Effective Appraisal System

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Efe vu speek fee bee ey n indi viduals perf obreca = + ob ai Ub - peferrerane af fob dive Iatked of si rR fiche rT] Pifomand Aral n blo OD Biatede four C2) Reb vant ) : mM ot ably 4 | dipend able (5) utd be cable [lad | goa bad. Ole be wont found: KPI: KPI, which stands for Key Performance Indicator, is a high-level measure or metric used to evaluate: the progress: and achievement of the specific objective. in other words, for each objective, @ dedicated KPI is set at the beginning of the performance period, During or at the fend of the performance period by evaluating the KPI one can decide whether the organization is ‘making progress towards achieving that objective or not. ‘After finalizing the organization's mission and © Ads by Google determination of its goals and objective the NNFSSR eres progress towards a specific goal or objective is evaluated through key performance indicator. The KPIs are used at different levels to track the progress ofthe firm in meeting the targets. It works like a compass that helps the company understand that whether it has chosen the right way to achieve its goals or not grant a Ditferentorgaizaions have diferent KPIS. 6g. KPl of @ business entity cn be the percentage increase in profit; KPI of a school may be the pass out rate of the students, etc, Thus @ KRA may Tnclude prof, turnover, customer base, customer atrition, ete KPA at can cho 9 Said J°0 ig indudrd in KOA KRA, which stands for Key Result Area, refers to the fundamental areas of the outcome, for which a department or employee is accountable. It implies the metrics set by the organization for a specific role. Each employee or department has a number of KRAs which are key areas in Which the employee or department is supposed to produce results. For example, for an HR manager or HR department recruitment can be one of the key result areas. The companies define a set of KRAs for each role or department in the company so that employees can have a clear understanding of areas they need to focus and produce results. Furthermore, KRA highlights the job descriptions of a job profile and helps employees understand the role and responsibilities in a better way and align their efforts with the goals of the firm. KNOWLEDGE, SKILL, ABILITIES (KSA) Managing employee performance is a key concern for every employer. The measure of success and method for harnessing employee performance to align with business needs will vary from employer to employer as well as being dependant on industry sector. Whilst employers will seek to tailor their performance management systems to their own ‘operations employers in KSA need to be mindful of the provisions in the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs’ Model Work Regulations regarding performance management. The Model Work Regulations are available for employers to adopt wholesale or to adopt with modifications provided any amendments receive prior approval from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Extensive modification of the standard model is unlikely to be approved for use by an employer. Broadly the Model Work regulations provide for the following. Every employee should be assessed formally and in writing at least once a year; with the appraisal covering the following: * The individual's ability to perform work and their level of proficiency; ‘* The employee's conduct, cooperation with colleagues, customers, and managers; and ‘* Theindividual’s punctuality. Each employee should be given a performance marketing or ranking based on five performance gradings which are not specified but would include categories along the lines of high performance, upper intermediate, intermediate, lower intermediate, and poor. KPI is a performance metric that helps evaluate the progress or achievement ofa specific objective. tis a metric that gauges the level to which the business objective or ‘g0al is achieved, It is a quantifiable measure or metic, ‘meaning it gauges the performance ofa product, service ete., in the market jt measures how successfully an organization achieves ‘goals at various levels. Itis the fundamental area of outcome for which an employee or department is responsible, It is @ metric that defines ‘the areas in which the employees are responsible to produce the results. Itis @ qualitative measure for metric as it defines the areas that can help in achieving the objectives of the organization. Ithelps find out the scope of a particular job or product.

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