The Impact of Low Heat Load and Activated Carbon Treatment of Second Wort On Beer Taste and Flavour Stability

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The Impact of Low Heat Load and Activated

Carbon Treatment of Second Wort

on Beer Taste and Flavour Stability
Masaaki Yano1,2, Werner Back2 and Martin Krottenthaler2

ABSTRACT a higher pH4, more polyphenols4,15, bitter15 and astringent4

substances, phosphates4, silicates4,15, soluble nitrogen4,
J. Inst. Brew. 114(4), 357–364, 2008
fatty acids16, nonenal potential36,37 and lower fermentation
There is a vast repository of knowledge regarding improving limits4 compared to first wort with the same extract value
beer taste stability via wort boiling. However, as far as we are (with the exception of fermentation limit).
aware, there are few reports dealing with taste stability improve-
However, there are few reports that deal with taste
ment in terms of quality characteristics by boiling, under proper
conditions, the first wort and second worts separately. In this stability improvement by boiling first wort and second
study, more than 50 brews in a pilot scale brewing facility were wort separately under proper conditions in terms of their
conducted to investigate suitable boiling conditions for first and quality characteristics. Yamashita reported that when first
second worts. When the second wort (i.e., the last 10% of the wort was boiled, Strecker aldehydes decreased and
total filtered wort) was kept under a low heat load atmosphere reached equilibrium, or a certain minimum value33. On the
(78°C), casted to the boiling first wort, and then re-boiled for 10 other hand, when the second wort was boiled, the longer
min, the produced beer exhibited no significant differences com- the boiling time, the lower the concentration of wort
pared to that of the general beer in terms of taste stability. How- Strecker aldehydes33. Given this result, the first and sec-
ever, when an adsorbent (bentonite, silica gel, activated carbon ond wort was separated, boiled for 60 min and 120 min
or PVPP) was individually added to the second wort and the
respectively, and then mixed after wort cooling. In this
same boiling procedure was performed, the oxidized flavour of
the forced aged beer, treated with activated carbon, significantly case, beer taste stability from the wort mixture was infer-
decreased, compared to that of the general brew (level of signifi- ior compared to beer made from general wort, namely a
cance α = 0.01). The data from the chemical analysis and fer- mixture of first and second wort that was boiled for 60
mentation behavior are presented. min (data not shown). Since low heat load treatment is
Key words: Activated carbon, adsorbent, brewing, flavour generally thought to improve beer taste stability23,26, it was
stability, heat load, second wort, wort boiling. thought that evaluating the effect of low heat load on sec-
ond wort might be beneficial (due to reasons of enzyme
inactivation and microbiological stability, a short boiling
INTRODUCTION could not be avoided). On the other hand, there is know-
Having a fresh beer without stale flavour is one of the ledge that some adsorbents, such as activated carbon
most important needs of consumers. Since wort boiling (A.C.), improve second wort quality when reusing the
contributes significantly to the taste of fresh beer and second wort in a subsequent brew to recover extract. In
forced beer, there have been many studies on the relation- this way, levels of tannins27, nitrogenous substances27,
ship between wort boiling (boiling parameters, structure colour27, bitter substances29, and harsh flavours27 can be
of wort kettle, etc.) and taste stability (assessed directly by reduced. It has been found that the nonenal potential of
forced aged beer tasting13,14,23,24,32 and aging substances or second wort will decrease36 as well, which suggested that
indicators3,9,13,18,26,34). some adsorbents may have a taste stability effect on sec-
The boiling wort consists of two different contents, ond wort treatment. Therefore, the object of this research
namely first wort and second wort. It is known that first was to investigate the impact of low heat treatment and
wort and second wort have different quality characteris- adsorbents of second wort on quality characteristics,
tics. For example, compared to first wort, second wort has particularly on beer taste stability.

1 Masaaki
Yano, Planning section, Technology Development Depart-
ment, Production Division, Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd., 2-10, Shin- Materials
kawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan.
2 Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Technologie der Two different pale malt samples (Ireks GmbH
Brauerei I, Weihenstephaner Steig 20, 85354 Freising, Germany. (Kulmbach, Germany, Table I), Mich. Weyermann GmbH
3 Corresponding author. E-mail: & Co. KG (Bamberg, Germany), which have similar malt
analysis results, were used for the brewing trials. For ad-
Publication no. G-2009-0114-584 junct brews, liquid starch (Nihon Shokuhin Kako Co, Ltd.
© 2008 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling (Tokyo, Japan), which has a similar sugar composition as

VOL. 114, NO. 4, 2008 357

all malt wort (Table II), was used. The entire barley Organoleptic evaluation methods
(Mich. Weyermann GmbH & Co. KG (Bamberg, Ger- Beer flavour intensity ranking evaluations were per-
many), was used with no further treatment (Table I). The formed according to the EBC1 method. Sample differenti-
same aroma hop (Simon H. Steiner, Hopfen, GmbH. ation triangle evaluation was performed by the MEBAK21
(Mainburg, Germany) was used throughout the study method.
(Table III). A bottom fermenting yeast (W34) was used for
fermentation. In adsorbent brews, Bentonite (GranuBent Brewing methods
PURE-TEC, Erbslöh Geisenheim AG, (Geisenheim, A brewing pilot plant (G. Feistlbauer GmbH, Lengdorf,
Germany)), Silica gel (Sylopute, Fuji Silysia Chemical Germany) capable of producing 60 L of wort was used.
Ltd. (Aichi, Japan)), A.C. (Shirasagi, Japan EnviroChemi- The raw materials used are shown in Table IV.
cals, Ltd. (Osaka, Japan)), and polyvinylpolypyrrolidone Malt was milled by using a two roller mill (Heger
(PVPP) (Polyclar 10, International Specialty Products GmbH, Herrenberg-Oberjesingen, Germany) with a 0.6
(ISP) New Jersey, USA) were used. mm gap. Barley was milled using a hammer mill
Analysis methods (Werkhuizen Schepens N.V., Dendermonde, Belgium)
with a 2.0 mm sieve.
The MEBAK22 methods were used for all malt and hop Brewing liquor was heated to 62°C in a mash tun, and
analyses. The Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) meth- then malt (and barley if necessary) was added. Mash was
ods10 were used for all L.A. analyses. The MEBAK20,21 maintained at 62°C for 30 min; heated from 62°C to 66°C
methods were used for all wort and beer analyses except over 4 min; maintained at 66°C for 20 min; heated from
for wort aroma substances and beer aging indicators. The 66°C to 72°C over 6 min; maintained at 72°C for 30 min;
wort aroma substances and beer aging indicators were increased heat to 78°C over 6 min; and then maintained at
concentrated by steam distillation and extracted by di- 78°C for 5 min.
chloromethane. Analysis was performed by gas chroma- Mash was transferred to a lauter tun, and the mash tun
tography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID), ac- was washed with 2 L of brewing water to wash out the
cording to the procedure of the Lehrstuhl für Technologie remaining mash. After the mash was kept for 15 min at
der Brauerei I6,19. 78°C, the initial 2 L of first wort was kept in a reserve
tank to lower the turbidity of the running wort. Next, first
Table I. Quality of malt used in brewing trials. wort was collected to a wort kettle. The 2 L of wort in the
Property Malt Barley reserve tank was returned to the lauter tun. When the
Moisture 4.3% 11.5% surface reached a level a few cm above the spent grain, 1st
Extract 76.9% (d.m.) 76.8% (d.m.) sparging was conducted. After the second wort was
Apparent attenuation limit 80.7% - collected and wort surface level reached a few cm above
Gelatinization temperature 64.2°C 67.6°C
Color 4.7 EBC -
the spent grain, a 2nd sparging was conducted. Soon after
Total protein 12.0% (d.m.) 11.6% (d.m.) the 2nd sparging, a deep cut was performed, which was
SN 841 mg/100 g d.m. - raked for 2 min continuously. All of the processes, begin-
Kolbach Index 43.8% - ning from the collecting of 1st wort to the wort kettle to
FAN 175 mg/100 g d.m. - the end of the 2nd sparging, were performed in approx-
imately 2 h. The temperature of the lauter tun and the
wort kettle was kept at 78°C and 75°C respectively,
Table II. Quality of liquid adjunct used in brewing trials.
during lautering (these standard brews are called “general
Property Value brews”). When the adsorbent brew was performed, part of
Solid content 76.1% the second wort, i.e., the last 10% of the total filtered
Glucose 1.4% (w/w) wort, was collected in a storage vessel. Adsorbent was
Maltose 52.1% (w/w)
Maltotetraose and above 26.1% (w/w)
mixed in 100 mL of distilled water, and added to the sec-
ond wort (bentonite, 150 mg/100 mL; silica gel, 50
mg/100 mL; A.C., 300 mg/100 mL; PVPP, 40 mg/100
mL) (each number is an arbitrary figure). The vessel was
Table III. Quality of hop used in brewing trials. kept at 78°C, which is an arbitrary number, and slowly
Property Value turned over once every 20 min by hand to mix the wort
Variety Hallertauer Tradition and the adsorbent.
Type Pellets type 90 Wort in the wort kettle was heated from 75°C to 90°C
Crop year 2007 over 10 min; maintained at 90°C for 15 min; and then
Alpha-acid 5.9% heated to boiling temperature over the course of 10 min.

Table IV. Amount of raw materials and brewing water.

Propertya Amount of raw material and brewing water
Malt (%) L.A. (%) Barley (%) Malt (kg) L.A. (kg) Barley (kg) Brewing liquor (L) 1st Sparging (L) 2nd Sparging (L)
100 00 00 10 0 0 40 15 15
060 40 00 6.0 4.0 0 24 09 09
060 00 40 6.0 0 4.9 44 13 13
a Ratio in extract.


In the case of the L.A. brew, liquid starch was added to the malt was substituted by L.A. and barley, were treated
the wort kettle, and the wort was diluted by brewing water with each adsorbent. As a result, the amount of lipid oxi-
to reach 11.4°Plato extract during the heating procedure dized substances in cold wort (sum of hexanal, pentanal,
described above. All hops were added to the wort kettle at heptanal, γ-nonalacton), where A.C. treated second wort
the start of boiling. The wort was cooked for 50 min to was mixed in, tended to be less for both L.A. brew and
reach a 10% evaporation rate, and the second wort was barley brew (Fig. 1). On the other hand, when bentonite,
added to the wort kettle with the adsorbent. The total wort silica gel, and PVPP were used, there were no significant
was cooked for another 10 min. differences between adsorbent treated wort and wort from
The wort was transferred to a whirlpool, and was kept the general brew (Fig. 1).
at 90°C for 15 min in order to collect as much adsorbent A ranking test, using trained panelists, was conducted
as possible from the wort. The wort cooling was per- to determine the order of the oxidized flavour strength of
formed for approximately 25 min. the forced aged beers. The results of this test indicated a
Yeast was propagated in 13°Plato wort at room temper- strength ranking for bentonite, PVPP, general brew, and
ature for 3 days. The yeast was cropped, and pitched to A.C. (the strongest was the bentonite brew and the weak-
the fermentation tank to create approximately 13 million est was the A.C. brew) in order for L.A. beer (Fig. 2a). In
cells/mL in the wort. Soon after, approximately 30 L of barley beer, the general barley brew exhibited a signifi-
the cold wort was added with aeration. The fermentation cantly stronger oxidized flavour compared to the A.C.
tank was kept at 12°C for 7–8 days. The young beer was brew (level of significance α = 0.05 level, Fig. 2b).
transferred to a storage vessel after the yeast in the bottom As discussed later in this article, it was reasonable to
of fermentation tank was collected or discharged. The speculate that lipid oxidized substances were adsorbed by
vessel was kept at 16°C for 7 days, and then kept at 4°C A.C., and that taste stability improved as a result. Further,
for 14 days for lagering. The collected yeast was stored in taste stability improvement in both L.A. and barley beer
0°C until usage. were observed, indicating that using A.C. was effective
The maturated beer was filtered by using a sheet filter even when the beer taste matrix was different, and could
(Housing; A20Z, Seitz Werke GmbH, Bad-Kreuznach, be useful in a broad range of pale beers. Thus it is
Germany, Filter; Seitz K 100, Pall Filtersystems GmbH, concluded that there is a certain potential for A.C. to
Wardstetten, Germany). The filtered beer was diluted to improve beer taste stability, and it was decided to evaluate
the same original extract as other beers using degassed the impact of A.C. on process and quality in detail.
brewing water. After dilution, the beer was gassed to
adjust the CO2 content to 6 g/L, and then bottled by using
a hand filler and closer. The bottled beer was stored in a
dark chamber at 4°C.


Screening of adsorbents effective in taste
stability improvement
Four different adsorbents (bentonite, silica gel, A.C.
and PVPP) used in the beverage industry were tested.
There is a possibility that the taste matrix of beer may
influence beer taste and flavour stability35. Therefore, sec-
ond wort, the very last 10% of total filtered wort, from
two different brews having different raw material compo-
sitions, namely L.A., and barley brew for which 40% of

Fig. 2. Strength of oxidized flavour of forced aged adsorbent

brews of adjunct beers. (The lower bar shows that there is no
significance between samples on the same bar (samples on
Fig. 1. Influence of adsorbents on the sum of lipid oxidized sub- different bars indicate a significant difference)). A.M., all malt;
stances in adjunct beer. G, general brew for which no adsorbent L.A., liquid adjunct; B.A., barley; G, general; L.H., low heat
was used; B.E., bentonite; S, silica gel; A.C., activated carbon; P, load; B.E., bentonite; P, PVPP; A.C., activated carbon. Results
PVPP; n = 1. evaluated by trained panelists.

VOL. 114, NO. 4, 2008 359

Fig. 4. Influence of low heat load treatment with or without A.C.
on yeast recovery and MB of collected yeast (reuse). G, general
brew for which no adsorbent was used; A.C., second wort was
treated with activated carbon at 78°C; MB, methylene blue
staining. Malt 1 used in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd brew. Malt 2 used in
4th, 5th brew. All malt wort was used for the trial.

general brew, taking about one day longer to reach the

same apparent extract (Fig. 3a, b). Most likely, this was
because the A.C. adsorbed yeast nutrients such as lipids15.
Sugar consumption grew rapidly when the yeast was
reused both in A.C. brew and the general brew (Fig. 3a,
b). One likely reason is that the yeast storage time became
shorter as we reused the yeast (A.C. brew: yeast used in
1st brew = 8 days, 2nd brew = 3 days, 3rd brew = 2 days,
4th brew = 1 day, 5th brew = 2 days; general brew: 1st
brew = 6 days, 2nd brew = 5 days, 3rd brew = 4 days, 4th
Fig. 3. Influence of low heat load treatment with or without A.C.
brew = 2 days, 5th brew = 3 days), which decreased yeast
on sugar consumption by yeast (reuse). G, general brew for stress and improved sugar consumption15. The collected
which no adsorbent was used; A.C., second wort was treated yeast cells and viability were similar between the A.C.
with activated carbon at 78°C. All malt wort was used for the brew and the general brew (Fig. 4).
trial. Malt 1 used in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd brew. Malt 2 used in 4th,
5th brew. Influence of low heat load and A.C. treatment
of second wort on wort and beer quality
The impact of low heat load and A.C. on quality was
Influence of second wort treatment with low investigated in more detail. First, the differences before
heat load and A.C. on main fermentation and after low heat load and A.C. treatment were evalu-
Thus a brewing trial for all malt was conducted to ated. When the second wort was treated with low heat
clarify the influence of second wort treatment with low load only, no single parameter (pH, colour, BU, AAL, TN,
heat load and A.C. on certain processes, particularly with Coag. N, FAN, TP, anthocyanogens, tannoids, TBN, sum
respect to fermentation. When the second wort was kept at of Strecker aldehydes (sum of 3-methyl butanal, 2-methyl
a low heat load (78°C) and treated with or without A.C., butanal, 3-methylthio propanal, benzaldehyde, 2-phenyl
sugar consumption during the main fermentation tended ethanal), sum of lipid oxidized substances) significantly
to be slower than that compared to the general brew (data increased or decreased (n = 3, level of significance α =
not shown). One of the reasons for this phenomenon 0.05, data not shown). As a result, parameters in cold wort
could be that A.C. adsorbs yeast nutrients related to sugar were not significantly changed (n = 3, level of
consumption and propagation (e.g. lipids, fatty acids15) significance α = 0.05, data not shown).
and these are separated during the whirlpool process. On the other hand, when the second wort was treated
There is a report that when A.C. is added to wort, sugar with A.C., AE (level of significance α = 0.05, Fig. 5a), TN
consumption2,30, yeast crop30, and viability30 improved due (level of significance α = 0.05, Fig. 5b)25, TP (level of
to the fact that A.C. released CO2 from young beer and significance α = 0.05, Fig. 5c), anthocyanogens (level of
relieved the yeast CO2 stress5,17,30. In our experiment, a significance α = 0.05, Fig. 5d)25, DMS (level of signifi-
portion of the A.C. settled during the whirlpool process, cance α = 0.05, Fig. 5e) and the sum of lipid oxidized
while some remained in the cold wort. However, it is substances (level of significance α = 0.05, Fig. 5f) of the
believed that the amount of A.C. in the cold wort was so second wort significantly decreased, while colour signifi-
small that the effect of the CO2 release could not surpass cantly increased (level of significance α = 0.05, Fig. 5g)
the effect of yeast nutrient adsorption. compared to general brew. At the same time pH, TBN, the
Yeast was reused five times by using the A.C. brew and sum of Strecker aldehydes, and DMS-P experienced no
the general brew. As a result, sugar consumption in the significant changes (data not shown). However, in our
A.C. brew was somewhat slower compared to that of the cold wort analysis, only DMS (Fig. 6a) and the sum of


Fig. 5. Influence of low heat load and A.C./No A.C. Treatment on all malt second wort qual-
ity. AE, apparent extract; L.H., low heat load treatment; A.C., activated carbon treatment.
Amount was calculated by subtracting data before adding A.C. from data after adding A.C.
Ratio was calculated by dividing data before adding A.C. by data after adding A.C. multi-
plied by 100. L.H. is n = 3, A.C. is n = 6. Error bar shows the range of confidence (95%).

lipid oxidized substances (Fig. 6b) demonstrated a ten- adsorbed12, or the pore size, which dictates the affinity
dency to decrease. This is because the amount of wort between the substances and A.C.12
treated with A.C. was so small -10% of total filtered wort- Second, the impact of low heat load and A.C. on beer
that the parameters for only those factors present in high quality was evaluated. As a result, only A.C. fresh beer γ-
concentrations in the second wort were impacted. In some nonanlacton was significantly lower compared to that of
reports, treating cold wort with A.C. produced different general fresh beer (level of significance α = 0.05, Fig. 7).
observable results (e.g. cold wort colour did not change25 However, other parameters (Alc, apparent extract, pH,
or decreased11,29). The difference between these reports BU, colour, TN, TP, anthocyanogens, tannoids, foam
and our result mainly arises from the fact that all of the (NIBEM), total diacetyl, sum of Strecker aldehyde (sum
wort was treated with A.C. in most of these reports, which of 3-methyl butanal, 2-methyl butanal, benzaldehyde, 2-
will normally present stronger and wider effects. Another phenyl ethanal)) did not significantly increase or decrease
possibility is that the actual amount of A.C. used was (n = 3, level of significance α = 0.05, data not shown).
different, or perhaps the A.C. used had different character- Third, a ranking test of forced beer was conducted by
istics. More specifically, the relative surface area and pore trained panelists to evaluate the taste stability of the A.C.
size volume dictating the amount of substance that will be beer. As a result, the order of the strength of oxidized taste

VOL. 114, NO. 4, 2008 361

Fig. 8. Strength of oxidized flavour of forced aged A.C. brews of
all malt beers. The lower bar shows that there is no significance
between samples on the same bar (samples on different bars in-
dicate a significant difference). G, general; L.H., low heat load;
A.C., activated carbon; A.C.R., activated carbon removal. Re-
sults evaluated by trained panelists.
Fig. 6. Influence of low heat load and A.C./No A.C. treatment on
all malt cold wort quality. L.H., low heat load treatment; A.C.,
activated carbon treatment. Amount was calculated by subtract- α = 0.01) between the A.C. beer and the general beer (Fig.
ing data after adding A.C. from data before adding A.C.. Ratio 8a). Similar significant results were seen when the rank-
was calculated by dividing data before adding A.C. by data after ing test was conducted three times in total with different
adding A.C. multiplied by 100. G and A.C. are n = 6, L.H. is n = beer samples (2nd evaluation, n = 7; 3rd evaluation, n = 8,
3. Error bar shows the range of confidence (95%). data not shown).
Though taste stability was significantly improved by
treating the second wort with A.C., there was concern that
the remaining A.C. in the cold wort might have an effect
on taste stability. In order to evaluate the effects, the A.C.
before addition to the first wort was removed by using a
filter sheet. When the beer taste stability was evaluated in
a ranking test, the order of strength of oxidized flavour
was, in order from strongest to weakest, general brew,
A.C. brew with A.C. removal, A.C. brew without A.C.
removal (i.e., the oxidized flavour in the general brew was
the strongest). There was a significant difference between
general beer and A.C. brew with A.C. removal (level of
significance α = 0.05, Fig. 8b). Therefore, it became clear
that the taste stability improving effect derived mainly
Fig. 7. Influence of low heat load and A.C./No A.C. treatment on from the treatment of the wort by the A.C., and not
all malt beer γ-nonalacton. L.H., low heat load treatment; A.C., particularly from residual A.C., which affects young beer
activated carbon treatment. Amount was calculated by subtract- and beer under maturation.
ing data after adding A.C. from data before adding A.C. Ratio As shown above, organoleptic taste stability signifi-
was calculated by dividing data before adding A.C. by data after cantly improved by using the A.C. in second wort. The
adding A.C. multiplied by 100. n = 3. Error bar shows the range hypothesis for this high taste stability is as follows.
of confidence (95%).
Precursors and actual lipid oxidized substances such as γ-
nonanlacton have a hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain.
and flavour was, in order from weakest to strongest, A.C. Therefore it might be that a portion of these substances in
beer, low heat load beer, and general beer (i.e., the oxi- second wort were transported to hydrophobic micropores
dized taste and flavour of the A.C. beer was the weakest in the A.C. and adsorbed by van der Waals force via
and that of the general beer was the strongest) (Fig. 8a). hydrocarbon chains12,28, suppressing the production of
There was a significant difference (level of significance deteriorative substances in beer, and leading to taste


stability improvement. In particular, γ-nonanlacton was ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
shown to increase during beer storage7,8,31. The fact that
We thank all of our colleagues at the Technische Universität
this substance was reduced to low levels in fresh beer
München Lehrstuhl für Technologie der Brauerei I for offering
(Fig. 7) may have contributed to flavour stability by low- useful suggestions and technical assistance. We also thank the
ering the total γ-nonanlacton in the forced aged beer. Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd. for letting us present this research, Dr.
Contrary to expectations, treating second wort by low Graf of Ireks GmbH and Mr. Richter of Mich. Weyermann
heat load did not significantly change either the second GmbH & Co. KG for providing malt and barley, Dr. Kaltner of
wort lipid oxidized substances nor the Strecker aldehydes. Simon H. Steiner Hopfen GmbH for providing hops and the
This might be one of the reasons why taste stability in reviewers for their helpful comments.
general and the low heat load brew did not have a signi-
ficant difference in terms of taste stability.

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