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a. Shall not knowingly engage in business or professional practices that is fraudulent or

dishonest in nature
b. Shall not use association with non-engineers, corporations, nor partnerships as
“cloaks” for unethical acts


General Content of the narration

1. Engineer A came from Roe and Doe, and moved to XYZ Manufacturing Company
2. “A” is employed by the XYZ Manufacturing Company as project engineer on a
construction job whose construction company involved is CBA
3. “A” found that CBA planned to use materials inferior to the ones specified
4. “A” calls CBA’s office, CBA sends Engr. “B” in response
5. “B” comes along and tries to justify the act of such dishonesty
6. CBA went along with Engineer A and provides satisfactory materials
7. “A” then learns that CBA submitted a proposal to MNO Chemical Company, contract
is signed, and CBA requests that Roe and Doe perform the engineering design
8. “A” warns Roe and Doe about CBA and their questionable practices
9. Roe and Doe accepted the offer still, but excluded supervision of construction from
their fee
10. (When a problem occurs with the structure, Roe and Doe refused to take
responsibility and pushed it on CBA)

1st PART
I. Introducing Engineer A (#1)
(not fixed) After a front shot, Engr. A will get out of his car and a shot of him walking
will be taken

II. Introduce Initial Problem (#2 and #3)

Engr. A will enter the construction site (hain it may ongoing construction, public
market maybe)
General inspection with paper and all (*pano ‘to ipo-portray?)
Engr. A will then notice the problem with the materials (*pano ‘to ipo-portray?)

III. Fixing the Initial Problem (#4 #5 #6)

Engr. A will call CBA’s office (for showdown, balit)
The office’s secretary will answer the call (obviously)

*tama, ginpapasa nak tak role, kaya niyo yan

Engr. B will then visit Engr. A in his office
The former(B) tries to justify and defend the use of the inferior products and
materials, while the other(A) believes otherwise (kung sino man mahilig sa ayaw
diyan, kailangan nak hin intellectual debate/dialogue here*)
Engr. A wins the argument and so proper materials will be used (*portrayal is?)

2nd PART
I. Core Problem (#7 #8 #9 #10)
In his office, Engr. A will call Roe and Doe to warn them about working with CBA
The president of Roe and Doe will answer the call
Roe and Doe president signing the contract(*paghimo kita para marisyu)

 Engr. A : Aron
 Engr. B : Cedric
 Secretary of CBA (answers the call) : Precy
 President of Roe and Doe : Dave
 Conclusion : Zyronn
 Construction People : remaining people except VG

 parking lot
 car (shala)
 any place na may construction na nahihitabo (market place for now)
 study lounge (office kuno ha construction site)
 any space that can be made to look like an office, or an actual office (sir carillo’s

 Formal attire for Engr. A and B, and the secretary
 Uniform for the conclusion/explanation part
 Documents kunohay (1.2 1.3 2.1)
 Landline/telephone (1.3)
 (2)Phone (2.1)
 Clipboard and pen (2.1)
 Helmets and all (1.2)
 Sling bag (1.1)
Note: open for adjustment this~
*tama, ginpapasa nak tak role, kaya niyo yan


General Content of the Narration:

1. ABC Company plans to educate engineers and the public, in general, through a
seminar, about the pros and cons of the different construction products in the
market, most specially pipes, with the main purpose of creating connections. (a, c, d)
2. ABC sent invitations to Engr. A, B, and C, whom will become the guest speakers of
the said seminar. They also sent invitations to engineers and aspiring engineers.
3. The educational seminar happens, and the first speaker will be Eng. A. In the middle
of his discussion, he decided to share an experience. He’ll talk about giving proper
credit (e)
4. The next speaker will be Engr. B. She’ll encourage the attendees to become registered
at the earliest possible date (b)
5. The last presenter will be Engr. C who will talk about sections g h and i
6. After the seminar, the hired journalist will publish the general context and
happenings in the said seminar (f)

1st PART

2nd PART

 Engr. A : Aron
 Engr. B : Ly-Ann
 Engr. C : Precy
 Journalist : Gem
 Conclusion : Cedric
 Host : Dave
 Attendees : remaining people except VG, and mangangawat tawo

*tama, ginpapasa nak tak role, kaya niyo yan

 Covered Court/SC (or bangin gusto nim library)

 Formal attire
 Lapel (if possible), or mic will do(2)
 Speaker
 Chairs
 Waiting area for the speakers (table and chairs)
 Podium (para sosyal)
 Papers (script)
 Foods and drinks

*tama, ginpapasa nak tak role, kaya niyo yan

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