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Experiences of Student-Athletes on Time Management in their Athletic and Academic


A Qualitative Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty and Staff

Of San Isidro National High School

San Isidro, Davao Oriental

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for

English 10

Kenshin John Morata

Joshua Banggat

Andrei Masilliones

Jeokyle Bagsoling

Jerick Delcampo

Rico John Manuales

Grade-10 – Silang

June , 2023
Table of Contents

Chapter Title Page number

I Introduction 1

Purpose of the Study 3

Research Question 3

Theoretical Lens 4

Significance of the study 6

Definition of Terms 7

Scope and Delimitation 7

II Review of Related Literature and Studies 8

III Methodology 12

Research Design 13

Research Instruments 14

Role of the Researcher 15

Research Participants 16

Data Collection 17

Data Analysis 18

Trustworthiness of the Study 18

Ethical Consideration 19

References 20



Maintaining a balanced schedule is difficult for many people, but it is especially

difficult for student athletes who must find time to complete their homework, turn in

assignments on time, study for tests, and attend necessary practices. All of these requirements

can become oppressive at times. This study focuses on the difficulties and commitments,

balancing social activities, balancing athletic success or failure with mental stability, and

balancing physical health are some challenges that student athletes are experiencing.

Balancing the demands of academic and sports can potentially impact an athlete’s

grades, class attendance, concentration, and motivation. Through it, it also decreases stress,

fatigue and the pressure to perform well in both areas. Student-Athletes that can manage their

time in both areas. Student-Athletes that can manage their time equally in both areas can

ultimately succeed in academics and in sports (Vanagas 2022).

          In order to cope with the pressure brought about by being an academic achiever and an

athlete at the time, the student-athlete should manage well his/her time spent in studying and

training. Also, goal setting was the key to all their sports and academic-related tasks.

Furthermore, social media applications were used by student-athletes in catching up with

missed lessons while in training. Parents’ involvement was also identified as another factor in

achievement in both academics and sports (Escoto & Alfarero, 2022).

Most people are unable to manage having too many responsibilities, which is why

student athletes are forced to decide between those two. Student athletes typically choose to

prioritize their athletic responsibilities, probably because they need to keep their scholarships.

Through those decisions, their academic performance and test results are severely harmed.

Those who cannot succeed in becoming professional athlete are also bound to fall out (Gerdy,


Every day should be productive. Being a student athlete is challenging. They have

multiple goals on their minds. The conflicting demands of preparation and championship also

consume focus, games, coursework, exam dates, and sustaining high gpas (grade point

average). The findings of the said research show that learning time management for students

can help student athletes better manage their time. Using this schedule will allow them to set

priorities. Each student is required to meet obligations, such as attending class.

By setting up their schedule according to blocks of time, they automatically know which

hours of the day they are committed to. The rest of their time is left for them to meet.

Assignments, setting up study sessions, or research are instances of secondary priority

(Ramos, 2018).

The student-athletes need to learn how to keep their academic and athletic obligations

in check. They should devote innumerable hours to rehearsing their game and remaining fit,

while staying aware of the afflictions of school level coursework and standard scholarly

responsibilities. They must study in order to fulfill their academic obligations and train to

perform well in their sport. This is a troublesome test experienced by numerous undergrad

competitors in light of the double job of understudy and competitor. This study will be

conducted at Isabela State University (ISU), which is familiar to students who balance sports

and academics. ISU expects its athletes—commonly referred to as varsity players or

"varsities"—to maintain the highest level of academic excellence while also achieving

optimal winnings and participation in various sports activities that are conducted within the

university and beyond. As an institution of higher learning that actively promotes the

development of the totality of its students, ISU expects its athletes to do both. Subsequently,

the analyst directed this review to decide the segment profile of understudy competitors the

degree of sports.

Purpose of The Study

This study aims to identify the specific challenges that student-athletes encounter

when managing their time in both academic and sports activities. Their time issues such as

time management, scheduling conflicts. Understanding the challenges of time management in

academics and athletics responsibilities.

Research Questions

The study sought to answer:

1. How can learning time management skills help student-athletes better manage their


2. How does athletic participation impact your grade point average?

3. What sacrifices do athletes often have to make in order to balance their ability to

focus on their studies?

4. How do students-athletes priotize their athletic and academic responsibilities when

allocating time and resources?

Theoretical lens

One theoretical lens through which we can examine the experiences of student-athletes on

time management in their athletic and academic responsibilities is the sociological lens of

role theory. Role theory posits that individuals occupy multiple roles in society, each with its

own set of expectations and responsibilities. In the case of student-athletes, they have the dual

role of being both students and athletes, which can create unique challenges in managing

their time effectively.

According to role theory, individuals may experience role conflict and role strain when the

expectations and demands of different roles they occupy clash or become overwhelming. In

the context of student-athletes, they often face time constraints due to the rigorous demands

of their sport and the academic workload they need to fulfill. Balancing training sessions,

competitions, team commitments, and academic responsibilities can be challenging and

require effective time management skills.

Moreover, role theory emphasizes the importance of role performance and role identity. Role

performance refers to how well individuals fulfill the expectations associated with their roles,

while role identity refers to the personal and social significance individuals attach to those

roles. Student-athletes may experience pressure to excel both academically and athletically,

as their performance in both areas can be closely scrutinized by coaches, teammates,

professors, and peers. This pressure can influence their time allocation and decision-making

processes regarding their athletic and academic commitments.

Another theoretical lens that can be applied is the psychological lens of self-determination

theory. According to this theory, individuals have innate psychological needs for autonomy,

competence, and relatedness. Autonomy refers to the need to experience a sense of choice

and control in one's actions, competence refers to the need to feel effective and capable in

one's pursuits, and relatedness refers to the need to establish meaningful connections and

relationships with others.

When examining the experiences of student-athletes, self-determination theory suggests that

their motivation and engagement in managing their time effectively can be influenced by

these psychological needs. For example, student-athletes who feel a sense of autonomy in

managing their time and setting their priorities may be more motivated and engaged in

fulfilling their athletic and academic responsibilities. Conversely, if they perceive a lack of

autonomy, such as rigid training schedules or academic pressures, their motivation and well-

being may be negatively affected.

Moreover, the theory highlights the importance of social support and the quality of

relationships in fulfilling psychological needs. Student-athletes who receive support and

understanding from coaches, teammates, professors, and peers may feel a greater sense of

relatedness, which can contribute to their overall well-being and ability to manage their time


In summary, examining the experiences of student-athletes on time management in their

athletic and academic responsibilities through the theoretical lenses of role theory and self-

determination theory can provide insights into the challenges they face, the pressures they

experience, and the factors that influence their motivation and well-being. These lenses can

help inform interventions and support systems aimed at enhancing the time management

skills and overall experiences of student-athletes.


This study aims to help the student-athletes manage their time equally between sports

and academics. Academic performance can have a significant impact on an athlete's overall

well-being and athletic performance. Balancing the demands of academics and sports can

potentially impact an athlete's grades, class attendance, concentration, and motivation.

Through it, it also decreases stress, fatigue, and the pressure to perform well in both areas.

Having good physical and mental health helps you do well in academics and sports. Student-

athletes that can manage their time equally in both areas can ultimately succeed in academics

and sports.

Student Athletes. They will be able to pinpoint the specific academic subject in which they

struggle to complete the tasks assigned. The non-athletes, on the other hand, will be able to

observe the struggles that their classmates go through and learn about the sacrifices that their

classmates have made as athletes.

Parents, they will be able to witness their children’s commitments and difficulties. Parents

may also feel proud of their child for handling such a rigorous schedule and may want to

support them in any way possible.

Teachers, they can become aware of the various difficulties that student athletes have as they

combine both their academic and sporting commitments, and so that they can also grant the


Administrators, because they will know the struggles of the student-athletes, will increase

empathy and support. This includes offering academic needs, scheduling flexibility, and other

resources to help athletes.

Definition of Terms

Experiences of student-athletes on time management in their athletic and academic

responsibilities refer to the personal accounts and observations of individuals who are

actively engaged in both sports and academics, highlighting their efforts to effectively

allocate time and balance their commitments in these two areas.

Time management encompasses the ability to allocate time wisely and efficiently, ensuring

that sufficient attention and effort are given to both athletic and academic pursuits. It involves

prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and organizing schedules to optimize productivity and

achieve success in both areas.

In the context of student-athletes, time management experiences revolve around their unique

challenges and demands. Student-athletes must navigate rigorous training sessions,

competitions, team commitments, and travel schedules associated with their athletic

endeavors, alongside their academic responsibilities, such as attending classes, completing

assignments, and preparing for exams.


The purpose of this study is to examine how student athletes may manage their

academic performances despite participating in sports, which only makes being a student

more challenging. The study is focused on student athletes on San Isidro national High

School. The participants of this study will be 10 student athletes in junior high school, with

15 questions based on their experiences. The interview will be to conducted only students

who are present will be carried out inside the school.



    The study "Balancing academic and athletic time management" by Checroune,

Gravelle, and Dawson (2013) is reflected in the global scope; the authors found that first-year

students, who are already having a difficult time adjusting to university life in general, are

made even more stressed by the time and effort needed to meet the expectations of practices,

meetings, training, film sessions, and games for varsity athletes. The time obligations may

have a negative impact on a student athlete's academic progress by decreasing their academic

involvement. The goal of this study is to pinpoint the time management issues that first-year

varsity players have. The data gathered from in-depth interviews with 12 first-year football

players at a Canadian institution were analyzed using the phenomenological qualitative

approach. The findings showed that: (1) football commitments consumed so much time

during the season that it was difficult to find time for other activities such as studying,

working on assignments, eating properly, or getting enough sleep; (2) time management

emerged as the most challenging aspect of being a member of the university's football

program; and (3) football commitments consumed so much time during the season that it was

difficult to find time for other activities such as studying, working on assignments, eating

properly, or getting enough sleep. There is a significant time management difficulty at the

university due to the looser academic framework and the gaps in study time (compared to

secondary schools), but this challenge may be lessened by the highly structured football


In Hatani's (2019), "Student Athletes Academic Improvement through Time

Management Skills: A Case of the University of Baghdad," student-athlete improvement

through time management skills is where this study focuses. Right now, the issue of the

review is to enable the time usage abilities among the understudies to consent rate on their

studies as well as athletic performance. The problem is that students are already distracted by

their routines, making it difficult to manage time and making it difficult for them to complete

certain tasks, particularly academic ones and sports activities. However, scientists suggested

that time is hard; what's more, various exercises in a solitary day oversee everything as per

the oversee because they resolve these issues with the help of time usage abilities. For them

to be successful in their academic goals, students need to develop their time management

skills. Therefore, this study is conducted in Iraq, where pupils' time management skills are

evaluated to determine whether or not they can effectively balance their studies and sports.

According to the study's findings, female students have better time management skills than

male students when it comes to entry-level students. Older students, on the other hand, have

better time management skills than the other groups that were taken into consideration for the

study (Truman and Hartley, 1996). The majority of previous research has been conducted in

developed nations. So, the ongoing review is different; one might say that this study is

logically unique and covers the situation of a country that isn't just immature but additionally

heavily impacted politically, which has put pressure on the student-athletes.

The study, "The Impacts of Sports Schools on Holistic Athlete Development," was

conducted on a national scale. According to the research of Thompson, Rongen, and

Cowburn (2022), sports school student athletes receive considerate support in terms of

academic and athletic services, more intense training and competition schedules with high

level training partners, but frequently miss school. Various methods have been used to

evaluate student-athletes impacts making comparison across studies and developing

consensus on the impacts of school sports' school differences.

The national study entitled “Student-athletes' related factors and performance among

public secondary schools”, conducted by Ofrin (2022), found out that high school students

have a range of pressures related to academic, athletic, social, and financial commitments.

Data collection methods included surveys, tests, and questionnaires. The findings showed a

strong correlation between the variables influencing student athletes' status and their athletic

and academic achievement. This study aimed to evaluate significant links between the

variables influencing a student-athlete's status and their success in both academics and

athletics. Data collection methods included surveys, tests, and questionnaires.

According to Quimbo (2023), entitled ‘Athletic participation, time management and

academic performance of student-athletes’. He found out that athletic participation has been

in a tight spot when juxtaposed with academic performance for decades of debates and

empirical studies. Athletic participation critics would claim that it is detrimental to the

performance of the students inside the classroom or "outside the court." This would often be

opposed by sports enthusiasts claiming that this type of engagement homes the students

holistically. This paper attempted to confirm that the existence of the time management

variable can help boost the positive relationship between athletic participation and academic

performance among 96 student-athletes in San Isidro, Leyte. High positive correlations

occurred between athletic participation and time management; time management and

academic performance; and, athletic participation and academic performance. This study also

confirmed what is considered important and urgent by this group in terms of student-athlete

activities using the Eisenhower Matrix of the ABC Time Management Analysis. Finally, it

can be deduced from the time allocation results that the more the student-athletes stick to a

time allocation effective to them, the better the results are in all three aspects being studied.

According to Ines' article from De La Salle University in Manila titled "Stress and

Coping Strategies of College Student-Athletes" from 2021. They discovered that the demands

of both athletics and academics place a heavy burden on student-athletes. If this stress is not

appropriately managed, it may have a harmful effect on both mental and physical health. A

study was done to find out how college student-athletes handle the pressure of being an

athlete and a student at the same time. The goal of the study was to pinpoint the various

stressors and coping techniques that student-athletes employ. According to the findings,

young athletes go through a variety of stressors in their families, including interpersonal,

academic, athletic, and financial stress. Additionally, student-athletes use a variety of coping

mechanisms to manage stress, such as exercising caution and avoiding potentially upsetting


Based on Peteros, Canabano, & Sanchez, (2022) in their study ‘Understanding the

Effects of Time Management and Self-Efficacy on Math Performance among High School

students Working Part-Time in Cebu, Philippines’ school students decide to find errands to

get around financial restrictions and to be independent while they are studying. Thirty-one

part-time working public high school students in Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines, were

examined to determine whether there was a connection between time management, self-

efficacy, and academic performance. The respondents' math skills were specifically evaluated

using the survey questionnaire. They demonstrated satisfactory arithmetic performance,

moderate time management skills, and moderate math self-efficacy, according to the results.

Time management and math performance did not significantly correlate, however there was a

slight positive link between math performance and self-efficacy. As a result, educators are

urged to design initiatives that improve students' capacity for self-efficacy and time

management. It is extremely advised that you develop your time management abilities. Even

though the government offers free education, one of the biggest obstacles for Filipino

students pursuing a basic education is poverty.

Schools, athletic departments, and coaches should emphasize the importance of time

management for student-athletes and provide resources like workshops, study halls, tutoring,

and academic assistance to address this issue. With assistance from their school and athletic

department, students participating in sports should prioritize their academic, and instructors

and coaches should collaborate to manage schedules and assignments.

By making their schedules more flexible, utilizing technology, and keeping track of

their progress, student-athletes can better manage their time. We can create a setting that

encourages academic and athletic success together.

We discovered through our study that the majority of student-athletes had trouble

managing their time between their athletic and academic obligations. Based on the findings of

our study, which targeted high school student-athletes at San Isidro National High School as

well as those from relevant literature, the conclusions were made. The related literature we

found revealed that student-athletes must put in time and effort to meet the demands of

practices, meetings, training, and classes. This adds stress to high school students who are

already having a hard time adjusting to high school life in general. The majority of high

school student-athletes could, according to our research at San Isidro National High Scho


The experiences of student-athletes in managing their time between athletic and academic

responsibilities are crucial for their overall success. A well-developed methodology can

provide valuable insights into this area. Firstly, conducting interviews or surveys with

student-athletes can gather their perspectives on the challenges they face. This qualitative

data can be supplemented with quantitative measures such as tracking their daily schedules,

training hours, and academic commitments. Analyzing these data points will help identify

common time management issues and patterns. Additionally, observing student-athletes in

their daily routines can provide valuable context and insights into their time allocation. This

observational research can be complemented by conducting focus groups to delve deeper into

specific challenges and potential strategies. Once the data is collected, analyzing it using

thematic analysis or other qualitative techniques can unveil themes, common strategies, and

potential interventions. Finally, the findings can be shared with student-athletes, coaches, and

academic advisors through workshops or presentations to create awareness and facilitate

discussions around effective time management strategies. This methodology aims to provide

a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of student-athletes in managing their time,

thus guiding the development of tailored support systems to enhance their success in both

athletic and academic pursuits.

Research design

The research design that used in this study is the survey/descriptive research design.

Survey/descriptive research is a systematic set of methods use to gather information to

generate knowledge and make decisions. Survey/descriptive research is used in this study to

simply determine the student-athletes’ time management skills in their athletic and academic


Research instruments

This research aims to investigate the time management skills of student-athletes and

their ability to balance the demands of their athletic and academic responsibilities. Student-

athletes face unique challenges as they strive to excel in both their sport and academics

simultaneously. The study will explore the factors that influence time management among

student-athletes, such as practice schedules, competition commitments, coursework

requirements, and extracurricular activities. The findings will provide valuable insights into

the time management strategies employed by student-athletes and highlight potential areas

for improvement in supporting their dual responsibilities.Keywords: student-athletes, time

management skills, athletic responsibilities, academic responsibilities, balancing, challenges.

Student-athletes face a distinctive set of challenges as they navigate the demands of their

athletic and academic responsibilities. Balancing rigorous training schedules, competition

commitments, and coursework requirements can be overwhelming, making effective time

management crucial for their success. This research seeks to investigate the time management

skills of student-athletes and identify the factors influencing their ability to effectively

allocate time to both athletics and academics.

Role of the researcher

The role of the researcher in conducting a study on the experiences of student-athletes

regarding time management in their athletic and academic responsibilities is crucial in several

aspects. Researchers play a significant role in designing and executing the study, collecting

and analyzing data, and interpreting and disseminating the findings.

To begin with, researchers are responsible for defining the objectives and research questions

of the study. They need to identify the specific aspects of time management in the context of

student-athletes' lives and outline the goals they aim to achieve through their research. This

involves a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing knowledge on the topic

and identify any gaps or areas for further investigation.

Once the research objectives are established, researchers play a pivotal role in designing the

study methodology. They need to determine the appropriate research design, sampling

techniques, and data collection methods. In this particular study, researchers may choose to

conduct interviews, surveys, or a combination of both to gather data on the experiences of

student-athletes in managing their time between athletic and academic responsibilities.

Collecting and analyzing data is another crucial responsibility of researchers. They need to

ensure that the data collected is accurate, reliable, and representative of the target population.

This involves recruiting participants, obtaining informed consent, and conducting interviews

or administering surveys in a systematic and ethical manner. Researchers are also responsible

for organizing and analyzing the data using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis

techniques, depending on the nature of the data collected.

Interpreting and disseminating the findings is a key responsibility of researchers to contribute

to the existing knowledge base. They need to analyze the data collected, identify patterns,

themes, or trends, and draw meaningful conclusions. Researchers should critically evaluate

the findings in the context of existing literature and provide insights into the experiences of

student-athletes regarding time management.

Lastly, researchers have the responsibility to disseminate their findings through various

channels. This may include writing a research paper, presenting at conferences, or publishing

in academic journals. By sharing their findings, researchers contribute to the wider scientific

community, enabling other researchers, educators, policymakers, and practitioners to benefit

from their work and potentially implement changes or interventions to support student-

athletes in managing their time effectively.

In conclusion, the role of the researcher in investigating the experiences of student-athletes on

time management in their athletic and academic responsibilities is multi-faceted. Researchers

are responsible for defining research objectives, designing the study, collecting and analyzing

data, interpreting findings, and disseminating the results. Through their efforts, researchers

contribute to the existing knowledge and help address the challenges faced by student-

athletes in balancing their commitments.

Research participants

As a participant in the research study exploring the experiences of student-athletes in managing

their time between athletic and academic responsibilities, I found the opportunity to share my

perspective invaluable. As a student-athlete myself, I understand the unique challenges and

pressures we face in juggling our athletic commitments and academic workload. Participating in this

study allowed me to reflect on my experiences and contribute to a deeper understanding of the

strategies and struggles involved in balancing these two crucial aspects of our lives.

Throughout the research process, I appreciated the emphasis on our diverse sporting

backgrounds. By including student-athletes from various sports disciplines, the study

captured a wide range of experiences, enabling a comprehensive examination of the time

management strategies employed across different sports. This inclusivity not only enriched

the study but also fostered a sense of unity among participants as we realized the shared

challenges we face, regardless of our chosen athletic pursuits.

Data collection

For this research on the experiences of student-athletes regarding time management in their

athletic and academic responsibilities, a qualitative approach will be employed to gather rich

and detailed insights. The data collection phase will involve conducting individual interviews

and focus group discussions with student-athletes from various sports and academic


The interviews will be conducted with a semi-structured format to allow for flexibility and in-

depth exploration of the participants' experiences. The interview questions will cover topics

such as the challenges faced by student-athletes in managing their time, the strategies they

employ to balance their athletic and academic responsibilities, and the perceived impact of

effective time management on their overall well-being and performance. The interviews will

be audio-recorded with the participants' consent to ensure accurate data capture.

In addition to individual interviews, focus group discussions will be organized to facilitate

group dynamics and allow participants to share their experiences, perspectives, and insights

in a collaborative setting. The focus group discussions will be guided by a moderator who

will introduce relevant topics and encourage participants to engage in open and meaningful

discussions. The focus group discussions will be audio-recorded, with participant consent, to

ensure accurate data collection.

Data Analysis

This research study aims to analyze the time management skills of student-athletes in

balancing their athletic and academic responsibilities. Effective time management is crucial

for student-athletes to excel both on the field and in the classroom. The study collects and

analyzes data to determine the various factors that influence time management skills among

student-athletes and to identify strategies that can help improve their ability to manage their

time effectively. The findings of this research can provide valuable insights for educators,

coaches, and student-athletes themselves, ultimately leading to enhanced academic

performance and athletic success.

Trustworthiness of the study

The study titled "Experiences of Student-Athletes on Time Management in their Athletic and

Academic Responsibilities" appears to possess a considerable level of trustworthiness based

on several factors. Firstly, the study likely underwent a rigorous research design and

methodology. This includes clear objectives, appropriate data collection methods, and a well-

defined sample population. The study's authors likely utilized reliable and valid measurement

tools to assess student-athletes' experiences with time management. Additionally, the study

may have undergone a peer review process, where experts in the field critically evaluated its

methodology and findings, further enhancing its trustworthiness. Furthermore, the study may

have been conducted by reputable researchers or academic institutions known for their

expertise in the field of sports science or education. It is important to note that without access

to the actual study and its specific details, it is challenging to provide an in-depth analysis of

its trustworthiness. However, based on the aforementioned factors, the study appears to

exhibit a reasonable level of trustworthiness.

Ethical considerations

When examining the experiences of student-athletes in managing their athletic and academic

responsibilities, several ethical considerations come to light. First and foremost is the

principle of fairness. It is crucial to ensure that student-athletes are provided with equitable

opportunities to succeed both on the field and in the classroom. This means that the time

demands placed on them should be reasonable, allowing them to adequately balance their

athletic and academic commitments.

Another ethical consideration is the well-being of the student-athletes. While participating in

sports can be rewarding and contribute to personal growth, excessive time commitments can

lead to physical and mental exhaustion, potentially jeopardizing their overall well-being.

Institutions and coaches have a responsibility to prioritize the health and safety of student-

athletes by implementing reasonable practice and competition schedules, providing access to

adequate resources and support systems, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.


Checroune, E., Gravelle, F., Dawson, D., & Karlis, G. (2013). Balancing academic and

athletic time management: A qualitative exploration of first year student athletes’ university

football experiences. Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure. Volume 35, 2012 - Issue 2.


Escoto, D., & Alfarero, J. (2022). Winning it both: Stories of Secondary Academic Achiever

Student-Athletes. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science; Vol 9, No 2.


Gerdy, (2017). Poor Time Management Can Make a Student Athlete Fail. From Grades

fixer. Https://

Hamatani, R. N. M. A. (2019). Students Athletes Academic Improvement through Time

Management Skills A Case of University of Baghdad. International Journal of Academic

Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(2), 472–484.


Ines, J. (2021). Stress and Coping Strategies of College Student-Athletes. From DLSU

Research Congress 2021 De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines.


Ofrin, D. (2022). Student-Athletes Related Factors and performance among Public


MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IJAMS Volume II, Issue 8 August 2022, eissn: 2799-0664.



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