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Need and importance of equality

 What is equality?
Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal
opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents.

It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the
way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or whether they
have a disability.

Islam declares a complete equality among all mankind, regardless of one’s faith,
skin color, language, gender or ethnic background.

The whole universe is dominion of almighty Allah and all the people are his
creatures. Everyone is born equal and will die equal. He will judge every person
on the basis of merits and deeds.

In the Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13,

 Equality in Islam roots from basic principles such as:
1. All men are created by One and the Same Eternal Creator, the Supreme
Lord of all.
2. All mankind belong to the human race and share equally in the common
lineage of Adam and Eve.
3. Allah is just and kind to all his creatures. He is not partial to any race, age,
or religion.
4. The whole universe is Allah’s supremacy and all people are His creatures.
5. All people are born equal in the sense that none brings any dominion with
him, and they die equal in the sense that none brings any possession with
him, and they die equal in the sense that they take back nothing of their
worldly belongings.
6. Allah judges every person on the basis of his own merits and according to
his own deeds.
7. Allah has debated on man; man as such, a title of honor and dignity.

We find in the Charter of Human Rights granted by Islam is that a woman's

chastity has to be respected and protected under all circumstances, whether she
belongs to our own nation or to the nation of an enemy, whether we find her in
the wild forest or in a conquered city; whether she is our co-religionist or belongs
to some other religion or has no religion at all.

These instructions have been repeated in the Holy Quran in another place saying:

Do not kill a soul which Allah has made sacred except through the due process
of law ... (6:151).

 Benefits of equality
1. Liveability – people feel socially connected to their community and
are able to participate in social economic and educational activities.
2. Productivity – people who are treated fairly and have equal
opportunity are better able to contribute socially and economically
to the community, and to enhance growth and prosperity.
3. Confidence – an equal and fair society is likely to be safer by reducing
entrenched social and economic disadvantage.

From all above-mentioned sayings and discussion, we can conclude that Islam
spread the message of equality not just theoretically but it also proved it
practically as explained in above example of offering five-time prayer in the
mosque in one row with all other Muslims no matter who is rich or poor. We
should also spread the message of equality so that we can spread peace with this
message without being discriminated in terms of race or sectarian background.
We should learn from Islamic teachings on equality. Learn that every Muslim is
the brother of another Muslim and that Muslims constitute one brotherhood and
humanity by spreading the message of equality.

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