CSIR Mock Paper 5

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Paper 5

Part A- 1-20
Part B- 21 to 70
Part C- 71 to 145 Mock Test
CSIR-NET-JRF- Life Science
MCQ Type

Total Questions- 145

Maximum Marks- 200

Total Time- 3 h

Question Paper is divided into three parts

Part- A shall carry 20 questions and candidates required to answer any 15 questions.

Part- B shall contain 50 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and required to answer any 35 questions.

Each question of Part - A and B carries two marks.

Part- C contains 75 questions and candidates required to answer any 25 questions. Each question of
Part- C carries four marks. There will be negative marking @25% for each wrong answer. Answer Key will
be provided along with the mock test. You can check your preparation after giving each test. The total
time allotted for the exam is 3 hrs.
Part A

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Part B

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Part C

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Time— 170 minutes
Questions 130-132 refer to the following. Questions 133-136 refer to the following functions.
194 Questions
(A) Actin (A) Respiration
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below(B)
(B) Tubulin Support by five suggested answers or
is followed
completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then completelyLocomotion
(C) Calmodulin (C) fill in the corresponding space on the
(D) sheet.
answer Fibronectin (D) Feeding
(E) Troponin (E) Excretion

1. Bipolar-filament-forming protein
Which of the following pairs that bindswould
of molecules and 133.
2. Radula
molluscsto be secreted move through
hydrolyzes GTP
form hydrogen bonds? the secretory pathway in which of the following
orders? of sponges
134. Spicules
131. Major cytoskeletal protein in microvilli, filopodia,
contractile rings, and growth cones (A) Smooth ER Æ Golgi transport vesicle Æ
135. Nematocysts of cnidarians
Golgi cisternae Æ secretory vesicle Æ
132. Calcium-binding switch protein in vertebrate cell surface
skeletal muscle fibers Æ Golgi transport vesicle Æ
136. Tracheae ofER
(B) Rough insects
Golgi cisternae Æ secretory vesicle Æ
cell surface
(C) Golgi cisternae Æ ER transport vesicle Æ
smooth ER Æ secretory vesicle Æ
cell surface
(D) Golgi cisternae Æ ER transport vesicle Æ
rough ER Æ secretory vesicle Æ
cell surface
(E) Rough ER Æ smooth ER Æ Golgi transport
vesicle Æ Golgi cisternae Æ secretory
vesicle Æ cell surface
(A) I only 3. Stabilization of the unique coiled structure
(B) III only of an alpha helix in a protein is primarily
(C) IV only attributed to
(D) I and II only
(E) II, III, and IV (A) hydrogen bonding between the peptide
backbone atoms
(B) disulfide bridges between cysteine side
(C) carbohydrate moieties attached to polar
amino acids
(D) peptide linkages that covalently bond amino
(E) an abundance of amino acids with electrically
charged side chains


Time— 170 minutes
Questions 137-140 refer to the following. Questions 141-143 refer to the following diagram
194 Questions
of a replication fork.
(A) Biome
(B) Community
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or
(C) Ecosystem
completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then completely fill in the corresponding space on the
(D) sheet.
answer Metapopulation
(E) Population

1. A groupofofthe
Which potentially
followinginterbreeding individuals
pairs of molecules would 2. Proteins destined to be secreted move through
present at the same
form hydrogen bonds? location the secretory pathway in which of the following
138. A group of potentially interacting species present
at the same location (A) Smooth ER Æ Golgi transport vesicle Æ
Golgi cisternae Æ secretory vesicle Æ
139. A large geographical area characterized by its cell surface
dominant form of vegetation (B) Rough ER Æ Golgi transport vesicle Æ
Golgi cisternae Æ secretory vesicle Æ
140. All organisms and their nonliving environment
cell surface
present at the same location
(C) Golgi cisternae Æ ER transport vesicle Æ
smooth ER Æ secretory vesicle Æ
141. Location
cellof RNA primer
(D) Golgi cisternae Æ ER transport vesicle Æ
142. Location of DNA
rough ER Æpolymerase
secretory vesicle Æ
cell surface
143. Location of DNA with a free 3¢ OH
(E) Rough ER Æ smooth ER Æ Golgi transport
vesicle Æ Golgi cisternae Æ secretory
vesicle Æ cell surface
(A) I only 3. Stabilization of the unique coiled structure
(B) III only of an alpha helix in a protein is primarily
(C) IV only attributed to
(D) I and II only
(E) II, III, and IV (A) hydrogen bonding between the peptide
backbone atoms
(B) disulfide bridges between cysteine side
(C) carbohydrate moieties attached to polar
amino acids
(D) peptide linkages that covalently bond amino
(E) an abundance of amino acids with electrically
charged side chains


Time— 170 minutes
Directions: Each group of questions below concerns a laboratory or an experimental situation. In each case, first
study the description of the situation. Then choose the Questions
best answer to each question and fill in completely the
corresponding space on the answer sheet.
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five suggested answers or
completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then completely fill in the corresponding space on the
Questions 144-147
answer sheet.
TATA-binding protein (TBP) is a key transcription factor in eukaryotes. A schematic representation of the
1. Which ofacid
theTBP of yeast
following is shown
pairs in Figure
of molecules 1 below, with the
would positionsdestined
2. Proteins of two mutations indicated.
to be secreted move The boxed
represents the evolutionarily
hydrogen bonds? conserved C-terminal domain of TBP, and the shaded (dark) regions of this
the secretory pathway in which of the following
domain represent two repeated elements involved in DNA binding.orders? One mutation (P65S) changes proline 65 to
serine, and the other (I143N) changes isoleucine 143 to asparagine.
(A) Smooth ER Æ Golgi transport vesicle Æ
Golgi cisternae Æ secretory vesicle Æ
cell surface
(B) Rough ER Æ Golgi transport vesicle Æ
Golgi cisternae Æ secretory vesicle Æ
cell surface
Figure 2 below represents autoradiographs of gels containing RNA transcripts produced in extracts of wild-type
or mutant cells. Lanes 1–2 are from wild-type yeast (WT), lanes 3–4 are fromcisternae
(C) Golgi the I143N Æmutant,
ER transport 5–6 Æ
and lanes are
from the P65S mutant, as indicated. Figure 2A shows transcripts of a gene smooth ER Æby
transcribed secretory vesicle Æ I (Pol I).
RNA polymerase
Figure 2B shows transcripts of a gene transcribed by RNA polymerase IIcell (Polsurface
II). Figure 2C shows transcripts of a
(D) Golgi cisternae
gene transcribed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III). Lanes 1, 3, and 5 show transcripts produced Æ ER transport
at 24∞C,vesicle Æ 2,
and lanes
4, and 6 show transcripts produced at 37∞C. Shading of the bands represents rough ER Æofsecretory
signals different vesicle Æ
cell surface
(E) Rough ER Æ smooth ER Æ Golgi transport
vesicle Æ Golgi cisternae Æ secretory
vesicle Æ cell surface
(A) I only 3. Stabilization of the unique coiled structure
(B) III only of an alpha helix in a protein is primarily
(C) IV only attributed to
(D) I and II only
(E) II, III, and IV (A) hydrogen bonding between the peptide
backbone atoms
(B) disulfide bridges between cysteine side
(C) carbohydrate moieties attached to polar
amino acids
(D) peptide linkages that covalently bond amino
(E) an abundance of amino acids with electrically
charged side chains


Time— 170 minutes
144. As a control, wild-type TBP was added to mutant 146. The 5S rRNA gene is transcribed by RNA
extracts prior to transcription analysis. It was 194 Questions polymerase III. If transcription of 5S rRNA is
observed that wild-type TBP could restore assayed as above, more 5S rRNA transcription
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements belowwould
transcription by all three RNA polymerases in be found
is followed by five suggested answers or
mutant extracts. The controls were performed
completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then completely fill in the corresponding
(A) in extracts from the I143Nspace
mutant onthan
in order
answer sheet.to check in extracts from wild-type
o o
(A) whether mutant transcription phenotypes (B) at 37 C than at 24 C in I143N mutant extracts
o o
are due to perturbation of TBP function (C) at 37 C than at 24 C in P65S mutant extracts
1. (B)
Whichforof the following
equivalent RNApairs ofinmolecules
levels all lanes would 2. Proteins
(D) in bothdestined to beand
wild-type secreted
mutantmove through
(C) hydrogen
activity of RNA polymerase the secretory
to a pol Iintranscribed
which of the following
(D) for differential TBP activity in promoters orders?
(E) in extracts from the P65S mutant than
of different genes Thank in You
(A) Smooth extractsERand
Æ Good
the I143N
Golgi Luck
transport for Æ
vesicle your
(E) whether mutant transcription phenotypes
are temperature sensitive 147. WhichGolgi
of thecisternae Exam
following Æconclusions about Æ
secretory vesicle TBP
is mostcell surface with the data?
145. Which of the following conclusions about (B) Rough ER Æ Golgi transport vesicle Æ
(A) TBP binds exclusively to the TATA box
mutations in TBP is most consistent with Golgi cisternae Æ secretory vesicle Æ
of eukaryotic promoters.
the data? cell surface
(B) TBP is important in regulating transcription
(A) The I143N mutation affects transcription (C) Golgi
fromcisternae Æ ER
pol II genes transport vesicle Æ
of pol II genes in a temperature-sensitive (C) DNAsmooth ER Æ
binding is secretory
essential for TBPÆ
vesicle function.
manner. (D) TBPcell issurface
required for transcription of genes
(B) The P65S mutation affects transcription of (D) Golgi
transcribed by Æ
cisternae polER transport
I, pol pol III.Æ
II, andvesicle
pol II genes in a temperature-sensitive (E) TheroughactionER of
secretory TBP is temperature
vesicle Æ
manner. sensitive.
cell surface
(C) The P65S mutation affects transcription of (E) Rough ER Æ smooth ER Æ Golgi transport
pol I genes in a temperature-sensitive
vesicle Æ Golgi cisternae Æ secretory
(D) Transcription of pol I, pol II, and pol III vesicle Æ cell surface
(A) I genes
only is equally sensitive to TBP mutations. 3. Stabilization of the unique coiled structure
(B) TBP function is noticeably resistant
III only
to mutation. of an alpha helix in a protein is primarily
(C) IV only attributed to
(D) I and II only
(E) II, III, and IV (A) hydrogen bonding between the peptide
backbone atoms
(B) disulfide bridges between cysteine side
(C) carbohydrate moieties attached to polar
amino acids
(D) peptide linkages that covalently bond amino
(E) an abundance of amino acids with electrically
charged side chains


Paper 5 Anwser Key
1 D 21 C 41 B 61 B 81 C 101 C 121 D 141 A
2 D 22 A 42 D 62 D 82 B 102 A 122 D 142 B
3 C 23 A 43 D 63 A 83 C 103 A 123 D 143 B
4 A 24 D 44 D 64 C 84 C 104 A 124 B 144 A
5 D 25 D 45 D 65 A 85 C 105 C 125 C 145 A
6 B 26 C 46 B 66 C 86 D 106 C 126 A
7 B 27 C 47 B 67 D 87 C 107 A 127 B
8 C 28 A 48 C 68 A 88 A 108 D 128 D
9 A 29 B 49 D 69 B 89 D 109 B 129 C
10 A 30 D 50 A 70 A 90 A 110 A 130 B
11 A 31 A 51 B 71 C 91 D 111 C 131 A
12 C 32 C 52 B 72 B 92 B 112 B 132 E
13 A 33 D 53 D 73 D 93 C 113 B 133 D
14 B 34 D 54 A 74 B 94 D 114 B 134 B
15 C 35 D 55 A 75 A 95 D 115 C 135 D
16 A 36 B 56 D 76 A 96 B 116 C 136 A
17 A 37 B 57 B 77 C 97 B 117 D 137 E
18 A 38 C 58 C 78 B 98 C 118 D 138 B
19 D 39 C 59 C 79 C 99 D 119 D 139 A
20 D 40 D 60 D 80 B 100 B 120 C 140 C

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