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se Ufa). Fill in the following table = yer roa small amount of an organic compound containing C*C, add bromine-war! 4 [tamales Expected result with group Bromine-water | | Ws Boer solution Is J Ce i ee le decolourised ral co. —. SoC, AIK ones (b).Fill in,the following table : gba Tea small amaunt of an organic compound containing ~COOH ,add solid sou" “ _— Functional Expected result with Experimea group NaxCO; Cente ‘each Effervesence o| gas 7 (6)To a few drops of'an organic acid taken in a dry test tube add a yachof PCls, ‘unctional Expected result with Experimental \ PCle Observation \ 1 Steamy fumes of | | uicl UTHELEGENDg) fl Scanned with CamScanner —_ : a? a on ’ J whe fare or p14 5 -G-00 4 * -a—oM Regen -e ol : ’ we 5 tut 1) To about IcM depth of acidified potassium dichromate solution in test tube ei ydd equal volume of test sample. Warm the mixture . and anal ——«|-Expoeted-result with ~Faperimental Observation anal | _——| Acidified por. dichromate soln. | __ Grange soluiop huns | ot (prime? | @reen or 1209) fogange solution twnt | feen [a ‘about | cm depth of an alcohol taken ina test tube add about lem depth of 2) 1 a c Q hydroxide solution followed by excess iodine solution. Warm ina hot sodium hydro water bath, if necessary. Functional Expected result with Experimental group _ J+ NaOH (9.) Observation Propan-2-ol Yellow PP ol CHT, [ t | | | (3) Reaction of carhony! compounds ( both aldehydes and ketones) with 2.4- dinitrophenythydratine (2,4-DNPH), Tollen’s reagent (Ammoniacal silver nitrate, [Ag(NH))a1" )- Fehling's solution (an alkaline solution containing Cu ions inthe form of a complex with tartrate ions) and ei reagent ( 12 (aq.) + NaQH (a9.) | 2 FCubonyl Grog (4 ) ns orange ppt wth 2,4 DNPH. a oo \ : x LR =0 + th N- NB REN, or het (THE LEGENDS] Scanned with CamScanner a ai oe “Tallen S Reagewt - " (a) To $ drops ( 9¢ nitrophenythydrazi formed 5 BM) Of the test compound ina test tube, add bcm! of 2.4 reer Shake the mixture and allow i to stand 1a precip" eis 0 § minutes, add dilute sulphuric uct id droprvise, —) fee - Expected result imental ‘ompound Observation — | Aldehyde Orange PPL | (). ; 0 abaut 2 em’ of silver nitrate solution add several drops of sodium hydroxide solution. A Brey brown precipitate is formed. Allow to seltle far a fow minutes before discarding as much of tl % Supernatant liquid as possible. Retain the precipitate and add ammonia Solution drop wise unti the precipitate just dissolves. Divide this solution into equal portions in two test tubes.. To one test tube add two drops of atest compound. Place the test tube ina beaker of hot water and leave for a few minutes. Formation ofa silver mirror on the inner surface indicate the presence of aldehyde group. Expected results "| Experimental Compound Observation Aldehyde Cilvey Mira is famed No Silver Minar | Ketone OHe LEGENDS) b Scanned with CamScanner fon A Ceoppert 1) sutptate sol avmately 2 em? + soluti : Ve ae OF Fh oars ata sion SY si Mtime OF Fehling's sohtion 1 sedivm potas . oa scone Ps ution 3 ( 9 a eae ubauance. WartTl. cverepn SOF the rise sali to # can! of te test subsiane s.r annute® — 7 Experime Expected result Observation _ Red Pr of cup 06. Select ftom the following compounds which are expected to give positive test results with NaOH (ag,) reagent and write equatian where applicable: (a) CHOH ' ! Aby CHCH2OH = CHy- c-on | je CH\CH(OH)CH;CHy of / = (d) CHsClCH(OH)CH;CH, CH | A cd ye == CH 4 act I Oy o | , u a <9 + MeB Wie GAs 4 HE Ge Oe mn ‘Tellow. soval £ ; Yellow ppb \ t sre — arate Nook +1, — CHT, + haber ta oer Oty OU304 bone (THE LEGENDS} Scanned with CamScanner (7716 about | em depth Of propane 2 One taken ing tes of sodium hydroxide x0) fution followed by ex, water bath, if necessary 1 tube 1 Lom depth CC8S8 iodine Aolution! Riess Warm ina hot 98.(a) Write the formula ofa compound which will react with Tollen's nt but not Fehling’s solution, CHO —— ———_ ff Denpatdehyde RGM the reaction between Pentan-2-one with 2,4-DNPH and iodoform reagents, (THE LEGENDs) E Scanned with CamScanner * ip vad ov \ \ ott alter re AMacned te Ny group (mpd - ») que * | ew 1 Jodofan ye 4s ihm ten HeMts.C hamat ian of At15) * saitiOr 5 a * e cabo ¢ , N Swng OW, « temp ( cy - e-) alto give thane 1s wilt) 2040form i 4 | tol mosulls mqert 4’ Tollen's Pevsat Sicay ga A ae Amonical Siler Nitrate frgess Do} NO,” 55, gel Dd of diamine ee ESS (Agena), ]* AL os wild GEASMa Agent , can oxidise A\dohyde not ketone lonen W's weavers SNver motetsforned This b cated ver 0 miror Test Ag! — Gimplex + Aldehyde (v0) —> Se Ay c) + (-coati) cones -0usO » feltin gikatine Sttinm Potacsinn . felning A (M , ) + 4 e ( Teantrtat é) he ye ivase xsi” LE thaed hgetwon ene nat wae ‘ mt Can i zi, wile a wk Cu— corpleX - a ewwh! og Ve or te yuk nol ft: fpaed s oriise Al - wed wt ef CK wedge MC duce = 4 Cay box ic had ett “ Avaenyde — Cu,0 as) Fed seid. Scanned with CamScanner

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