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Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy - 2023 AI Update

At University High School, all students are expected to demonstrate honesty and academic
integrity by submitting their own original work for assessment at all times.

Plagiarism means to take and use another person's work, ideas or words and present them as
your own. This happens when you fail to acknowledge that the words or ideas of others are
being used, by:

● copying another student’s work and presenting it as your own

● copying writing from the internet, a book or a newspaper word-for-word and presenting
it as your own without a reference to the source
● paraphrasing (putting someone else’s writing or ideas into your own words) and
presenting work or ideas without a reference to the source
● presenting designs or images made by someone else as your own work
● rote memorisation and recall of memorised text that is not students’ own work
● the reuse of work submitted in past examination sessions or other assessments by the
same or other student(s)

Collusion means working with someone else on an individual project or assessment task and
presenting it as your own individual work. This may be with another student or with a tutor or
parent. Collusion happens when you:

● work with one or more people to prepare and produce work

● allow others to copy your work or share your answers
● allow someone else to write or edit your work
● write or edit work for another student
● offer to complete work for other students
● share content or questions from formative tasks or assessment tasks with students in
other classes of multiple class subjects.

At school we expect students to produce work independently and on their own except when
asked to participate in a group project or assignment.


The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence to write work for you that is then submitted as an
assessment task is considered both plagiarism and collusion.

The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence to conduct research and provide ideas or sources
is acceptable if the source is read, assessed, and acknowledged. Using generative AI to
summarise research information for assignment purposes is not acceptable.

Authentication of student work for VCE assessment tasks (SACs and SATs) follows the VCAA
guidelines. All SACs must be conducted in strict adherence to VCAA VCE assessment


Years 7-10: If you engage in academic dishonesty, your teacher and Sub-School Coordinator
will discuss the matter and may refer the issue to an Assistant Principal for an investigation if
necessary. All instances of plagiarism and/or collusion will be recorded on Compass and
parents notified.

VCE Subjects: Allegations of plagiarism and collusion in VCE assessment tasks will be
followed up using the UHS VCE Plagiarism and Breach of SAC Rules Standard Operating

Students may be awarded a zero for any assessment task that is deemed to be plagiarised or
where collusion has occurred.


You can easily avoid collusion by making sure to complete individual tasks by yourself and
only ever submitting your own work.

You can avoid plagiarism by not copying from sources and using proper referencing if you do
include sections of another text.

You can avoid collusion and plagiarism through Generative AI by not asking programs to write
sections of text for you.

Remember, you may use other people’s ideas in your work as long as you are honest in
acknowledging where the ideas or words come from.

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