Assignment 3 (Indronil)

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 ENROLLMENT NO: 210755185351

 SESSION: 2021-24

At the hospital a separate accident & emergency unit functions round
the clock to deal with different types of medical and surgical
contingencies. A specialized, state of the art operation theatre with two
operating tables has been assigned to the unit. High tech equipments
like monitors, ventilators, defibrillators, etc., offer critical medical
services during emergency situation. The Emergency Unit comprises its
very own staff of specialists, paramedics and nurses.

The hospital has 18 general wards; all the wards are provided with
central oxygen, central suction, crash cart, resuscitation kit, portable
suction apparatus and oxygen cylinders, pulse oxi meter, glucometer,
etc. Qualified teaching staff, residents and sufficient nursing staff are
working round the clock to monitor and provide care to the patients.
The hospital has 30 bedded semi special wards, each patient is given
separate cubicle, 10 beds are equipped with central oxygen and central
suction, ward is provided with portable suction, crash cart, resuscitation
kit, and emergency drugs, patient monitoring devices Qualified teaching
staff, residents and sufficient nursing staff are working round the clock
to monitor and provide care to the patients.

The hospital has 16 bedded, special wards Patients can either take full
room or single sharing bed according to their convenience.Each room
has attached wash room facility, Drinking RO water and hot water is
made available 24 hours Each room is equipped with central oxygen and
central suction, ward is provided with with portable suction, crash cart,
resuscitation kit, and emergency drugs, patient monitoring devices
qualified teaching staff, residents and sufficient nursing staff are
working round the clock to monitor and provide care to the patients.
The Hospital has a specialized Intensive Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(SICU).It is 36 bedded NICU is well established with central oxygen,
vacuum suction and compressed gas required equipments and
sufficient warmers and phototherapy unit are being used to the needy
neonatal. Qualified teaching staff, residents and sufficient nursing staff
are working round the clock to monitor the neonatal, complicated,
critical ill neonates are being treated especially birth asphyxia low birth
weight, meconium aspiration and neonatal having high

The Hospital has a specialized Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.12 bedded
well established with all central oxygen, vacuum suction and
compressed gas, monitors. Movable oxygen cylinders, equipped trolleys
are provided. Well experienced teaching staff, resident, internees and
sufficient nursing staff are being monitoring the admitted paediatric
children. It is worthwhile to mention cases like snake bite scorpion stings
poisonings, aspiration of foreign bodies like coins so many children’s are
saved by timely intervention and management by the competent staff.

 Discharge form
 Medical direc ves
 Consent form
 Doctors note
 Lab results
 Medical history
 Progress notes
 Diet sheets
 Consulta on form
 Temperature chart
 Pa ent feedback form
 Opera ve reports
 New pa ent enrolment form
Discharge Procedure
This process takes approximately 3 hours from verbal instruction of
discharge to hand over of discharge paper. In paying cases discharge is
handed over to the party of the patient in ward after hospital dues are
settled in accounts cash counter.

What happens during hospital discharge?

During the discharge process, members of your healthcare team will
provide you with the information you need to make this transition
successfully. Your medical team should discuss all of the following with
 Your medical condition at the time of discharge
 What kinds of follow-up care you will need, such as physical
 What medications you need to take, including why, when, and
how to take them, and possible side effects to watch for
 How to dispose of medicines you no longer need to take
 What medical equipment you will need, and how to get it
 When and how you will receive test results
 Instructions on food and drink, exercise, and activities to avoid
 What you can expect at your new facility, if you’re not going home
 Phone numbers to call if you have a question or problem
 Instructions about when you should call
 Days and times of your follow-up appointments, or information
about how to make appointments
Access Bed Control eliminates the need to make calls between several
different departments. It provides all informa on the pa ent access
staff and admi ng department need to make the correct placement

a set of interven ons designed to op mize func oning and reduce
disability in individuals with health condi ons in interac on with their

Stages of Rehabilitation
 Phase 1 - Control Pain and Swelling.
 Phase 2 - Improve Range of Motion and/or Flexibility.
 Phase 3 - Improve Strength & Begin Proprioception/Balance
 Phase 4 - Proprioception/Balance Training & Sport-Specific
 Phase 5 - Gradual Return to Full Activity.

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