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Ermi, L. and F. Mäyrä.

“Fundamental Components of the Gameplay Experience:

Analysing Immersion.” Proceedings of the DiGRA conference Changing views:
worlds in play, Vancouver, Canada, DiGRA, 2005.

“the essence of a game is rooted in its interactive nature, and there is no game
without a player. The act of playing a game is where the rules embedded into the
game’s structure start operating, and its program code starts having an effect on
cultural and social as well as artistic and commercial realities.” (90)

“Players do not just engage in ready-made gameplay, but also actively take part in the
construction of these experiences: they bring their desires, anticipations and
previous experiences with them, and interpret and reflect the experience in that
light.” (91)

“the sensation of being surrounded by a completely other reality […] that takes over
all of our attention, our whole perceptual apparatus” (Murray 98)
Murray, Janet. Hamlet on the Holodeck. The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace,
London: MIT, 1997.

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