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NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE sii : Physical Quantities, PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. Ie phepies, there isc vonge oP quonbites which owe mecaured by | physicist 5 explained ond deeribed by the logies & physics ond derived by opplying the Bemulos oF physics. All tree qe trot pryseist mecaure ond desesibe are colled physical gposttes. “Pore ore hoo typer oP physioal quanti: | 1) Bose Quonksies n) Pesived Quantities . | Bose Quontie: In amy syptem & unit, one hos to ctowt fom somewhere By inlernolional ogreemert , here ose Seven boae gyostiticn. These ores | D Length 2 Moss a lime 4) Temperohre Internal 8) Current 6) Aout oP Butstance D Luwinous Intensity Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. Derived Quontities : All other quostities thot ove derived by combining 100. 08 more thon two bage quostitier ,ove called deswed gpontstyer. €q. 95 peee-— care — velocity = —diselacesent time — ovcelenation = —weonily Hypo 5 Geo oC 5 : tne : * MOS® * aceelerotion = -massx yjoots. low Reve » snags x displacement. 7 (ime j® — > work dos 7 nena = Reve x cisplocement WD = sors x(dsplacemenh)® (time)? Ruer = —wosk cbne time. + eserldyoloceeg)® (time) : Units = The aggrele magne of ; a antikies Called units. There are Slandord units ins méeosucement ove Physical guastities There. ove ce ie ahole tonge ) Cose units » 1) Devived units, Scanned with CamScanner ‘Bose Quosbties 4) Length 2 Moss % Time 4) Temperature Internal 5) Coprent 6) Amount of substonce 7) Lussinous laengity Derived Urits PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. Lose Unit Gypnto| metre ™ Kilognasn kg second 3 Kelvin K Aimpere QA mole mol Cosel. ed. ‘Derved unit ig deRned with vebrence to bose guonhites - + Neston = Kilogiom x meee N= Heer * Coulomb = Ampere x seeund CAs & dol = Newlonx mebe O: Ne ve bigina Fen Oo kgs? Pema. Gk. lad: Fxd- Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO- * walt = doolkeonad w &! 2 kgs" = kan? Ws kgs ‘Word Equation, vp, dobre, c derived PYBiCol (ons E_yokon is trot which define, quoatity ond also denned To explain bose questities and oXe units, cob requifed . ed ‘roe = 1093 Kaccelesation * Change = Cupra x fme. sits - word eyportions ore Ho eoety : Re aotion cahich stoke? that two things ove equal, moker verte only iP those tuo thitet one of se typo. 2g. smokes sesge to wosite : * Dhg = 3kg4 Qkg- Bot tt smokes no gene fo crite * BigeSkgt2m op Bkgs Gn FAM. GBecougse ever though the mambers ove equal on eHhor syolek, the ums sho that they ore rot oP the sosme type. a2 ane i on ee OF hove fo be abled tagethes mugt © be he gare tyne. The 3 type. ql word howmogenoug means sas? A physical equation CON only [po . together bomberos guonki 2 coreeet fy Suahes or ald Correct equations weg? Fe fy not always correct. Magen ons bet homegenous eivesHons Ae Y Scanned with CamScanner MS eh che eae Bane Sa eee ag ae pe eR NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT : é DATE | PAGE NO... | EXPT. NO. | Bren iP the units ove eapsvalent the umbers on either goleg imay not be same. | €g. o> seu Ve utat. LH. ueit- LHS wos) me"! TST! + mg 3 ang! + mgt ; The eg? is homogenour Dene", correct unils bub incorrect eq”. Coroes ate) Drecstointy: Peeuseey + (t 13 the degeee fo which a smeagucement Gpproocher a foue Vale. ¥ PRecuwany deperck on the pment used the ski) of fhe erpermenter and the fechriqu used. % Reducing ervors of uncertainty — rinprover Accutocy. Rreeigion : Ik is that gost of Geousocy which 18 within the con of the experimenter. Feecaion cefers to how ele ca set of meosusel values are to each Other. Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. Tre &Apermenter oq choose difPesent Meosusing wBtrumen can, i Moy uxe thon with different levels of Kills, thud GPoohin the” precigion of —-smeosunement. 4 &. freosuring diamelep of oa deel sphere wih frvce. difecent instruments . DMeler cule: 4.9+0.1 em (neceest fo 10). I) Vesmiee colipers: 4.214 0.6) em Creare! 4o 4 fonth oP Atme), m) Miesomete: s + 40 ose hundked) ) Mesomeer sorew gouge» 4.910 50.004 om.Cnearest ty ore heoske * Degree & eae oe 'NCCEO3R og we =move From mele pul wage . * Numbeo of cif ipo ineegorer 02 the prerision sceeazs. 2 mumbpe SigeiPbant ; eis precision of coy ant gure gwek a0 indlicotion of the then a smreogurement 1% repeated Many ten iateument jhe Secdhogs ase wth a precise Mshrucent ig ieprecise all loser together. IP the maosueng ty . feats boy hen the Peace Of Speed oyee po. ee ong wo? eosling precae ond btiel| imprevize bul accusad? . accurale. peoding, troe value. "4 @ T ending o| TOPE2 Ong, Tnocousode + teaching Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. i EXPT.NO... : | a | | | | | Uncertainty | Diomneles oP steel Sphere meogurdd cath there retruments 4. Metre tule : 121 om 2.Nepmier colipess - 12.1 0-1 mm 3. Micrometer Serew gouge -12:12 * 0.0] mm pe The plus mines Figuces in the reoshiegs 18 the uncestointy - AL the seasusesent. % Uneestormby deceeose? 02 we Move Rom wel tule to ‘ | siewomeler screw — Gauge. 46.0 +0.5em 46.5<—s 45. high. 55 low —sThe obsolule vscertainty ix the meogurement 72 +0.5em. Absolute Oneeetars 5 fercestage Unceelounty = alee (00% | -* (95)x1007 = tly Te Uneestainy is nok ony conrad ty reading of eeale and ski of experimenter. Mesa ing instruments alo hog bull user foxinhy. Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. + Uneertainty 8 not on epson; Error 13 a mistake in taking reading aithout any ersor, uscertoinfy may occur. Tee ase tuo type of uneorbinty~ ) spplemake uncerlanty Cero) 1) Pondom unceetinty Cessoe). Systematic Unceekainly : Biplerotie Uneerinly eros in oll eaclngs, bowed OHDOT alove of below the eperted vale Thee uncertsinky = elieninakes by tepeaked Woslings gcd) fhon oneroginy - Spplematie uncertainty ean nly be seduce! by improving, experimental Fecheiquar. 8 Zoe Gooor: IP the’ Secte vecding 8 vot 2000 peee taking the meagusement, then will add up fo the uscestainly - 8 2200 error must be checked belee taking any seachg. ‘Werongly Caliteroted Gale: The Meosubing ‘insheuments aed ih the laboratory Sometsngy May not have the Correct calibercdion * GBliberation of an ammelkee iS checked by Coreeeting sera) cmmeers in seri@s in he - CisCuik . *& Coliteration of a voltmeler volmeless yo is checked Correct, aint by ove ecting several & Colikeration of mee cule and half? by placing several oF thom + Coliberadion mere cule; olongside each ofher. ® checked of dheomomeler Can be chy i ecKed b. i Seveeal in well Stored water ob hp. 8 Plocihg %& Tree cheeks will nol ae oe tnclicate he Show the discrepancy, conte Coliberccion buck Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT. DATE PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. Rochon bme Eosor: When tismiigs ove cowritl out Paoually ih wust be oecepted that there will be a delay between he eaperimentee _obseeving the event ond starting the stopwatch Asmer . There deby is called the reaction hime error. Ik is ome-teoh of & Second. To seduce the veaction time error the interno Of time Should be much geaater than the veaetion heme. fe erompb: ee Period & « Paduum, ene Re ot least ten complete scnegs Should oe vevorted- Resrdom Ureertointy: | Resdom uscertcinky results in readhags being seattered! osour | the cccepted value. Kosdom useertainly say be reduced by vepeating ov Seodling, ond owksaging onc by plotting a geaph | and deesing co ‘best Re hse’. | Mea ding a sale porticulacl, rf this isrolver the eaperimenters Jpagement oboul mbeepolative behween seale Peodiigs- 2) Trivag oseilledions without the use of a velcence warker 30. that hienings snay not Gliays be made to the same point oP the seiing Using a Ridicial mocker , same there error is eliminated. Victor Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. ®) Taking Pee dirgs of ao quontity thes vOsie® —catth dune imolving the difhoulty oP Beading “woth a Hiner Seale and onother melee SmHaneously By ploving a heer close to the meter, Peduces the evr. 4) Reeding a seale fun diferent Orgies , 30 iteoducing a Ve iable Povallex esror. Commbicing Uncertainty * * Foe Qrontiticn cahich owe added og subtracted to gue Peat VBulls, add the achal yorectainhy « e 4. AsyezZ. An: yacertainy of x. Lak al Ay: wnceetaingy of y- An-Ay+ a Az= wneertointy Az. An: Ay +Az. ¥* Re Guonttt® which ove Pulliplies together oe diveled to gue a Feat reuH add the Reotiona! eancente dy + Back onal uneertainty = Absolute o? actual uncertaint Actual value. Fractional uncertainty of a»: eats Fractional weeectay Pook Z: Az ACKonal uncertainty of ye 44, = J: - Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. ee ae ~*Gyz, A= Costant. & 74 +g ap: Sy. fe. ay: As Aye S$eg AF one) ng eg. find g, using gi Feh. A= 0.55 0.02. m T= 4.60 40.098 Bad 3 woth aanceota inty > 4 55 _ Taek GAB = OT 05°. Al E Gh et. BF ° OM 2002. .0.06 9g “25 Ay -0.06. 4g= 0.06%§ 70.06%9.% = 0.6 mg® 9:(9- 420.6) mg-2. —_—— Scanned with CamScanner Vitorié FIGURE NO. 2° method : 4g As Ap”. a 6 Atow> Aly- Ay) (2-42). Siow + 4% 4s: et % pigh = ACyt4y)*(24+A2)° an. a val: ) righ = Se beat 210.32 2. My = Grigh=Fiow 5 a “= W941 .6.6ms% Q Reeentage Dacerkity = _Psolale (neerlainty x 109°/ Petual Value a) Rreentasp vocestainty of T= 0.03 icp TAS el.G7. Reeeelage uncertainty oP Ls bggx O07 al lH% g- APL 72 = 4 Qms*. $ gee Aig: 6.42 = 9= Q.920.B es. gs 7L+OxxT= IFO or] x =ASy Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. Aithaceras ‘Theosem: R Pig? mee (Ae 8 eS ; ‘Ete a e Ni ) fondQ oe Goi'(S). GRE 9. A sk 18 dravelling fo Noeth with speed 12. Kh" with tespect to woter «The Speed RK axter current 13 4kmh! to Coat . ¥ Delerme the Pesuttanl velocity oF ship utirg, - i) calculation method. tt) seale diagram ) By catedosion: Alen R-(Ws 4 onl a) = 12.6 Hest", = toa! Yo 6 13° North 20a Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. 1) Sem: Dkr! Stet ey 0- G.8.0m Akh = Qqem O ower R (6.32) ken! 49 kmh! s@em iy =12.6kmh? A © 19°, Fys, Pane Fr heos6- 25N: ron. e108 ® 4 & Fi feos Fa Foi6-- 2G. Tvs Tses60 ad TeV = T2.00810 its 1y30 6D BH Tpsab . Tisi960 = Tagag . w ¥ force down Ihe Slope = Cosinl’ a= 7400860 + Tosi . when trolley is moving with eosgtont velocity, Seward Ree Brolin aver! costogt Kece = 1Q3.2N. Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE : PAGE NO ..... EXPT, NO. | Equokions of Motions: @ Arg. Velocity = lnitial Velooty + rat Nelovity Va Be Pye Veloeity = ola! Displacement Tine token. -Tolol dploeement = Ave e Nelo et x Time. Ga lerotion = Li ~ Lik @ Aecelerotion Sool seals Inial vebay G: “ye or ots yew oe |veutot ® & (ayyxt = (utara $ (wove t i At S: (Ay + Ob)b Ne ek bs tol? Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. ® Se(ugy )rcb Experiment to Cerleulate ccecleredion of Reefalll 9- Ea Rheostat - Te Aeetomogne! holds the ste en e) The Peight h Rom the bottom ee rere te, Salen eon A " ~ the gph sopolooe 3 mecsuredl, Tho Satlth is thon oes a the Jor oP the hod electromagne} Pelanse& the Sphere ang) Ov the a ad me, the ectronic times darls 08 4he timer Circuit Gg Completed. phere hits tho trapdoos,i} opens the hiner : Ses Ane mer | O& Gren height h, 4 i ‘ d si Ane experiment 45 repeated theree ono! 2 ' peMe 8 epented fee A eange of Rerenk heghts h . ee or ‘GMS and the Corresporaling tine ig Renee) a) Scanned with CamScanner aE PAGE NO. EXPT, NO. xthen all the values owe recorded in a kKbdeded tible. AT Through | Average time aye foots ato : ee 4 bito,ts. rs hm Colo 8: nt YO seut + tool? | A a:b arg AAP us: ieitio) velevity=0 Z] 9-Iyo. fh: 49] ane Grophical Represertation oP physical quontities (ane Grrostent = Git = Corslont. 2 Cindepesvlont) Fz 4-4, %-4- +y is divectly proportional to x» rch ‘ the casve 18 Constant. Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. * ef rMerecses eon-licosly ith »- * lor oO geen ha ? hie oF y Ss boy 2° *7 OMB pOniNg a *Grodient of the gfaph is ‘inereosing % % tench fo be conatant Re loeger value Ay 7A da. 7 Aya - i An: tame. Py Cennept fine): A ' = > Incseasing grodient 7a 5 Aisa Ags » % Ata y Ags An - # y iereased non - lineoe ly with a». * Foe 0 gion. Charge of x correpordig ¥ 33 smaller. *Grodiont oP the Graph decreases *y tends to b % res 0 be comstan} Re lowges values > Scanned with CamScanner Dislance agaist time seth ger: tiene/g . | dionk «2 | gedionk --Stonte. *peedeluey | | )Distonee iAereoses diseehy | propotkonal with fime. | |) qtodient = ci - ; [Datoten = eee spake 0 gradient 3 constant so is speed Aelooity. daloree!™ times. | )Datooee mereoa® wilh time non- | heieaoly - 1) Ror smoller change oP fme, Corresponding change of distance |- i$ loeges. |1) Gradient 13 increasing $0. i DATE PAGE NO, EXPT. NO, distance /en time/s ) Distanee imeseosing with time non linecely - i) for leegee chonge AP time, conrespony- charge of distance is smaller. % n)Grodiest 19 deerecsing H is Spee 1) Ab losger time distance terug do be Contant, olject Comes to vexh. gatonet ie tienes - DObject 13 of reat. | Speed! /velocity. | a Scanned with CamScanner Vic FIGURE NO. Veleedynsp, tone/s . DVelocky rereading cath time diseethy PPoportona) . ")Groskent = acceleration. "") Grochent ig CoNehont $0 ALCeleratien is leo uniform . Velocity 5" kime/s ) Velocity !Pereosing with tee Fon-hieosty Ae lovgee Change of time, Corresponding Change of velocity 43 smallee . N)Girodkeat of the gsaph 13 Seereoging , g oceeleration is so deereosing with fiche . ty) AL lasger values oP time, Velocit y tends fy be. congtant ard actebrolicn becomes Reo. . Vebeeity Pree Agoinst Time. = velochy — _ qoeclencds : * Girodient « velooly — * veloetty/' time/s O Velocity smereagig with time non~ hineosoly 7 Chonge of velowhy” ig longer. M)Grodienk "3 iespogse iS also imerwoging with vals OF time. tine/e 1) Object ot rept . \eleeny/ 5 i fne/s. 1) Uniesr, velocity, acceleration eng Scanned with CamScanner Foe a gen chonge of Nee orto pendng 4 50 occeleration a A DATE PAGE NO. EXPT.NO. OR velety inereaang Siectly D: Prportionally with hme. a Peceleration is qunglant. g AR— Preeleradion is mereasng BL— Aeeleration ‘is decreasing eo Velcerty constant , acceleration eto . OA Distorce is therensing divectly Proportional with tine while velocihy i Congtank- Ags velocity is “mereasing : CL— velocity is decreasing Meee Oy gel ig ot vob. velocity “ms? . | A geadient = Acceleration | = Neloeity (%). | Time | Total Displacement = 5x0BxAQ. time/s. | Displacement = Velocity xtime = yxr= Area under dhe graph: #Geodient of velocity /time = Receleration . & Arco under the graph of velocity under araph i8. dishanee | 0° chgplcement. Scanned with CamScanner displacerent/m f FIGURE NO. 9 gsod is 2e¢0 enert/on : : LJ hme /. 4 acceleration fg? +0 o,/-——-r tine /g tues He. up is -ve. i Yd yee fig. *Peceloralion jg . Cor 18 in The ReeBen BOot, becouse ashen tho ball is in thee ik Il state ortelercdion of fee ea Me only corteaten aching on is * The oceelerodion ig -ve becouse in " the obove di corsickred the upward direckon ce fagram wl have +e. Scanned with CamScanner g Zz 3 9 =z DATE | NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT EXPT. NO, ‘Geoptica) Represertokun Poa Bouncing. Gall. dh, rts ts setls, Victori Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. % when the tai) ence, the Geov velocity. Cohen tno boll 8 in the gies the grochent of the veloerty by” die 78 Command ond -. Thus the acceleration is also Constank ond -ve. The Q0eeleraton remains cgnshant beceuse it is due to Bvt ood tig “VE berause g acks downward? and ih the Above Srogeam 4 hove Congicloreed upwosd disection 4o bo ave. * Dosing the beieP bowrees, sho velocity change, in losge amounts Feom ye to we. This is a losge tye Change’ in velocity dbeing a Short tie, cohich Court a lage anol Ave occeleration . Thig Meceleration % ruse) by the Lee of the grourd on the ball. The gradient of jhe velocity hive Geach jg constant By the accekradtion is also Constank and ecden Ce aeteleration of Grevthy. 3 : dosing the bel 18 im conto with the ground), during 44 chong topialy Rum -ve to 48 and % ches Reojeckile Motion ' +1 Ba mo in projeckle sotion vestico) i component oP al) the physic} Guentiker are smeosuced To measure vesken) height, veekea! Compnents oP all dhe phypiea | quonkties ave Considered, FTO mecgucc the range oP horizontal distance , hovizonto} component oP all 4he physical gpontities ong Considered. Scanned with CamScanner eee ee _ NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT.......... : DATE oo PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. uy hen on objeth is thrown Prom a herght i I foal - above the ground, it onl Rall downwards ch ¢ feosh ~ Petabolie@ path due to the grovitakona) Ree. | —J cetmg on i. Thus it ig: called praectle maken og a Finding verkeal haghh, +h: | |--—8F hea | be Feding total frovelled time, t:] Finding Range, R: | h=-gh? Horizontal Distence = Horizontal component or #2. ang: Velooity x total travel tiene a | | 3-ubs bol? 8-h (vertical heght) ag, | hz OF bgt? WO. (initia velocity 19 in horizontal dieeetion,2o it hos no . vestieal Compenen Scanned with CamScanner UgnO- FIGURE NO. "> *Epotion to Pod Maa™ veolical hight, Viv Mag. . Sis verkeal height, H. * Guotion Jo Pad tiene, b’ ty o-ty h mani héghl, H: a #990" Tos oat i¢ the vectioa!'] V-utat componeal of we v=0 [ot Pe velocity zero] v0 Tot peak velecty is zee] . ruse 0. % i , [pert "bmponenl] 0: (usir)% 25H. = Og. + uss + firding Tota) Fesellod rhe, £: Seub+ tal? 9=H=0 (when obj his ground) thece'’s no veetical 2% Equation to Find Rorge, R: Rage = Horizontal Component Velocit y Total Travel Tine . t= using height i . Re UcosOxh = U00%-- Qugnd- O=-G. =uan6}-L ol? : ; vent bg Re we x2008Fsing-. : * nosy Mesxsnum.. Re when, $0904, sin ZO: 4-sin90'. 26: 90° ©: 45°. Ris Monimum when 6.45, Bo. Scanned with CamScanner tae een, | NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE... PAGE No # f EXPT. NO. ‘Keators Rest Low of Mobion: k fells us what happem uhm Loe, ackieg on a body is baloneed In another words yshak happens to a system or bool ashen the teguttant Reece is zero. Incelion | A body behaves a8 though it is reluctant to Change is | velocty or its state oF Pe. In another words, a body ail) | remain on rest oe will Conkinueg to move with a conghant | velocity, unless it ts Reced 4o do ctherwords. This reluctance to | change State of vot oe motion ig the imecha of the body. | Aloternest of Newlorts Pest law of sokon (toes of Inertia): “Bery object conkinwes in its shale of ‘02 of with unifrm velesh | unless acted on by o resultant Levee . -N I “BN, fe ter | Restos fovce = bo+ (-n) fo | (o- N20 0 Ry: Fath. Resuilant. Leee ig 2060 Resuitonk Ayeve 13 zero. Ob) is io apsloriven ond Hk Objee! hws uniform gpeed of veloot ob vesh. Vie Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. Nefoc's Thied Low o& Mokoo (Acton & Raction) Ib ells ug thet no Reve exe og on “Rolotieg of Siege free apeenes 0% paies, Statement oP Necotosis Tf, ed ow of ame Re as x L pte ob) A exerls @ Beco an 0b) 8, e805) B enesls o Peco | 920 and Opposite oe of posite in dipeekon object A. ° Te Blosirg Pons owe noted obs D icce, cet on difbvens Objects ) Reve, ose OF seamp typ. ui) Foseee gee oF sosne Mognitude ) Keer ook ta o prose diseckon ockon- Y) Breer oot Ro tno Same tiene. ) Newton's thied pair Bee ook i ome al Neg nitud @ 08 Fa ty. Neastors tried low: Gal along he * goenp line of ® oll Shuabong, Scanned with CamScanner h DPbreoe behween # and Ba Thonn £ Meee zn | Foo} Low Ted ae (DH is & low obout Rees acting DH ig & lows about -o- pie | on a syle bods /obpot. Kroes chi 09 hase diesen obj |) M concerns any number of Recex.| A) It concerns osly two Roccex. The Forces ave & difforenk hyper | i)The Roe ore Olwoys oP He soe hy WIR Jeo Kecer ond body is in |v) The Kroes ave always eqyal on equilibein, tne Foscer oe then eyal opposite ars | ond opposite : YIh is only applicable eahon o body DI is dlaoys opplionble in all |" in eepiitbsivme 08 aben itis roving situohon | ath Constant velocity: [Neuslons Prrand Law of Motion (Law of Gnsenation of Momentum) (TE desoribes hot hagpens bo a body when i 78 ached | apn by unbalanced Ree. | Fe Rillosirg pins shold be noted obout Newlos 2° Low oP Moon. | )Unbalonced Reee causes oacelercton o ckeekrotion. 2, ‘The ccceleration 18 exoctly. in the some diniction 08 the etalon! [n) The cexekeofion is dieclty proporkional to the resultant free. |®) Receleration 18. ieversely “proportional fo the bodys meas. | . Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. GO. g A -t@—, fae. ag na eae Pis same Hoy>m ag - FAR , then oova, LO gene hen mM 5g, Conghank cohen P58 constant. = Gmrbming ) ond WP RAN, m:4 kg, a: dmx, then kd, Ox Yin on Puma of BP km, ge = KM, when, k: constant. Maberaliea| f pereralin oF Newstoris 9nd = THA. . 4 Necton, Roce ia dePned os ty Reco neces 4 kg Togs one meter Fee seoend. evar 22 feetlerate Momenhan Mosentasn = moss xvelocity Raxv 31 unit 73 Kgens-'- Ih isc vector. % Momentum is debied og the produch of Mass OF a body oF pashole. on. Velocity Low of Conseevotion of Momentem: Momentum is conserved) iy all colkisiong, inlerochions cad Cplosions Low oP Chevemwtion of Momentum i8 Shales 8 below: Tre tolal momentum of 4 Stem before ga. iMlerack, Collision ig @oehly Spal to ne Ce mecoction , provi Momeny, Pee ied by» a Blerng 2 ein ae Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO.. EXPT. NO... ant Qe cei widely s = Fat vebeity | bekere ealisign, “2"0- aller coltsion, 4 +e 74g | beksee colkgign Ho) Oo afer collision. €g. 0 Mosnentum bere collision = My\jy - | Momenkn oFler collision = (y+ Mg): | Mg U4 = (Mgt Mg)v | ® omentum beGec collision = myuy + my (-up) | * My UY - MgUg. Momentum oflee collision = mg Cv,) + mo - | = -tmgV, + Mgvg « F Mauam gua =~ mgv, + mgV9 - | Gull fay ockico! Application of Low of Comenolion of Momentum: (tig) Moe of Guns M, Moss of Qulltem. | Bekeo Foveg both dhe gun and bullet ore ah rat. | | blastic! velocity of Gun fc bull 6. | ok Pelee fog: a Fini velocity of Guo-v- Feral velocity of Bullel - 0 - | Feiol Momentum bere fee = M.0+ m0 =O Scanned with CamScanner Vie FIGURE NO. % Thal Momentum Per Poing - MV +My Feu Low of Cyrserredion of Momentum *Tokal Momentum beRme = Tikal Momentum oflee- O-MV+my my) = -Mv = MCy). Ma gtituce OF Final Momenks of Baler longum Mogsitacte af fe Momnenharn 0 lw. ; Gny system oF — ealye roo tho Above earosple: lola) soma « Hsion, nleeockon o¢ explosion 12 iehial omen OF ay tug the magnikide nt dhe faa The mur son « to echi0d 18 Opprsile, veloedy op eee & ceprereas the tuo mnegeep PCS thas the dieeckon of Opposite . » ° Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. EXPT No. Momentum cand Newhas Second Law of Mokon: Gus N Pe eerublant Rece oer tine bk. Us itil velocity. v= heal velocity. Initich Mosentasn of Mags 2 Mu. Feal Momestum of Maas 1200.8 any. Charge of Momentum = my my. Rese of Change of Morenhar page | Ww-U Fk Pop BO) oo Fee Yne los Pekma , where k ig Conshan} ie Pan, md kg ra=4mg?, thon Kd, Mothesnatica) Nation of | STP nehatomnin F Nees 2 La | aie we of change of momentum is proportional do the | Pvkoot Roe acting on the Object oe mass. The wale of Chong | OF momentum — cel in the dheaition of the veaullank Reco. | | Scanned with CamScanner Fema or Sheu) or FP: Bue op Bb = emu, Impulse « Pat + myama» Chane of Maménlur. Ra: AP. Impulse = Change of Momentus. heopale : JP o conslont Reee ool: on an object Be a tyne Ab, the puke Of Ihe ce is, 7 - (3 Newhur x second . 8 gen by fk. The 3) unit OP vepulne Impulse = Rap, 81 unt Ne of Impure = AP: Change of momentum, ~ Ng = kgme% 5 S kgeng' “ON Of Pak = uel oP ap, Impulse « SI unt kgma4 Pett =AP = chonge oP eomebum pap. these, of eumenen /N me. lenpae = Reece xhme Ws 7 Brea. undlee geuoh Impulse ig the Osea Under Scanned with CamScanner ea ee Nee OO Sa ERIMENT DATE PAGE No. EXPT. NO Qllisions: — Floske collision — Inelostie collision. (D Ke is conserved in Ploske collision. ke before Callision = KE Boe collision . 1) KE is nok consepved in Welagke Collision , Ke before collision KE Per calision. 1) In weloste collision, some KE is comerted to other Roms of | eneegy, spetially to thermal energy. | [Wn elaste colbsion, tuo obedls move Seposately ofler Collision. | | = iv) In melaske collision, the tuo objets get stuck ast eoch other ofee the Collision Grd move oath Same Hnal Vélocily. vw) Momentum 13 conserved i Ql eollisions ohelher the collision is @logke or inelaghe. % 7 +h) “wy ea avo eke? collision, bles elise ' | kT) HE behire collision = Jean” +o | Ter KG ofter calgon Bm (a = ®, (u;ty,) (u-V0 299 ( => ws-V 7 Ve-49 - & | Ut VaeVe ae =>speed of — approaeh = Speed of seposodion . & fee close collision , seed of opproaeh = speed of separation. (Ge mébstie collision , speed OR sepasction is 2er0 4. of méoske collision : wy oF vet - a © ug © after eolision . beBee collision. KE — pebse gollision= en? Ke ofter collision = = Ag Covema) WP gyre Je C419) v™ + Momentum iS consenved, mw =(m, 40g )y. Scanned with CamScanner o— yf NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT = a DATE rs PAGE NO. EXPT.NO......, ma GebReient L restitution : | It deseriba how elogte & Collision 18; ove Figen oF eatdution , © = speed of sepanative. Speed approach - Re peokely eloste collision, end, | becouse , speed OF separation = speed of approoth- se Re perfeelly welatic collision, 2-0, becaure speed of seposction =O, 08 the object gets Stuck with eooh oihee fier collision so, 90 Speed of separation. x In peoetice, mos! collisions Tie belween these fu entree which i¢ Known 08 peP, density of liquiel =p Reguttant upward i vol™ of liquid displaced -V. Pree ond tT Gf, . vas of ligue diaplonal 3 p. Pin. hegnt of liguic) displaced = ng. Resatheen patron 0 le Rx Upinews! = harp A . Upheust - hog =\p9- ha-h?h = heignt P obj. Ah- Areax heght =vol™ of obj =V- v= volume of liquid displaced by object upthest ypg = amg =height P hgwicl displaced. Te fallouing pos Gee noled about upthrutl: © uptheust = axeight of tre fad displaced . ® velhnst on He body depends on the fbllowing three Raclrs: 4) vol” oF Fisid body displaced D deoaty of Puig 5) qpovitatonal Beld sheng @ upiness! = Ypg - Victor Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. © Biakers ave more dlenge thon the Auscl, ahile Footkes ase fess dene tan the fuyid . OR a floating ob, upthnatsaeght oP tho object. foe @5tho boat is o baker ,s0 i this cose upthruth 18 equa to “eight of the boot. * - Re On immegsed the val ob 05) ,uplhevst. Bsee applied on tne aby by luid displaced by the obj ech Bh Gosking principle of gutmanne ( Praclical Application of Upthovg!), ps a eet ome erm? PX™ , v= G0me (Po mireosing V0" oF Iguid dlsplaced ix fined Fe aahen Luly ameowy. [ou] m—> moss of baud csplaced 8 ceca Weght of hgysel dispbeas) Galo ergosyi vplhood = oxight of liquid displaces. + Uptheust 4g ogy imeeeasing wptnousl = caeight of sabmeanae « Pehulhank Reed 1s zero. ae suomasine Flocds ak cephain deeded te: Scanned with CamScanner 9 Brentuolly, NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. t { t EXPT. NO. > Githin the submesing , there ase lovger tanks isitially Rall of | aie which con be flooded with wader 4re~ ottan. | Cohen the Submocing is ab dhe suckce, ts weght 6 eqyal to fre ugtheuak an it ond hence foals. Gghen tho darks ove flooded with cater, Ihe Sulsmanine~ becomes heovier and a is ueght exceeds the uptheuth, causing 1 to | SINK -Gohen the submarine is Ally immessed ,# displaced O | Bred vol™ of wroter. The densily of canter gervrally restos, ath the depth Be vost axcier “bodies like sea ond ~ ceeoas. So the vol of water disploced by the Submocieg with hove ysepiee moss and grenle weght Ths 08 tho depth of note 1c 00803 > the Subsroving ill produce —_geaciee uptheush , Fe gubmosine will conhnue 40 sink unkl ot c cestoin cepth, the weght beremet equal to uptheus uth the Rooded fans, The suosweine oscends in by seplacing the aaler is the | donks with air 530 tok he Submacing becomes hightee and | the uptreusk on it exceeds ‘ls weight pushing i} towards the suekiee of the woder. Vietar Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. Temiial Velocity In guid i) w>>U Co>>Dregt U. 1) w>>U+ Drag Dmg. Ryullank Downward hosce ooking 0° Sphere 41) ()=U+D 9g — The sphere oceelerates doinword. — % the velocity of sphere 18 increasing. — Prag otvelocity _> Drag also “increaxer —> Geight and uptheust spemain Same. ie. —s Drag ricrentes vobl- wages (V4 Drag, eeultock Rocce 1 zero. > Teemsial velocity 1 reached. ’ ae" lees) ts - = iy In aie. Tes 1 Veleci Teh Tero 8 —5 seultant fece acts dowswasd4 v D wrrU 5 vosultont Sece = w-u - wo => porachutist accelerates. — velocity Teneeoses - 11) (>>> U+PR. BR —> AR velocity —>PR also iieeeoges — > uplhrusk cpmain some 7 —S Wfight Pemain gosne. = KAR = —> PR kept on weeeosing fill it coneelg the pe uHAR v. downward Gee. ") — W= U+ AR. : >. pesulfant foree 18 2eP0. > He reaches Higher Termdal Velocity Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. : : 3 EXPT. NO a es Of PRo« 3A | > WD temas game 1 — upward AR increase : Boke Thlot upiassd Kee orenmes . eg now eullpat ock up, oppo%He to the direction of, — be stasts to decelerate : > D_ velocity decreases = > PR velotity: oe > AR starts 4 decease ‘Il again - upword Reco = downward {eee . > W and V -vesmain seme. > ashen, @=UtAR, ogain tesultant gee 5 2050. — Louee teommal velocity ig reached. Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. Eh Reeroullis Rireiple: lk dates hot he greater 18 tne speed oP Auid, wee is the Auia pressure. U aa of of Renuce of Paid - Rud (oid ee ek. go these’s a Sowa! upword pressure =f2-P, - Fea, cerullant upuncd Roce = uptreust 00s. os [Fh Rorce = . i hq OF iI 38 shaped in such & woy 90 thal a (O% fe ae pens fo frovel than tho ais that posses yeseererd Gosnegpsont | = OTe air po8seq, ovee the upper gueice teove! Bateo than that Possing underneath the lowee guekee, @This e@ulls im We higher Speed aie on tho tup of A the aerohoi| beg at e i : Fo} oe ler pretwre than the lowes speed are on the ) The pressuce difference couses a ve, i : thet org £ oeeofil that is the if Roop achag aa eon BOF, ; Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO, PT.NO. © ae and helicopless ove both erowplet of oerofol thar gre iF . ay Reces Rebing on aaiveoft in level Aight with cpnslant speed . Alo pushes awécafl in uptword diseetion (het) Aim pusher ‘ 7” ie i Ale pushes aircraf in the fhe Bonacty Sa bechabeg dion Cae) direction (theust). osth pulls gieerah down with Gsovitational fosce Cueight) . eve Are sussounding On orerah in a Fight produce three Contac Rerces . Those owe: Are crofk engine push air bockwordk ond the Newls dhied poe 4o this is the fece of tho air paahing the awerehh Reuoed. (eqoPoeeoh @ As ain trevel8 over the upper and kwer suekce of the wing 7 thece 13 a peessuce difference which prodicet sultant —* upuord foeve called lk Beeo . OTe aie produces devg (aie cosslance) in the boekward difeton | a9 the arena posed through ih. If the areca ig fravelhin with epnstant speed with constont height then the Kece on fF ace baloneed- % the dreg=l ood Kf= weght. pean Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. Frforces Rok a smb with constant speed. 8 Pekeg on opt cen up Fer conatont speed , resultant ree is 2260 - — V.LA + VThrugl = V. Drag+ Coeight —> H. Thrust =H. Orag + HLA. ot constant velbery peed, the feces +I? an aroeraA is feovelling A ig Chsabing OF im 0M tt O8€ balanced , whether the aie cea level Right- «ley the obove diogeosn, he vertical component of Li ond thrush oe . : oe dig, ord opposite to the axight ond vertical Comgonenk + The hosizonlal component of be , the bockaaed dvfohon 8 me annum ae oP shag Component of thoast in the a eden > the Forza * So the cesultont Reco ook . ; ’ on + P ; airora Ah ig Climbing upp “dan a a vey 18 2er0 and the Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE. (Rgectile Motion: PAGE NO. Gren class. EXPT. NO. i — et | “Retort! ssiane i | horizontat h Wte = verkeal chaght | wee Nei = Velocity i horizontal divection Ney? 2. VW 2s verlianl component of Velocity . a>! Cveteiy oP projectile jual before tithing the grvrd j | Foluwys fo Bind ouk tine é esojeckla2 motion, we corsider the verkcal eosnporents the Pryseal quontikiar. | > Tolol pose! tme,t. Buty sed? 3 ig h— vertical height a8 Q. h-0+ $1% wig 200 (08 ‘isi hat peer Bi torzontal disethi ea vertical component >To Bed vertical he eghtA. S=ut + bat | hz 0+ bal? | To Food hotrntal distorts , 2 (Ronxp). Horatal Distance = Hosiaunlal cumponent of velootty xctotal fone. AeVuxt = Nix PR ReNux J Victor Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. We=gh VE uF Das vecheal NY" 049eh | SP ony N= sat ae x ~— 8 Xone *F ua Fes, Man Neolicat Heh: eral VER Ons sot the ROK, verice! cossponent fib: % 2er9 Ota. WO h: Se” heart veel Component of initial velocihy. = J Copwoed oF gh downwaee! ) (projectile & Aheown aaa ash cowry). Sh = max vertical heght. * : ees Time fo e060 she Mog Feght /peak Vesa? 5 ob she pea, 0 O= usinb-a4? wsusate $= usin O=-g. Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. oe fiding total fovel ime be Seutt toot? | 6:05 03 no verkeal height ot P ord & | Or vaio -La® ws usm =verkeol Component AP wikat vey #e Toto fswvel thine is tice the time to eoch fhe moot” be & Finding Ronge, R: Forge = Se Useasnias eomporent oP vaierky xtobl dnp ReVyrd = Ulage Quan | ey A. QEsnteok - oF sOsitross- = i x8920° | *WsinCox=sin IW . Rig moat, when sin QS is mrar™ ond th OA. ginQ- 3ih40 | 20-. %” 6:48". Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. M um: FIGURE ? momentum = Mass x acid + surenhan Cone) sealot. aA oe G o- [at pee. oles collision. be het be%re collision ‘moments bobee colksion = MU, + mgug - momentum afer colision =v, + NO | Pier uD 2 WV + Move [eel Bae ee CPZ rages Moore ro om aonsee ves - Fees ley Ne Ny ee Mosnentuen bekre = Mu, +g (-ug) = Mw,-MQuUug . Momentum flee = #\(-v) +9Ve = —-Miv) + MQVO . vf Q os soe uth some fral vekeity ofter collision then melasic collision. Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE Ulork,,. Crergy »fower PAGE NO. EXPT NO. | 00. | Coy dove = 1 doe R02 Distance wo at 1 Abe kee Ge: =o°5 W=Frad, Sl ust Nev oe dovle , Sealoe Quant ond it | Geo Bee oppred on om body of a system | moves in the dweetion of Roce oppied, is sod thot | WOH done ON the kody by the Bree, | Book done is 2e00 in dhe Bilosine, 0328: red Roce © Woe done 78 2e°0 when the diveckon of the one another ond the diseckon of tho body moved oe _|_ | ree e Ca= dx Foss. Co-dx eos = dx Fesa0 or 0. Mokon | then on 0b) is in Ciseular mOHon, of ony 1 ye “sor h Pultank torce | dictotion oP svhion is 1. to the diechon | ocheg uomdt {he centre 50 fy Esa, Bork clone ig _zeso. ond there ig m0 trowsfer of energy. Scanned with CamScanner Victor FIGURE NO. e9, Aechron orbitiig owound nucleus, planets osbitiy ground S40 i Solace System — in ee erompler , Ee 8 0 onsen of energy ond the System Hoop im ocular osbit of fmed odd with constan| Sete. efile /Re indeBaite aie. © Work done oo 200 when the force “o ogplied on fhe Object, tut Are object doosnt sro1e. Th Uoeh clne by erponding — Gose. Gs Post. kod Piston 18 re amylibriun PPR. « Gfossttoa} P- F-B acting oo piston. sown dae Pe » PBhvliost Oylaccd Loco ooks on puston (A) x ¥ Dstonce sevedl in dro direction of 2, (= Pxdo.= PAndn = P(Axdn) = Pay. 7 LO}, rea of Peston = A) PResuse on Etton, p= Lee erected on Area of pistén wsfon a o FPA. = PAN: w ‘ao has Joule, Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE: PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. Brgy 18 0 mathematica quontity kth Change when work | B done on of by syle = hen system does work if | LRA energy. Cohen vooekk “dore on co System it gps energy. The om of energy Jronakec “ws epall to asnounk of | eek done. €ne9j bos by sytem 4: 4u Energy gored by spten 2 = Au ai dere) Aon Qedta. Al-Av > Energy iS & Sales quantity > Unit ‘is Joule. | Te Fanaiple ervation of Cage | & ony syslem i Uolated Ror is susSoundings, the tohal amount energy i at sytem ogemciie combant. The enery € aloud or be oesonged, or be leuesfteed Prom | oe en 40 asother flgen wsthin Ine Bem. But thece 48 Ho imceeose 00 dycrease Of the Lat axnount oP enesy, Thos energy “ww nether created nor dextroyed | | EMoeney = UbePur work done output ee oY Usek ence | Total lop Energy : Victor Scanned with CamScanner Y/N FIGURE NO. nm tose dove = Brea. unde Force ogoiss} graph. >. Din FR Rlenkiat Brorgy. ekeatic PE. eleetsie potential ited potenhias i ® geergs. or ere e. O This is the eve, seed by of obj ‘i oF comprened aie, 4 0%) by virtue of Is shelohes @ Rhentiay dsPForenco = guorcal avclk Charge * elechical aye done on Clectrct p-e= polenial difGronee x charge. Elotrieat FE 2\XQ @ 4H GM ebeo = xh = Cah= sgh hy} 4h Lye dyeo—s grovtatoma) PE. Tas GPE - Al cnegeus of ob . Kinetic Eneeg 4. is the ge POSSEASE! by Go ob) 1 motion, + an Qos 420, ag, 1 geh F.6 -S5n oo het +: Tolar He Joueed = Tolor Ge fost ) He -mgh “rE zk ye. gow Scanned with CamScanner It NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT .... : DATE PAGE NO. EXPT. NO. 'g, ah. wer: hs deRoed ox the sate of dom of energy drcvahbprea, ie pant sk 2 Of Tab P- Ge P: &{. fa: VE © Pe _Reoe x distane moved in dwetow- -o?—oce- | 0 | P= A Pad) = Pav. Buee = Reco xveloeit4 P- Pxv = Neg! . Ay | ; % | =H: Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE Hookes. Motessas PAGE NO. EXPT. NO oo | Hooke's Low 4 | » Rev ocentension upto the dlaste lsiit i 1 ed | gomt. e/ " a = Sa etteamin EL ap “a classe Init port — “Pp-- oO 1» for oii Ize GA — obeys Hooke: - ke = Sprir | 24's Flooke’s. Law Grodin} - ete oe - OR — gloatie defossnation AB ploske — deRemofiun. | Ptr o¢ Polka, He spring constant oe stiPhoRs | Hooke’s Low —stotes thot ugto the elastic lish pont, the ood iy ditely pepsrkonal fo the extension which means when the load | wemoveel , the spring goes back +b ongihal sda k shape Ths behavioe of spring “@ Vnown 08 laste behaviour. |Besond the eloske list , materiglt ny longer obey Hooke’s Law | and become — peesnonen deboaneal # “skelh Ta i Pecther, now) 08 lose eRernckion Gore mmertesols have o | vee4 low — elagtic fir and do not dbey Hooke's Laed | obVal\, e9. Plaskone. F / | ». Scanned with CamScanner Vidtori: FIGURE NO. AGraent oP Roce SSresen gragh 18 Ate meomue OP Shag, fReake Potential Atmin Bresgy Gor ea Distance moved the direction OF Reco. (ooek done = FOrce x enteasion = FAX Bloakie PE oe Stain Ener FA™- ° Ans very ginclly 50 charge i Rece is negligible, Fr Pow & the shoded strip = FAns Blashe FE Reda, % Brel Elostic FE = Tolel Aven uncer he graph J © dee te ~ Pri" of Weegle hoe St Ceo = Ag Pm = Pveroge Reve xentension. Ka. ¥The_osee under the gsaph Fron Hoos pies P of fiece ogavigh enlenrion graph ere = s(n) 8 EPE/8¢ 2 Joka Pe: PH. [eyRopestis oP Notesial. OBiR ssoterial —> Moterias that o heed to stretch ave rie be aif? GAP molesals hove geeater spring comstoat pnd fe o losge load, there 18 only Shght entension, —_Gleepeat = oletfes} voke)) Hflorrble material > Molesias thoh ase poay 40 siretch oe aio to be Floxble- @Elashe _moaleial— There moteriols vehuen 49 wir osigina) ni the atretehing Beco i — semoved. " gia) shape wher Scanned with CamScanner NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO EXPT. NO... Ral, “Obayrh a lOr OP energy defen : = ond then Fatty snaps. | Gome materiaby ore permanently deformed £ hey ove shelghed beyond theie elaske hivit. There “mateials ae acid to be pleske motorials. Plastic moterias con also be —)duckle, Dduckle = they con be deown out into thin wives i) mallecble: me Can he hosrmered into shaper They ase olko Nesy tough | Teagh smeterial, obieb cm Io of enecys, deform cand ther ag Tough material, undergo plastic deRemation bebire beecking. Mollgcble material con olso be brittle. Bartle matesals do sok obs much energy cekoe beeaking ond does ooh | wodergo plastic deMorinotion. It simply cracks oo Shaiers suddenly, Igjlensile Sheess: Teasie stray: Feeoten O~-Fh, Siva Dep. | Bors ig Ihe Recoe gee usik ase - | | Bheers ond poesuse have the same sik but fey ove Loo} the same Tha in beoawe strom occurs fiside the. j soho cad poersuce vous on he cusface Of the ald +The 4onaile strenath ix the measuce of tho jengle sre» | ok ahith he Material becky. Victor Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO Tensile drain = eateosion origtal length CAR oe AZ Fi Young Modulus - [ratio & eee ond she origina] vooy emia: i BP od E-F— , unt coats BD > Stes 5 Be poen. Aral “arom ertoneegh + Rree gen material 5 D and is Same FoF, Young Hocus eeee— fasn Hook?s low, : F: Rn Noung, Mosulss O¢ 3} Aen. Peak mh oa egper abe. ey ees Bayenton « poe HERE - Geoshen = Bk yung Modules Sea ee yb. Te grockén: oP the shres agorst shrain Slaps tne griph grote “the Young & the obj ech graph 2s the Noung Moh, modulus ond shffiess Scanned with CamScanner Nawis OF THE EXPERIMENT DATE PAGE NO. —— EXPT. NO * Area under te ee ~ Ove, stress x Stravn * Pyg Stros OO. Sheain = galenson je Origa! length + Pea ucder _ Ay Eevee ‘ = work done geoph ln. Seek Sobme ~ SS pbsorked, & (ork done = Enengy obsorked by molerial. [Go the art. under the ovess agsh Strain 3S the energy dorad per unit clume. This aren ‘w usekul to ee to ong | meal. Tope eras need mose energy RE uni volume 4o beak then. go the sha against shonin gph bos lasger osen $e tougher molerialy. ree aopisst extention ftigh Soess ogdes Strain asagh aGrodient of giugh spring |4.gredkent = Young Modulus constant or skttes. 2. ee_ Gost PE 0 2. Art under _ Fogg shoes ne = besoin eretqy the geoph ~ Ie Victor Scanned with CamScanner FIGURE NO. by Stress ogowat shruin graph fe diferent materials. coat erin high castor shee! wuld steel, dros Fk bron eo snituce of Oat 560 ath about 9% carbon, The of pr Ss the sleoped and 4h sudebaly stops. Thx shows me a las Sen gaits. ord is he tient OP igh cosbon see! and i E leon; bottle “al i y ; oF plastic Benation behre breaking AN aol were dete fe High Coot A ro eilp Shot 03% atin. ang 4 Bs i Wee Than mild shee) ang) lex hf dh, 7 belere breotiea go ik vs Jough, “OF 09. uncerguas plostic dermekey Mild shee) has less thes 7 ae 1 0.08% a 1 Sh Otto shel ane) ik iy the toe one oe fost ae 08} an Pgh can shee. oa a i “Mere plastic deBesration bere boreakiig * Prec. uesen thy i 4 Of arild geo) Pea oe Gorton heel geder than dh, iT ‘ . - £ 4 ba arbor is stronger Than» enile kel " bed ci he ewadeesaun PEP unit VolLne B the Mesure OL 7 the tough nas of Scanned with CamScanner DATE NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT PAGE NO. eee EXPT. NO. Fgh Chasacleristic, of Solids hth he ‘ | Jiele pomb | Plastic dohemedion.. Shas A Strout | lashie lien : A | ny 2 Fal | Lineos egies Pa e(4) / Pde. Stearn Din hiear segion , extension 'w poopurtional 4s £ece ayliadt oP progortoraliy: Ths is he port of udich ree is 0 longer | psoportional to the extension. 9 Blake limit: Ab this pont dhe eubesial shops behaving eloskenlly ard tacts behaving plaskeally When the shew i, cemuved, the material | chest veluco to is ovigaal leven The dlaske int 16 dhe. reaamesn | Bece thot con be applied 45 a wee oe spring such that the | wre tehuens do ils original lenghh when ee B® vemned. 4) ost Reon: I this vegion the enlension mereases ropidly Re a | gmail erease in freee. Dolids cahich behave in thn woy coe | qolled ductile -CDuchle waleral means i hos ploske deldemadi cn) | (Brie material meccs At be 90 plagic deformatior), 5) Yield Pont: Ab this pomt the molerial shows a large ieceose ia chain, fe @ small wercase in eas. 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