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中一中 110
wistful a. 惆悵的
cavalier a. 滿不在乎的
spurious a. 虛假的
mellifluous a. 甜美的
marshal v. 鼓起、整頓
espouse v. 擁護
indemnify v. 賠償
placate v. 安撫
thrall n. 奴役
tally n. 計數
boon n. 福利、恩惠
stature n. 身材
stump v. 使…為難
rail v. 抱怨、譴責
nullify v. 無效化
exhort v. 規勸、激勵
felicitous a.得體的
vicarious a. 間接得到的
laconic a. 簡潔的
haughty a. 傲慢的
vacillate v. 躊躇
tantalize v. 逗引
deprecate v. 反對
foment v. 煽動
lugubrious a. 陰鬱、悲情的
draconian a. 嚴厲的
esoteric a. 深奧的
recalcitrant a. 頑固的
groggy a. 昏昏沉沉的、喝醉的
ramshackle a. 搖搖欲墜的
contrived a. 做作的
ungainly a. 笨拙的
ineffable a. 無法形容的
eclectic a. 不拘一格的
scurrilous a. 粗俗的
unassuageable a. 無法安撫的
insouciance n. 漫不經心
repartee n. 機智的回答
travesty n. 諷刺
altercation n. 爭吵
doleful a. 悶悶不樂的
dexterous a. 靈巧的
snazzy a. 時髦的
threadbare a. 破舊的、俗套的
bedraggle v.弄髒、弄亂
contingent on v. 視情況而定
impervious to v. 不受影響
apprise(d of) v. (被)告知
travail n. 艱苦勞動
stipend n. 津貼
parley n. 談判
mandate n. 授權
sanguine about a. 樂觀的
commensurate at a. 相稱的
redolent of a. 散發強烈氣味的
tantamount to a. 相當於
facade n. 表象、門面
vagary n. 變幻莫測
parody n. 拙劣模仿
hiatus n. 間斷
jaundiced a. 有黃疸的
sacrosanct a. 神聖不可侵犯的
enigmatic a. 神秘的
salutary a. 有益的
arraigned a. 被告的
slain a. 被殺害的
deigned a. 屈尊的
culled a. 被剔除的
smattering n. 零星、少量
modicum n. 少許
scintilla n. 閃爍
plethora n. 過多
spin off v. 擺脫
hit upon v. 突然想到
flash through v. 快速通過、閃過
bandy about v. 隨口提及
concatenated a. 串聯的
ballyhooed a. 大肆宣揚的
philandered a. 調情的
festooned a. 裝飾的
prompt a. 迅速的 n. 提示 v. 促使
rampantly av. 猖獗地
beckon v. 招手
banter v. 嘲笑
eschew v. 避開
impede v. 阻礙
spout v. 噴出
dub v. 冠以…之名、為…配音
loiter v. 遊蕩
glut n. 過剩、大量

Photography dates back to a process discovered in about 1835 by a man called

Fox Talbot, who is now known as the father of photography. In university, Fox Talbot
studied a lot of different things: foreign languages, botany, chemistry and
mathematics, among others.
As a scientist, Fox Talbot knew that some chemicals are sensitive to light. Like a
few other of his contemporaries, he began to look for a way to use these light-
sensitive chemicals to retain the image projected by light through glass lenses. He
decided to soak paper in the chemicals so that the image could be automatically
reproduced on the paper. Finally, Fox Talbot created a process that was able to
produce a negative image on the paper. However, the process took a long time to
develop. Within forty years, other people had improved it, and the art of
photography had become common throughout Europe and North America.
Today, digital photography, using a camera or a mobile phone, is entirely
electronic. Unlike Fox Talbot’s process, it is immediate. What would William Fox
Talbot have said of today’s mobile phone cameras, with high-resolution, color
capacity, auto-focus, a zoom lens, and a built-in flash?

1. A) discover B) discovered C) discovering D) discovery

2. A) panels B) mirror C) lenses D) screen
3. A) automatically B) unintentionally C) reluctantly D) voluntarily
4. A) Therefore B) What’s more C) Without a doubt D) However
5. A) immediate B) chronic C) toxic D) acute

1. Where can this article most probably be seen?

A) economic news
B) astrological magazines
C) astronomic journals
D) biological documentary

2. Why is it serious that cuckoos invade in North America?

A) Their baby will murder rightful nestlings.
B) They cause threats to local insects.
C) Alaskan birds have less anti-parasites responses.
D) They will make climate change more serious.

3. What are the essential conditions mentioned above that make cuckoos “brood
parasites”? (more than one answer)
A) Cuckoos’ babies hatch first.
B) Cuckoos’ babies eat more.
C) The parent birds cannot detect the different eggs.
D) In Alaska, there are only few Red-throated pipits.
E) Cuckoos lay eggs in other birds’ nests.

4. Please write down the percentage of how much parent birds rejected the fake
eggs in Siberia and Alaska. (round number only)
Siberia Alaska
% %

1. Hong Kong has the reputation as an important site of international trade. however,
except for the shinning commercial buildings and luxury cars, there are still lots of
extremely poor people striving for living.
2. cultured meat is formed by the cells similar to animal tissue, so it can imitate the
texture and nutrition of animal meat.
3. the competition between medias is very harsh. they fight for the income and the
number of readers. without the interesting news, people won’t be satisfied and the
medias will have less attraction and entertainment.
4. from march, 2022, Taiwan has already prohibited raising, reproduction, and sailing
American pit bull terriers. people who violate the laws will be fined 250 thousand
and the dogs will be confiscated.
5. the staffs of service industry are suffering from the emotional burden. for example,
they have to suppress their anger and keep smiling at the presence of difficult
customers no matter what their true feelings are.

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