أطفال بريست فيدينج

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Infant Feeding MCQs

1. Exclusively breast-fed infants are more liable to:

A. Gastroenteritis
B. Rickets
C. Iron deficiency anemia
D. B & C
E. None of the above
2. When the lactating mother has active T.B.:
A. Uses a mask
B. Stops breast feeding
C. Give chemoprophylaxis to the baby
D. A & C
E. All the above
3. The hormone which is essential for breast milk production but suppressed during pregnancy
A. Prolactin hormone
B. Parathyroid hormone
C. Growth hormone
D. Thyroxin hormone
4. Regarding to advantage of breast milk to the infant, which is false?
A. Protective effect against infection
B. Low in growth factors content
C. Protective against diabetes mellitus
D. Rich in cytokines and lactoferrin
5. All the followings are true regarding to humanized type of milk EXCEPT:
A. Suitable for feeding preterm infant < 1.5 kg
B. Vitamin D & iron are added
C. Protein is modified so that it does not form large curds
D. The calcium / phosphate ratio is adjusted
6. The most abundant immunoglobulin in breast milk is:
A. IgE
B. IgG
C. IgM
D. Secretory IgA
7. Which of the followings is temporary contraindication to breast feeding?
A. Galactosemia
B. Breast cancer
C. Phenylketonuria
D. Breast engorgement
8. Which of the following foods can be given in the first year of life?
A. Canned foods
B. Spanish
C. Honey
D. Cereals
9. All the followings are an absolute contraindication to breast feeding except
A. Bilateral mastitis
B. Galactosemia
C. Breast cancer
D. Phenylketonuria
10. The true protein content in breast milk has recently been found to be …..g%

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A. 1.2
B. 2.2
C. 3.2
D. 4.2
11. A lactating mother, with active (open) TB, is infectious to her baby via
A. Breast milk
B. Transplacental
C. Droplet
D. Non
12. The chief sugar of cow s milk is
A. Fructose
B. Lactose
C. Sucrose
D. Ribose
13. Hypoallergic milks includes
A. Goat`s milk
B. Soybean
C. Both
D. Neither
14. We prefer to start weaning at about 4 months because of the following EXCEPT
A. Caloric and protein supply of breast milk become no more sufficient
B. Breast milk is deficient in vit. D
C. Iron stores of infant deplete at 4 months age
D. Solid foods are better than breast milk
15. Lysozyme produced by breast milk macrophages act as ……….
A. Bactericidal
B. Bacteriostatic
C. Both
D. Neither
N.B. Bactericidal means killing the bacteria as lysozymes….bacteriostatic suppress the growth of
bacteria as lactoferrin which deprive bacteria from nutrients
16. Lactoferrin is
A. Facilitating absorption of iron from intestine
B. Inhibiting growth of bacteria
C. Present in human milk
D. All of the above
17. Among immunoglobulin (s) secreted in breast milk, giving local immunity to infant`s
gastrointestinal tract against E. coil:
A. A
B. G
C. M
D. All
18. The following are measures adopted for breast feeding from a mother with active T.B.
A. Use a mask
B. Sterilization of breast milk
C. Chemoprophylaxis
D. Vaccination of infant with BCG

19. In comparison with animal milk, breast milk has more:

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A. Sodium
B. Protein
C. Calcium
D. Lactose
20. Absolute contraindications to breast feeding include:
A. Retracted nipple
B. Cleft lip
C. Pregnancy
D. Cancer breast
21. Regarding goat`s milk which is false:
A. Deficient in folic acid
B. Easily digested
C. Higher incidence of brucellosis
D. Higher caloric value
22. Human breast milk:
A. Has a sodium concentration of > 20 mmol/l.
B. Is associated with prolonged neonatal jaundice and if so breast feeding must be
C. In infant feeding increase the likelihood of developing atopic disease in childhood
D. Has lower carbohydrate content than cow`s milk
E. Has lower casein to lactalbumin ratio than cow`s milk
 Insoluble protein in breast and cow milk called Casein
 Soluble Protein in breast milk called alpha lactalbumin while soluble protein in cow milk called
Beta lactglobulin
23. Drop of about 10% of the normal birth weight in the 1st few days is due to:
A. Loss of meconium, urine and less oral intake
B. Loss of subcutaneous fat
C. Dehydration
D. Prematurity
24. Breast milk composition shows:
A. 7 grams % carbohydrates
B. 3 gram % protein
C. 1.2 gram % fat
D. 78 % waters
25. Birth weight is usually regained by the:
A. 5th day
B. 7th day
C. 10th day
D. 20th day
26. The Ca/P ratio in fresh cow`s milk is:
A. 1/1
B. 2/1
C. 3/2
D. 4/3
27. The breast milk contains insufficient :
A. Iron
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin D
D. All of the above

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