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An Exploration of AGN and Stellar Feedback Effects in the Intergalactic Medium via the Low
Redshift Lyman-α Forest
Megan Taylor Tillman,1 Blakesley Burkhart,1, 2 Stephanie Tonnesen,2 Simeon Bird,3 Greg L. Bryan,2, 4
Daniel Anglés-Alcázar,5, 2 Sultan Hassan,6, 2, 7 Rachel S. Somerville,2 Romeel Davé,8, 9 Federico Marinacci,10
Lars Hernquist,11 and Mark Vogelsberger12
1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, 136 Frelinghuysen Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA
2 Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, 162 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA
arXiv:2307.06360v1 [astro-ph.GA] 12 Jul 2023

3 University of California, Riverside, 92507 CA, U.S.A.

4 Department of Astronomy, Columbia University, 550 W 120th Street, New York, NY 10027, USA
5 Department of Physics, University of Connecticut, 196 Auditorium Road, U-3046, Storrs, CT 06269-3046, USA
6 Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, Department of Physics, New York University, 726 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, USA
7 Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town 7535, South Africa
8 Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
9 University of the Western Cape, Bellville, Cape Town 7535, South Africa
10 Department of Physics and Astronomy ”Augusto Righi”, University of Bologna, Via P. Gobetti 93/2, I-40129 Bologna, Italy
11 Center for Astrophysics — Harvard & Smithsonian, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
12 Department of Physics, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

02139, USA

We explore the role of galactic feedback on the low redshift Lyman-α (Lyα) forest (z ≲ 2) statistics
and its potential to alter the thermal state of the intergalactic medium. Using the Cosmology and
Astrophysics with Machine Learning Simulations (CAMELS) suite, we explore variations of the AGN
and stellar feedback models in the IllustrisTNG and Simba sub-grid models. We find that both AGN
and stellar feedback in Simba play a role in setting the Lyα forest column density distribution function
(CDD) and the Doppler width (b-value) distribution. The Simba AGN jet feedback mode is able to
efficiently transport energy out to the diffuse IGM causing changes in the shape and normalization of the
CDD and a broadening of the b-value distribution. We find that stellar feedback plays a prominent role
in regulating supermassive black hole growth and feedback, highlighting the importance of constraining
stellar and AGN feedback simultaneously. In IllustrisTNG, the AGN feedback variations explored in
CAMELS do not affect the Lyα forest, but varying the stellar feedback model does produce subtle
changes. Our results imply that the low-z Lyα forest can be sensitive to changes in the ultraviolet
background (UVB), stellar and black hole feedback, and that AGN jet feedback in particular can have
a strong effect on the thermal state of the IGM.

Keywords: Cosmology; Extragalactic astronomy; Intergalactic gas; Lyman alpha forest; Active galactic
nuclei; Astrophysical black holes; Stellar feedback

1. INTRODUCTION processes reveals from the Lyα forest spectra the column
Over the past 50 years, the Lyα forest has been used density of the absorbing structure as well as its thermal
at high redshift (z > 2) to constrain the amplitude of properties and kinetics properties. The observed for-
cosmological fluctuations, the thermal properties of the est has been used to study small-scale cosmic structure
intergalactic medium (IGM), and the process of reion- (Croft et al. 1998; McDonald et al. 2005), the tempera-
ization (see McQuinn 2016, for a review). The major- ture of dark matter (Viel et al. 2009), gas temperature
ity of matter in the universe resides within the IGM, (Becker et al. 2011; Boera et al. 2014), the evolution of
the space between galaxies, making the absorption lines the metagalactic ionizing background (Fan et al. 2006;
that make up the forest a powerful tool for probing oth- Faucher-Giguère et al. 2009; Haardt & Madau 2012),
erwise unobservable gas. An understanding of radiative and the mapping of neutral hydrogen (Lee & White
2 Tillman et al.

2016; Ozbek et al. 2016). Additionally, simulations of allows for the exploration of the low-z Lyα forest in a
the forest have enabled constraints on baryons, dark way previously unattainable.
matter interactions, and photoionization heating and Since the D16 study, many theoretical efforts have
adiabatic cooling in the IGM (Cen et al. 1994; Zhang explored the low-z Lyα forest due to its relatively un-
et al. 1995; Miralda-Escudé et al. 1996; Hernquist et al. tapped potential. In particular, the role of feedback in
1996; Rauch et al. 1997). In more recent years, efforts the low redshift Lyα forest remains relatively unclear.
with the high-z Lyα forest data have led to further con- Kollmeier et al. (2014) reported a disconnect between
straints on ionizing background models (Gaikwad et al. the observed and simulated Lyα forest column density
2017a; Oñorbe et al. 2017; Chardin et al. 2017; D’Aloisio distribution function (CDD), which required either an
et al. 2017; Puchwein et al. 2019; Faucher-Giguère 2020), HI photoionizing rate a factor of 5 times higher than
properties of dark matter (Iršič et al. 2017; Rogers & UVB models predicted at the time or the existence of
Peiris 2021), the time frame and processes of the epoch nontraditional heating sources. It was later shown that
of HI and HeII reionization (Zhu et al. 2021; Villasenor a large increase in the UVB magnitude from Haardt
et al. 2022; Wang et al. 2022; Yang et al. 2023), and & Madau (2012) (the UVB model studied in Kollmeier
the 3D mapping of cosmic structures (Lee et al. 2018; et al. 2014) is possible (Khaire & Srianand 2015a; Puch-
Horowitz et al. 2022; Qezlou et al. 2022a; Newman et al. wein et al. 2019; Bolton et al. 2022). As for additional
2022). heating sources, several studies explore the potential im-
When utilizing the high redshift IGM to constrain pact of AGN feedback in heating the IGM, with some
cosmology, the role of astrophysical processes can im- finding that different AGN feedback models can have a
pact predictions on the linear matter power spectrum dramatic impact on the low-z Lyα forest statistics (Gur-
(Pritchard et al. 2007; Wyithe & Dijkstra 2011), and the vich et al. 2017; Nasir et al. 2017; Christiansen et al.
use of eBOSS data is sufficiently constraining to break 2020; Burkhart et al. 2022; Tillman et al. 2023; Khaire
most of these degeneracies (Bird et al. 2011). Addition- et al. 2023). Fortunately, modern day simulations have
ally, localized fluctuations of the ionizing background put a greater emphasis on incorporating feedback mech-
or inhomogeneous reionization can impact the observed anisms through sophisticated modeling based on obser-
Lyα forest flux power spectrum leading to bias in pre- vations (e.g., Vogelsberger et al. 2014a,b; Hopkins et al.
dictions of the matter power spectrum (McQuinn 2016). 2014, 2018; McAlpine et al. 2016; Weinberger et al. 2017;
These challenges require studies to be mindful of the Kaviraj et al. 2017; Davé et al. 2019; Bird et al. 2022,
impact that astrophysical processes, including feedback, and Vogelsberger et al. 2020 for a review) making the
can have on predictions that are based on the Lyα for- study of feedback effects on the low-z forest possible
est. However, radiation backgrounds are often approx- through simulated data.
imated as uniform for large cosmological simulations While the effects of some AGN feedback models on
so the effects of photoionization has largely been in- the statistics of the forest are degenerate with a re-
cluded via models for the ultraviolet background (UVB). scaling of the assumed UVB (e.g. see Burkhart et al.
These uniform ionizing background models include ion- 2022; Khaire et al. 2023), other AGN models had differ-
izing photons from galactic feedback by assuming some ent, idiosyncratic, effects, highlighting the importance
fraction of the photons come from feedback by AGN and of including feedback sub-grid models within cosmolog-
supernovae. ical simulations (Tillman et al. 2023). The unique ef-
Despite the robustness of high-z IGM studies, the low fects seen on the Lyα forest column density distribution
redshift (z < 2) IGM has received considerably less at- function (CDD) due to AGN jet feedback (Tillman et al.
tention, with one early exception being the work of Davé 2023) are primarily attributed to the far-reaching heat-
et al. (1999). At low-z the Lyα forest is observed in the ing effects that the jet feedback has on the large-scale
far-ultraviolet (FUV) band, requiring the use of space- environment (see Tonnesen et al. 2017, for discussion
based telescopes. Only a few instruments such as the of the dependence of the CDD on the large-scale en-
Hubble Space Telescope’s (HST) Cosmic Origins Spec- vironment). These results emphasize the need for an
trograph (COS) and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic improved knowledge of the physical conditions of the
Explorer (FUSE) satellite can observe in the UV band IGM and how they vary on large scales. This not only
and collect Lyα data (Danforth & Shull 2005). In par- includes a better understanding of UV ionizing photon
ticular, HST COS can observe Lyα from z ≈ 0 − 0.5 sources, but also any astrophysical effects such as feed-
and the Danforth et al. (2016; henceforth D16) catalog back that might affect the HI within the IGM via heating
has built on previous surveys to produce the largest col- or gas transport.
lection of low-z Lyα forest absorber data to date. This
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 3

The Lyα forest Doppler width, or b-value, distribution 2.1. The CAMELS Simulations
can provide information about the thermal and turbu- The CAMELS1 project consists of thousands of N-
lent state of absorbers. However, matching the sim- body and (magneto-)hydrodynamical simulations run
ulated b-value distribution with the observed distribu- with the AREPO, GIZMO, and GADGET codes
tion has proved more difficult than matching the CDD. (Villaescusa-Navarro et al. 2021). The CAMELS sim-
The simulations consistently under-predict the number ulations are run with the same sub-grid models as pre-
of high b absorbers as compared to observations. Sev- existing simulations while varying different cosmological
eral studies have posed the idea of introducing non- and astrophysical parameters. Currently the CAMELS
traditional heating sources, such as galactic feedback, project has made simulations run with the IllustrisTNG
or extra line of sight turbulent velocity components in (Weinberger et al. 2017; Pillepich et al. 2018), Simba
simulations to alleviate the tension (Viel et al. 2017; (Davé et al. 2019), and Astrid (Bird et al. 2022) sub-grid
Gaikwad et al. 2017b; Bolton et al. 2022; Burkhart et al. models publicly available (Villaescusa-Navarro et al.
2022). Bolton et al. (2022) and Viel et al. (2017) both 2023; Ni et al. 2023). However, in this work we will
discuss the difficulties of using AGN feedback as a so- focus on IllustrisTNG and Simba as the Astrid AGN
lution to correcting the b-value distribution. The AGN feedback closely resembles that of IllustrisTNG.
feedback models explored in these studies (which were For the IllustrisTNG and Simba suites, 6 parameters
heavily based on the Illustris and IllustrisTNG models) are varied for each sub-grid model. The 2 cosmological
failed to reproduce the observed b-value distribution, parameters explored are Ωm , the matter density, and
however, whether this statistic might be used to con- σ8 , the variance of the linear field on 8 Mpc/h scales at
strain other feedback models is unclear. It is likely that z = 0. The 4 astrophysical parameters explored vary the
the combination of unresolved turbulence and heating different feedback models with 2 parameters assigned to
from galactic feedback that does not over-ionize HI in stellar feedback and 2 for AGN feedback. The exact
the IGM is required to reproduce the observed b-value physical processes that the feedback parameters control
distribution. vary between the different simulation sub-grid models as
To further understand the role of AGN feedback in the the feedback models differ dramatically between them.
low-z Lyα CDD and b-value distributions, a systematic The extensive range of cosmological and astrophysical
exploration of multiple different AGN feedback models parameters explored makes the CAMELS simulations a
is required. The CAMELS simulations provide an excel- unique data set to constrain astrophysical and cosmo-
lent opportunity for this type of analysis (Villaescusa- logical models.
Navarro et al. 2021). By varying multiple parameters for Each CAMELS simulation has 2563 gas resolution ele-
both AGN and stellar feedback we can not only explore ments in a periodic comoving volume with a side length
the effects of AGN feedback models in different simula- of 25 Mpc/h. The mass resolution of the CAMELS
tions, but we can also explore the variation of feedback simulations is similar to the original IllustrisTNG300-
parameters within each model. 1 simulation. Each simulation also utilizes cosmologi-
In this study, we explore variations on the Simba and cal parameters Ωb = 0.049, h = 0.6711, ns = 0.9624,
IllutrisTNG stellar and AGN feedback models using the Mν = 0.0 eV, w = −1, and ΩK = 0. In this study we
CAMELS project simulations. We analyze both the do not explore simulations that vary Ωm and σ8 , and
Lyα forest CDD and b-value distributions within the therefore these values are set to the fiducial Ωm = 0.3
context of these simulations. In Section 2 we describe and σ8 = 0.8 in every case. For each suite (i.e. sub-
the CAMELS project and provide a brief description of grid model for IllustrisTNG or Simba) there are 3 main
the relevant numerical models of the simulation suites “sets” of simulations: the 1P set (61 simulations), the
we utilize in this study (Section 2.1). We also discuss CV set (27 simulations), and the LH set (1000 simula-
how we generate our synthetic spectra from the simu- tions). 1P stands for 1-Parameter and the simulations
lations (Section 2.2), how we calculate the Lyα forest in this set vary one parameter at a time. CV stands for
CDD and b-value distribution (Section 2.3), and the dif- Cosmic Variance and these simulations vary only the ini-
ferent supermassive black hole (SMBH) statistics that tial random seed. LH stands for Latin Hypercube and
we analyze (Section 2.4). In Section 3 we present our these simulations vary all 6 cosmological and astrophys-
results, followed by a discussion in Section 4. Finally ical parameters and the random seed simultaneously.
we conclude and discuss implications and future work The LH set is ideal for machine learning applications.
in Section 5.

4 Tillman et al.

AGN Feedback Parameters Stellar Feedback Parameters

Suite AAGN1 Definition AAGN2 Definition ASN1 Definition ASN2 Definition
Simba Momentum flux (Eq. 3) Jet speed (Eq. 4) Mass loading (Eq. 1) Wind speed (Eq. 2)
IllustrisTNG Energy per unit BHAR (Eq. 9) Burstiness (Eq. 8) Energy per unit SFR (Eq. 5) Wind speed (Eq. 6)
Set AAGN1 Value(s) AAGN2 Value(s) ASN1 Value(s) ASN2 Value(s)
1P (61)a [0.25 - 4] [0.5 - 2] [0.25 - 4] [0.5 - 2]
CV (27)b 1 1 1 1
Table 1. Summary of CAMELS Simulation Terminology.
1P Varies one parameter at a time. Variable parameters are Ωm , σ8 , ASN1 , ASN2 , AAGN1 , AAGN2 . Each suite has 61 1P
CV uses fiducial values for all parameters but varies the initial random seed. Each suite has 27 CV simulations.

A short summary of the suite and set terminology uti- Low Fiducial High
lized in this study as well as a brief description of each
feedback parameter is presented in Table 1.

Mean Temperature (K)

This study primarily focuses on the 1P set simula- 107
tions that vary the stellar and AGN feedback parame-
ters individually over the range shown in Table 1 while 5 Mpc/h
all other feedback parameters are held at their fiducial
value of 1. Additionally, we only explore the Simba and
IllustrisTNG suites as the Astrid feedback models (es- AAGN2
pecially the AGN feedback model) resemble those of Il-
lustrisTNG. The feedback parameters (labeled AAGN1 , 104
AAGN2 , ASN1 , and ASN2 ) correspond to different aspects 15

Column Density log(NHI/cm 2)

of the feedback models in IllustrisTNG vs. Simba as

the models are dramatically different. The parameters

AAGN1 and AAGN2 vary aspects of the AGN feedback
models while ASN1 and ASN2 vary aspects of the stel- 13
lar feedback models. Mathematical descriptions of the
feedback parameters are provided in the following sub- 12

sections along with an outline of the different feedback

models. 11
2.1.1. SIMBA 10
The CAMELS Simba suite follows the same sub-
grid model as the original Simba simulations and is Figure 1. Simba temperature and column density pro-
jections of a single absorber slice as defined in this study
fully described in Davé et al. (2019). Simba uti-
(525 kpc/h, see text in 2.3 and 3.1 for justification of this
lizes GIZMO (Hopkins 2015), an N-body hydrodynam- value). The top plots display the projected mean temper-
ics code, in its Meshless Finite Mass hydrodynamics ature weighted by mass. The bottom plots display the in-
mode. Radiative cooling and photoionizing heating tegrated HI column density of the slice. We show projec-
are modeled with Grackle3.0 (Smith et al. 2017) which tions for varying AGN momentum flux (AAGN1 ) and AGN
includes non-equilibrium evolution of primordial ele- jet speed (AAGN2 ). The left plots are the lowest value for the
ments, a partially-uniform ionizing background (Haardt parameter, the right plots are for the highest value, and the
& Madau 2012), hydrogen self-shielding (Rahmati et al. middle plots are the fiducial results. The projections help
visualize the effect of varying the AGN feedback parameters.
2013), and metal cooling.
Simba tracks chemical enrichment by Type II super-
novae (SNe), Type Ia SNe, and AGB stars where eleven The stellar feedback drives galactic winds kinetically
individual elements are tracked (H, He, C, N, O, Ne, with hydrodynamically-decoupled two-phase metal-
Mg, Si, S, Ca, and Fe). Dust formation in stellar ejecta, enriched winds. 30% of those wind particles are heated
growth by accretion of metals, and destruction by ther- based on the SNe energy and wind kinetic energy. The
mal sputtering and SNe are also tracked (Li et al. 2019). gas elements are ejected stochastically depending on the
mass loading factor η∗ ≡ Ṁwind /SFR (Star Formation
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 5

Low Fiducial High ASN1 ∈ [0.25, 4] and ASN2 ∈ [0.5, 2], and have a fiducial
value of 1 to match the original Simba simulations.

Mean Temperature (K)



106 In the Simba suite, the black hole module is based

on the gravitational torque and Bondi accretion mod-
els combined with the kinetic feedback sub-grid model

in GIZMO (Anglés-Alcázar et al. 2017a). SMBHs are

seeded with mass Mseed = 104 M⊙ h−1 in galaxies with
104 M∗ ≥ 109.5 M⊙ . SMBHs are re-positioned to the poten-
tial minimum of their host group if it is within 4 × R0 .

Column Density log(NHI/cm 2)

R0 is the size of the BH kernel which encloses the nearest

256 gas elements and any BHs within R0 of each other

are merged so long as their relative velocity is less than
3 times the mutual escape velocity.
SMBH growth occurs via a two-phase model with cold
gas accreted at a rate controlled through the transport of

angular momentum by gravitational torques from stars

(Hopkins & Quataert 2011; Anglés-Alcázar et al. 2017a),
and hot gas is accreted via spherical Bondi accretion
(Bondi 1952). For both modes, a radiative efficiency
Figure 2. Same as Figure 1 except for variations of the SN of 0.1 is assumed for accretion. The cold-gas torque-
mass loading factor (ASN1 ), and SN wind speed (ASN2 ). based accretion is capped at three times the Eddington
limit and the hot gas Bondi accretion mode has a strict
Rate) and the wind velocity vw . For SIMBA, ASN1 con- maximum of the Eddington limit.
trols the normalization of η∗ such that increases in ASN1 AGN feedback follows a two-mode model: a high
results in a proportional increase in the mass ejected per Eddington ratio (η ≡ ṀBH /ṀEdd where ṀEdd =
SFR: LEdd /ϵr c2 ) radiative mode with high mass loading out-
flows, and a jet mode with faster outflows but lower
   mass-loading at low Eddington ratios. For all AGN
9 M∗

, if M∗ < M0 feedback, gas is ejected in a bipolar fashion parallel and
η∗ (M∗ ) = ASN1 ×  −0.761 (1) anti-parallel to the angular momentum vector of the gas
9 M
 ∗
M0 , if M ∗ > M0 within the SMBH kernel. The total momentum flux of
AGN feedback follows:
where M0 = 5.2 × 109 M⊙ . Both the mass loading factor
and the SNe wind speed prescriptions are based on the
FIRE zoom-in simulations (Hopkins et al. 2014; Mura- Ṗout ≡ Ṁout vout = AAGN1 × 20Lbol /c (3)
tov et al. 2015; Anglés-Alcázar et al. 2017b).
The SN wind speed at which mass is ejected is pro-
where Lbol = ϵr ṀBH c2 is the bolometic luminosity, ϵr =
portional to ASN2 plus some velocity corresponding to
0.1 is the radiative efficiency, and c is the speed of light.
the potential difference between position of the SN and
In the radiative feedback mode, the outflow velocity
0.25 times the virial radius (Rvir ). This leaves ASN2
scales with MBH like vrad = 500 + 500(log10 (MBH ) −
to control the normalization of the SN wind speed as
6)/3 km s−1 . When the SMBH has a mass MBH <
107.5 M⊙ or a high Eddington ratio of η > 0.2 it produces
feedback in the radiative mode. Otherwise, the feedback
vcirc is produced following the jet mode prescription.
vw = ASN2 × 1.6 vcirc + ∆v(0.25Rvir ).
200km/s The jet mode feedback gains an additional velocity
(2) kick of vjet = 7000 × min[1, log10 (0.2/η)] km s−1 such
In summary, the parameter ASN1 changes the mass that full jet speeds are reached when η < 0.02. Based on
loading factor of SN while ASN2 varies the SN wind both the radiative and jet feedback mode prescriptions,
speed. These parameters are varied within a range of the outflow of any SMBH producing feedback follows:
6 Tillman et al.

2.1.2. IllustrisTNG
  The IllustrisTNG (TNG) suite consists of magneto-
 M > 107.5 M⊙ hydrodynamic cosmological simulations that utilize the

vrad + AAGN2 × vjet BH

same sub-grid models as the original TNG simulation
vout = η < 0.2
set (Pillepich et al. 2018). The simulations are run

rad otherwise. utilizing the AREPO code (Springel 2010; Weinberger
(4) et al. 2020) and gravitational interactions evolve through
In this formulation AAGN2 controls the maximum jet the TreePM algorithm (Springel et al. 2005). Radiative
velocity achieved in the jet feedback mode. At the max- cooling from hydrogen and helium is implemented us-
imum jet speed and when Mgas /M∗ < 0.2 in the galaxy, ing the Katz et al. (1996) network and includes cool-
SMBHs will also inject energy into the gas immediately ing via line free-free emission, inverse Compton, and
surrounding it in the form of X-rays. The particles line cooling. Metals and metal-line cooling are included
ejected in the jet mode are hydrodynamically de-coupled as described in (Vogelsberger et al. 2012, 2013). TNG
from the rest of the gas in the box for a time that scales assumes ionization equilibrium with a Faucher-Giguère
with the Hubble time at the moment of ejection. This et al. (2009) UV background and accounts for on-the-fly
results in the jets traveling a distance of up to ∼ 10 kpc hydrogen column density shielding from the radiation
and losing a maximum of 1000 km/s in speed due to background (Rahmati et al. 2013). The star formation
gravitational effects before re-coupling to the surround- and interstellar medium sub-grid model is from Springel
ings. The jet particles are heated to the virial tempera- & Hernquist (2003).
ture of the host halo (so long as vjet > 2000 km/s which
is almost always the case for jet mode AGN at z < 2.0)
and are ejected in a bipolar fashion parallel to the an- TNG models stellar feedback from SNe and tracks
gular momentum vector of the disk with a zero degree chemical enrichment from 9 elements (H, He, C, N, O,
opening angle. Ne, Mg, Si, Fe). Enrichment is modeled from Type
The total momentum flux formulation in Equation 3, Ia SNe, Type II SNe, the Asymptotic Giant Branch,
where Ṗout is a set value which can be varied by AAGN1 , and neutron star-neutron star mergers. In TNG, stel-
applies to both the radiative and jet modes in Simba. lar feedback from SNe drives kinetically implemented
However, the way it scales with the outflow velocity (with a thermal energy sub-component) galactic winds
(vout ) means that significantly less mass is ejected via that are modeled as temporarily hydrodynamically de-
AGN feedback in the jet mode than the radiative mode. coupled particles. These winds are stochastically and
Changing AAGN1 will change the amount of ejected mass isotropically ejected from star-forming gas. The total
in both modes but will have a greater impact on the energy injected per unit star-formation rate and stel-
radiative mode. Changing AAGN2 will also change the lar feedback driven galactic outflow speed are modified
amount of mass ejected but only for the jet mode. For by the parameters ASN1 and ASN2 , respectively, via the
example, increasing only AAGN2 will cause less mass formulations below. The energy per unit SFR is:
to be ejected at higher velocities in the jet mode since
the momentum flux is set, but it would not affect the 
1 − fw,Z

amount of mass ejected in the radiative mode. ew =ASN1 × ēw fw,Z +
1 + (Z/Zw,ref )γw,Z (5)
In summary, in the Simba suite AAGN1 controls the
× NSNII ESNII,51 1051 erg M−1
⊙ ,
momentum flux and AAGN2 controls the additional jet
velocity kick. With how vrad is calculated, it is not af- where Z is the gas metallicity. The wind speed of galac-
fected by AAGN1 but the amount of mass ejected (Ṁout ) tic outflows is:
is. Conversely, the jet speed (vjet ) is directly propor-
tional to AAGN2 allowing the maximum jet boost to " #
reach up to 14,000 km s−1 in the most extreme case

vw = ASN2 × max κw σDM , vw,min , (6)
(AAGN2 =2). The AGN feedback parameters are varied H(z)
with the ranges AAGN1 ∈ [0.25, 4] and AAGN2 ∈ [0.5, 2.0],
with fiducial values of 1. where σDM is the local dark matter velocity dispersion
For additional information, see the CAMELS doc- and H is the Hubble constant. Additional parameters
umentation (Villaescusa-Navarro et al. 2021) and the (ēw , fw,Z , Zw,ref , γw,Z , NSNII , ESNII,51 , κw , and vw,min )
original Simba documentation (Davé et al. 2019) and are constants with values and descriptions in Table 1 of
references therein. Pillepich et al. (2018). The wind mass loading factor
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 7

Low Fiducial High Low Fiducial High


Mean Temperature (K)



5 Mpc/h


Figure 3. The same temperature projections as seen in Figures 1 and 2 but for the CAMELS IllustrisTNG 1P simulation set
feedback parameters. AGN feedback variations are on the left and stellar feedback variations are on the right. The parameters
varied are AGN energy per SMBH accretion rate (AAGN1 ), AGN Burstiness (AAGN2 ), SN energy per SFR (ASN1 ), and SN wind
speed (ASN2 ). Column density projections show minimal to no changes and are thus not included. Changes in the temperature
projection due to feedback remain close to or confined to the host halos.
−2 −1/3
is then ηw ≡ Ṁwind /SFR = 1.8vw ew ∝ ASN1 /A2SN2 . lution ∝ mbaryon . The size of the sphere is roughly
This results in both ASN1 and ASN2 playing a role in constant within a simulation but varies slightly with the
calculating the mass loading factor for SNe feedback. particles neighboring the SMBH (Weinberger et al. 2017;
In summary, the energy injection is proportional to Pillepich et al. 2018). Unlike the stellar feedback, there
ASN1 with a fiducial value of 1 and the range of variation is no de-coupling of the cells within the feedback sphere
ASN1 ∈ [0.25, 4]. The SN wind speed is proportional to from hydrodynamical forces or radiative cooling. The
ASN2 with a fiducial value of 1 and a range of variation transition from thermal to kinetic feedback mode hap-
of ASN2 ∈ [0.5, 2]. The fiducial values correspond to the pens at Eddington ratios (η) lower than some threshold
original TNG runs. value (χ) with


"  2 #
In the TNG suite, SMBH particles are seeded in halos ṀBH MBH
η≡ ≤ χ, χ = min 0.002 , 0.1 .
with mass Mhalo > 5 × 1010 M⊙ h−1 with mass Mseed = ṀEdd 108 M⊙
8 × 105 M⊙ h−1 . BH accretion in TNG uses the Bondi (7)
(1952) accretion prescription capped at the Eddington Due to this definition, the transition from high-accretion
limit. A radiative efficiency of 0.2 is assumed for all BH thermal feedback mode to low-accretion kinetic feedback
growth. mode occurs at MBH ∼ 108 M⊙ . In CAMELS, the high-
The SMBH feedback in TNG includes three modes: accretion rate thermal mode is set as an injection of ther-
thermal, kinetic, and radiative. The radiative feed- mal energy into the defined sphere around the SMBH.
back mode is always on, adding the radiation flux of The efficiency fraction of the mass-to-energy conversion
the SMBH to the cosmic ionizing background heat- for energy injection is Ėhigh = 0.02×ṀBH c2 where ṀBH
ing the gas in and around the host halo. In addition is the instantaneous SMBH accretion rate and c is the
to the radiative mode, either the kinetic or thermal speed of light.
mode is active. Which mode the SMBH produces feed- The CAMELS simulations explores variations of the
back in depends on the Eddington ratio. The efficiency low-accretion rate kinetic mode. For the kinetic mode,
fraction (fraction of accreted mass converted into en- energy is accumulated until a certain threshold is
ergy) for the thermal mode is a constant 0.02. The reached (since the last event) after which the energy is
efficiency fraction in the kinetic mode is calculated as injected into the feedback sphere in a random direction
min[0.2, ρ/(0.05ρSFthresh ]), where ρ is the density of the (averaging over multiple events the injections become
gas around the SMBH and ρSFthresh is the star formation isotropic). The energy threshold at which injection oc-
threshold density. curs is:
In both the kinetic and thermal feedback modes, en-
ergy is injected in the ‘feedback sphere’ of the SMBH.
The feedback sphere has a size that scales with reso- Einj,min = AAGN2 × 10σDM menc (8)
8 Tillman et al.
where σDM is a one-dimensional dark matter velocity CAMELS-TNG simulations a tophat (or uniform) kernel
dispersion around the SMBH and menc is the gas mass is used while for CAMELS-Simba a cubic spline kernel
in the feedback sphere. The amount of energy produced is used. The CDs have units of neutral hydrogen atoms
per accretion event is proportional to both AAGN1 and (HI) per cm−2 .
the gas density around the SMBH (ρ) with: We generate 5,000 sightlines randomly placed in each
simulation box; a number found to be sufficient for

 avoiding variations due to sampling (Tillman et al.
Ėlow = AAGN1 × min , 0.2 ṀBH c2 (9) 2023). We do not add noise to the spectra generated
from the simulation box. Adding noise to the spectra
where ρSFthresh is the density threshold for star- will not affect the results of this study as it would largely
formation. alter the lowest CD values, where observational errors
Given these relationships, when AAGN1 is doubled so are large, and the b-values predicted, which we do not
is the efficiency at which mass is converted into en- compare to observations herein. In this study, we focus
ergy per accretion event. When AAGN2 is doubled so is primarily on CDs of 1012 < NHI < 1015 cm−2 . Below
the energy threshold in which injection happens, there- 1012 cm−2 the lines are too faint to detect and charac-
fore larger values for AAGN2 results in less frequent but terize at current observational sensitivities, while above
stronger AGN feedback events. In this sense, for the 1015 cm−2 lines are saturated and it becomes difficult to
TNG SMBH feedback model in CAMELS, AAGN1 con- accurately determine CDs from flux. Additionally, ab-
trols the amount of energy produced per SMBH ac- sorbers at the highest CDs are rarer, which makes them
cretion event while AAGN2 controls the burstiness and difficult to study both observationally, and in the small-
strength of the SMBH feedback. box (25 Mpc h−1 )3 CAMELS simulations. Tillman et al.
The parameters controlling AGN feedback in the (2023) found that at least for TNG, the CAMELS boxes
CAMELS TNG suite are intertwined such that increas- produce a converged CDD as compared to the original
ing AAGN1 alone does not increase the strength of any TNG100-1 simulation, within observational error bars.
individual AGN feedback injection but only increases
the frequency at which these events occurs. If AAGN2 is 2.3. Lyα Statistics
also increased, the feedback events grow stronger but at The CCD (f (NHI )) is defined as
the expense of the frequency at which the events occur.
The range explored for these parameters are AAGN1 ∈
[0.25, 4] and AAGN2 ∈ [0.5, 2.0] with a fiducial value of d2 N F (NHI )
f (NHI ) = = (10)
1 corresponding to the original TNG runs. d log(NHI )dz ∆ log NHI ∆z
For additional information, see the CAMELS doc-
umentation (Villaescusa-Navarro et al. 2021) and the where F (NHI ) is the fraction of absorbers with column
original TNG documentation (Pillepich et al. 2018) and densities in the range [NHI , NHI + ∆NHI ], and ∆z is the
references therein. redshift distance of the sightline. The CDD describes
the number of absorbers within a logarithmic column
2.2. Synthetic Spectra density bin width and redshift distance.
We generate synthetic spectra from the CAMELS sim- To calculate the CDD we utilize a direct integration
ulations using the publicly available fake-spectra 2 code method as described in Tillman et al. (2023). The parti-
outlined in Bird et al. (2015); Bird (2017) with MPI cles in 525 kpc/h slices are amalgamated into absorbers
support from Qezlou et al. (2022b). From simulation that are then used to calculate column densities for the
snapshots the code generates and analyzes mock spec- CDD. As discussed in Tillman et al. (2023) this method
tra. The fake-spectra package is fast, parallel, and is and the defined size of the absorbers results in a well
written in C++ and Python 3 with the user interface converged CDD. Variations in the chosen absorber size
being Python-based. results in a less than 10% effect on the CDD at CD
Column densities (CDs, NHI ) are computed by inter- values lower than 1012.5 cm−2 , and a less than 1% ef-
polating the neutral hydrogen mass in each gas element fect at higher CD values. It has been previously found
to the sightline using an SPH (smoothed particle hydro- that the direct integration method as compared to Voigt
dynamics) kernel. The method used is based on what profile fitting provides a CDD that is converged within
is appropriate for the corresponding simulation; for the 1 sigma with respect to observational errors (Gurvich
et al. 2017). At the lowest column densities (∼ 1012
cm−2 ) the CDD produced via Voigt profile fitting di-
2 spectra verges from the direct integration significantly likely due
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 9

to the difficulty in fitting those absorbers with an auto- sorber along the line of sight) but is also affected by ther-
mated procedure. However, the divergence is still within mal broadening and pressure support along the Jean’s
1 sigma of the observational error bars where observa- length, but the narrowest absorption features are domi-
tional data exists and does not influence the main results nated by thermal broadening (Bryan & Machacek 2000;
of this paper. Peeples et al. 2010a). At lower redshifts, such as those
To calculate the b-value (Doppler width) distribution, explore in this work, the Hubble flow becomes less im-
Voigt profile fitting is necessary. To conduct our fits we portant in absorber broadening.
utilize the Voigt fitting algorithm included in the fake- The formulation above also puts a lower limit on b-
spectra package3 . The algorithm is closely based on that values we examine in this work. Assuming an absorber
of AUTOVP (Davé et al. 1997). Peaks are found, fit, and is non-turbulent and recognizing that the cooling floor
iteratively removed after which the peaks are refit to the of the simulations is Tmin = 104 K, we should assume a
spectrum all together. The algorithm starts with the minimum b-value of bmin ≈ 13 km s−1 . We limit the up-
largest peaks and continues until adding another peak per bounds of our b-value analysis to 100 km s−1 as this
to the fit no longer improves the fit by some chosen sig- is where observational data is available. However, this
nificance value. Another stopping condition is when the bound does not affect the results of our study because
largest peak remaining is less than 10−4 ×max[1, max(τ )] there are so few absorbers at such high values.
where τ is optical depth. These conditions are in place We do not compare to observational values or the orig-
since, as the fit continues, smaller and smaller peaks are inal simulations since the b-value distribution is more
more likely to become fitting errors rather than an ac- sensitive to mass resolution than the CDD (see Ap-
tual absorber. It is due to this that automatic Voigt pendix in Burkhart et al. 2022). Lower numerical res-
profile fitting is so difficult, and this is why the lower olution causes a nonphysical broadening of the b-value
end of the CDD diverges when using the Voigt fitting distribution shifting to higher b-values, making the com-
method. parison to observations challenging (artificial broaden-
The original Voigt profile fitting algorithm in the fake- ing due to numerical resolution limits as seen in Peeples
spectra package minimizes the squared difference be- et al. 2010a). Due to this, the b-value distributions gen-
tween the fit and the original spectrum using the Nelder- erated from the CAMELS simulations are most robustly
Mead algorithm. For our work we use a modified ver- interpreted when comparing between simulations using
sion of the Voigt profile fitter that minimizes the earth the same numerical resolution, as done in this paper.
mover’s distance using a simple bounds limited-memory For both the CDD and the b-value distributions, we
Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm. We will explore how these statistics vary for the various feed-
found that this method had an easier time fitting smaller back parameters explored in CAMELS. To help visual-
peaks in the spectra and ran into fewer errors during ize the effects on the various statistics we also generate
computation, but this choice did not change the overall projection plots for the various CAMELS simulations of
results of our study. both absorber CDs and average temperatures. The CD
The b-value is affected by both the temperature and projections help interpret the CDD while the tempera-
turbulence of an absorber. This manifests mathemati- ture projections can help interpret both the CDD and
cally as: the b-value distribution. These projections can be seen
in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
1 2kT
b= + σv2 (11)
λ0 mH
2.4. Black Hole Statistics
where λ0 is the wavelength of the Lyα transition, mH
is the mass of a hydrogen atom, k is the Boltzman con- We also analyze certain BH statistics to determine the
stant, T is the temperature, and σv is the root mean- extent to which stellar feedback can suppress SMBH
square turbulent velocities of the absorber. The b-value growth and thus AGN feedback, and to see how effi-
can also have components from peculiar and Hubble ve- cient AGN feedback is at self-suppressing SMBH growth.
locities. At least at high redshift (z ∼ 2 to 4) the b- We analyze the accretion rate density for SMBHs in the
value of absorbers tends to be dominated by the Hub- CAMELS simulations which is the total accretion rate
ble flow (corresponding to the physical width of the ab- from all SMBHs in the box divided by the box volume
(ρ̇BH = i ṀBH,i /25 Mpc3 for all SMBHs i). The en-
ergy emitted in feedback scales with accretion rate, thus
3 spectra/blob/master/ ρ̇BH gives a sense of the total energy in the box due to
fake spectra/ SMBH feedback.
10 Tillman et al.

For CAMELS-TNG, the thermal AGN mode produces kpc/h slice of the simulations corresponding with the
feedback as thermal energy injected into the area imme- typical size of an absorber found in the Lyα forest as
diately surrounding the BH whereas the kinetic mode defined in this study. For most definitions, used in pre-
drives matter and energy out to larger distances. Con- vious works, the absorber length is found to be less than
sidering this, we expect the kinetic mode to be more 500 kpc/h (Tonnesen et al. 2017) but for temperatures
likely to affect the Lyα forest as opposed to the ther- as low as 104 K an absorber length of 800 kpc/h could be
mal mode in TNG. However previous work has shown, expected (Peeples et al. 2010b). However, for the analy-
by completely removing the kinetic feedback, that this sis methods used herein, it was found that variations of
feedback mode does not affect the CDD in any meaning- the absorber length within these ranges had less than a
ful way (Tillman et al. 2023). In this work, we instead 10% impact on the resulting CDD (Tillman et al. 2023).
find the radiative AGN feedback mode to be the most The projection plots are good visual indicators of the
impactful on the forest statistics in TNG. The contri- overall effect of varying the stellar and AGN feedback
bution from the radiative mode scales with the amount parameters in CAMELS.
of matter being accreted, therefore, for TNG, the con- Figures 1 and 2 show mass-weighted mean tempera-
tribution to the UVB from AGN feedback scales with ture projections and column density projections for the
ρ̇BH . Simba suite when varying the feedback parameters. Fig-
For Simba, the jet mode feedback velocity boost de- ure 1 shows projections for variations in the AGN feed-
pends on η such that a lower η produces faster jet speeds back parameters (AAGN1 and AAGN2 respectively), and
up to a maximum jet speed boost of AAGN2 ×7000 km Figure 2 shows variations in the stellar feedback param-
s−1 for η ≤ 0.02. As seen in Christiansen et al. (2020); eters (ASN1 and ASN2 respectively). For both figures,
Tillman et al. (2023), the jet mode in Simba can have the top two rows display temperature projections and
a dramatic effect on various IGM statistics particularly the bottom two rows are column density projections.
due to the ability for jets to reach far into the IGM. An- The left column is for the lowest value of the parameter
alyzing the AGN jet mode through the SMBH accretion explored, the middle column indicates fiducial results,
rate will aid in interpreting the effects of varying the and the right column displays the highest value, as in-
feedback parameters. Lower values for ṀBH in the jet dicated at the top of each figure.
mode correspond to higher jet speeds but less energetic Varying AGN momentum flux (AAGN1 ) and AGN jet
events overall. speed (AAGN2 ) have clear consequences for both the
For both TNG and Simba, we supplement the accre- temperature in the box and the amount of neutral hy-
tion rate statistics with the number of SMBHs in the dif- drogen in the IGM. With increases in either AGN pa-
ferent feedback modes. We will analyze these BH statis- rameter value, we see higher temperatures and less neu-
tics for variations of the CAMELS-TNG and CAMELS- tral hydrogen populating the IGM. However, much of
Simba feedback parameters ASN1 , ASN2 , AAGN1 , and the change in HI abundances is seen in CDs outside
AAGN2 . of the range of interest for the Lyα forest. Changes
in AAGN2 demonstrate these effects more dramatically
3. RESULTS than does AAGN1 .
In this study we explore statistics from the Lyα for- Varying the SN mass loading factor (ASN1 ) and the
est and from the SMBHs themselves to determine what SN wind speed (ASN2 ) in Simba also has a clear im-
influences the feedback has on the neutral hydrogen in pact on both the temperature and amount of neutral
the IGM and why those effects manifest. We analyze hydrogen in the box. For increases in the SN mass load-
the mass-weighted mean temperature and CD projec- ing factor we see increases in temperature and decreases
tions in Section 3.1. We also explore the CDD and b- in the amount of neutral hydrogen. The extent of this
value posterior distribution function in Sections 3.2 and effect appears similar to that of the AGN feedback pa-
3.3 respectively. Finally, we look at SMBH statistics re- rameters. However, increasing the SN wind speed has
garding the Eddington ratio, accretion rate, number of the opposite effect, with higher wind speed decreasing
SMBHs in the simulation, and the number of SMBHs the temperature and increasing the fraction of neutral
accreting in each feedback mode in Section 3.4. hydrogen.
The SN wind speed has the most dramatic effect on
3.1. Temperature and Column Density Projections the IGM out of the four feedback parameters explored
in CAMELS-Simba. Stellar feedback as implemented in
The projection plots in Figures 1, 2 and 3 clearly
these simulations does not, by itself, cause IGM scale ef-
show how varying the different feedback modes in TNG
fects. If heating from SN directly influenced the forest,
and Simba affects the IGM. The projections show a 525
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 11

then increases in SN wind speed should see a decrease However, increases in AAGN1 , relative to the fiducial
in Lyα absorbers, however the opposite is true. As we value, show no observable effect on the CDD (with re-
will explore in more detail in this section and the discus- spect to the observational error bars) while increases in
sion (Section 4), the stellar feedback’s effect on the IGM AAGN2 result in less neutral hydrogen overall. Increases
comes indirectly through its impact on SMBH growth in the AAGN1 parameter affect the temperature and HI
and AGN feedback. fraction of gas not associated with the Lyα forest since
The complex interaction between stellar feedback and differences are clearly visible in the projection plots but
SMBH growth in simulations has been explored in not in the CDDs. The gas affected is too hot and at too
many studies (Booth & Schaye 2013; Dubois et al. low column densities to be associated with the forest.
2015; Habouzit et al. 2017; Anglés-Alcázar et al. 2017; The right four plots of Figure 4 show the same results
van Daalen et al. 2019; Lapiner et al. 2021; Tillman et al. for the stellar feedback parameters. For the Simba suite,
2022; Byrne et al. 2023; Delgado et al. 2023). Star for- decreasing ASN1 shows an increase in neutral hydrogen
mation is able to regulate the growth of galaxies and absorbers as implied by the results in Figure 2. However,
their central SMBHs, and stronger stellar feedback can increasing ASN2 shows an increase in HI absorbers. For
both reduce the need for AGN feedback to regulate star the remainder of the parameters (ASN2 for Simba, and
formation as well as suppress SMBH growth. Weaker ASN1 and ASN2 for TNG) larger values result in more
AGN feedback will then diminish the overall impact on absorption while smaller values result in less. The effect
the IGM. We explore SMBH statistics for variations in is the most dramatic for the SN wind speed in Simba and
the feedback parameters to help illustrate this interplay minimal for the stellar feedback parameters in TNG.
between AGN and stellar feedback. However, both of these results imply the suppression
For the TNG suite we only display temperature pro- of SMBH growth by stellar feedback. We discuss the
jections because the column density projections exhibit relationship between stellar and AGN feedback further
no visible changes when varying feedback parameter in Section 3.4.
values. Figure 3 resembles closely that of Figures 1 Figure 5 shows the redshift evolution of the TNG and
and 2, but shows only the temperature projections for Simba suites from z = 2.0 to z = 0. In these plots, the
CAMELS-TNG. AGN feedback parameter variations TNG CDD is corrected to utilize the Haardt & Madau
are on the left and stellar feedback variations are on (2012) UV ionizing background to match the one used
the right. The temperature of the IGM in TNG is over- in Simba. Removing the difference in the assumed UVB
all much lower than that in Simba. Increases in the model allows for easier comparison of AGN and stel-
AGN feedback parameters show minimal increases in lar feedback effects between the two simulations. In
temperature and those changes appear largely confined TNG, the AGN radiative feedback mode adds to the
to host halos and the surrounding area. Decreases in assumed ionizing background which effectively results
the stellar feedback parameters show more substantial in a slightly stronger UVB than the assumed Faucher-
temperature changes but the effects still reside within Giguère et al. (2009) UVB. Since in Figure 5 we only
∼1-2 Mpc of host halos. Similar to the Simba suite, the account for the difference between the Haardt & Madau
stellar feedback parameter variations in TNG also high- (2012) and Faucher-Giguère et al. (2009) UVB models,
light the importance of AGN-stellar feedback interplay. the magnitude of the difference made by the radiative
However, the impacts are not as pronounced as they are feedback mode in TNG is well visualized at z = 2.0. If
for the Simba suite as the TNG AGN feedback model we instead rescale both of the simulations at z = 2.0 to
has minimal effect on the IGM. have the same Lyα mean flux, the predicted CDDs of
TNG and Simba lie on top of one another. At z = 2 the
3.2. Column Density Distribution Functions shape of the CDD is nearly identical between the two
simulations, after which they diverge around z ∼ 0.5.
Next, we examine the CDD to quantify the impacts
of the parameter variations seen in the previous section.
The two leftmost plots of Figure 4 show the CDD for
different values of AAGN1 and AAGN2 . Only the Simba 3.3. The Doppler Width (b-value)
suite is displayed in these plots as the TNG results for Similar to the CDD analysis, we explore the b-value
AGN feedback showed no discernible differences, as ev- distributions for variations in the CAMELS feedback
ident in the projection plots. parameters for both the TNG and Simba suites. Fig-
For Simba, as implied in the projection plots, de- ure 6 shows how the b-value probability density func-
creases in the AGN feedback parameters show increases tion (PDF) varies with the feedback parameters. Over-
in the amount of neutral hydrogen in the Lyα forest. all Simba has a broader distribution of b-values due to
12 Tillman et al.

AGN Feedback Stellar Feedback

4.00 4.00
103 Simba 103 Simba IllustrisTNG
z = 0.1 3.00 3.00

102 2.00 102 2.00
d 2N

d 2N
1.00 1.00

101 101
0.75 0.75
1.5 3
0.50 1.5 2 0.50
1.0 1.0
0.5 1
0.25 0.5 0.25
2.00 2.00
103 Simba 103 Simba IllustrisTNG
1.50 1.50

102 102
d 2N

d 2N

1.00 1.00

101 101
0.75 0.75
2 3 12 13 14 15 32 12 13 14 15
1 2
1 1
12 13 14 15 0.50 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 0.50
logNHI/cm 2 log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2)
Figure 4. The Simba and TNG CDDs at z = 0.1 for the CAMELS 1P set varying the AGN feedback parameters (left two
plots) and stellar feedback parameters (right four plots). The blue scatter points are observational data from D16. The blue
lines represent a decrease in the parameter value (labeled in corresponding color-bars) while the red lines represent an increase.
The dashed black lines are the fiducial results. The panel below each plot displays the ratio, ∆, of the parameter variation
result to the observed D16 data. The gray shaded region corresponds to the observational error bars. The TNG results when
varying the AGN feedback parameters are not shown as no changes in the CDD are seen.

z = 2.0 z = 0.7 z = 0.4 z = 0.2 z = 0.1 z = 0.0


d 2N

IllustrisTNG (w/ HM12)
100 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15
log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2)

Figure 5. The redshift evolution of the SIMBA (black solid line) and TNG (red dashed lines) simulation column density
distributions. The TNG CDD has been adjusted so as to use the same Haardt & Madau (2012) UVB model as used in Simba.
This has been done to more accurately determine what differences are caused by either feedback or large-scale environment as
opposed to the ionizing background.

having a hotter IGM than TNG. However, the peak of increased b-values, seen in Figure 6, are expected. As
the distribution is around 20 km/s for both simulations. with the CDD results, we do not include the b-value
The left two plots of Figure 6 show the effects of AGN distributions for variation in the TNG AGN feedback
feedback in Simba on the b-value distribution. Higher b- parameters as no discernible difference is seen.
values are observed for stronger AGN feedback, with the The right four plots of Figure 6 show variations in the
AGN jet speed (AAGN2 ) demonstrating a stronger effect stellar feedback parameters for both Simba and TNG.
than the mass loading factor (AAGN1 ). Increases in the For Simba, decreases in the stellar feedback parameters
AGN feedback parameters, in Simba, show an overall show a shift to higher b-values with the SN wind speed
increase in the IGM temperature (seen in Figure 1) so (ASN2 ) having a more dramatic effect than the SN mass
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 13

loading factor (ASN1 ). For TNG, variations in the stel- The top row of Figure 7 shows the accretion rate den-
lar feedback parameters have only a small effect with sity ρ̇BH for the Simba AGN jet feedback mode. Note
marginal shifts to higher b-values for lower SN energy that all of these SMBHs have masses MBH > 107.5 M⊙
per unit SFR (ASN1 ) and higher SN wind speed (ASN2 ) and Eddington ratios η ≤ 0.2 in order to be in the jet
but these differences are subtle and would not be mea- mode. The second row shows the number of SMBHs pro-
surable in observations. ducing jet mode feedback. Each column of plots repre-
The results from Figure 6 parallel the effects seen on sents a different feedback parameter that is being varied
the CDD, but perhaps to a smaller degree than was (labeled at the top), with the red lines corresponding
seen for the CDD. This can be explained by the fact to the highest values for the feedback parameters, the
that both the CDD and the b-value distribution have a black lines corresponding to the fiducial results, and the
temperature scaling, although the b-value tends to have blue lines correspond to the lowest values.
a stronger temperature correlation. These temperature Figure 8 is similar to Figure 7 in that it shows ρ̇BH
effects are due to the AGN jets in Simba and the radia- for the TNG thermal feedback mode in the top two row
tive mode in TNG. and the number of SMBHs in the bottom row. The ra-
diative mode is always on and scales with the overall
accretion rate but the kinetic mode is radiatively inef-
3.4. Supermassive Black Hole Statistics ficient so we are mostly interested in the thermal mode
(Weinberger et al. 2017). Variations in ρ̇BH due to the
Now that we have demonstrated the impact of vary-
AGN parameter variations are not shown since no effect
ing CAMELS parameters on the Lyα forest statistics, we
is seen.
explore its cause. When varying the different feedback
Figures 8 and 7 clearly show that the stellar feedback
parameters available in the CAMELS simulation suite,
parameters in both simulation suites have an impact on
Simba’s feedback exhibited clear effects on the Lyα for-
SMBH growth in the simulations. We discuss the in-
est CDD and the b-value PDF, while TNG’s feedback
terplay of stellar and AGN feedback for each simulation
produced no effects that could be observationally mea-
suite individually.
sured, at least for the parameter variations explored.
These results are consistent with previous work com- 3.4.1. Simba SMBH Statistics
paring the AGN feedback models in Simba and TNG
and their effects on the Lyα forest CDD (Tillman et al.
2023). By focusing on the first row of Figure 7, we find
However, the stellar feedback parameters show a sub- that when increasing AAGN1 , the BHs in the box have
tle effect on the CDD and b-value distribution for TNG. overall larger AGN jet velocities (via Equation 4 i.e.
This may be initially surprising, as we do not expect the smaller ṀBH means smaller η) starting at higher red-
effects of stellar feedback to directly manifest in low CD shifts. However, these BHs are less massive overall and
Lyα forest absorbers, which can be greater than a Mpc are accreting less mass (similar to what was found in
away from any SNe. The scale of a single SN (which Anglés-Alcázar et al. 2017a, when increasing AGN mo-
individually drives winds on the scale of pcs) is not rel- mentum flux). These results imply that BH fueling
evant when thinking about the larger scale impacts of is hindered by increases in AAGN1 . This form of self-
galactic winds contributed by multiple SNe. However, regulation from the BH feedback results in a decrease in
we find in this work, for both Simba and TNG, that energy propagated out to IGM scales. Additionally, a
changes in Lyα statistics due to varying stellar feedback higher value for AAGN1 results in fewer AGN producing
are not due to galactic wind impact but rather due to feedback in the jet mode (bottom panel). Despite AGN
stellar feedback suppressing SMBH growth. Therefore, jets reaching maximum velocities starting at higher red-
these results imply that the AGN feedback in TNG has shifts and AGN ejecting more mass in feedback events,
at least a small impact on the Lyα forest and that the the fact that less AGN jet feedback occurs with overall
parameters chosen to be varied for TNG’s AGN feed- less energy available (lower ρ̇BH ) results in no impact
back are not representative of said impact. To explore on the CDD.
the interplay between stellar and AGN feedback, we an- Decreasing the AGN momentum flux increases the
alyze SMBH statistics over the redshift range of z = 2 number of BHs producing feedback in the jet mode, in-
to 0. The results are displayed in Figures 7 and 8. Ex- creases the overall mass of these BHs, and increases the
ploring how SMBH accretion and seeding in the simula- amount of mass these BHs are accreting. However, the
tions vary with stellar feedback will help illustrate how ṀBH values of these BHs tend to be larger at higher
SMBHs are affected. redshifts which results in a delay of when maximum jet
14 Tillman et al.

AGN Feedback Stellar Feedback

4.00 4.00
0.05 Simba 0.05 Simba IllustrisTNG
z = 0.1 3.00 3.00
0.04 0.04
0.03 2.00 0.03 2.00

0.02 1.00 0.02 1.00

0.01 0.75 0.01 0.75
1.5 1.5 1.5
0.50 0.50
1.0 1.0 1.0
0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25
2.00 2.00
0.05 Simba 0.05 Simba IllustrisTNG
0.04 1.50 0.04 1.50
0.03 0.03


0.02 1.00 0.02 1.00

0.01 0.01
2 0.75 2 20 0.75
40 60 80 100 1.5 20 40 60 80 100
1 1 1.0
20 40 60 80 100 0.50 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 0.50
b (km/s) b (km/s) b (km/s)
Figure 6. Same as Figure 4 but for the b-value distribution and ∆ is the ratio of the parameter variation results to the
fiducial results. The distribution is normalized to integrate to unity. No change is seen in the b-value distribution for the TNG
simulations when varying AGN feedback so those results are excluded.

SIMBA: vary AAGN1 SIMBA: vary AAGN2 SIMBA: vary ASN1 SIMBA: vary ASN2
(M /Gyr/Mpc3) (Jet)



Small Parameter
Number of SMBHs in Jet Mode

200 Fiducial Value

Large Parameter



00 0.5 1 1.5 20 0.5 1 1.5 20 0.5 1 1.5 20 0.5 1 1.5 2

Redshift Redshift Redshift Redshift

Figure 7. BH accretion rate density in the jet mode and overall number of SMBHs in the jet mode when varying different
feedback parameters in the CAMELS-Simba simulations. All plots: The black lines correspond to fiducial results, the blue lines
correspond to the smallest value for the parameter varied, and the red lines correspond to the largest value for the parameter
varied. Top row: The SMBH accretion rate density ρ̇BH in the AGN jet feedback mode vs. redshift for different values of the
parameters. Bottom row: The number of SMBHs producing jet mode feedback for parameter variations.
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 15
IllustrisTNG: vary ASN1 IllustrisTNG: vary ASN2
109 loading factor hinders the ability of the jet feedback to
(M /Gyr/Mpc3) (Thermal)

remove HI from the Lyα forest by z = 0.1. This effect

is most likely dominated by the slower jet speeds from
higher ṀBH rather than the smaller number of SMBHs
considering results from other parameter variations.
Mass loading factors smaller than the fiducial value
results in lower ρ̇BH and fewer SMBHs producing jet

107 feedback by z = 0.1. Despite AGN jet feedback in the

Thermal Mode box reaching maximum jet velocities at higher redshifts,
1500 Total
it appears the effect of an overall reduced SMBH pop-
Number of SMBHs

ulation producing jets at z < 0.8 dominates. Moreover,
lower ρ̇BH means less energy from feedback is in the box.
1200 However, the increase in HI absorbers due to larger ASN1
Small Parameter
1100 Fiducial Value is not as dramatic as the increase due to smaller ASN1 .
Large Parameter
10000 More intuitive than the mass loading parameter is the
0.5 1 1.5 20 0.5 1 1.5 2
Redshift Redshift SN wind speed parameter (ASN2 ). Values for ρ̇BH re-
main quite similar by z = 0 but the number of SMBHs
Figure 8. Similar to Figure 7 but instead for the CAMELS- producing jet feedback decreases with increasing SN
TNG simulations. The top row display the SMBH accretion
wind speed and ρ̇BH is dramatically lower at higher
rate density for the thermal feedback mode. The bottom row
displays the total number of SMBHs (solid lines) along with z. Due to the large decrease in the number of SMBHs
the number of SMBHs in the thermal mode (dashed lines). producing jet feedback and the amount of energy from
The results for variations in the AGN feedback parameters feedback when increasing SN wind speed, the overall HI
are not shown since those statistics are largely unaffected. surviving in the IGM increases and the temperature of
that HI tends to be cooler. Strong stellar feedback in
speeds are reached, and the lower value for AAGN1 means the form of faster SN wind speeds efficiently suppresses
less mass is ejected from the accreting SMBH overall. SMBH growth and feedback in the simulation box. Since
Therefore, less energy overall is being propagated far out the BH seeding mechanism in Simba is tied to the stellar
to IGM scales. The greater amount of energy available mass of the galaxy, it is clear the lack of SMBHs results
(larger ρ̇BH ) is not able to overcome this fact resulting from suppressed stellar growth within galaxies due to
in a null effect. the fast SN wind speeds.
The effect of varying the AGN jet speed (AAGN2 ) is
more intuitive, as ρ̇BH does not vary significantly. The 3.4.2. TNG SMBH Statistics
energy per feedback event does not change for varia-
As previously shown in Tillman et al. (2023), the ki-
tions in AAGN2 but the fraction of energy going into
netic mode in the TNG AGN feedback model has no
the outflow velocity does. This allows for jets to travel
discernible effect on the low-z Lyα forest. From Figure
further before hydrodynamically re-coupling to the gas
3 a subtle heating effect can be seen when varying the
in the box and depositing kinetic and thermal energy.
AGN feedback parameters explored in CAMELS and
Increasing jet speed also decreases the number of BHs
more prominent heating is seen for variations in stellar
producing jet feedback at low redshifts. This is likely
feedback. From here, it is clear the feedback parameters
due to faster jet speeds suppressing stellar growth in
affect the temperature in the box to some degree, but
halos which prevents SMBHs from being seeded and
on Mpc scales this is small. Despite there being twice
from growing. However, reducing the number of SMBHs
as many SMBHs in TNG as in Simba no effect is seen
seeded this way does not reduce the impact that the
for the Lyα forest statistics explored herein when vary-
AGN jets have on the Lyα statistics.
ing the CAMELS-TNG AGN feedback parameters. No
changes were seen in the SMBH statistics when varying
the AGN feedback parameters, either, implying that the
Figure 7 shows that increasing the mass loading, from AGN feedback parameters in CAMELS-TNG play no
the fiducial value, increases ρ̇BH of the SMBHs, at role in self-suppression of SMBH growth. This makes
z < 1.0, in the jet mode while simultaneously decreas- sense as both AAGN1 and AAGN2 modify the kinetic
ing the number of SMBHs producing feedback in the feedback mode whereas the thermal feedback mode self-
jet mode, at z ≳ 0.5. The suppression of AGN jet feed- regulates the SMBH growth the most (Weinberger et al.
back at higher redshifts, due to increases in the SN mass 2017).
16 Tillman et al.

Increasing the stellar feedback parameters tends to de- by CAMELS. The CAMELS IllustrisTNG extended 1P
crease the value of ρ̇BH and in the case of ASN1 (en- set is similar to the original 1P set but explores 22 ad-
ergy per unit SFR) the number of BHs in the simula- ditional parameters. Variations of all these parameters
tion is decreased as well. These results imply that the simultaneously composes the SB28 set (the original 6
AGN feedback in TNG affects the forest to some de- parameters plus 22 more results in 28 total parameters
gree since small variations in the Lyα statistics are seen Ni et al. 2023). The additional SMBH sub-grid model
when stronger stellar feedback suppresses BH growth. parameters explored in this set are: The Bondi rate mul-
As discussed previously, the radiative feedback mode is tiplier, the high-accretion mode feedback efficiency, the
the AGN feedback mode that affects the IGM in TNG. Eddington rate multiplier for the BH accretion rate lim-
The radiative mode adds flux directly to the cosmic iter, the BH seed mass, the BH radiative efficiency (frac-
ionizing background and heats the gas around the host tion of rest mass energy released in feedback), the Ed-
halo. The flux and heat added will scale with the ac- dington ratio for the transition between the AGN feed-
cretion rate of the SMBHs in the box and both of these back modes, and the steepness of the mass transition
effects have implications for the gas in the IGM. The in- between the AGN feedback modes. As with the original
creased energy in the ionizing background will be most AGN feedback parameters explored herein, we found no
impactful on the CDD. In the forest, CD is proportional observable difference, relative to the observational error
to the inverse of the photoionizing rate but for temper- bars, in the Lyα forest CDD for independent variations
ature the relation is weaker, following NHI ∝ T −0.7 . We of any of the parameters listed above. At least, no dif-
not only see the temperature scaling affecting the CDD ference was found that showed more dramatic results
but we also see a slight difference in the b-value distribu- than the stellar feedback parameters for TNG. It ap-
tions since b scales with temperature as in Equation 11. pears that apart from the radiative mode in TNG, the
The AGN thermal feedback mode is more radiatively TNG AGN feedback model has essentially no effect on
efficient so changes to ρ̇BH from the thermal mode are the low-z Lyα forest.
expected to have the most impact on Lyα statistics.
From Figure 8, increases in both ASN1 and ASN2 rel-
ative to the fiducial values show decreases in ρ̇BH (but 4. DISCUSSION
less so for ASN2 ). This results in less flux added to the
In the last section we found that the galactic feed-
UVB and thus more HI absorption in the forest explain-
back in Simba, both from AGN and SNe, can have a
ing the shift in the TNG CDD seen in Figure 4. There is
dramatic impact on the predicted Lyα forest. AGN mo-
also a reduction in the number of SMBHs in total for in-
mentum flux, SN mass loading, and SN wind speed all
creased ASN1 and a reduction in thermal mode SMBHs
have the ability to regulate the growth of SMBHs and
for increased ASN2 . These changes to the number of
variations in these parameters can manifest in different
SMBHs seem to have minimal impact most likely due to
predictions for the Lyα forest CDD and b-value distri-
the change being relatively small when compared to the
bution – specifically, feedback that lowers the number
total number in the box (note the y-axis in the bottom
of SMBHs or decreases the AGN feedback flux will re-
panels only extends from 1000 to 1600).
sult in more absorption. The AGN jet speed in Simba
On the other hand, decreases in ASN1 , relative to the
has the largest direct effect on the predicted Lyα for-
fiducial value, show an increase in the total number of
est statistics explored herein, with faster jets heating a
SMBHs and in ρ̇BH . This should result in more flux be-
larger swath of the IGM and decreasing the number of
ing added to the UVB and thus reduce the number of ab-
absorbers. Indeed, at late times, in fiducial Simba, the
sorbers in the forest, which is exactly what is seen from
AGN heating from jets becomes almost volume filling
the CDD. Decreases in ASN2 result in a small increase
and the low CD absorbers are particularly vulnerable
in ρ̇BH and a small decrease in the number of SMBHs
while the higher CD absorbers are less susceptible to
in the box. Larger ρ̇BH should result in a stronger UVB
strong shocks on re-coupling (Christiansen et al. 2020;
and thus less HI absorption but since these changes in
Tillman et al. 2023). This results in an impact on the
ρ̇BH for ASN2 are less dramatic than for ASN1 the effect
CDD preferentially at the low CD end, flattening the
will be less discernible. The changes to the CDD due
distributions, as seen in Figure 4.
to smaller ASN2 are much smaller than changes due to
While the kinetic and thermal AGN feedback in TNG
smaller ASN1 which is exactly as expected.
appears not to have an impact on the predicted Lyα for-
Since the AGN feedback parameters explored thus far
est, it is clear that the AGN radiative feedback mode
have shown no impact on the Lyα forest statistics we
has at least a small effect. Variations in the stellar feed-
also analyze results from additional parameters explored
back parameters in TNG, that can regulate the growth
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 17

of SMBHs in the box, help illustrate the consequences The stellar feedback parameters, especially the SN wind
that AGN have on the predicted Lyα forest in TNG. speed, can be efficient at suppressing supermassive black
Multiple previous studies have posed the use of the hole growth and thus affect the forest. For Simba, in-
low-z Lyα forest as a tool for constraining galactic feed- creases in the SN wind speed amount to an effect sim-
back models and the results herein further motivate that ilar to that of decreasing the AGN jet speed. In fact,
idea. How to move forward with this idea relies on a smaller changes in SN wind speed are required for the
careful analysis of other processes that have an effect same change in the CDD or b-value distribution when
on the predicted Lyα forest not limited to but including varying AGN jet speed. Instead of decreasing the AGN
the assumed UVB. We also must acknowledge the limi- jet speed, one can slightly increase SN wind speed and
tations of analyzing large-scale parameter spaces such as achieve the same result.
the CAMELS simulations. We discuss these ideas and
more in the following sub-sections. 4.2. Redshift effects
Figure 5 shows the CDD redshift evolution of TNG
4.1. Degeneracy in Lyα Forest Statistics vs. Simba. In the plots, the TNG results have been cor-
In Tillman et al. (2023), the degeneracy between the rected to use the Haardt & Madau (2012) UVB (the
UVB and AGN feedback models was analyzed. That same UVB as in Simba) to make the results more di-
study found that the impact of AGN jet feedback on rectly comparable. We check if the difference between
the CDD resulted in both a simple translation of the TNG and Simba at z = 2.0 could stem from a different
distribution function that was degenerate with changes mean flux since the simulations not only have different
in the UVB, as well as a change in the slope of the CDD UVBs but TNG also includes a radiative AGN feedback
that could not be replicated with a change in the UVB. mode which adds flux to the assumed UVB. Rescaling to
With regards to scaling the UVB, assuming that the the observed effective optical depth, as seen in Kim et al.
Lyα forest is in ionizing equilibrium and optically thin, (2007), results in CDDs at z = 2.0 that are converged
column density scales with the photoionization rate of below NHI < 1014 cm−2 , but for 1014 < NHI < 1015
hydrogen as NHI ∝ Γ−1 HI . This results in a normalization cm−2 Simba produces slightly more absorption on the
shift as changing the value of ΓHI for the UVB applies order of 0.1 dex.
to all the gas in the simulation box, and the effects are The CDDs of Simba vs TNG at z = 2.0 are almost
largely equivalent for gas in CDs associated with the identical in that they produce similar shapes and abun-
forest. Temperature changes also affect the CDD due dances. As the universe evolves to lower redshift the
to the aforementioned assumptions leading to the rela- differences between the simulations reveal themselves.
tionship NHI ∝ T −0.7 . Since the heating due to AGN The slope of the Simba CDD remains largely unchanged
jets is able to reach distances on the order of Mpcs into while a steepening in the TNG CDD appears above
the diffuse IGM, low density gas is efficiently heated. NHI = 1014 cm−2 becoming more dramatic at lower z.
This means certain CDs of the forest are affected more The differences seen between z = 2 and z = 0 could
than others causing a slope change in the CDD. This is be partially attributed to the density of gas the forest
the result seen in Tillman et al. (2023) where AGN jet probes at these redshifts and the extent to which feed-
feedback in Simba flattens the CDD. back might affect those densities. An absorber of CD
Understanding other impacts on the forest has impor- NHI = 1014 cm−2 at z = 2 is likely to be probing higher
tant implications for how one might constrain AGN feed- density gas than the same CD absorber at z = 0 (Davé
back in the future. For example, a better fit to observa- et al. 1999). If we instead looked at similar density gas
tional data might be achieved with a weaker AGN feed- in the forest at z = 2 we may see a larger difference than
back model accompanied by a slightly stronger UVB. we do in Figure 5.
This scenario could be likely in Simba since the fidu- The difference between the CDDs predicted by Simba
cial AGN jet mode aggressively blows out gas which can and TNG as the universe evolves highlights additional
negatively affect group statistics (Robson & Davé 2020, degenerate effects not explored herein. The differences
2021; Oppenheimer et al. 2021; Lovisari et al. 2021; Yang are not due to cosmic variance or cosmology as the
et al. 2022). But as we saw when varying the jet speed, CAMELS 1P set simulations use identical initial con-
the amount of gas ejected is less important than the ditions and cosmological parameters. In Tillman et al.
ability for that ejected gas to transport heat out to the (2023) removing the AGN jet feedback in Simba did not
diffuse IGM. produce a slope change dramatic enough to match the
We also recognize an additional important factor with TNG results. However, the simulations explored in Till-
a degenerate effect on Lyα forest statistics in Simba. man et al. (2023) did not have the same box size, initial
18 Tillman et al.

AGN Feedback Stellar Feedback

4.00 4.00
103 Simba 103 Simba IllustrisTNG
z = 0.1 3.00 3.00

102 2.00 102 2.00
d 2N

d 2N
1.00 1.00

101 101
0.75 0.75
1.5 1.5 2
0.50 0.50
1.0 1.0 1
0.5 0.25 0.5 0.25
2.00 2.00
103 Simba 103 Simba IllustrisTNG
1.50 1.50

102 102
d 2N

d 2N

1.00 1.00

101 101

1.5 0.75 1.5 12 0.75

13 14 15 2 12 13 14 15
1.0 1.0 1
0.512 13 14 15 0.50 0.512 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 0.50
logNHI/cm 2 log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2)
Figure 9. Same as Figure 4 but fitting the results of each parameter variation to the observational data by allowing the strength
of the UVB to vary. A table including the UVB correction value and reduced χ2 values for the fit can be found in Table 2 in
the Appendix.

conditions, and had slightly different cosmological val- jet feedback and the CAMELS-Simba simulations are
ues. Regardless, those results imply that part of the not volume-converged due to the long-range impact of
difference seen between the two simulations (starting at jets (seen in Borrow et al. 2020, and Gebhardt et al.
z ≲ 0.7) might arise from differences in the temperature submitted).
and density distribution of the IGM in Simba and TNG As shown in Figure 4, the lowest column densities
that are caused by some factor in addition to AGN jet are particularly susceptible to variations in the AGN
feedback. A closer look at individual absorbers in the jet feedback mode. Since the AGN jets can reach the
simulations via a cross-correlation method is likely nec- outskirts of galaxies before recoupling to the heating
essary to fully explain these differences. and cooling of the simulation (distances on the order
of ∼ 10 kpc) they are able to carry most of their energy
4.3. The effect of cosmic variance. beyond galaxy scales. This energy, in many cases, is
Figure 10 shows the CDD for Simba and TNG when then enough to reach beyond the CGM and halo scales
allowing the initial random seed of the simulation to to reach the IGM. That heating will be more effective
vary. The maximum variation of the CDD in the CV in lower density gas which could cause the divergence
set due to initial conditions appears within ∼2-2.5 sigma we see approaching lower NHI . In fact, the fiducial
(relative to the smallest observational error bars) and CAMELS Simba simulation has an overall hotter IGM
the interquartile range of variation is well within 1 than that of original Simba. For the lowest values of
sigma. For TNG, the median of the CV set is well con- nHI , corresponding to more diffuse absorbers, this tem-
verged to the original TNG300-1 simulation (which has perature difference is hotter by a factor of ∼ 1.7. Since
comparable initial mass resolution as CAMELS). For in the diffuse IGM NHI ∝ T −0.7 this temperature dif-
Simba, the median of the CV set is not converged to the ference leads to NHI values in original Simba that are
original Simba simulations for NHI < 1014.5 cm−2 and ∼ 1.5 times larger than that in CAMELS Simba. Thus
diverges more for lower NHI . However, the divergence the temperature difference is enough to explain the off-
between CAMELS and original Simba is on par with set between CAMELS and original Simba at the lowest
the maximum variation from the CV set. This varia- column densities.
tion comes from the fact that the lowest Lyα forest CD The origin of the temperature difference is almost cer-
statistics in Simba are extremely sensitive to the AGN tainly from the number of BHs producing jet feedback in
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 19

the simulation box. This number will be affected by the found that the Lyα flux statistics such as the flux PDF
random seed due to different halo mass functions being and the 1D flux power spectrum might show observable
produced in each CAMELS box. A few more massive differences between the two simulations.
halos in the box due to a different random seed will re- Another recent study, Khaire et al. (2023), compar-
sult in an increased number of SMBHs large enough to ing Illustris and TNG found similar results with the
produce impactful long-range jet feedback. A greater CDD and b-value distribution showing no observable dif-
number of massive halos with strong AGN jets can be ferences but the Lyα flux power spectrum potentially
compounded by the small CAMELS box. The periodic showing observable differences at the highest k values
boundary conditions in combination with extremely far (on small physical scales). Further exploration of the
impacting jets could also result in the energy of these jets flux power spectrum (particularly around z = 2 to 3)
being trapped within the box from the point of view of could reveal a dependence on AGN feedback that may
the host halo rather than being dispersed at some dis- become important for certain studies. For example, in
tance as it would in reality. the PRIYA simulation suite the effects of AGN feed-
This idea is further motivated by the variance of the back were very small (< 0.1%) in the 120 Mpc box and
TNG CDD due to initial conditions. The maximum slightly larger in 25 Mpc box but only due to cosmic
variance of the CDD due to different random seeds seen variance (Bird et al. 2023). However, the AGN feed-
in the CV set is significantly lower than the variance back model in those simulations resembles closely that
seen in Simba. We saw repeatedly that modifying the of TNG and it is unclear if the Simba model would have
AGN feedback parameters explored in the CAMELS more of an effect.
TNG suite does not affect the Lyα forest statistics im- Despite the Illustris and TNG simulation results im-
plying that the impact of TNG’s AGN feedback might plying the observed Lyα forest CDD cannot be used
have minimal impact on the forest (apart from the radia- to constrain AGN feedback, further work done in Till-
tive mode which mimics UVB effects). Different AGN man et al. (2023) found that AGN feedback in Simba
feedback parameters may affect the forest or the same might be observable. The changes in the Simba simula-
AGN parameters explored herein may affect the forest tion CDD when removing AGN jet feedback showed po-
in a larger simulation box. tentially observable differences in the intermediate CD
The minimal impact seen from the AGN feedback im- range (NHI ∼ 1013 cm−2 ) even when allowing the UVB
plies that the variance of the TNG CDD due to the ran- strength to vary to obtain the best fit. Conducting a
dom seed is likely to be a better indicator of the effect similar analysis to the one seen in Tillman et al. (2023)
of the random seed on just the population of Lyα ab- on the simulations in this work, we analyze what pa-
sorbers (i.e. whether or not the box size used herein rameter variations lead to observable changes that can
is conducive to a representative population of Lyα ab- be disentangled from degenerate effects of the UVB.
sorbers). Since the variance of TNG at low NHI is so Figure 9 is the same as Figure 4 but now allowing the
much lower than that of Simba, it is likely that another strength of the UVB to vary in order to find the best
factor (e.g. AGN feedback) is affecting the Simba vari- fit to the observed data. Each fit has two free param-
ance. The large variance seen at higher NHI is similar eters, the value of the feedback parameter being varied
in both simulations and is due to the rarity of those ab- (ASN or AAGN ) and the factor the assumed UVB model
sorbers. Different random seeds will produce more high is multiplied by (Haardt & Madau (2012) for Simba and
CD absorbers than others and this will be especially Faucher-Giguère et al. (2009) for TNG). The factor by
variable in the small box sizes of CAMELS. which the UVB is multiplied and the reduced χ2 value
for a given parameter variation can be found in Table 2
4.4. Broader Picture in the Appendix. The most noticeable differences (rela-
tive to the observational error bars) in the CDD, when
In Burkhart et al. (2022) the differences between the
accounting for UVB degeneracy, can be seen for varia-
Illustris and TNG Lyα forest statistics due to different
tions in the Simba AGN jet speed AAGN2 and the Simba
AGN feedback models was found to be difficult to dis-
SN wind speed ASN2 . A noticeable flattening of the
entangle from effects of the UVB. The CDD in Illustris
CDD can be seen for increases in AAGN2 and decreases
was able to match that of TNG by a re-scaling of the as-
in ASN2 .
sumed UVB and the b-value distribution showed no dif-
In particular, the most dramatic differences can be
ference between the two simulations. Those results im-
seen when increasing ASN2 from the fiducial value. We
plied that current observations of the CDD and b-values
have already confirmed that the effects on the forest
are unable to constrain the different AGN feedback mod-
due to ASN2 are due to the link between stellar feedback
els in Illustris and TNG. However, Burkhart et al. (2022)
20 Tillman et al.

and the suppression of SMBH seeding and growth. The jet speed and the SN wind speed showed noticeable dif-
dramatic reduction in the number of AGN producing jet ferences in the CDD when varied.
feedback results in a much steeper CDD that resembles For TNG, none of the AGN feedback parameter varia-
that of TNG. This effect resembles that of turning off tions explored in the CAMELS simulation suite affected
the AGN jets in Simba seen in Tillman et al. (2023), the Lyα forest statistics in a discernible way. The only
but manifests more prominently due to the fact that effect AGN feedback in TNG appeared to have on the
the AGN feedback has a larger impact on the forest in Lyα forest in this study was due to the radiative mode
the CAMELS-Simba box than in the original Simba run which strengthens the UVB. Varying stellar feedback
(an idea we discussed to explain the CV set results). parameters in TNG (SN energy per unit SFR and SN
The results from Figure 9 imply that the effects from wind speed) showed minimal effects on both the CDD
the AGN feedback in Simba could be unique enough and the b-value distribution.
to disentangle from the assumed UVB model and that In both Simba and TNG we found that adjusting stel-
observations of the Lyα CDD could be used to constrain lar feedback parameters had an indirect effect on the
said feedback. In future work, we plan to explore the Lyα forest. Stellar feedback in these simulations has
Lyα forest flux statistics in the context of Simba’s AGN the power to limit BH seeding, growth, and feedback to
feedback to determine if, similar to TNG vs. Illustris, the the point of having an impact on the forest statistics.
flux power spectrum might be used to constrain AGN The Simba simulation stellar feedback parameters had
jets. a significantly more dramatic effect than that seen in
Finally, we will briefly discuss the discrepancy seen be- TNG, which follows from the fact that AGN feedback
tween the observed b-value distribution and the distribu- in Simba has a dramatic affect on the IGM whereas TNG
tion predicted from simulations. Simulations have con- AGN does not. Additionally, the Simba SMBH seeding
sistently under-predicted the number of high b absorbers prescription depends on stellar mass rather than halo
(at low-z) with an observed mean lying around 30 km/s mass which results in the stellar feedback in Simba hav-
and the simulations predicting a mean around 20 km/s. ing a large effect on the number of SMBHs in the box.
While we cannot directly compare the CAMELS pre- We explored the extent to which stellar and AGN feed-
dicted b-value distribution to observations due to nu- back affected the BHs in the simulation by looking at
merical resolution limitations, we can acknowledge the Eddington ratios and SMBH accretion rates for relevant
role that faster AGN jets and slower SN wind speeds AGN feedback modes, the number of SMBHs in each
play roles in broadening the b-value distribution. The mode, and the number of SMBHs in the box. The main
heating causing the changes in Figure 6 originates from conclusions of our work are as follows:
AGN jet shocks and dispersion of the heat the jets car-
• As found in previous work, Simba’s AGN jet feed-
ried into the IGM when said jets re-couple hydrody-
back plays a dominant role in the low-redshift
namically to the gas in the box. While this heating
Lyα forest as the jets heat gas well outside of halos
alone cannot explain the discrepancy between the ob-
and into the IGM. The distance the heat is trans-
served and simulated b-value distribution, it could act
ported is more important than the amount of gas
as a partial solution. Then the amount of missing tur-
ejected. The AGN jet feedback can change the
bulence required to fully resolve the statistic would be
shape of the CDD by flattening it.
slightly less than what has been predicted by previous
studies (e.g. by Viel et al. 2017; Gaikwad et al. 2017b; • The b-value distribution in Simba is broadened by
Bolton et al. 2022). heating from stronger AGN feedback (faster jets
and to a lesser degree higher momentum flux).
5. CONCLUSION Heating from AGN jet feedback (clearly seen in
Figure 1) may be a partial solution in resolving
In this study we use the CAMELS 1P set of simu-
the discrepancy between the observed and simu-
lations to explore effects on Lyα forest statistics due to
lated b-value distribution.
parameter variation in the Simba and IllustrisTNG feed-
back models. We find that, in Simba, all four feedback • In agreement with previous work, we find the TNG
parameters that were varied - the AGN momentum flux, AGN feedback model has minimal effect on the
AGN jet speed, SN mass loading factor, and SN wind IGM and thus the Lyα forest. The AGN radia-
speed - have clear effects on the Lyα forest CDD and b- tive mode affects the IGM which results in small
value distribution when ignoring degeneracy due to the changes when varying stellar feedback, but the ef-
assumed UVB. When accounting for the plausible ef- fects of the radiative mode are largely degenerate
fects of the UVB on the CDD, we found that the AGN with that of the UVB.
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 21

• Stellar feedback plays a role in SMBH growth sup- Finally it is important to acknowledge that additional
pression and thus should be considered as a de- factors not discussed in this study likely affect the large-
generate parameter along with the strength of the scale environment of the IGM. For example, the role of
UVB and AGN feedback when analyzing the low-z cosmic rays in determining the amount and distribution
Lyα forest statistics. of HI in the IGM is relatively unconstrained (Lacki 2015;
Leite et al. 2017). Exploring other cosmological and as-
trophysical mechanisms that affect the IGM in addition
to the UVB and galactic feedback will be essential in
fully resolving the discrepancies between the observed
and simulated Lyα forest. In future work we plan to do a
The CAMELS-Simba simulations for parameter vari-
more thorough analysis of individual absorbers between
ations closest to the fiducial values produced the best
simulations to determine which factors apart from AGN
fits to the observed CDD overall when allowing the
feedback are defining the forest statistics. We also plan
strength of the UVB to vary. The CAMELS-TNG sim-
to analyze the Lyα flux power spectrum in the Simba
ulations could not produce a CDD that matches obser-
simulation for variations in the AGN feedback models
vations for any parameter variation. Both CAMELS-
to determine the extent to which those effects might be
TNG and CAMELS-Simba produced b-value distribu-
observable or affect constraints are dark matter proper-
tions with mean values around 20 km/s which is too
low relative to observations. Stronger AGN jet feed-
back in CAMELS-Simba (via faster jet speeds or lower
1 All authors acknowledge support for this work by NASA
SN wind speeds) broadened the b-value distribution im-
2 ATP 80NSSC22K0823. MTT thanks the Simons Foun-
plying heating from AGN jets could be a partial solu-
3 dation and the Center for Computation Astrophysics at
tion to resolving the predicted b-values from simulations
4 the Flatiron Institute for providing the computational
to the observed b-value distribution. However, non-
5 resources used for this analysis. MTT thanks Mahdi
thermal broadening is likely necessary to fully resolve
6 Qezlou for helpful conversations regarding proper usage
the b-values distribution via un-resolved or un-modeled
7 and trouble shooting of the fake-spectra package. MTT
forms of turbulence in simulations or via other instabil-
8 thanks Doug Rennehan for insightful conversations
ity mechanisms such as pressure from cosmic rays.
9 about the difference between the Simba and CAMELS
Understanding the interplay between degenerate fac-
10 CDD due to cosmic variance. BB is grateful for ad-
tors that affect the neutral hydrogen in the IGM is the
11 ditional support by NSF grant 2009679, the Packard
first step in constraining these mechanisms with obser-
12 Fellowship, and the Sloan Fellowship. Part of this
vational data. The next step to determine the extent of
13 work was completed during the KITP workshop Galevo
the degeneracy between the UVB, stellar feedback, and
14 23. DAA acknowledges support by NSF grants AST-
AGN feedback in these sub-grid models is to employ
15 2009687 and AST-2108944, CXO grant TM2-23006X,
machine learning techniques to the CAMELS project
16 Simons Foundation Award CCA-1018464, and Cottrell
simulations to determine best fits. While multiple com-
17 Scholar Award CS-CSA-2023-028 by the Research Cor-
binations of variations in these factors likely produce
18 poration for Science Advancement. GLB acknowledges
good fits to the observed Lyα forest data, further con-
19 support from the NSF (AST-2108470, XSEDE grant
straints such as galaxy properties can aid in filtering out
20 MCA06N030), NASA TCAN award 80NSSC21K1053,
nonphysical parameter combinations.
21 and the Simons Foundation (grant 822237) and the
Additionally, results from studies such as this one (and
22 Simons Collaboration on Learning the Universe. SH
future ones employing machine learning techniques on
23 acknowledges support for Program number HST-HF2-
the CAMELS project simulations) will help motivate the
24 51507 provided by NASA through a grant from the
construction of new feedback models. By determining
25 Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by
which factors of the model do or do not work and why
26 the Association of Universities for Research in Astron-
that is the case, we can constrain the construction of
27 omy, incorporated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555.
future feedback models to both be more physical in hy-
28 SB acknowledges additional support from NSF AST-
drodynamic cosmological simulations and to reproduce
29 2107821.
a wider range of observables.

22 Tillman et al.

Simba IllustrisTNG
103 z = 0.1

d 2N

101 Median CV Median CV

90th Percentile 90th Percentile
Original Simba TNG300-1
D16 D16
100 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15
log(NHI/cm 2) log(NHI/cm 2)
Figure 10. The CDD for all the CAMELS CV set simulations for both the SIMBA and IllustrisTNG suites. The solid black
lines are the median of the CAMELS CV CDDs, the shaded region is the 90th percentile range of the CV CDDs, and the dashed
red lines are the original Simba and TNG300-1 simulations. Variations in the CDDF due to varying initial conditions results
in a maximum shift in the overall normalization by 0.25 dex. Both the original Simba and TNG300-1 simulations are largely
contained within the allowed variation of the CDD due to cosmic variance.

We examine the effect that different initial random seeds have on the CDD and b-value distribution. By understanding
to what extent the results may change based on initial conditions we can better examine what is an effect of feedback
vs. a sampling effect. Figure 10 shows the range of variation in the CDD from the CV set. Displayed is the CDD
averaged from all the CV simulations for each suite. The shaded region represents the range of variation in the
CDD for the CV set. Also displayed are the original Simba and IllustrisTNG CDDs. We compare to the TNG300-1
simulation as it has a comparable resolution to that of CAMELS. The CAMELS TNG results are converged to the
original TNG results however the original Simba results diverge from the CAMELS Simba results at lower CDs. The
Simba divergence is largely within the allowed CV range.
Figure 11 shows the median b-value PDF from the CV set as well as the range of variation. The variation in the
PDF is higher at lower b-values. This is likely a result of the fitting algorithm as low b-value absorbers are harder to
fit via an automated method and are more likely to be noise from a previous fit rather than a unique absorber. We do
not compare to the original Simba and TNG simulations here as we know they are not converged due to insufficient


We conduct a least squares fit to find the UVB correction factor required for the best fit of the CDDs predicted by
the CAMELS 1P simulations explored herein to the D16 observational data. The fitting procedure is heavily based
on that used in Tillman et al. (2023). For our fitting procedure, we assume Gaussian distributed random variables.
We conduct this fit within a CD range of NHI = 1012 cm−2 to 1015 cm−2 as this is where the simulation data is most
robust. Excluding lower CD values from the fit due to observational scarcity will not affect the main results of these
fits due to the high observational error bars below NHI ≈ 1013 cm−2 .
We closely follow a UVB correction method as outlined in Kollmeier et al. (2014) which uses the approximation that
NHI ∝ 1/ΓHI where ΓHI is the hydrogen photoionization rate. The relation works since the low redshift Lyα forest
can be well approximated as an optically thin region in photoionization equilibrium. This method breaks down
when absorbers are no longer optically thin but is well converged for CDs explored herein and can be applied in
For the reduced χ2 (χ2R ), the number of degrees of freedom is the number of observational points being fit with
two variable parameters: the UVB correction factor and the feedback parameter varied in CAMELS. For several
parameter variations of CAMELS-Simba, the value for χ2R is below 1 implying the CDD is over fitted (this could be
Feedback effects on low-z Lyα forest with CAMELS 23

Simba IllustrisTNG
Median CV Median CV
0.05 z = 0.1 90th Percentile 90th Percentile
Original Simba TNG300-1




0.00 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

b (km/s) b (km/s)
Figure 11. Same as Figure 10 but instead for the b-value distribution.

partially fixed by removing the large observational error bar points at low CDs). However, many variations including
the fiducial results produce χ2R values close to 1 exemplifying the remarkable fit to the observed data predicted by
CAMELS-Simba. The CAMELS-Simba fits are better than the original Simba fits found in Tillman et al. (2023) due
to a further flattening of the CDD in CAMELS-Simba that manifests due to box-size. This effect was discussed in
Section 4.
Recent studies have found hydrogen photoionizing values at z = 0.1 that are ∼ 1.77, 1.78, 2.56, and 1.74 (for Gaikwad
et al. 2017a; Khaire & Srianand 2019; Puchwein et al. 2019; Faucher-Giguère 2020, respectively) times stronger than
the Haardt & Madau (2012) values. These values can go as high as ∼ 5 times stronger when allowing the escape
fraction of HI ionizing photons from galaxies to vary (Khaire & Srianand 2015b). While UVB correction factors lower
than Haardt & Madau (2012) found for many of the CAMELS-Simba best fits are disfavored by these more recent UVB
model studies, the UVB at low-z is still not well constrained which is why it is often corrected out of Lyα statistics in
studies like this one.

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24 Tillman et al.

Simba Simba IllustrisTNG

Parameter ×ΓaHI χ2R Parameter ×ΓaHI χ2R Parameter ×ΓbHI χ2R
AAGN = 1 0.85 1.11 ASN = 1 0.85 1.11 ASN = 1 1.80 28.1
AAGN1 = 0.25 1.55 4.60 ASN1 = 0.25 1.56 2.97 ASN1 = 0.25 1.50 27.3
AAGN1 = 0.33 1.47 3.23 ASN1 = 0.33 1.28 2.22 ASN1 = 0.33 1.49 27.7
AAGN1 = 0.44 1.19 2.19 ASN1 = 0.44 1.40 2.99 ASN1 = 0.44 1.67 25.9
AAGN1 = 0.57 1.21 1.03 ASN1 = 0.57 1.15 1.07 ASN1 = 0.57 1.72 27.9
AAGN1 = 0.76 1.09 1.45 ASN1 = 0.76 1.07 1.27 ASN1 = 0.76 1.77 29.4
AAGN1 = 1.32 0.88 0.45 ASN1 = 1.32 0.94 0.63 ASN1 = 1.32 1.81 31.7
AAGN1 = 1.74 0.95 0.59 ASN1 = 1.74 0.88 0.82 ASN1 = 1.74 1.90 33.4
AAGN1 = 2.30 0.80 1.15 ASN1 = 2.30 0.95 0.75 ASN1 = 2.30 1.97 31.2
AAGN1 = 3.03 0.89 0.93 ASN1 = 3.03 1.02 1.25 ASN1 = 3.03 1.95 33.2
AAGN1 = 4.0 0.92 0.56 ASN1 = 4.0 1.18 1.50 ASN1 = 4.0 1.96 36.5
AAGN2 = 0.50 1.83 4.91 ASN2 = 0.50 0.36 1.21 ASN2 = 0.50 1.74 25.5
AAGN2 = 0.57 1.66 2.85 ASN2 = 0.57 0.41 1.05 ASN2 = 0.57 1.62 27.6
AAGN2 = 0.66 1.43 2.18 ASN2 = 0.66 0.58 0.76 ASN2 = 0.66 1.78 25.1
AAGN2 = 0.76 1.29 1.97 ASN2 = 0.76 0.65 0.88 ASN2 = 0.76 1.75 28.3
AAGN2 = 0.87 1.11 0.84 ASN2 = 0.87 0.74 0.98 ASN2 = 0.87 1.85 25.6
AAGN2 = 1.15 0.82 0.89 ASN2 = 1.15 1.26 2.56 ASN2 = 1.15 1.84 34.5
AAGN2 = 1.32 0.63 0.47 ASN2 = 1.32 1.59 2.85 ASN2 = 1.32 1.93 30.0
AAGN2 = 1.52 0.61 0.71 ASN2 = 1.52 2.25 6.21 ASN2 = 1.52 1.88 35.1
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AAGN2 = 2.0 0.34 1.91 ASN2 = 2.0 3.01 14.0 ASN2 = 2.0 1.87 31.1
Table 2. UVB Corrections and Reduced χ2 for Figure 9.
Factor by which the Haardt & Madau (2012) UVB is multiplied by at z = 0.1.
Factor by which the Faucher-Giguère et al. (2009) UVB is multiplied by at z = 0.1.

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