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Nama : Bahari Maha Putratama Alwi

NIm : 2120203861211003


Samsul : Hey. I heard that next week you will be graduated in your university?

Haikal : Oh hai there. Yes how do you know?

Samsul : My friends told me yesterday when i was in class with him

Haikal : So because you already know, i hope you can come to my house to celebrate it


Samsul : Let me check my schedule first, if i can i will go with our friends

Haikal : Oh ok then i will waiting for you.


Reza :Hai Naswan, How are you?

Naswan :Oh hallo Reza, im doing great, how about you?

Reza :Same here doing good, i wanna ask you about passion though if you dont mind

Naswan : Oh i see, what do you want to ask?

Reza :Iwant to ask you about the 90s passion ,what ur opinion about the clothes at 90s?

Naswan :I think the 90s are quite lame for me in mind, because there no longer people wear the

90s clothes right now,maybe just few people used it

Reza :Oh i see, ok then thanks for your time

Naswan :Ok youre welcome


Saleh :Hi Dahniar, do you know about we are studying economic verse?

Dahniar :oh hi Saleh,yes i do but i do not know exactly what the subject or pourpose of the


Saleh :Correct me if im wrong but maybe the lesson is quite same with Ulumul Hadis that we

learn in the past semester

Dahniar : oh i think the same too because of the name, i think the lesson is related.

Saleh :Exactly just read and relearn the book that you been read in the past semester

Dahniar :Okay then


Alfian :Hi Fadhil, do you know about the school are building a field for us to play footbal at


Fadhil :Oh hi Alfian, yes i already know

Alfian :Who told you?

Fadhil : i meet one of our teacher at mall yesterday, then he told me that the school are

making a field for us to play football

Alfian :oh i see, so what dou think about it?

Fadhil : i think it will be great for sure

Alfian :yeah i think the same too, we can play footbal at school soon


Ms.Darmianti :HI Bahari, do you already working your project with youre friends?

Bahari :Hi miss,Yes me and my friend already done working the project

Ms.Darmianti :Are you sure that you guys working on that project correctly like ui said so?

Bahari :Yes im sure ma’am because we are take a part in the project like your said

Ms.Darmianti :ok then Bahari see you in next week then

Bahari : ok ma’am see you soon

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