solve the
anagram. Anagrams require a lot of practice to
get good at. Write down the alphabet when
solving questions about a sequence of
alphabetical letters, and look at the amount of
jumps it took to get to the next letter.

Note sometimes there are two alphabetical

sequences in one sequence (e.g., 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 9
where every second letter is a set in the first
sequence). And rebus puzzles can be cracked
by using trial and error. For the questions
about rebus puzzles they will often present
students with 2 rebus puzzles in one question
and ask what pair of words are included in the
above puzzles. Also when solving syllogisms
(look at the checklist below for example) draw
a Venn diagram. When approaching lengthy
worded problems read the question first so
you know what you are looking for, and then
write down notes as you begin reading.

Remember they only announce two certain

time increments (15 minutes left and 5
minutes left), they won’t tell you when you
have a minute left so remember to fill that
answer sheet before the time is over. Many
students make the mistake of not filling the
answer sheet on verbal reasoning since it’s the
first test and they aren’t aware that they don’t
give out reminders on the 1 minute mark.
Don’t make that easily avoidable mistake.
Below is a list of content that past students
encountered in the verbal reasoning subtest.

Content Descriptors

Logical Reasoning:

Logical deduction:

• Seating arrangements – circular, hexagonal,

rectangular tables and lines (e.g., If X sits next
to Y, where does Z sit… etc.)
• Ordering (objects, heights, speeds, etc.) from
smallest to largest (example, example)
• Finding two statements that together prove
• Syllogisms (solving with Venn diagrams)

• Conversion, obversion, and contraposition

(you don’t have to know this but it will aid
your understanding of syllogisms) (click
here, and here)

• Judgements based on information given

(questions like: which option is X likely to pick?
Or what option should X pick?) (example)
• Categorising characteristic, features,
accessories allocation questions (example)
• Family tree (find out how a person is related
to a person)
• Direction and location problems (example)

Word, letter, number, and symbol


• Sequences and series (involving letters,

numbers and symbols)
• Analogies (e,g., Breakfast is to morning as
dinner is to _____)
• Foreign Languages (example)
• Coding and decoding (alphabetical letters to
numerals, back to front etc.) (example)
• Anagrams (example)
• Rebus puzzles
• Shape logic (example)

• See shapes within shapes and identify their

common features

• Word wheel logical games (example)

Language Reasoning:


• Synonyms
• Antonyms
• Classification (odd word out)


• Proverbs and idioms

Word origins (example):

• Suffixes
• Prefixes
• Word roots

Sentence formation:

• Sentence arrangement (unjumbling words to

form sentence) (example , example)
• Selecting words that will correctly finish a
sentence (e.g., which word correctly finishes
the sentence?)

The Numerical Reasoning

“This test assesses the ability to think and

reason using numbers. Series, matrices,
arithmetical reasoning and deduction are

Numerical is probably one of the hardest tests,

you cannot really prepare for it. There are 50
questions to be completed in 30 minutes. 50%
of the test were patterns and the other half
were lengthy logical worded problems. Unlike
maths, numerical wasn’t really focused on
curriculum or content knowledge, it required
applications of various operations (+, -, ÷, ×)
logically. You had to think outside the box,
sometimes patterns clicked to you, sometimes
they didn’t. Having good mental arithmetic or
vedic maths will help a lot. However, you
shouldn’t focus your studying primarily on
numerical reasoning due to the unpredictable
nature of it.

Content Descriptors

Logical and Arithmetical Reasoning:

Number Relationships:

• Magic Squares
• Number sequences

• This includes but is not limited to: Fibonacci,

arithmetic, geometric, second sequences,
prime numbers, square numbers, cubed
numbers etc. You may have to think beyond
this in the examination.

• Matrices (puzzles in a square)

• Other puzzles placed in shapes such as
triangles, circles, hexagons, stars etc.
• Find the odd one out given a set of numbers
based on the properties of the number (prime,
square, cube, even, Fibonacci, triangular etc.)
or based on whether it follows the sequential
rule (example, example)
• Know how to find the nth term of an
arithmetic and geometric sequence
• Finishing off a sequence (e.g., the third,
fourth, and fifth numbers are 1, 3, 5. Find the
product of all the first 8 numbers.)

Worded Problems:

• Inverse variation (proportion) (example)

• A lot of ratio problems
• Speed/time (speed of watercrafts upstream
and downstream as well)
• Probability worded problems
• Direction and location problems (example)
• Average (mean) (if the average of 5 people is
X, one person is added and made the average
Y, what is the average of the extra person etc.)
• Percentages, discounts, profit, loss, fraction
worded problems
• Best value (which of the following costs are
cheapest, $10/kg, $0.05/g etc.)
• Simultaneous equations worded problems
• Area, volume worded problems (example)
• Worded problems on sum of consecutive
• Time and timezone problems (given time
• Age worded problems (example)
• Rearranging sets in multiples (example)

Data Interpretation (example):

• Pie graphs
• Bar graphs
• Table charts
• Line graphs

The Reading
Comprehension Subtest

“This test assesses the capacity to read and

interpret meaning from written passages, as
well as correct, complete and punctuate

Reading comprehension was arguably the

easiest subtest of the Victorian Selective
entrance exam. The passages weren’t too
lengthy and they weren’t that difficult to
interpret. If you’re as lucky as the 2020
candidates, they may number the lines for
each extract and might even direct you to the
line where the information is found to answer
a certain question. However due to the
absence of difficulty in this test it makes it
100% more competitive than the other
subtests, making it difficult to separate other
students when marking. The difference
between a superior and above average cut off
mark could even be 1 mark for this test.

If you have a story to read that’s split in

paragraphs, the last sentence/first sentence
often contains the main point (see: TEEL) and
the middle are specifics. Picking the right
answer is the process of elimination ->
elimination and analysis for the most correct
answer. Read the questions first, then skim to
find the answer in the passage. Before reading
through the given written passages, it is
advised to read through the questions relating
to the written passage so that you are aware
of what to look out for in the passage. I also
recommend skimming the questions as well as
the possible options (A, B, C, D) which will
help you filter out the main points of the
passage faster.

Content Descriptors

English Language:

Grammar, punctuation and spelling:

• Sentence improvement (fixing up a sentence,

in terms of grammar, tone etc.)
• Finding the correct way to spell a word

Syntax and expression:

• Change of voice or changing the clauses of a

sentence or changing the order of a sentence
• Change of speech (direct to indirect etc.)

Figurative Language:

• Oxymoron
• Metaphor
• Simile
• Hyperbole
• Personification
• Onomatopoeia
• Synecdoche
• Metonymy
• Alliteration
• Assonance
• Consonance
• Paradox
• Dissonance
• Idioms and proverbs


Language (questions like, what is

the language of this text?):

• Colloquial
• Informal
• Formal
• Slang
• Vulgar
• Jargon
• Argot
• Vernacular
• Poetry metrical lines


Visual stimuli:

• Comic
• Caricature
• Meme


• Expository
• Descriptions
• Narratives
• Persuasive
• Articles
• Editorials
• Memoir
• Poetry

The Mathematics Subtest

“This test assesses year-level appropriate

mathematical knowledge (quoted by the SEU
however over the years it has been known to
be unreasonably harsh) Numbers,
measurement, space and data are assessed.”

Mathematics was the subtest where most

students tended to struggle on. It comprised
of 60 questions with a time limit of 30
minutes. You don’t need to answer all
questions without blindly guessing to attain a
superior for this exam. A raw score of 35/60
may be high enough to get a superior. The
questions in the mathematics subtest can be
solved systematically, whereas numerical
assessed your ability to reason with numbers
in a logical approach. If you have your year 10
maths under your belt you should do well on
this exam.

The content list below may seem like a long

list, but if you dedicate enough time into
studying for it, it’s definitely manageable. Also
note sometimes it’s easier substituting the
options when answering the questions, or
solving by trial and error. And especially for
mathematics, don’t spend too much time on
one question, and when blindly guessing
consider look-alike options (whether they are
look-alike because they share similar factors,
properties etc.) Usually one of the look-alike
options will be correct.

Remember, don’t be overwhelmed by the

questions presented in the maths exam as
well. If you struggle, chances are there are a
lot of other students struggling as well.

Content Descriptors

Numbers and algebra:

Financial Maths:

• Simple interest
• Compound interest
• Loan repayment
• Contribution of money
• Depreciation

Scientific notation and set builder


• Notations such as R, Z, N, Q, P (R=real

numbers, Z=integers, N=natural numbers,
Q=rational numbers, P=irrational numbers)
• Union and intersection (∪ / ∩) (or / and)
• Elements (∈)
• Scientific notation (know how to express
each number in sci note./standard form etc.)


• Basic logarithm such as log3 27=3

• Conversion between bases (e.g., decimal to
binary etc.)


• Vertex form
• General form
• Discriminator
• Sketching and identifying important features
(x/y intercept, vertex/turning point)
• Finding the turning point from just equation
(-b/2a, f(-b/2a))


• Expand (apply algebraic identities)

• Factorise (know your shortcuts)
• Solve for pronumeral
• Complete the square


• Factor and remainder theorem (questions

like which is not a factor of <insert algebraic
• Function notation (brief understanding how
to sketch polynomials, parabola etc.)
• Find the degree of a polynomial
• Factorise, expand and solve

Linear and non linear relationships:

• Simultaneous equations (when two

equations intersect) – (substitution and
• Midpoints
• Equations of perpendicular and parallel lines
• Distance formula (distance between two
• Inverse and direct proportion and ratios/rates
• Inequalities (compound, quadratic, absolute
value, linear)
• Know how to graph basic quadratics, linear
equations and inequalities
• Know how to solve basic cubic equations
(can easily solve by just subbing the options)

Surds and roots:

• Multiply and divide surds

• Add and subtract surds
• Order surds (largest to smallest etc.)
• Simplify surds
• Convert surds/roots into exponents
• Rationalise the denominator

Algebraic identities (click here):

• Exponential rules (a^m * a^n=a^(m+n),

aman=a(m-n), (a^m)^n=a(mn), etc..) &
fractional indices
• Difference of squares a^2-b^2=(a+b)(a-b)
• Difference of cubes a^3-b^3=(a-b)
• Memorise expansions of expressions such as
(a+b)^2, (a-b)^2, etc.

Measurement and geometry:

Triangle similarities and


• Triangle proportionality theorem

• Midsegment theorem
• Angle bisector theorem

Circle theorems:

• Angle and chord properties of circles

• Cyclic quadrilaterals
• Inscribed triangles
• Tangents
• General theorems: click here


• Solve right-angled problems using

Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometry
• Angle of elevation and depression
• SOH CAH TOA (Sine/sin, Cosine/cos,
• Exact values Sin(90°)=1, Cos(60°)=0.5 etc.

Units of measurement:

• Convert metric units of speed, capacity,

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