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At x2 perannum, in advance—or
§2 50 if not paid within the year- ROBERT , JEJ9ITOR .
FROFRIETOIf. Advertisementst$;l per square for three-
weeks—25 cts. per sq- for each coelmre..
Uesist with care the spirit oi inuovatiou upon tlie principles oi your Government, kowever specious the pretexts.—Washington.

The bible abound* in reference to »g tead» to science. &, invention to discovery EGYPT. the sea shore near Alexandria. wa» girea
ASD THE INDIES' ASD GENTLEMEN'S == I ricuhurai scenes, and the cbrisiian far- —-while navigation and shipbuilding, in Below is an extract from'a letter to the Jo the English, bui they hesisated about
If'orfrf of lAteratfire and • mer can have Istiie laci in drawing anal- extended branches, are the great re.-uU-s editor of the Boston Morning Post, from a the expense of bringing it away. & there
Faaliioit. ! There's music in a mother's voice, J og'f*, who. with the exaaip'es of the Bi- Man's life is now one of action & medita young Bostontan. which will repay the read- it remains. I think we migtit make a
_. -, . - . ,, , . . _ ! More sweet than breezes sighing; | ble before him, is not carried forward, j tiun. and these lead to the progressire im er for the ti-ne bestowed upon its perusal: good speculation by swapping our Bun-
"TTV/e r«s*rf $•//« Gentlemen smiled J j There's kindness in a mother* glance, j and raided upward, in the scenes of the j provement 01 himself <fcoiher.-.of his coisn
^lf NEW VOLUME, under the above t:- I Too pure for ever dying. GRAND CAIRO. M^rch 15, 1S40. ker Hill Monument for it. On ihe 13ih
! invisible world, bv «he objects which J try and his kind. Self-Jove and social FRIEND GREEN:—From this far off! "f November. I'took to mv boat.' over
JSr-y tie. of the well established ana fashion- f; cluster around his dailv path. Poets and ! intercourse are preserved in their beauty place—the capital of the ancient Pha-1 "liich ihe "star spangled banner" had beea
able Magazine, the Phsiade.'p.'jja Casket, in , There's love within a mother's bre=s£,
conjunction with the Gentleman's Magazine,: So deep, "::s still o'er2o«rin<£; prophets and aposdes and even ihe Son j and utility. Polygamy is abolished, and raohs—she city of Saladm, ihe foe o?[floating f or more than a month, and while
which has been every where pronounced the \ And care for those she ca-Ss her own, of God. he may almost fancy, have been! man and woman live in pairs, as original Richard Cceur de Liou—wi:hin siaht of I -"My swan-like yacht
most readable and popular of the <!ay. will be j That's ever, ever growing-, in his fields, and written on every tree. S ly designed by the alhvise Governor of and almost under the mighty walls of the tt'as w.'idiag down the gleaming Nile"—
opened on the first of January. 1341, with • and plant, and flower, some divine lesson, j the Universe. Pyramid* — I send you a hearty shake of
•an array of contributors secured by the union j There's anguish in a mother's tear, The Bable has consecrated the varied em-f This principle of living as recorded in the hand. You know something of my I watched for the meteoric dance in
•of talent and fame, which no periodical in I When farewell fondly faking, ploymenis of the farmer, to moral purpo history through all age*, ran be clearly former rouie. The facilities afforded to ihe heavens. The appearance of arr
the country can boast or pretend to rival.— i That so the heart of pity moves. ses—and made the mirrors, in whi ch. ' as traced. in :_ the
...~ Holy
n-i~ Scriptures,
o__: ,
and world- me in travelling in Russia enabled me 10 evening sky in Egypt has always some-
The December number will, however, be a | It scarcely keeps from breaking, he labors, he can see images of things j ly theory is but the cobweb of the brain thing peculiar, and on this night. 33 well
specimen of the new volume. The volume ! see lhe country more thoroughly, per- as several succeeding, there were singu-
which 'are eternal.' j compared to the truths of the Bible. If haps, than almost any foreigner who ha«
will be opened with a new and beautiful j And when a mother kneels to Heaven, __ i there had never been a revelation, what gone before me ; but whether I make lar appearances in the heavens, though
type, the finest* white paper, und with the] And for her child is praying-.
iY. JOHX QU1XCY AD.1MS. would man know of his true position in anv use of the information which I have nothing gO extraordinary as has occurred
ivish us in ihe United Slates. I was dit-
This true patriot & disiinouisbed «lio- j llfe - or of llis ''"V here - in «lati «lation tc an collecied. I have not as yel determined. appointed in ibis, because at Cairo ihis
ar delivered 3 lecture before the New j here afler - ll»* i wi o r l d " bui
lar great [ was in Turkey and Syria during a mo*i phe-inmenon of that day has been noted
ty and finish of these illustrations, and the • A mother ! how her tender arts York City Lyceum on Wednesday ev- firmament of moral and intellectual light. interesting period —just when the death
extensive improvements which winch will be be made ' Can uan soothesoouie the cne breath
oreaui of or sadness.
sauness. , e n j e |(> one of |he ^ am j mos[ re. which should serve to point us toward e- ol the Sultan Mahamoud had occurred. in former years. My Arab boatmen all
in.. its looked at me with t.'ie most profound ve-
... trpourauhica!
the •tone
" r of'- its appearance,
-.. literary
,-.":• , and above«And
department, . j' Bid
bv ,.-.throu"-h
tiie sun
t ,lite once more
of/- gladness,
I Fneciaole
ppeciable ., audiences,- ever " congregated, -in lernal glory in the life to come. and when Ihe disaffected, in all parts of neration whenever ihey saw me star-ga-
ihat city. The Commercial Advertiser The above Is a hasty and very imper- he country were rife for lebell-on and
the brilliant array of contributors, whose ar- j
says that ihe reception of the venerable fect abstract of Mr. Adams* lecture, and outrage, and also when the army of Ibra- zing. We had an eclipse since they havo
tides have enriched the pages of each num- i A mother ! when, like evening's star, been with me. and Columbus himself, E
feer. will give it a. charac:er second to no! Her course has ceased before us. statesman was that of high enthusiasm it is impossible in euch a sketch 10 do lim Pacha, triumphant over thai of the fancy, hardly gained greater influenco
Magazine in the Union, The character of !j From brighter worlds regards us still, and deep-felt regard. For upwards of an ju slice to the mor*| or biblical reasoning Sultan, was sweeping through those over die poor Indians lhan I did over
the articles wiiich shall appear in its pa^es. ; And watches fondly o'er us. hour and a half was the attention of the of the learned and devout lecturer. He parts of Syria which he had subjugated. these sons of Ishmael. simply by foretel-
•will be equally removed from a sicklv senti- " *"'" ' '•".'.•" •••'•••"»-• , vast audience enchained by a discourse inculcated, in energetic forcible language. and restoring order by chopping off ihe ling ibis event in the heavens. I war-
mentality, and from an ailectation of "moral:- rich in its philosophy, and glowing wiib ihe virtue of chastity, and ihe "necessity heads of the disaffected ! Passing through looked upon as an astrologer, which,,
ty. but whiie a true delineation of huiniiu { =•= thoughts that breathe and words dial burn. of preserving inviolate the conjugal tie — Syria I went to Damascus, and thence 10 throughout all the Cast, is still looked
nature in e^ery variety of passion is aimed \ FEMALE EDUCATION The Boston The following i* a brief synopsis of the both as regards individual good and the Nazareth. Samaria, lhe sea of Galilee, the
at. nothing- shall be ibund in its pages to j Transcripi talks like a father about edu- upon as the mosi sacreil of characters.
cause a blush on the cheek of the taofi pure, j casing young ladies. Onlv hear him :
lecture, prepared 10 our hands a few days well being of society. river Jordan, and thence !o Jerusalem. Here let me mention thai in (he military
The audience were transfixed bv the I also visited Bethlehem. Bethany, and
The Li'erury Character will be suincieut- i -Till* bn:uin«r up daughters lo t h i n k since by the Boston Transcript, where ii eloquence of the venerable orator, while. all the places of imeresi mentioned in the School of the Sultan, at Constantinople,
ly guarantied by the reputation of both Mag- jof no thi«g -OH\ fafs\ a n d filierv am! ba,|a. was first delivered : — astrology is still one of the sciences-
j with the strong reins of commanding
azn'.es thus united, for years past. Writers • i - it, - " i- • Man. he said, stands alone in the wide words, he enforced the moral of his lec- life of Christ. I have gone through ihe inuglu ; while at Cairo, in the Pacha's
of Uiefirst«nk have been regular contribu-! 3 " 1l!l 1
^^- " f""' ," "°|ho IsheF T' Universe. Of all living beings
whole length and breadth of ihe Holy school, it is dropped altogether, and in
tors to their niges. and the taJes and sketches ! ?' "° * "r f ° , ? du e f a m ther
"O * ture ; and they were gia'.ified in ob^erv Land — thai hallowed soil where it* place is studied arithmetic and Euro-^
published in them have been ividelv coa'oj •' tiie «"elf*'-e of her children. Send them
— created. in the image . -
of his Maker, but ing that the vigorous powers of the spea-
i i « «- • - , ll c
- y *.«.*—*- i I- I I. ,
t o llie L-;I/V|,B,»
ltc!ien To»r.i. ,i, om !„ ,^o~i. « endowed wish diverse capacities
- "trod those blessed feet, pean astronomy. My next destination
read, and the hr:n a;:d ind"Dent!epitoae pendent tone . k - I esclj them to watli, j . . » ker. mental and oral, had not only been Which eighteen hundred years ago were is the Ionian Isles, from whence you
-of the criticisms upon the current "sterntare " 10 cook, and to scour. It wont hurl " ing to his state in various ages, rnma- preserved through a brilliant meridian of nailed
oft! shall again hear from me, as well as from
life, but had culminated in strength and For our redemption, to the cruel cross." Italy. Spain. France, Holland and good
and activity toward a final close, presenting In one of the rooms of the Latin Mon- old England.
ponte . . he sublime spectacle of astery nt Jerusalem, my heart leapt with
names of most oF Lhe ly ; the eecoisu, the perpeiuny ofhts spe- "the immortal mind,
America cies. joy at seeing TIIKEE COPIES OF THE Bos-
Firm as the base of this great world," Cabinel of President Harrison.—Se-
lis; From the earliest ages down lo lhe and resting safely on the Rock of Ages, a? TOJT MOKNIXG POST ! An English trav- veral distinguished names we observe,
rav present time, mankind had four modes its sure foundation. eller who had been at Jerusalem about
•ed'^.-.— _ . of living. First, as hunters ; secondly, three months before me, had brought have been already mentioned in connec-
of" no ordinary abilities, have jjivcn worth 1 i!IP:r tn
33 shepherds ; thirdly, as tillers of lhe them «iih him from Malta, and with tion with certain cabinet appointments
and character to the pages of the Magazine, "j ' a :er lje
' -
ground ; and, fourthly, as the civilized
THE STJSKS. most Christian like kinunes-, had left under the new administration. The dtf-
The series of v.-eii known nautical papers. 1 Now dial lhe nights are getting some- them behind at the Monastery, to glad ficuliy with the President elect, will be,
inhabitants of cities. The first was to- what cold, the heaven-; are seen bedeck-
entitled 'Cruizing in the Last \Var.' have j From the Connecticut Observer. den the eyes of some future pilgrim. In not » xvant of suitable material, but whom,
had a run une^naiied by any series pub'Jsh- CEIRTSTlAiV FARMER'S PRIVILE- tally ineffectual toward the moral condi- ed with their most radiant jewels. The looking over these papers I observed an to choose, from the list of worthy and
ed in any Magazine for years. The au:hor tion of man ; the life was that of indi- stars ! The bright and beautiful sisrs I able men. lo be found among the friends
GES. vidual independence ; man cares nothing The study and the \vonder of mankind, editorial article in winch you alluded to and supporters of good government in the
has promised to open the first of anew series"i The chri-nian farmer ought to regard
of Tales ef the Sea. and fro:n his known a-i , .- , - . - for his brother man ; his time passes in appear nightly more and more beauteous, my humble self.& return you many thanks
•,-,-.- i - . ofc sea scenes andi i "isie, - ij ;iim?e!f lr several States. Assuming, then, a* we
oil i ues as-3. cepicter , as peculiarly * . nappy
,, in
, ,-having ,-& an, hunting and in war with his fellow man ; and will do ?o until in the clear frosty for the flattering notice. I have also re- may safely do. that there is no Fack of
much mav be relied upon from him in main- i employment so favorable- to habits of de- he knows nothing beyond the illimitable ceived here in Cairo a copy of the Post
taining the popularity of the magazine. Pa- ! "otion. Either m their own nature, in forest, and its wild inhabitants ; and on- atmosphere they shine out in their great- of 15'-h September, containing my letter firsi rate material for these offices, and
pers ma'.- be expecte.: during the \-oiume 1 "-be circumstances in which they must be ly when the successes of the chace have est glories. We love the=stars—they are to you from iho Caucasus. And now to confiding as wo do in the cound, experi-
also from the author of the well known arti- '< pursued, some other occupations impede, depopulated one spot, does he seek an- a volume, sacred as holy writ, and which Egypt — here I have travelled thoroughly ; enced judgment, and discernment, as welt
cEe "The Log of OW Ironsides." The author • if ihey do not prevent, devotional feeling- draws our hearts to lhe great Creator as as in the high character of General Har-
of'Syrian letters," will a!so iend his power- I i^oi so of the Christian farmer, other. To the hunter. z\l nauire is a nearly and as dearly. It is a magnificent I have been through its whole extent, ripon. we feel quite at ease in regard l<r
ful and graceful pen to sustain and increase .^calm re ^ sj,enl £^d thicket. lie sees nothing in the aspect sight—the vault of heaven, in the stilly from North to Soudi. and. leaving the these appointments, and are well dtspo^
the reputation of the ivorfe. The valuable ;£e affre£ _ of nature to move him to meditate.— iiourof midnight, be?pangled with shi- Nile, have passed on beyond the frontier sed to bide the time of the President elect
Through the dark intersections of the fur- ning orbs, the suns probably of systems of Egypt inio Nubia. Kgypt now is cer- in the making of them. In regard to
wjlh and
aid of the aurnor of 'Leaves from a Lawyer s And ^ ^ lhv ^^ ^-^ £nade
i>ort Folio, nas n.so orea serared-and we , f those'that follow thee-" esi he catches scarce a glimpse of the a« magnificent as our own, and around tainlv one of the most iuteresiino- conn- his cabinei appointments, the New York
-> O

inn.'.- expect something suli more tnriiiing \ starry canopy or azure van!: abo~e his tries thai a travf-ller can visit : he there
from the capacirm? stores which a long life This is the t r u t h , as well as poetry. head. He lives for himself alone. He which planets as extensive revolve.— sees before him the evidences that men
American has the following sound re-
in the profession has enabled him to amass. and it well describes the scenes cf agri- is ihs tyrant of his wife, and in feeling as Constellation upon constellation now of all ages have trodden upon that soil. mark, in which we cordially aoree :—In
AH occasional chit-chat with 'Jeremy Short' cultural life. The xvorks of God awoke well as life, a savage. looks down upon us, and Orion, the most Her mighty temples carry him back to a this matter, we trust, and do not indeed
and 'Oliver Oldfeilou.%* is also promised— ihe rapturous devotions, the sweetest as glorious of ail. supreme in its might an( l people from whom the knowledge and donbt, thai Gen. Harrison—coming hito-
Far different is lhe condition of man its majesty—tiie kin?, as it were, of lhe
with a variety of choice article? in prose and i Vl-ell as the mo*t exalted strains, of an-
'.n the pastoral state- Besides the perils art which are now diffused all over Eu- power as he will, on ilie swelling surge
versc, from various writers of cek-brity. a s ! c j e n l Sa 5 nts . These works oiiffht to be heavens. The stars ! Who can speak rope and the world originally flowed ; of popular favor, and pledged to a single-
contributors to the prominent magazines of j Conletl , p i 3tei < wil h the same feelings, by of the chase, ihe birds of ihe air. and the of them in prose 1 he sees there the towers of Roman occu- term, will surround himself with the ablest
the country. The editors of both magazinesfc fishes of the sea, are his delight and plea-
pation — the ruins of baths and temples, men of the country ; and making Wash-
Thp" r*rt»TriFt-TT I 11 ?* rt^"f 1* *-»T-^- j-if K*-»t I. m n rm -r i n t?L£~ I * _ ~ —
i the Christian farmer. If his heart pants
continue their services under the ne*
, ., ','". T»<i'tV°'! r
lS 5
"re, and even the insects basking i n m y - The Bifer Bit.—A good slory is told built under the emperors ; he has, then. ington his model, as he was hi* early
rangement. With
rangerrip-nf- v\ an such an an army or of talentr a !! . ' "..""". . i""•"••• -~- - •»= j rrji3(3j« ds m ;n ,h ihee sunbeam, excite his mind to of a chap in North Carolina, xvho went friend—that he will administer the Gov-
snaga^sne nf iinriv-ii'pr 5 -Mrai-Mnn-
o; unnxai.ec uaractions, m»v—i ma\ sa:e- » S w i l i see lhe u'vine im.ijje => .in every•> plant' i »«" i contemplation. i - T-
Living• a on plains i - andi the entire figure in the way of mar ry in or again, the Saracenic architecture of ihe ernmenl with a single eye to ihe general
3v ho
ly *»rr.rr,tjp.-i in
be promised ir> the
tfio coming
fn.r>;iin- volume.
tviinmo jlandand iiower. flower. He He dwells
ilwetls in the maansn-1 st savannahs, . with ... lhe , cloudless, .. ,-.Hea- middle ages, lhe memorials of Saladin
Fashions arid Engravings.—In compli-icent lempSe of nature, where the 6 weei t vens above him, his mind is led to re- all the girls who would have him, with- and his followers. Evidences of ihe good ; arid thus, in promoting the happi-
*ince wiih - I .: 1
U-.K a.rnost .
unanimous -^ - .
wis,-» ofr our \i\ incense
o.r praise - -
is continually II
asceadino- i- i "CHS < l l f U » C 11(111,
anf cUon - ; T,h ob , erves the courses of the out waiting for any of them lo die off as temporary occupation by the French are ness and prosperity e
of his country, bring-
lady e-subscribers, -we- _shall, the ensuing vol- !'. from a thousand altars. Colt! must be• n l ^lane :I I O f a arjl-.f!f .ls ; D the law direct?. After having married 10 a brillianl clo e his own long and huh-
tune furnish them with a beautiful and cor-1 his heart, if he does not catch ;he spirit!j planets,
- , -i * -r- , *-.
P ». and '»'.is leo
1C 1 led b}- 3" ™m them * to "»e
the com-com- the thirteenth, some of Ins first loves not wan ling ; and then again the gieat erto unsullied public career.—Patriot*
ta works of the present, which are going
c_ i._i:plaleof...Fashions, =n _ MonthJr.
_ r . i , a feature , ili!o01f '"- , h « «scene,
c e n p aanu n j e xeiuaim.
r |aim 'Tl-e i ne p^-h
ea..n. oUI P» ilife "cn ofv_ume. and ihu* the^r pastoral came down upon him and had him lodg- on under "Vlohamed Alt, are continually
;r _ ^_^
msy be _,ii_,i ,K r,,i,», .1.- ^~;
the father of the sci ed in the jail. But a person so fond of
is bslievrfi that wi!I neiiher be unwelcome Lonl> ;\ ful , of lh; ?OO(i'nes5. A I ! ' u,,-! before his e} es. It ie worthy of remark thai, whilst Gen.
norinranpalar. These fasnion plates sna!' , - , ' ,? .... -" ! ence of aslronomv. He chooses his favor- perfect liberty, and who could gel into
be dra^r. from orijrma] desi^s from Paris W0rk? pra 5e lhee !
, ' ] :ie
P oel
/ay S .j iie animals, chiefly bulls and sheep : ami Hymen's noose with such ease, found At one moment you meet with an an Harrison has run ahead of his friends in
-,^,.7 T n-..i™ ^«,i .„.,„ _ i . j— A 1_.; i ' A n iimievout astronomer is mad. lie ei all the local elections, and been stronger
=an« London, and may always be depended I -"*/• »»»"»•«» -»u,,u», c , = ,»„«.
t;pon as the^evailin- style in Philadelphia !m 'g h l - *f « l! « F(llla force have ?3!!1 me . ake /, ne fircl *
" finally phrJ.ing a lenl lenl on or the plain, he
little difficulty in getting out of the 'jug,* cient temple, which for more t h a n 3,000 than his party. Mr. V?n Buren does not
wward a positive hab and the next news of him he was r u n n i n g years has defied all the ravages of time,
and New York- These, ho-.vever. shill in is'-*ae of an 'nnoevout farmer. H o w ltaiion. .- ' ith ihesirength of his. In the
no wise interfere with the repruiar choice en- I can lie be insensible to at large with a heavy reward offered fo.- and close by its side you see some mod- j •> k election. Gen. Harrison's
<rra-ings and music which accompany each ) "Tiio boundless stor 3 The laws of Focieiv. bv tiis apprehension. He was shortly re- err. improvement — a sug^r mill or a rot- ! '* •will be grea'er lhan Seward's,
"i i ! of abode, are multiplied and strengthen- cognized by a ger.Ueinsn, who. aniiou= ton fabric, placed there by the Pa,:ha i
T— i *-1 • — —"-v» — - QJ -> nni'p
number of tlse TTI trorfc. """
The splendid mezzo-! Of charms which natureto her votary yields ! -. Van Buren's vole less lhao
tint rsfrom the burin of Sartain,: The warblin^ woodland, the resound-ft*e 1 f ' ' ' W°'
(! ; woman ceases to be die slave, and to get the reward, invited him lo his who. by introducing the arts of civijiz,! ! ihe Locofoco candidate for the office
which have been en so justly admired, will be} shore, ' , becomes the choicest treasure of man.— house, desired him tn sit down, called his lion among a b.rfcTrou. people, is doing I Governor. In ihe city, the vole for
followed during the voiutne by one greasing toa-ard, making ihem
the same hand, while happy. In no other place ,"„ the world . Van ' the
Buren Ticket, is much
in the best style of do you see ,oth a mingling of the pa «, j '"* »«""«' ^ for ihe locofoco r 1 the locofoco ccandi-
scenes, shall stiil enrich and the present ; the monument of Li-! dale.s .fo'iCon?ress- In ^mderhook ev-
choicest pieces of music for ihe'piano & ? ui- / shie]ds j an idea of ihe beneficence of a wise Crea-! wav W h a t wa= the noor mitn' quiiy seems l":era!Iy to be .baking hand- 1 en il is the
snail accompany each numoer of thevwork.; mancnn» table, with ilie work* of out-time. I spent ma
One would think ii would be hani lo
of Pubhcalinn The work ;
l! be i And i«aH the dread magnincence of heaven 3" ii l o r— _ a n d me the pasto.ai
n 2 =to-a! me life hecnme,
becomes me ,M P 'i ishmeni
,' •**»'»•« wpoor
on returning i t h ihe heal John Davis in ?JassachuseUs. who
published or. ihe first of the month in every ! W here " sonner l h a n lhe t!ail3" resnns of j *Men 32e of poetry. This is. however. [(0 find that the gav L'-thario. t.ikin^ ny d»y« al Tfifba. but the glorv of the
e rhn? la :
the ! heats Morton 18,000 votes ; and yet
quarter of the Union. The most distantsub-1 , ; ; farmer- f^.ti we look Jn.- ev ; an irn P -rieci state of existence : the Hfe , advantage of hi.-T short absence. s majority in ihe slate i« nearly
scrib ousand more. And look a: his
-day, as wen as inose wno reside in i'luiadel- j ~'- a " v-t' """ r l f "" s u l "st »auim:iaeEs anu excfs-i smnng me peop:c. ixecessny, j t|,e fellow's slock on hand fourteen ate. Corwjn's majority over
phia. In alJ the principal cities agents have ]
b«;en appo;njed, to whom the Magazine i? j cons-tur.'. laws of nature, on which all ihe ! ments, and we subsequently see man ex-1
, j Shannon might suffice as ihe measure
forwarded pr.or to the lime of issuing st, so ^opera'.ions of she farmer depend for sue ! is'.ing in lhe third state so, how-
that they may be delivered to resident sub- ; re5s : From year to year he bre«.k= up - ground. , ai least Jen
scnbere ov :i,e first of lhe month. This is ' t h e soil. snd'rasts ilie 5 fe d in;o i h e j We find him exemplifv-ns ihing is ?een
j^^ imoortanl arrangement to d:=tar.t=iib^cr:-> i i i - - r i 1 i r i - i * ° Georgia.
oers, "wno ^ .oecome= tired, - , imoortunate.
. a n ,d!'' Around,
!Urn rf ,Jiarve?s
and loos?c- noi in v3:n for ihe. re-:'. •and ur.uv
S 3SOI1? come '• of^ •ihsncs ^ :^ } Keniucky ar.d In-
eventaally discontinue man? works, in con- !n l!lP ° r a !0ln:e - e! and go I nonse to iiwHI in ; has hu;
sequence of the rrrest deia^- by oubl'shers. : ' P' ' roun.L J he ssme : zcknowSedjre* one omn ihis is pre-
TERMS : I of crop? spring from she «ame kinci ' and Go'S of all Here we h**e the uni: \ parls for it is well kno^-n. ihal a polished surface, a? if it were of rroJien '
jo'd. al*o remain?, ihoi«oh senled fay
fallen lo lhe own Siate has gone ag the fact thai Mr. Van Buren's
Three dnVars per annum, or lico copies I "f seed—ssid the same «ori of fruit from ' of a permanent habitation, she uni;y o f; . f o r } III OrGSnsrV •A',
nC3l til TO 3 # * v < : * r v < a * j i . / i i « i ~
f i i i - . ~ - . him OT
Jorjice dollars, ijifaricbly in advance, past; i5ie ?ame :rees ; the same mode? of ciihi- j conjugal association, and ihe unity of re- or v ground srni broken in its fair proportions.
paid, Xo new subscriber received xvuhout. va:ion produce simitar effects from vear ' hcious worship; from these proceed she ho-irs .oni injury, pr . j One wanders through the immense tern •. - »-_.
the money, or the name of a responsible a- i so vear . Bl)l if Go,» ,vere not imn,,v^i(,^ I | aw -c Of property and ihe right of inlieri-
t_ For the accommodation of those he put on dry stockings and shoes imme-j »'T lha! ;' i! ' rpm3i »' afid l'ears ™}»^! «**""*-'
! would lhe farmer s:v l\ :ance. wjih shatbetter feeiing of patriot-. •Hatelv on coming home. Ii is. there- U"'CS5 U.he in?: h|a.own V01C* or fool9!ePs
may w;sh _to subscribe «w either of the :ol-\'i-he j aws of na!ure re or.Iy the fixed } isni, or iove of country. Woman is n o t : u p t l i c e<-h . < in ;he hsl! of a hundred i i ! n Re mo e ra eflj3
; ' ^ o.Ter your saluta-
3 ff>re nQl ||je ^^ £ . a , e Q'f
H- Philadelphia persc.'lica's, this >:bera'. m-xles in which Got! operaie?. If !-.e i now •>. * wish the hunter—a slave; jfthe?c:emnle« Jjss a ha!!', n f !o l
"'ose ihal sre poor, or who rosy
proposal is made. Fire nnllnrf ,causes
arc a hun.i'red 'and nfsv I p!iave KeeR in an y wa y «Hs«re*8ed. whcih-
y-«vmr--l*i io « l j d u & - Ji i t~~ fj«>ti<*/,^ t-iillt'.tl. lr!.i~. 1 * 1 '

»ey. free of postage, will par S>r Gr«A««V «e« i« change in his power, i|,e «», , xvii", the s!»ep!,eni—a mere pos-cwion :
Magazine, and Godevs lady's Book, for in! € J ' 1 re^e lu.\"ai1 f ; Klh hf*3m.s zi °"Shl; she becomes a fric-nd.compsnion. and *o iumn-, many of them twelve fee: j,, ' r in mnul. pur^e or^prospecis, than you
,one year. iid as jreniai. The -"louds ingnt cease so" lace, and «he comfort-: of life are HO ion diameter an.l of a good!v height. M o - | 3 r c t o vor.r mors affiuent acquaintance;
R. G R A H A M , pour down their wa'ery trea;-urce in so • ger irn!, but reriprti-ai. hsmed Ali has caused two of the largest j for resl a^ure.!, thai they will feel your
Corner o/ Ckfifnut anil ' copious abundance upnr. the thirsty fie;<Js. J Attention is now directed to t!ie me-; The. Thirlij-s.it d'jls —The fuiio-vin<r ' tem P !es li - ? - 1 «*«« near!5" ^''^ to !ne i lect more acutely than either your
Third streets, Philadelphia. I Were he to change in hi> p'-sns, ihe c u l - j c h a n i c an?. 2nd then ari^e? the (r;;e prm-.'fianre coriiaw* thirt%- fix dn-.s, counting the roof wish earth, to be eniirely cleans- [nals or superior;'.
Nov. 23. m
j t i V E i i o i i which, last year. -v^s foiio'.ved ; ciple of divided labor—woman acts in ; cj x f rrtn! r ' I2 ht to Mi, and from the ton eil, and (hey are now a= clear as when
j by a p l e n t i f u l crop, might next year only j her proper place, and man in hi; ap ! to ihe bottom ; it ha? puzzled many per- were perform* 3 *" in them of old. Good JJea.—Consider no man capa-
| favor barretirc'-- Tin- orchards which j pointed sphere. The fje.^tructive evil* i ,,on! to take =15; of ihe dots from she ~ A decree has recently been issued by the i ble of ins-.ilting you who is mean enough
HE Managers nf ihe Gitlin-Lurz §- U?t year were loaded wiih apple?, might j of polygamy are fully felt, and the gram!, , lr e. and leave the remainder in a posi Pacha p r o h i b i t i n g ihe export of antiqui- so aUempi it. In this von have the de-
T Petersburg Tiirajtike Cowpany. nexi year bring ot,!y pt.i-onoua ht-rnes.! principle of u n i t y as essential to the de-• U(J;, to count «n even number each way. ties from the country.
have ihis day declared a dividend of The meadow? which, la'-l year, were j, riiMi? of the supreme Creator i? now car-
* t * f - I t 1 1 _ . . . . I" /".I *"» '


o o o
cided adrantage.—For whilst, by this
Egypt lia* been in Ctrl, for the last i n s u l t , he has acknowledged yon worthy
1 P U R C 2 B T T.. I clothed wi;h grsss. and or»amenied w i i h ried imo beautiful effect. Tiie man is forty year?, overrun by diggers for fta- of his notice, you, by your neglect, pro»«
o o o o
which will be p^id to the Siorkhoiclers at I 'Tnwers. might next year lie covered with the husband of one wife, and the family toef, coin", fphynxes, &c.; but the Pa- liim unworthy of yours.
0 o 0 0 cha now speculates upon his stock of
the Treasurer's Office, in Peuysburg. i fi""s> and transformed iiito r n a r - h e s — | is governed by the laws of love & justice.
after the firsl of Derfinher tif.rl j The oppra-.ions of h u s b a n d r y proclaim. C i v i l i z a t i o n , or the congregation of mm 0 o o o column*. nheli*ks. &c,. to ingratiate him- Tho people of Iowa determined at lhe
K S M I T H , Trcas'r. i m not 10 be misapprehcniled, the imo citie?. id ?. r o n f C f j u c n c e of agrtcti! o o o 0 M-If with the European Powers. Clco late election in that Territory, not to
Nov. 3. fl6.1 3t l i m m u t a b i l n of God. lure and lhe arts to winch it leads. Art [ o 0 0 0 's Needle, which still Manila upon form a Slate Government.

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