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CLASS : IT05102

Da Nang, March 2023


Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 06: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Submission date 11/03/2023 Date Received 1st submission 11/03/2023

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name TRAN MANH CUONG Student ID BD00142

Class IT05102 Assessor name VO DUC HOANG

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature TRAN MANH CUONG

Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M3 M4 D2

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 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

IV Signature:

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I. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Analysis of study data (P5)............................................................................................................................................ 6
1. Roles and relationships between primary and secondary research.........................................................6
2. Present and analyze results of primary and secondary studies.................................................................7
2.1. Primary research analysis.................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2. Secondary research results............................................................................................................................. 15
III. Meaningful conclusion (P6)...................................................................................................................................... 16
IV. Reflections (P7).............................................................................................................................................................. 17
1.Gantt chart and Tracking gantt............................................................................................................................... 17
2. Monitoring Project...................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.1. Definition................................................................................................................................................................ 19
2.2. Project monitoring methods........................................................................................................................... 19
2.3. Apply monitoring project into my project................................................................................................ 20
2.4. Apply Trello in my project…………………………………………………………………………………………….22
2.5. Apply GIT in my project………………………………………………………………………………………………..25
V. Evaluation of selection tools and techniques, evaluation of the accuracy of research methods
(M3)........................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
VI. Evaluation of the Project Management Process (M4)..................................................................................... 30
VII. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
VIII. References..................................................................................................................................................................... 32

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List of Figures:
Figure 1. Survey Results Chart – Question 1................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2. Survey Results Chart – Question 2................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3. Survey Results Chart – Question 3................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 4. Survey Results Chart – Question 4................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 5. Survey Results Chart – Question 5............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 6. Survey Results Chart – Question 6............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 7. Survey Results Chart – Question 7............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 8. Survey Results Chart – Question 8............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 9. Survey Results Chart – Question 9............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 10. Survey Results Chart – Question 10........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 11. Survey Results Chart – Question 11........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 12. Survey Results Chart – Question 12........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 13. Survey Results Chart – Question 13........................................................................................................ 14
Figure 14. Survey Results Chart – Question 14........................................................................................................ 14
Figure 15.Gantt chart.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 16. Tracking gantt.................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 17. Monitoring Project......................................................................................................................................... 19

List of Tables:
Table 1. Project Logbook for first week...................................................................................................................... 20
Table 2. Project Logbook for second week................................................................................................................ 21
Table 3. Project Logbook for third week.................................................................................................................... 22
Table 4. Project Logbook for fourth week................................................................................................................. 23
Table 5. Project Logbook for fifth week...................................................................................................................... 24
Table 6. Project Logbook for sixth week..................................................................................................................... 25
Table 7. Project evaluation............................................................................................................................................... 27

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I. Introduction
In the following section of this report, I will delve into the evaluation of the tools and
techniques used in the primary and secondary studies. The evaluation of these tools and techniques
is an important step in assessing the validity and reliability of the data gathered. The primary
research employed various data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and questionnaires.
Additionally, various data analysis tools were used to analyze the data collected, such as SPSS and
Excel. On the other hand, the secondary research involved analyzing existing literature, reports, and
databases. The evaluation of these tools and techniques will provide a comprehensive view of the
research topic and enhance the credibility of the findings.

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II. Analysis of study data (P5)
1. Roles and relationships between primary and secondary research
 Roles:
- Primary and secondary research serve different roles in the research process, and both are
important for generating valid and reliable research findings. The main roles of primary and
secondary research are as follows:
+ Primary research: Primary research plays a key role in collecting new data that is directly
relevant to the research questions. Primary research is typically conducted through various
methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, experiments, and observations. The main
aim of primary research is to generate original data that can help answer the research
questions and fill gaps in existing knowledge.
+ Secondary research: Secondary research plays a complementary role to primary research by
providing context and background information on the research topic. Secondary research
involves reviewing and analyzing existing literature, reports, and databases to identify relevant
information that can help support or contextualize the primary research findings. The main aim
of secondary research is to provide a broader context for interpreting primary research
findings and to identify any gaps in knowledge that may need further exploration.
- Together, primary and secondary research can provide a comprehensive view of the research
topic, with primary research generating new data and secondary research providing context and
background information. The relationship between primary and secondary research is dynamic
and iterative, with the findings from one type of research informing and shaping the other. The
use of both primary and secondary research is essential for generating valid and reliable research
 Relationships between primary and secondary research:
- Primary and secondary research are interrelated and complementary approaches in the research
process. Both types of research have unique roles and responsibilities in generating valid and
reliable research findings. The relationship between primary and secondary research can be
described in the following ways:
+ Complementary: Primary and secondary research complement each other by providing
different types of information that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the
research topic. Primary research generates new data that can answer specific research
questions, while secondary research provides contextual and background information on the
research topic.
+ Iterative: The relationship between primary and secondary research is iterative and cyclical,

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with findings from one type of research informing and shaping the other. For example, the
findings from secondary research can help identify knowledge gaps and inform the design of
primary research, while the findings from primary research can validate or contradict existing
theories and concepts in secondary research.
+ Interdependent: Primary and secondary research are interdependent, meaning that the quality
and reliability of one type of research can impact the other. For example, the quality of primary
research is affected by the validity and reliability of secondary research sources, while the
accuracy of secondary research is affected by the quality of primary research data.
- Overall, the relationship between primary and secondary research is dynamic and
multidimensional, and both types of research are necessary for generating valid and reliable
research findings. Researchers should be mindful of the interrelated and complementary nature of
primary and secondary research and use them in conjunction with each other to achieve the best

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2. Present and analyze results of primary and secondary studies
2.1. Primary research analysis
2.1.1. Qualitative research
According to the results of the interviews, Nguyen Van Troi High School is facing several
challenges related to library management. The current manual system of bookkeeping,
cataloging, and inventory management is time-consuming and prone to errors. As the number of
students and books continues to grow, the workload for library staff will increase, making it even
more difficult to manage the library effectively. To address these challenges, the school could
benefit from implementing library management software.

One of the main advantages of library management software is that it automates many of the
tasks that are currently done manually, such as cataloging, circulation, and inventory
management. This can significantly reduce the workload for library staff and free up time for
more important tasks, such as interacting with students and providing instructional support.

Library management software can also help to improve the accuracy and completeness of the
library catalog. By automating cataloging processes, the software can ensure that all books are
correctly labeled, categorized, and shelved, reducing the likelihood of lost or misplaced books. In
addition, the software can provide real-time data on book availability and location, making it
easier for students and staff to locate and borrow books.

Another advantage of library management software is that it can provide valuable data on library
usage and book circulation. By tracking circulation statistics, the software can help identify
popular books and areas of interest, which can inform collection development decisions. The
software can also generate reports on overdue books, fines, and other library usage metrics,
providing valuable data for school administrators and teachers.

Overall, the implementation of library management software could greatly improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of library operations at Nguyen Van Troi High School. By automating many of
the manual processes involved in library management, the software can free up time for staff,
improve accuracy and completeness of the library catalog, and provide valuable data on library
usage and book circulation.

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2.1.2. Quantitative research results
In assignment 1, we did a survey on the library of Nguyen Van Troi high school for the purpose
of building the most suitable management software.

With the results obtained from the survey, we will analyze each result in order to come to the
most convincing conclusion.

Below is a breakdown of the survey results:

 Question 1

Figure 1. Survey Results Chart – Question 1

Based on the survey results, we can analyze as follows:

- The main users of the library are students from Nguyen Van Troi high school, with the rate up to
72.3%. This shows that the library plays a very important role in student learning and research.
- However, some teachers also use the library, with a rate of 17.7%. This shows that the library is
also a useful resource for teachers in teaching and research.
- 7.2% are former students using the library, indicating that the library is still useful to those who
have graduated and need access to materials for study or research.
- 2.8% are visitors to the library. Although this percentage is not large, it also shows that the library
is valuable and attracts the attention of some outsiders.
- In summary, the survey results show that the library of Nguyen Van Troi high school plays a very
important role in students' learning and research and is also useful for teachers and alumni.
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- However, measures should be taken to increase the interest of other users such as visitors so that
the library can better serve the community as well as the school.

 Question 2

Figure 2. Survey Results Chart – Question 2

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- Based on the survey results, it can be seen that the number of students from Nguyen Van Troi
High School who regularly visit the library is quite low, with only 25 out of 55 respondents going
to the library daily.
- Meanwhile, the number of students who come to the library every week and rarely come is also
insignificant, only accounting for a total of 14 and 6 people. With 11 people saying they never go
to the library, this percentage is also quite high.
- This result shows that the school library needs to make more efforts to attract students to use
library services. It may be necessary to increase promotion and introduction of new activities,
programs, and materials so that students are more motivated to visit the library. In addition, it is
necessary to improve the facilities and space of the library to create a better learning and
research environment.
- We can see how necessary a library management software is for students to easily access and
use the library regularly, thereby improving the quality of knowledge.

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 Question 3

Figure 3. Survey Results Chart – Question 3

- Survey results about Nguyen Van Troi library show that library users appreciate the value of
books and expect to use the latest, diverse and quality materials. The library has a role to
support the learning of the community, providing a meeting, chatting and discussing space for
the user community, creating cohesion and helping the library become a cultural - educational
center - exchange. Libraries may also provide online information retrieval services and user
guides for using online resources.
 Based on the survey results, it can be concluded that library management software is necessary
- Popularity of the purpose of borrowing books: more than half of the survey respondents
(51.9%) said that they go to the library to borrow books. This means that the library needs to
have an effective loan-return management system in place to ensure a smooth borrowing
process, without causing loss of books or violating the regulations on loan repayment
- Demand for information research: 12.2% of survey respondents use the library to search for
information. To meet this need, libraries need to provide users with a vast, up-to-date and well-
arranged repository of information. Library management software can assist libraries in
managing, replenishing and finding documents efficiently.
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- Learning purpose: 21.9% of survey respondents go to the library to study. This shows that the
library should have a quiet study space and support professional learning. Library management
software can support the management of study programs, class schedules and classrooms in
the library.
- Need to exchange friends: 14% of survey respondents use the library to socialize with friends.
In this case, the library needs to provide users with a comfortable and friendly space where
they can chat, discuss and share knowledge. Library management software can help libraries
manage exchange activities, events and educational programs.
 Question 4

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Figure 4. Survey Results Chart – Question 4

- The survey results show that there is a difference in the user's assessment of the diversity of
documents in the Nguyen Van Troi library. More than half of those surveyed (26 out of 55)
rated the library as having "very diverse" materials, while 14 said the library was "diverse".
- However, there is also a small part of users (ie 6 people) that the library has only "normal"
diversity and 9 people rate the library as "low diversity". From that, it can be seen that there is
a difference in users' perception of the diversity of documents in the library.
- In order to improve the diversity of materials in the library, measures can be taken such as
increasing the purchase of new books, diversifying the types of books, increasing consulting
activities and guiding users in the selection of books. Select and search documents that suit
your needs.

 Question 5

Figure 5. Survey Results Chart – Question 5

- In a survey with 55 people about the library space of Nguyen Van Troi high school, we can see
that the overall assessment of the students about the library space is positive. However, there
are still some students who think that the space needs to be upgraded to better suit their needs.
- Specifically, most (53.2%) of the students said that the library space was very comfortable and
welcoming. This shows that the library space has created a pleasant and convenient learning
environment for students.
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- However, there are some students (8.4%) that the library space is sometimes a bit noisy. This
may be due to some other students not following library rules or lack of library control.
- In addition, 13.2% of the students said that the library space needs to be further upgraded to
meet their needs. This may include providing additional materials, books and other resources,
enhancing amenities and services, or improving spaces to create a more productive learning
- Finally, 25.2% of students think that the library space is quite good. However, it is unclear if
these students expected more with the library space.
- In summary, based on the survey results, we can conclude that overall, the library space of
Nguyen Van Troi High School has created a comfortable and welcoming learning environment
for students. However, there are still some things that need to be improved to meet the needs of
the students.

 Question 6

Figure 6. Survey Results Chart – Question 6

- Based on a survey of 55 people about what kind of books they prefer to read at Nguyen Van
Troi high school's library, we can see that comic books are the most popular, while textbooks
are the least. more favored.
+ Specifically, more than half of the students (41.8%) said that they enjoy reading comic books.
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This shows that comic books are a popular type of book and can be attractive to students.
+ In addition, 30.3% of students said they enjoy reading reference books. This shows that
reference books are also a popular type of book among students at the library.
+ History books are also popular with 15.2% of students stating that they enjoy reading this type
of book. This suggests that some students have an interest in reading books about history and
can find relevant materials in the library.
+ Only 12.7% of students said they liked reading textbooks. This shows that textbooks are not a
popular type of book among students.
+ In summary, based on the survey results, we can conclude that comic books are the most
popular books in the library of Nguyen Van Troi high school, along with reference books and
history books. Textbooks are less popular. From these results, the library can devise strategies
to provide more material about the types of books that are popular with students to increase
the appeal and variety of the materials in the library.

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 Question 7


- Based on the survey results from 55 people, comments about the library of Nguyen Van Troi
High School can be drawn as follows:
+ 38.4% of respondents prefer the spacious, airy and quiet library space to study. This shows
that the library space is well designed and meets the needs of the students.
+ 27.8% of respondents appreciate that the library regularly organizes events for readers. This
shows that the school library is not only a place to borrow books but also a cultural and
educational place for students to participate in other activities.
+ 20.8% of respondents said they liked the library's book system to be complete and regularly
updated. This shows that the library is working hard to provide students with the necessary
materials for study and research.
+ In the end, only 13% of respondents mentioned library management with enthusiastic reader
support. However, this is still a positive and shows the interest of the library to its readers.
+ To summarize, the survey shows that most library users of Nguyen Van Troi high school
appreciate the library space, the variety and update of books, as well as the library regularly
organizing events. events for readers. This shows that the library has well met the learning
and research needs of students

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 Question 8

Figure 8. Survey Results Chart – Question 8

- Based on the survey data, we can analyze and conclude the following about the library of
Nguyen Van Troi high school:
+ The total number of students borrowing books in the past month was 94 people, equivalent to
58.75% of the total 160 surveyed students.
+ There is a big difference in the number of students who borrowed books more than 3 books in
the past month in different blocks. Grade 12 has the largest number of students borrowing
books, with 52 people, followed by Grade 11 with 45 people, and Block 10 with 44 people.
+ The number of students who do not borrow books is relatively even across blocks. However, it
seems that the number of students who do not borrow books in grade 12 is significantly less
than in other blocks.
+ There are a number of students who have borrowed only one book in the past month, and the
number is fairly even across the blocks.
+ Based on the above survey results, we can see that the library of Nguyen Van Troi high school is
being used quite actively by students. However, attention is needed in grade 10 and students
have only borrowed one book in the past month to ensure that the library meets these
students' needs. In addition, it may be necessary to develop other services such as document
consulting to encourage students to borrow more books.
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 Question 9

Figure 9. Survey Results Chart – Question 9

- Based on the survey results, we can analyze and conclude the library of Nguyen Van Troi high
school as follows:
+ More students spend more than 2 hours in the library than in the library between 30 minutes
and 1 hour. This shows that the school library can meet the needs of students for a focused
study and work space for a long period of time.
+ The number of students who spend less than 30 minutes in the library is not much. This may
indicate that students often do not spend a short amount of time in the library looking for
materials or doing focused work.
+ The number of students in grades 11 and 12 spending more time in the library than students in
grade 10. This may indicate that students in higher grades have a need to use the study space in
the library. more.
+ Conclusion: The library of Nguyen Van Troi high school can meet the needs of students for a
space to study and work together for a long time. However, the number of students spending
time in the library in a short period of time is not much. Libraries need to provide more
information and materials to students to encourage students to use the library and make it
easier to find information in a short time.
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 Question 10

Figure 10. Survey Results Chart – Question 10

 Based on the survey results about the library of Nguyen Van Troi High School with 55
respondents, we can analyze and make the following comments:
+ From the above results, it can be seen that the majority of respondents rate the school's library
from 8 points or more, with a total score of 8, 9, and 10 accounting for 78.7% of the total
evaluation score. This indicates that the majority of users of the school's library rate the library
as medium to high.
+ However, there are still a large number of users who rate the library below 7 points, accounting
for 21.3% of the total score. This may indicate that the school library still has some areas to
improve to meet the diverse needs of users, such as updating new books, improving facilities
and equipment. , enhancing the library's features and services.
+ In summary, although the library of Nguyen Van Troi High School has met the needs of the
majority of users, it still needs to be upgraded and improved to meet the diverse requirements
and needs. of students and teachers.

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2.2. Secondary research results
 Definition
- Secondary research is the process of collecting and analyzing information that has already been
gathered and published by other sources. This type of research involves reviewing existing
literature, data, and information sources to identify relevant and reliable information that can be
used to support research objectives. Secondary research is often conducted as a preliminary step
in the research process to gather background information and gain a better understanding of a
topic or issue. Examples of secondary research sources include academic journals, government
reports, market research reports, and online databases.

Figure 1: Secondary research

 Advantages of Secondary
- Cost-effective: Secondary research is often more cost-effective than primary research as the
data is already available and does not require researchers to invest in expensive data collection
- Time-saving: Conducting secondary research can be a quicker process as the data is already
available and accessible. Researchers can save time by not having to collect and analyze data
- Large sample size: Secondary research often uses large sample sizes which can provide a
broader and more diverse range of information than primary research.
- Reliable and trustworthy: Secondary research is often conducted by reputable sources and the
data is usually reliable and trustworthy as it has already been validated by other researchers.
 Disadvantages of Secondary Research:
- Lack of control: Researchers have no control over how the data was collected and the

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methodology used. This can lead to inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the data.

- Limited scope: The data collected through secondary research may not be tailored to the
specific research objectives, leading to a lack of depth and detail in the findings.
- Outdated data: Secondary research data may be outdated and not reflect current trends and
behaviors. This is particularly true in rapidly changing industries or markets.
- Data bias: The data collected through secondary research may have a bias towards a particular
perspective or agenda. This can impact the accuracy and reliability of the research findings.
 Popular secondary research methods:
 Data available on the internet
 Government and nongovernment agencies
 Public libraries
 Educational Institutions
 Commercial information sources

2. List of articles /books

1) "Project Management: A Managerial Approach" by Jack R. Meredith and Samuel J. Mantel Jr.
2) "The Art of Project Management" by Scott Berkun
3) "Project Management for Dummies" by Stanley E. Portny
4) "Project Management Journal" (Academic Journal)
5) "Harvard Business Review" article: "What Really Works in Project Management" by Scott
 Summary of the articles/books:
- "Project Management: A Managerial Approach" provides a comprehensive overview of project
management processes, tools, and techniques. It focuses on the managerial aspects of project
management and provides practical guidance on planning, scheduling, controlling, and closing
projects. The book is suitable for both experienced project managers and beginners.
- "The Art of Project Management" emphasizes the importance of people skills in project
management. The book provides practical advice on how to lead and manage project teams,
communicate effectively, and handle conflicts. It also covers project planning, scheduling, and
tracking, as well as risk management and quality assurance.
- "Project Management for Dummies" is a beginner's guide to project management. It covers the
basics of project management, including planning, scheduling, budgeting, and risk
management. The book is written in an easy-to-understand language and includes practical
tips and examples.
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- "Project Management Journal" is an academic journal that publishes research articles on

project management. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including project planning,
scheduling, risk management, and stakeholder management. The articles are written by
researchers and practitioners in the field of project management.
- "What Really Works in Project Management" is an article published in the Harvard Business
Review. The article summarizes the findings of a study conducted by the authors on project
management. The authors identified five key factors that contribute to project success:
competent project management, a clear and agreed-upon scope, a realistic schedule, a
competent project team, and strong executive support. The article provides practical advice
on how to improve project management performance based on these factors.

 Evaluation about your standing

- The three books listed provide a comprehensive overview of project management processes,
tools, and techniques. "Project Management: A Managerial Approach" emphasizes the
managerial aspects of project management, while "The Art of Project Management" focuses on
people skills and "Project Management for Dummies" is a beginner's guide to project
- The "Project Management Journal" is an academic journal that publishes research articles on
project management, covering a wide range of topics related to project planning, scheduling,
risk management, and stakeholder management.
- Finally, the "Harvard Business Review" article "What Really Works in Project Management"
summarizes the findings of a study on project management, identifying five key factors that
contribute to project success: competent project management, a clear and agreed-upon scope,
a realistic schedule, a competent project team, and strong executive support.
- Overall, these sources provide valuable insights into project management practices and can
help individuals and organizations improve their project management performance.

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III. Meaningful conclusion (P6)

After the implementation of library management software in Nguyen Van Troi High School, it
has been observed that the software has had a significant impact on the efficiency of library
management. The software has provided a range of features that have made it faster, more
accurate and efficient.
One of the most important benefits of the software is its ability to reduce confusion and
prevent the loss of books. The software allows for a streamlined cataloging process, which
minimizes errors and ensures that all materials are accounted for. With a more organized and
efficient system in place, the librarians can easily locate and retrieve books, which enhances the
overall functionality of the library.
Moreover, the library management software has enabled the school to save time and reduce
costs. The software automates many of the processes associated with library management, such as
generating reports and tracking the circulation of books. As a result, librarians can devote more
time to other critical tasks and provide a better experience for students and staff.
The software has also enhanced transparency in the library management system. The
database includes accurate and up-to-date information on all the books, documents, and other
materials in the library. This means that students and teachers can quickly and easily find what
they are looking for, without having to search through stacks of books or paper files. This has
improved the overall learning experience for students, who can access the materials they need to
support their studies quickly and easily.
In addition, the software has improved the security and safety of the library. With the system's
ability to track the circulation of books, librarians can easily monitor which books are checked out
and who has them. This helps to prevent the theft or loss of books, and ensures that all materials
are accounted for.
In conclusion, the implementation of library management software has brought significant
improvements to Nguyen Van Troi High School's library. The software has helped to enhance the
overall efficiency of the library, improve transparency and convenience in information retrieval,
and increase safety and security. By streamlining and automating many of the processes
associated with library management, the school has been able to provide a better experience for
students and staff alike.

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IV. Reflections (P7)
1. Gantt chart and Tracking gantt

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Figure 26: Tracking gantt

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2. Monitoring Project

Figure 17. Monitoring Project

2.1. Definition
Project monitoring is the monitoring and monitoring of all project tasks and activities to ensure
that the project is executing as planned. Project monitoring refers to the process of tracking all
project-related metrics including performance, time on assignment, identifying potential
problems, and more.

This monitoring process goes through the project from its inception to its end.

Project monitoring is aimed at ensuring that the project is implemented as planned (in terms of
time, cost, scope, ...).

2.2. Project monitoring methods

Some popular project monitoring methods:
 Project Milestones: Monitoring the project milestones involves Identifying the Critical
Path activities and other major stages or decision points on the project and measuring
progress against them.
 S curve: The S curve shows trends in and the difference between the budget, actual and
predicted spend.
 Earned Value Method: This method allows project manager to measure the amount of
work actually done on a project. It helps in predicting the total cost of a project and its
completion date.
 Tracking gantt chart, Milestone Slip Chart, Pareto Principle, ...

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2.3. Apply monitoring project into my project
In the project: "Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school" I
used a method of using project milestones to monitor the project.
 Project Logbook for phase 1:


Project title: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school

Date: 01/08/2022 – 08/08/2022

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:

During the past week, we have completed the following:
 Meet customer
 Define requirements
 check request
 Report
We completed the requirements for the week as planned and continued with next week's
Risks and issues:
 Customer requirements are too complex.
 Inadequate understanding of customer requirements

Problems encountered:
Hire a consultant to break down complex requirements.
Use visual aids to clarify customer needs.
Assign specific team members, set a deadline, use project management tools.

Tasks planned for next Phase :

 Summary of requests
 Make a job detail sheet
 Build usecase
 Make an implementation plan
 Division of work
 Report

Table 1. Project Logbook for Phase 1

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 Project Logbook for Phase 2:


Project title: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school

Date: 08/08/2022 – 09/05/2022

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:

During the past week, we have completed the following:
 Summary of requests
 Make a job detail sheet
 Build usecase
 Make an implementation plan
 Division of work
 Report
We completed the requirements for the week as planned and continued with next week's
Risks and issues:
 Project resource not available
 Conflict among project team members
 Project documents completed slowly
Problems encountered:
Identify alternative resources or staffing options.
Encourage open communication, address conflicts immediately
Assign specific team members, set a deadline, use project management tools.

Tasks planned for next Phase :

 design software
 Web design
 Report

Table 2. Project Logbook for phase 2

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 Project Logbook for phase 3:


Project title: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school

Date: 06/09/2022 – 04/10/2022

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:

During the past week, we have completed the following:
 design software
 Web design
 Report
We completed the requirements for the week as planned and continued with next week's

Risks and issues:

 Choosing technology is not suitable.
 Finished product not on time
 Project documents completed slowly
Problems encountered:
Conduct thorough research and analysis before making a selection
Re-evaluate the project timeline and scope, assign additional resources.

Tasks planned for next Phase :

 Build diagrams
 Build a database
 Build software functions
 Build website
 Report
Table 3. Project Logbook for phase 3

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 Project Logbook for phase 4:


Project title: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school

Date: 05/10/2022 – 16/12/2022

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:

During the past week, we have completed the following:
 Build diagrams
 Build a database
 Build software functions
 Build website
 Report
We completed the requirements for the week as planned and continued with next week's
Risks and issues:
 Lack of experience
 The code has problem leading to having to edit and reinstall many times
 The code is slow compared to the project
 Finished product not on time
Problems encountered:
Provide training or hire additional staff or consultants.
Establish a code review process.
Conduct performance testing, optimize code or upgrade hardware.
Re-evaluate the project timeline and scope, assign additional resources.

Tasks planned for next Phase :

 Software testing
 Fix the error that occurred
 Update software again
 Report

Table 4. Project Logbook for phase 4

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 Project Logbook for phase 5:


Project title: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school

Date: 16/12/2022 – 23/12/2022

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:

During the past week, we have completed the following:
 Software testing
 Fix the error that occurred
 Update software again
 Report
We completed the requirements for the week as planned and continued with next week's
Risks and issues:
 The system does not perform the required functions properly
 Lack of experience
 Project documents completed slowly
Problems encountered:
Conduct thorough testing, consult subject matter experts or technology specialists
Provide training or hire additional staff or consultants.
Assign specific team members, set a deadline, use project management tools.

Tasks planned for next Phase :

 Test module
 Integration test
 Put into operation
 Report

Table 5. Project Logbook for phase 5

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 Project diary for the phase 6:


Project title: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school

Date: 23/12/2022 – 29/12/2022

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:

During the past week, we have completed the following:
 Test module
 Integration test
 Put into operation
 Report
We completed the requirements for the week as planned and continued with next week's

Risks and issues:

 Conflict between customer and development project team project
 Lack of experience
 Project documents completed slowly
Problems encountered:
Conduct thorough testing, consult subject matter experts or technology specialists
Provide training or hire additional staff or consultants.
Assign specific team members, set a deadline, use project management tools.
Project documents completed slowly
Assign specific team members, set a deadline, use project management tools.

Tasks planned for next Phase :

 Writing manuals
 Handing over products
 User training
 Sign the confirmation
 End of project report

Table 6. Project Logbook for phase 6

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 Project diary for the phase 7:


Project title: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school

Date: 29/12/2022 – 05/01/2023

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved:

During the past week, we have completed the following:
 Writing manuals
 Handing over products
 User training
 Sign the confirmation
 End of project report
We completed the requirements for the week as planned and continued with next week's
Risks and issues:
 The system does not perform the required functions properly
 Lack of experience
 Project documents completed slowly
Problems encountered:
Conduct thorough testing, consult subject matter experts or technology specialists
Provide training or hire additional staff or consultants.
Assign specific team members, set a deadline, use project management tools.

Tasks planned for next Phase :

 No Task

Table 7. Project Logbook for phase 7

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 Project evaluation
Project Name: Developing library management software for Nguyen Van Troi high school
Time: 01/08/2022 – 05/01/2023
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7
Task  Meet  Summary of requests • design • Build diagrams • Software testing • Test module • Test module
customer  Make a job detail software
 Define sheet • Build a database • Fix the error that • Integration • Integration
requirements • Web design • Build software occurred test test
 Build usecase
• Report functions • Update software • Put into • Put into
 check request  Make an
 Report implementation plan • Build website again operation operation
 Division of work • Report • Report • Report
 Report • Report

Start date 01/08/2022 08/08/2022 06/09/2022 05/10/2022 16/12/2022 23/12/2022 29/12/2022

The actual 08/08/2022 09/05/2022 04/10/2022 16/12/2022 23/12/2022 29/12/2022 05/01/2023

end date
Late 0 day 0 day 0 day 0 day 0 day 0 day 0 day

Current Complete 100% Complete 100% Complete 100% Complete 100% Complete 100% Complete 100% Complete 100%
Result understand the Summarize project or design software Build the back- Check the project Test the Handing over
customer product requirements and website end for the functionality of and completing
requirements. with optimize project each project the project
user experience module
General We have successfully completed the project within the allotted time and budget while ensuring the desired level of quality. The risks were
assessment identified and effectively managed, and I have now entered the seventh and final phase of the project implementation. We are pleased to
report that all the objectives have been achieved and the desired outcome has been delivered.

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2.4. Apply Trello in my project

 Trello
- Trello is an online project management tool used to organize tasks and track work progress. It
allows users to create boards, lists, and cards to manage tasks and track their progress.

 Advantage of
- Ease of use: Trello
has a simple and
intuitive interface,
allowing users to
easily create, sort, and manage cards and lists.
- Multi-platform: Trello is available on multiple platforms, including web, desktop, and mobile
- Suitable for small projects: Trello is a flexible project management tool and suitable for small
projects with fewer members.
 Disadvantage of trello:
- Limited for large projects: Trello may not be suitable for large and complex projects with
many members and complex tasks.
- Lack of time management features: Trello does not provide many time management features,
including a calendar and time tracking feature.
- No strong programming interaction: Trello lacks a powerful programming interaction (API)
feature to integrate with other tools.
 The role of Trello is to help users efficiently manage tasks and track their progress. It provides
users with a means to organize and assign tasks, while improving interaction and
understanding among project members.

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 Use Trello in Project

Figure: Main interface

Figure:: Phase 1
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Figure: Activities of Phase 1

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Figure: Phase 2
Figure : Activity of phase 2

Figure : Phase 3

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Figure : Phase 4

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Figure : Phase 5

Figure : Phase 6

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Figure : phase 7

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2.5. Apply GIT in my project

 Git
- GIT is a distributed version control system used for software development. It allows
developers to track changes in source code, collaborate on projects, and manage code

Figure : Git

- Distributed architecture: Each developer has a full copy of the codebase, which provides
redundancy and allows for offline work.
- Branching and merging: GIT makes it easy to create and manage code branches, which enables
parallel development and experimentation without affecting the main codebase.
- Speed: GIT is designed to be fast, which makes it ideal for large projects and frequent commits.
 Disadvantages
- Steep learning curve: GIT has a complex command-line interface and requires a solid
understanding of version control concepts, which can be a challenge for new users.
- File size limitations: GIT is not well-suited for managing large binary files or media assets, as
these can quickly bloat the repository size.
- Collaboration issues: While GIT allows for collaboration, it can sometimes lead to conflicts and
requires a process for resolving them.
 The role of GIT is to provide developers with a tool for version control and collaboration that
allows them to work together effectively and track changes to their code over time. GIT has
become a popular choice for software development teams due to its flexibility, speed, and
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branching capabilities.

 Use Git in Project

Figure:Figure : Branch
Branches in the project

Figure :Branch
Figure: branch

Figure: branch

Figure: Activities in git of project

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V. Conclusion
Upon careful evaluation and analysis of the data collected from both primary and secondary
sources, I have arrived at a set of meaningful and valid conclusions. The insights garnered from
this project have provided a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and will serve
as a useful resource for future endeavors.
In order to ensure the smooth execution of the project, I have implemented a robust project
monitoring system through the use of a project log. This system has enabled me to keep track of
the progress made, identify potential roadblocks, and take corrective measures to ensure the
timely completion of the project.
Throughout the course of this project, I have gained valuable experience and insights into the
tools and techniques used in this field. I have evaluated these tools and techniques in-depth, and
have determined which ones are most effective for achieving the desired outcome.
Moreover, I have also evaluated my own project implementation, including the challenges I
faced and the strategies I used to overcome them. I am pleased to report that the project has been
successful and has achieved its objectives.
In conclusion, this project has been an enriching experience, and I am confident that the
knowledge and skills gained from it will be useful in future endeavors. The insights gained from
this project will also serve as a valuable resource for others in this field.

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VI. References
1. BURKHOLDER, Zoë. Diana Selig. Americans All: The Cultural Gifts Movement. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 2008. 384 pp. Hardcover $49.50. History of Education Quarterly,
2009, 49.3: 411-415.

2. HORTON, Nicholas J., et al. The Data Science Corps Wrangle-Analyze-Visualize Program:
Building Data Acumen for Undergraduate Students. Harvard Data Science Review, 2020.

3. LATHER, Patti. Research as praxis. Harvard educational review, 1986, 56.3: 257-278.

4. RUTTER, Michael. Fifteen thousand hours: Secondary schools and their effects on children.
Harvard University Press, 1979.

5. RHODE, Paul. Accounting for Slavery: Masters and Management. By Caitlin Rosenthal.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. Pp. 320. $35.00, hardcover. The Journal of
Economic History, 2020, 80.1: 293-294.

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