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CThis text is for number 1 and 2

PT Bersinar Terang
Jalan Jaya Kusuma No. 32, Maluku Utara
To: All Employees
Based on the decree of Ministries and government of Indonesia we
officially announce that 1st May 2020 sets as a joint holiday.
Thus we submit this announcement, thank you.
21st April 2020

Arga Kurniawan Rina Manila

General Manager Director

1. What is the announcement about?

A. A new policy D. A manager’s decision
B. A joint holiday E. A director’s command
C. A ministry’s decree
2. What will the employees probably do according to the announcement?
A. Take a day off D. Submit the announcement
B. Let the families know E. Hold a celebration in the company
C. Propose for work leaving

This text is for number 3 to 5

We often see people jogging, running, or cycling every day. They always take time to
exercise even if they only do it briefly. They who are accustomed to exercising definitely feel
something missing if they haven't moved their bodies. They understand benefits of exercise.
What about you? Do you exercise regularly?
Exercise increases energy levels. Exercise improves both the strength and efficiency of our
cardiovascular system to get the oxygen and nutrients to our muscles. When our cardiovascular
system works better, everything seems easier and we have more energy to do our jobs.
Exercise also improves muscle strength. Staying active keeps muscles strong and joints,
tendons, and ligaments flexible. This allows us to move more easily and avoid injury. Strong
muscles and ligaments reduce our risk of joint and lower back pain by keeping joints in proper
alignment. They also improve coordination and balance.
Furthermore, exercise can help us maintain a healthy weight. The more we exercise, the
more calories we burn. In addition, the more muscle we develop, the higher our metabolic rate
becomes, so we burn more calories even when we aren't exercising. As a result, we may lose
weight and look better physically which will boost our self-esteem.
Last, exercise improves our brain functions. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen
levels in the brain. It also encourages the release of the brain chemicals (hormones) that are
responsible for the production of cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls
memory and learning. This, in turn, boosts concentration levels and cognitive ability, and helps
reduce the risk of cognitive degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's.
So, what do you think of doing exercise? Will you start exercising now?
Adopted from: November 2019)
3. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. The good and bad sides of exercise D. The definition of exercise
B. Things to do when exercising E. The good way to exercise
C. The importance of exercise
4. How can exercise improve our brain functions?
A. Exercise develops our muscle strength and joint flexibility
B. By exercising we get healthier that makes us easy to think
C. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain
D. By exercising we get slimmer that eases our brain functions
E. By exercising we get enough sleep that makes our brains healthier
5. "This allows us to move more easily and avoid injury." (Paragraph 3)
Which word has the closest meaning to the underlined word?
A. Power C. Laziness E. Control
B. Wound D. Weakness
This text is for number 6 to 8
Topaz Textile Group
Jalan Safir No. 65, Ternate
13th April 2020
Dear Mr. Wicaksono

Allow me the pleasure of inviting you, and a few of your fellow

associates, on behalf of Topaz Textile Group to a business luncheon
at our offices on Wednesday, 15th April 2020.
As our companies will discuss the machines for textile business
that you've ordered and the upcoming new machines that can be
ordered in several months later, it would be a good opportunity for
us to discuss the specification of those new machines.
Please give our reception a call on (061) 5984562928 to inform
us whether you will be attending. We look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,

Ayu Sabrina
PT Sophistist Machinery
E-mail: sabrina.a@email.dotcom

6. What will probably be discussed in the meeting?

A. The pre-order of sewing machines D. The profit of PT Sophistist Machinery
B. The technicians for new machines E. The specification of the ordered machines
C. The location of Topaz Textile Group
7. Why does Mr Wicaksono receive the letter?
A. He is the machine supplier manager. D. He needs the information of shipments.
B. He will be the speaker in the meeting. E. He gives several offers of new machines.
C. He orders machines from the company
8. What will Ayu Sabrina do after Mr. Wicaksono has confirmed that he will attend the event?
A. Order new machines D. Send the machine specification files
B. Cook menu for lunch E. Prepare transport for new machines
C. Prepare the meeting room

This text is for number 9 to 11

Munandis Shiddiq is an Indonesian scientist who is now working as a Postdoctoral

Researcher at TU Dortmund University.
Muhandis comes from a family with a strong academic background, While other mothers
would put heavy emphasis on the kids to perform well in school and to pursue "prestigious fields
like engineering, Muhandis' mom encouraged him to read and question things. So as Muhandis
grew and read more about famous scientists such as his biggest inspiration, Michael Faraday, he
decided to be a scientist.
The young doctor is now researching about electrons inside magnetic materials using
electron magnetic resonance (EMR) technique. The public may not understand why studying the
behaviour of a building block of matter matters, but when applied correctly. the impact is
One of the applications of this is Muhandis' study of molecular spin qubits that was
recently published in the prestigious journal Nature on 18th March 2016. This is an important
discovery for science and the World in general.
It is about simulating a system on a quantum scale. If one day we can simulate a complex
many body quantum system, then the super-powered quantum computer will be a reality. As of
now, the potential of a quantum computer is bound only by human imagination. The impact on
the cryptography field will also be huge because quantum cryptography will be
much more secure than traditional cryptography. This will bring a very secure online transaction
for everyone in the future.
Adopted from: muhandis-shiddiq-brings-progress-for-
humanity-through-science/ (12th Novenber 2019)
9. What is the text about?
A. A researcher C. An investor E. A doctor
B. A lecturer D. An activist
10. What has Muhandis' mother taught him since his childhood?
A. To raise inspiration D. To pursue a prestigious major
B. To draw conclusions E. To perform very well at school
C. To read and think critically
11. The effects of quantum cryptography is ... than the traditional one.
A. Safer B. easier C. simple D. clearer E. stronger

This text is for questions 12 to 14.

Sita likes to spend her time in a park near her house. She is keen on seeing people gather
and have a chitchat there. One thing that she is always interested in, is a clown. She likes to see
the clown, with his special costume and funny behaviour, entertaining people. She initially didn't
know who the clown is and was eager to know him.
One afternoon, Sita went to the park. As usual, she saw the clown under a big tree. He
looked tired and sat on the ground alone. Sita approached him and offered him bread. The clown
thanked her and enjoyed it. It seemed that he was hungry. Then, they had a chitchat. The clown
told her that he lives in a small house. His wife passed away five years ago, so now he lives with
his only daughter. He works as a clown to give his daughter a better education. He doesn't give
up on his fate. He wants his daughter to be a successful person and he will struggle for her. Sita
was interested in listening to the clown's story. She wanted to know the clown's daughter, so she
asked him if she could meet his daughter. The clown didn't mind and soon they walked to his
house that is not far from the park.
Several minutes later, they arrived at a small and simple house. It is the clown's house.
When they arrived, a pretty girl welcomed them. You know what! The girl is one of her
schoolmates! What a concidence!
12. Why does the man work as a clown?
A. He likes such a profession
B. He is fond of entertaining children.
C. He wants to amuse people in the park
D. He should earn money for his wife and daughter.
E. He needs to support his daughter's better education.
13. Why did Sita feel surprised?
A. The clown lives near the park.
B. The clown lives in a small house.
C. The clown's wife has passed away.
D. The clown lives with his only daughter.
E. The clown's daughter is her schoolmate.
14. What has made Sita impressed at the man?
A. He enjoys his life. D. He is simple, but has a high dream
B. He works hard for his future. E. He always does his work punctually.
C. He does not blame others for his fate.

This text is for questions 15 to 17

Recep Tayyip Erdogan was born in Kasimpasa quarter of Istanbul, Turkey, on 26 th
February 1954, to parents Ahmet and Tenzile Erdogan. He spent part of his childhood in Rize,
where his father worked as a coastguard before the family returned to Istanbul when he was 13.
Raised without much money, Erdogan sold lemonade and sesame buns on the streets as a
teenager. A talented football player, he competed for many years and reportedly drew interest
from top clubs, but was prevented from pursuing that path by his father. Erdogan instead
attended the religious Istanbul Imam Hatip School, where he became involved with the National
Turkish Students' Association and passed the exams to earn a diploma from Eyup High School as
Erdogan was then elected mayor of Istanbul in 1994. He demonstrated his religious
commitment by banning alcohol from city-owned cafes. In the social, economic, and
environmental fields, he also successfully tackled the city's water shortage, reduced pollution,
and improved infrastructure, helping modernize the country's capital.
Erdogan came under serious fire in December1997 after publicly reciting a poem. Charged
with violating secularist law and inciting religious hatred, he was forced to step down as mayor
and barred from public office and ultimately wound up serving four months in prison in 1999.
His prison sentence completed, Erdogan co-founded the Justice and Development Party
(AKP) in 2001. The AKP claimed a resounding victory in the 2002 parliamentary elections, and
Erdogan soon had his power officially restored, thanks to a constitutional amendment that
overturned his political ban. He became prime minister of Turkey on 9th March 2003, and
subsequently was re-elected to the position twice more.
After reaching his term limits as prime minister, Erdogan became the AKP's candidate in
Turkey's first direct election for the presidency and was inaugurated on 28th August 2014.
Although the role had previously been more of a ceremonial one, Erdogan indicated his intention
to establish new powers as president. His goal was temporarily impeded when the AKP failed to
garner a majority in the 2015 parliamentary elections, but after attempts to form a coalition
government faltered, the AKP regained the majority in an election that November.
Adopted from: https:/ nn (8th November 2019)tayyip-erdoga
15. How did Erdogan demonstrate his religious responsibility?
A. He tackled the city's water shortage. D. He banned alcohol from city-owned
B. He managed to reduce pollution well. E. He helped modernize the country's
C. He managed to improve infrastructure.
16. From the text we know that ....
a. Erdogan's father was a merchant
b. Erdogan came from a wealthy family
c. Erdogan sold fruit when he was a teenager
d. Erdogan spent all his childhood in Istambul
e. Erdogan was forbidden to be a football player
17. According to the text, what value can people learn from Erdogan?
A. Honesty D. Persistency
B. Diligence E. Open mindedness
C. Hospitality

This text is for questions 18 to 21

Ubud, 7th April 2020

Dear Tamara,

Hi there. How are things with you? It’s good to know that you are doing fine in business. Have
you received my postcard?
I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my wonderful holiday. I think
this is the most wonderful holiday have I ever had. There are a lot of interesting tourist objects to
visit, beautiful local art and craft, tasty traditional food, and much more. It’s Thursday today. I
can’t believe this my last day. I wish I could spend more time here. I am certain I will stay longer
on my next visit.
I’ll be home about 3 p.m. tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I must go back to work. I
can’t wait to show my video to my class. Okay, that’s all for now. Send my love to your

Best wishes from,

18. The letter tells us about ….
A. Tamara’s letter D. Linda’s holiday in Bali 
B. Tamara’s plan for Bali E. Tamara’s video documents
C. Linda’s favourite places
19. On what day Linda going to arrive home?
A. Friday C. Monday E. Saturday
B. Sunday D. Wednesday
20. “… the most wonderful holiday …” The word “wonderful” has the same meaning with ….
A. Poor C. Worse E. Awesome
B. Usual D. Hateful
21. The letter shows that Linda ….
A. Did not have nice holiday D. Has tried the traditional food
B. Has not eaten the day before E. Asked Tamara to join her vacancy
C. Bought all beautiful local art
This text is for questions 22 to 25
Lintang Utara, HRA Manager
PT Cakra Buana Seiabtor
JI. Sunan Muria No. 10 Banjarmasin, Indonesia
080223344556, email: hra_cbs @co id

15th January 2020

Guntur Abdullah
JI. Kalimantan No. 2 Banjarmasin Indonesia

Dear Guntur,
Thank you for submitting in your online application for the
position of training centre officer at PT Cakra Buana Sejahtera.
We have looked over your application and would like to invite
interview with our company on 20th January 2020.

If you have any difficulties scheduling an interview feel free to

e-mail me at hra_cbs@


Lintang Utara
HRA Manager
Adapted from: htps/ww.template. net'editable/5848job-interview-
invitation-letter (6th November 2019)

22. Who receives the invitation?

A. The applicant D. The company's partner
B. The interviewer E. The training centre officer
C. The HRA manager
23. What should the receiver do after reading the letter?
A. Attend the interview right away
B. Reply the letter and confirm his attendance
C. Start working for the company immediately
D. Resend his application letter to hra _cbs
E. Contact the sender and ask what the letter is about
24. The underlined word in "We have looked over your application and would like to invite you
to ..."means...
A. Thought C. inspected E. discovered
B. Answered D. inspected
25. The receiver doesn't meet the interview schedule
…. The he has to e-mail HRA manager.
A. Because C. Although E. Otherwise
B. However D. Therefore

This text is for questions 26 to 29

When I asked my 16-year-old daughter which item she would keep: the phone, headset,
glasses, computer, TV set, or her friend, she said ‘the phone’. I one hundred percents understand
why she keeps the phone. Telephones have been changing our lives more than any other means
of technology have.
First, telephones create the need to communicate. I can text my daughter or wife any time.
They can reply as soon as possible, so I understand their Conditions.
Second, mobile phones mean that we are never alone. "The mobile phone has saved my
life” I said. I got a flat tire on my way to work and there was no repairman. I managed to call an
online tire patching service. Soon my problem solved.
Next, telephones remove our privacy. It allows my boss to ring his staff all round the world
at any time of day to ask a lot of things, including if the programmes run as scheduled.
Furthermore, telephones allow us to access the Internet, the biggest library on Earth, so we
can get any information or news quite easily. We may be smarter with the phones.
From the above facts it is obvious that we bound to our phones. Mobile phones have
changed our lifestyles. However, we must realise that telephones can separate us. To avoid it, we
should be wise when using our phones.
Adopted from: Will Forsyth, Clockwise Intermediate, Classbook, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000.
26. What is the writer's purpose to write the text?
A. To entertain the readers
B. To explain how a mobile phone works
C. To give a general description of a mobile phone
D. To present his opinions about the power of phones
E. To relate his experience when using a mobile phone
27. How many arguments does the writer state?
A. Six C. Four E. Three
B. Two D. Five
28. What is the writer's recommendation?
A. We'd better turn off our phones.
B. We should use our phones wisely.
C. We only use telephones to communicate.
D. We should spend much of our time together.
E. We should not bring our phones to social gatherings.
29. The underlined word in "From the above facts it is obvious that we bound to our phones"
can be replaced by ..
A. Wide B. clear C. sharp D. Bright E. Clean

This text is for questions 30 to 32

Press the Spray Button to spray water on clothes as often as required.

NOTE: When using the water spray function. ensure that there is enough water in the water tank.
You may have to pump the Spray Button several times at first time in order to start the spraying


1. Press the Burst of Steam Button to generate a powerful burst of steam that can penetrate the
fabric and smooth out the toughest of creases. Wait for a few seconds before pressing again.
2. By pressing the Burst of Steam Button at intervals you can also iron vertically (curtains: hung
garments, etc.)
3. Note: The Burst of Steam function can only be used at high temperature. Stop the emission
when the Pilot Light illuminates, then start ironing again only after the Pilot Light is switched
off. from: Brabantia Solid Company, Multi-Functional 2000Ww Iron, Instructional Manu
Adopted 22825418, (8th November 2019)

30. Where can you read the text?

A. In a newspaper D. On a house appliance label
B. In a health brochure E. In an electronic manual book
C. On a mobile phone box
31. What is the advantage of this item?
A. It sprays a lot water. D. We can use it to iron hard materials
B. It can iron an item hung vertically. E. It only requires low electrical power.
C. We can use it any time as required.
32. What will happen if people do not read the text?
A. They steam will not work properly
B. The steam iron will not work accordingly
C. They will only use it to iron smooth fabric
D. They will press the steam button too often
E. They won’t benefit the steam iron optimally

This text is for questions 33 to 36

South Korean rescue services have found no sign of seven people missing after an Airbus
helicopter crashed into the sea off the disputed islets of Dokdo late on Thursday, officials said.
The Airbus H225 Super Puma aircraft operated by South Korea's fire department was
carrying an injured sailor to the hospital when it crashed shortly after take-off from Dokdo,
officials at Gyeongbuk Fire Service Headquarters said.
The defence ministry said on Friday it had sent vessels, planes and divers to scour the
ocean for any sign of the seven people, so far without success. A suspected piece of the
helicopter had been found, Yonhap News Agency said.
The helicopter went into service in 2016 and was crewed by two veteran pilots, Yonhap
said. Also on board were three fire department responders, the patient and another person.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in ordered safety checks on H225 choppers, one of
which crashed off Norway in 2016 killing 13 North Sea oil workers.
That crash led to a temporary grounding of most of the global fleet and prompted Airbus
SE to make design changes to gearboxes.
There were no immediate reports on what may have caused the latest accident. "We are
aware of what happened and we stand ready to support our customers and the authorities if they
need further assistance," an Airbus spokesman based in France said.
The H225 model, previously known as a Eurocopter EC-225, is a long-range, all-weather,
search-and-rescue aircraft.
Adapted from:
airbus-chopper-with-seven-on-board.html (7th November 2019)
33. According to the text, what consequence does the fleet face after the accident?
A. The permanent grounding of the worldwide fleet
B. The aerodynamic changes of Airbus aircraft's design
C. The obligation to compensate the passengers' families
D. The temporary suspension to produce the Airbus H225
E. The interim suspension or interim prevention for flying
34. The underline word in “The defence ministry said on Friday it had sent vessels, ….” Is
closest in meaning to ….
A. Ship B. Vase C. Scuttle D. Aircraft E. Submarine
35. After comprehending the news, it is most likely that the readers....
A. encourage the South Korea government by volunteering in the search and rescue
B. sympathise with the missing people and do fundraising as necessary for the rescue
C. may contact the South Korea embassy in their countries to search for their families
D. investigate the cause of the accident and the actor who is responsible for the accident
E. will search for the data of the missing people and clarify their identities in the database
36. What can we infer from the text?
A. The falling point of the aircraft has been traced and located.
B. South Korea has identified the bodies of the missing passengers.
C. Airbus SE has taken immediate measures to redesign their carriers.
D. Airbus SE is ready to counter lawsuits from the authorities and others.
E. The injured sailor had not yet been treated in a hospital due to the accident.

This text is for questions 37 and 38

Fiat Chrysler is to marge with Vauxhall’s owner PSA to

create the word’s fourth-largest car company. The two
sides say they have yet to finalise all the details, but the 50-
50 merger is expected to provide significant cost savings
Adopted from: November 2009)
37. What is the caption about?
A. The two car companies
B. The production of news car
C. The fourth-largest car company
D. Two car companies creating new cars
E. The productivity of merging two car companies
38. What is the benefit of the marge?
A. Equal profits D. More consumer
B. Better pricing E. Less production cost
C. More products

This text is for questions 39 and 40

Green Garden 39. The advertisement will attract the people who

A. Intend add fish in their pond
B. Plan to renovate their houses
C. Want to hold an event in their garden
D. Prefer a park construction to make a park
Park Construction E. Would like to convert gardens into living
We are the specialist of construction, space
renovation and care for: 40. What should people do to have special offer?
Garden A. Visit the office
Park B. Visit its website
Pond C. Send a massage
For houses, office buildings and public places available
ornamental plants at affordable prices free and consultation D. Follow its social media
Follow us @greenpark to get special discount
E. Call the customer service
Let’s beautify the word
Green Park

Jl. Mawar no. 23 Ternate


This text is for number 1


This week only
SAVE 25%
Men’s and women’s clothing
Shoes, coats and sweaters, swimwears, jeans.
Jewelry: watches, rings, earrings, necklaces
SAVE 40%
Furniture: leather sofas, dining tables and chairs, bookcases.
Luggage: bags and briefcases

1. What kind of advertisement is it?

This text is for number 2 and 3
Cars Should Be Banned In The City
Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of road
deaths and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the most of pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly
gas causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthma. Some of these illness
are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander every where and cars commonly hit
pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or
concentrate in your homework, and especially talk to someone.
In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.
2. What type of the text above?
3. What is the purpose of the text?

4. Write the pattern I and pattern II of “if Conditional”!

The following text is for number 5

Fatless Sponge Financiers
Preparation time 20 minutes
Cooking time 8 – 10 minutes
2 large eggs, separated
85 gr/ 1/3 cup cater (suferfine) sugar
50 gr/ 1/3 cup self raising flour
Icing (confectioners) sugar to dust
 Preheat the oven to 180oC (160oC fan) and oil a 12 -hole silicone financier mould
 Whisk the egg yolks and caster sugar together for 4 minutes or until pale and thick, then fold in the
 Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks in very clean bowl, then fold them into the cake mixture in two
 Spoon the mixture into the mould, being careful to retain as many air bubbles as possible, and bake for
8-10 minutes or golden brown and springy to the touch
 Leave to cool for 10 minutes, then turn out the mould and sprinkle with icing sugar.
5. What should we do when removing the dough into the mould?

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