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RQl For 4-6 players, levels l - ~


Introduction ......................... .2
Part I: The Swamp .................... .6
Part II: Marais dTarascon ............... 13
Part 111: Lair of the Zombie Lord.......... 7
Center Pull-outs:
Hyskosa’s Scrol l .................... 15
Marcel Tara scon, Zombie Lord ......... 16
Je an Tarascon, Madman .............. 17
Clues ............................. 18
Marais dTarascon . . . . . . nside Front Cover
Zombie Lo rds Lair ...... nside Back Cover
Souragne ........................... 5

c Design: Bill Slavicsek
Editing: Andria Hayday
Cover Art: Robh Ruppel
Interior Art: Ste phen Fabian
Graph ic Design: Roy E. Pa rker
Carto graph y: David C. Suth erl and 111
Typesetting: Tracey Zamagne
Production: Sarah Feggestad
Playtesting: Paul Balsa mo, Jo hn Hardy, Curtis
Mars, Rich Oderm att, Sco tt Trantel
Special Thanks: Bruce Nesmith, Thom as Reid

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ISBN 1-56076-350-7 LAKEGENEVA, i’\ fi” 9352


ree branches claw acros s the doesn’t mean t he adventure is a ca ke walk-far

window pane, lights flicker as th e from it. If the PCs try to go toe-to-toewith every
storm intensifies, and th e wind menac e that awaits them without first finding
wails like a banshee in th e night. out all they can and preparing themselves
The hour of fear is once again upon thoroughly, then feel free to show them the
us, calling us back to the s hores of error of their ways.
Ravenloft for ano the r terrifying Night ofthe Walking Dead tak es place in
adventure. Are you ready to enter Souragne (pronounced so0 RAW n y a , a n island
th e demiplan e of dread ? dom ain first int rod uce d in th e RAVENLOFT
This is an adve nture for four to boxed set. (See Chapter XII, “Islands of Terror.”)
six players with cha racte rs of 1st to Don’t reveal this t o your players. T hey shoul d
3rd level. A good mix of cha racte rs discover where the adventure ta kes place
is required to survive th e events through the actions of their characters.
which unfold herein. A cleric is
essential. Further, the party’s
experience levels should total at
Storg Background
least nine. arais d’Tarascon is a small village on the
Be forewarned Th e
RAVENLOFT” campaign setting is no pla ce for
the weak or squeamish. We have done our
M southeastern edge of Souragne’s great
wamp. Pierre Tarascon founded th e
village m any generations ag o to supp ort his
utmost to m ake this adventure suitable for vast plantation (no one can r emem ber exactly
starting-level characters, but the denizens of how old the sett lement is but it has existed at
th e de miplane remain ready, willing, and eager least two centuries). Today th e village is fairly
to e nd heroic caree rs before they’ve even had a prosperous, and the Tarascon family still runs
cha nce t o begin. Do you and your players still th e nearby plantation. But nothing escapes th e
wish to continue? Then st ep forward and enter shado ws forever in th e demipl ane of d read.
the Mists. . . Recently a da rkness has descen ded u pon
Marais d’ Tarascon.
Until three weeks ago , th e Tarascon
for the OM plantation was administered by Marcel and
he mate rial th at follows is for the DM only. Je an Tarascon, twin brothers and t he direct

I T Players should s to p reading now

s DM, you should read t he enti re
adventure at least once before attempting t o
desce ndant s of Pierre. Both brothers were
formally in charge, but it was Je an who sp ent
his days running the family business. Marcel
run it for your gami ng group. The players and was too intrigued with h is family’s past t o offer
their char acter s should enjoy being surprised much help to Je an . Years ago , Marcel found
and mystified during ga me play; you should Pierre Tarascon’s tat ter ed journal locked in an
not . You n eed t o know what’s happening in old trunk. After reading th e journal, Marcel
order to best utilize pacing, tension, an d could not sto p thinking of th e details within.
mood -the pri me el em ents of any RAVENLOFT Pierre’s words paint ed a picture of th e early
adventure. The better you pr epare, the better days in Marais dTarascon . Moreover, they told of
you an d your players will enjoy the gaming a str ange visitor named Hyskosa, whom Pierre
session. had befriended. According to Pierre, Hyskosa
This is an introductory-level adventure, was a famous Vistani seer whose visions of t he
designed specifically t o open t he demiplane to future w e r e remarkably acc urat e, especially
new players, new characters, or both. That since most gypsy seers were then (as now)

. ‘

women. The last entry to mention Hyskosa told “Men” in th e RAVENLOFT Monstrous
of his most powerful revelation, a prescience Compendium Appendix.)
called the Six Signs. The journal did not As Luc stood helpless in the old cemetery,
descr ibe th e vision in detail , but Marcel’s Je an Tarascon arrived, saving young Luc from
forefather did record a tantalizing notation: that the zombies. After driving off the undead, Jean
th e Vistani had left behind a scroll on which the lifted Marcel’s mangled form and carried it
vision was record ed. Pierre hid the scroll, but through t he cemetery’s secret passage. Luc
the journal did not say where. followed, but his vacant sta re never altere d, and
As years pass ed, Marcel became increasingly he never let go of t he scroll.
obsess ed with finding that scroll. H e was sur e it Je an took Marcel straight t o th e village
contained the secrets of power and immortality. shaman, who attemp ted t o raise Marcel, but
The demip lane fueled his obsession, filling failed. Je an cried ou t in pain and left with his
Marcel’s drea ms with visions of the power he brother‘s body. The sh ama n did not und erstan d
craved, night after night. the true outcome of his failure, but Je an did,
J ea n an d Marcel had a broth er, Luc, nearly for his bond with his twin was strong. Instead of
15 years youn ger. (Their mot her died giving regaining life, Marcel had bec ome an undead
birth t o him.) Luc was exceedingly devoted to creature of th e foulest sort . Marcel Tarascon
Marcel. A few mo nt hs a go, Luc joined Marcel in had b eco me a zombie lord
his quest to find th e scroll of Hyskosa. Luc Je an blamed himself for the fate which had
cared nothing for power or visions of t he futur e, befallen Marcel and Luc. He beca me mad-not
but h e idolized Marcel and wanted to help his in th e mindless fashion of his younger brother,
brother in any way he could. Jean attempted to but in th e way of i ntelligent fiends who
sway the m both. H e warned Marcel tha t his carefully hide their insanity from others. In his
obsess ion would lead to nothing but despair twisted mind, Je an felt he still needed t o
and d eath. J ea n did not, however, foresee how “prote ct” his twin from the obs essio n which led
truly horrid the fu ture would become. to this terrible event. (Though Je an knew
Thr ee weeks a go , Luc saw a Vistani wagon Marcel was a zombie lord, in his ma dne ss he
parked o n a road just outside the village, and still felt the scroll would bring Marcel further
he paid a youn g gypsy name d Valana t o tell h i s misery.) First, Jea n took the scroll from Luc
future. S he recited a cryptic verse which guided and hid it. Then, when he noticed t hat t he only
Luc to a hidden passage at th e edge of the words Luc spok e w e r e twisted version s of the
village. T he pass age led into the old cemetery. Hyskosa scroll, he sent the youth into the
Together Luc and Marcel followed the tunn el swamp. Jean promised to locate the scroll for
into th e ancient burial grounds. There, hidden Marcel, swearing to searc h for it a s long as he
within a n above-ground crypt, the two brothers drew breath. Never did he reveal to Marcel that
found the scroll of Hyskosa. he had hidd en it, nor did he reveal to anyone
Luc was reading t he ancient verses aloud what his brother Marcel had beco me.
when zombies emerged from the shadows Marcel now resides in the old cemetery, intent
between the overgrown burial chambers. As the on creating undead servants while Je an continues
young m an watched in horror, the foul undead to search for the scroll. For three weeks Marcel
struck down and mutilated his older brother. has used his powers to kill villagers; when they
Luc was shattered . The dreadful scene, rise, they become zombies under his control.
combi ned with th e knowledge that he had led Though Marcel does not have the scroll, he
his brother t o his death, dro ve Luc into a believes that an army of undead will help him
trancelike state. He beca me what many take over this island of terror. (To date, the true
inhabitants of Ravenloft call a “lost one.” (See lord of Souragne has not intervened.)

The village has t o contend with more than In Night o the Walking Dead, t h e scroll of
just Marcel, however. Je an ha s become a Hyskosa is important beca use of Marcel’s
murderer as well a s a madman. H e takes obsession. While one of the signs does come to
victims to the zombie lord as both an offering pass in this adventure, the scroll has no direct
and a sign of his growing affection for th e impact on the adventure’s outcome. Together
the signs foretell a future event in,Ravenloft,
which will be featured in another product.

Adwntun Sgnoprb
esp ite Marcel Tarascon’s delusion s, there
is no power to be gained by finding th e th e adven ture begins, th e PCs find
yskosa scroll. The scroll only porten ds a rnemselves lost in a sw amp (presumably in
time of terror-a tim e which is fast whatever campa ign world they call
approaching t he demiplane of dread. “home”). Soon t he Mists of Ravenloft transport
As note d above , Hyskosa was a Vistani seer them into the eerie swamps of Sourag ne, where
who lived mor e than two centur ies ago. At the they encoun ter a crocodile, giant frogs, and
pe ak of his power, Hyskosa foresaw a ca tacly sm myste rious Vistani. After days , when in all
an d th e six signs which would mark its coming. likelihood they a re feeling hopelessly lost, the
H e wrote a cryptic and dissonant verse about PCs happen upo n a hou se on stilts. In the house
th e signs, and recorded it on many scrolls. they me et Luc Tarascon, a young man in a
Throughout the rest of his life, he left copi es in trancelike st ate , who has sever ed his link to
every domain h e visited. T he scrolls are often reality. The only clue t o thi s youth’s identity is a
called “The Six Signs” or “The Hex S igns of book of poetry that he holds, which bears the
Hyskosa.” Many of the scrolls w e r e destroyed, following inscription: “To Luc, my beloved
but a few, like th e o ne in this adventure, still brother.” Th e note is signed “Marcel.”
survive. Men of power throughout Ravenloft Luc is not completely silent. From time to
have sough t to unravel his verse over the years. time, he sp out s nonsensical rh ymes, which are
So me , like Marcel Tarascon, erroneously actua lly twisted verses from th e Hyskosa Scroll.
believe the ve rse hol ds the key to untold power. If th e PCs leave th e little ho us e, Luc follows
See page 15 for a copy of Hyskosa’sverse. them. ( H e is not completely oblivious to his
The first paragraph is written in a different style surroundings.) If they wait a t Luc’s house,
than th e others. The verse end s abruptly Sha man Brucian arrives in two days, bringing
becau se th e pap er has b een torn away. Only more food for th e young ma n, and leading
five signs remain intact; one is missing. everyone back t o th e village.
Each sign has been (or will be) revealed in a During their entire journey through the
separate RAVENLOFT” adventure. The first sign swamp, a strange st orm is building. Eventually
of Hyskosa refers to the Crown of Souls ound in th e PCs reach t he small village of Marais

Feast o Goblyns.The s econd sign was revealed dTarascon, just as the storm s eems about to
in Ship o Horror a s the child ghost of Charlotte break. However and whenev er they get to the
Stern. Th e third ca me t o pa ss in Touch o Death village, the PCs arrive in tim e to witness a
with the seventh rising of the phara oh Anhktepot. bizarre funeral procession in the village square.
The fourth sign app ears in an adventure set in S r i A coffin wrapped in heavy chains is being
Raji (‘93 elease). The fifth sign, a lunar eclipse carted toward a nearby ceme tery. Though every
which occ urs while the dead walk the land, is an villager see ms to b e ignoring it, the PCs can
event in this adventure. (The sixth sign will be clearly hear a noise co min g from inside the
revealed in another product.) coffin, as if someone is trying t o ge t out. The

village adven ture (Part 11 has begun. The PCs must enter th e old cemetery to
After d ealing with the zom bie in the confront Marcel b efore th e ent ire village is
coffin-or watching th e coffin be interred-the destroyed. They must deal with zombies, rats,
PCs may try t o find some one who knows Luc, and skeleton s to reach th e zombie lords air in
or they may decide to ask questions about the the ancient Tarascon mausoleum. Can they st op
stra nge burial. Th e sto rm continues to threaten Marcel, or will the PCs be forced to submit t o
as th e PCs explore th e village a nd talk t o its the zombie lor ds will and become m ember s of
inhabitants, but no rain falls. Through his undead army? To find ou t, you must bear
investigation, th e PCs learn of the strange witn ess to th e Night of th e Walking Dead.
event s that have gripped t he village in recent
weeks. Tales of gruesome murders, mysterious
disap pearan ces, even word of th e walking
dead-all are soon whispered in the PCs’ ears. ages 15 to 18 in the center of this booklet
What’s worse, s ome one tries t o murder poor
Luc (who follows the PCs from place to place
like a faithful hound).
P contain props and references for use
uring play. To remove th em from th e
book, carefully bend the staple s open, lift th e
Before long, the PCs should deduce that the pages, and then bend the st aples back. You may
tro ubl es be gan with th e Tarascon family. By wish to photocopy the Hyskosa scroll and give
search ing Je an Tarascon’s ho use in the village, th e c‘opy t o players when their PCs discover th e
th e PCs can find the Hyskosa scroll a s well as scroll. (Or you may simply show them t hat
evidence of foul murders. From the local page, and allow them to copy th e text by hand.)
shama n, the PCs can learn of Marcel’s death Never show th e players pag e 18, the clue sheet.
roughly th ree weeks earlier. They can even That’s your gu ide to information revealed
discover that many of th e recently deceased are during the cour se of th e adventure.
becom ing zombies. This portion of the
adventure, “Marais dTarascon,” comes to an
en d when the PCs encounter the madman and
murderer that J ean Tarascon has become.
Snuffed out by th e bold player characters,
Jean’s reign of terror comes to an end.
At this point, th e player c haracte rs probably
think t he worst is over. They have a ch ance to
rest and heal. As Part 111 begins, the s torm
finally break s, batt ering th e village with large,
slimy drops of rain. From out of the storm
comes an army of shambling shapes-Marcel’s
zombies They see k th e scroll and youn g Luc,
both of which hap pen t o be in the PCs’ care
(provided, of course, th e PCs have been
successful so far).
As th e zombies attac k, Luc prattles through
his verses. H e has added a few new lines to th e
repertoire which by now is familiar to the PCs.
Luc finally reveals th e clu e which led him an d
Marcel to th e secret passage behind the
cemet ery’s hill.

he startup presented here assumes
Night begins to s ettle over t he swam p,
tha t th e PCs enter Ravenloft from
cloaking the d ense undergrowth in darkn ess
ano the r realm. While a PC or two
and turning th e water’s surfa ce to black.
may have heard legends about the
With it come s a clinging, creepi ng fo g, rising
dem ipl ane of d rea d, ideally none of
from the water like spectral steam. The fog
Ithem will have visited it prior to
surrounds you, its dam pness caressing you
thi s advent ure. (The Mists of
like cold, dead hands. The swamp seem s to
Ravenloft should cat ch the m
retreat from the mists, its sights and soun ds
Y unaware.). If your PCs have visited
disappearing into some unseen distance. All
th e demiplane before, or are
that remai ns visible is the cold, choking fog.
alrea dy in Ravenloft, adjust the
Even your compan ions see m far away. For a
descriptions in this section
mome nt, everything is quiet. What few
sounds you can hear a re amplified by th e
surrou nding mists: your own breathing, your
tarting the Adventure beating heart. Then the fog begins to
dissipate, fading away as quickly a s it
M, the first thing you must do is
appeared, leaving you and your compa nions
m a n g e for th e PCs to enter a swamp. Any
alone in the dismal swarm.
Jwamp in any realm will do, for th e Mists
of Ravenloft can penet rate even the most
If the PCs react suspiciously to the
distant lands. How do you arra nge this startup ?
mysterious fog or ask about the swamp, each
Perhaps the PCs must cross a swamp to reach
should make a Wisdom check (l d2 0 roll).
their “true” destination. Or perhaps th e PCs are
Successful PCs noti ce th e following:
just looking for someone or something, and
their sea rch lea ds to a swa mp. It doesn’t really
matte r how they get there: what matt ers is that The swamp seems even darker than it did
they do. before. The nearby trees have bec ome
Travel through a swam p is difficult. In some twisted shadows with clawlike branches
places th e water is several feet deep , reaching out, and a foul odor rises from the
concealing roots, pits, and even more sinister murky water. Overhead, through th e tangled
dangers. The opening of this adventure branches, the sky also appears strange. The
assu mes that t he PCs are navigating the swamp sta rs have subtly changed positions, and t he
in their original loca tion by poling a raft. If your moon is closer, nearly full. Menacing cl oud s
PCs decide t o m ake the trek o n foot, you’ll begin to roll across th e western sky like a
curtain of black smok e. In but a few
you might arr ange for them to find a broken moments, the clouds blot out the feeble
and battered raft in the swamp of Souragne.) starlight completely.
Whatever their reason for being in the A storm is brewing-a very bad storm.
swamp, it shouldn’t take long for the PCs to
bec ome hopelessly lost-especially with th e The PCs may try to retrace their path a nd
help of Ravenloft’s myste rious mists . Nightfall fin d a way out. Of co urs e, they’ re in Ravenloft
approaches. Describe th e scene a s follows: now, and here they will stay until the demiplane
decides to release them. Though fog cloaks the
swamp, player char act ers can readily discern
that their surroundings are no longer those of
the realm they left behind.

the swamp and the building sto rm ma ke

Swamp Lneounturs everything shadowy and gray.
he Mists of Ravenloft have deposited the Feel free to add events to “flesh out” th e

T PCs in th e great swamp of Souragne, just

ive miles from Marais d Tarascon. The
Mists are disorienting; whatever route t he PCs
adventure in th e swamp. All of these
supplementary events should be atmosph ere
and tension builders-not outright combat with
tak e, they remain lost in the swamp for four more swamp creatures. For example, the PCs
days, often traveling in circles. O n day five, may hear something slide through t he water
they reach th e village (the mysterious mists just beyond a nearby clump of trees. Or
st op interfering). perhaps something bumps up against the
While many dangers lurk in the swamp, only bottom of their raft from time to time-and
a few ta ke notice of th e adventurers. This while they’re shoving a pole into th e water to
section o utline s four swamp encounters: a investigate, a snake (nonpoisonous) drops ont o
crocodile, giant frogs, a Vistani camp, and Luc the raft from the trees overhead. Paint a scene
Tarascon in his “floating” house. The adventure with mood-setting adjectives, imply that danger
is designed so that o ne encounter occurs each is imminent, and then go on with th e adventure
day. If this pacing is to o slow for your players, outlined here. Don’t reveal that nothing is really
you may wish to modify th e adventure and run waiting to consume the PCs. Let the players
th e crocodile and frog encounters on the sa me think‘that something which they don’t fully
day. Or you may skip on e of those encounters understand has occurred, or that their
entirely, perhaps saving the other in case the characters have just narrowly escaped som e
PCs return t o t he swam p later. However, the dreadful event. In this way, you can enhanc e
Vistani a nd t he floating house encounters must tension and suspense without throwing wave
occur during t he two days immediately after wave of creatures at the player characters.
preceding th e PCs’ arrival in Marais d
Tarascon. In any case , don’t dwell on th e time
between encount ers; proceed swiftly and
The C r d i l e
smoothly from on e day to the next.
The day is dark and dismal, painted gray by
While the PCs a re in th e swamp, the storm
the mist an d clouds. The sun has not shown
(noted earlier) continues t o brew. With th e
its face since you arrived, and t he air is
approach of each nightfall, the sky becomes
clammy and cold. The water below the raft is
black and boiling, yet it is strangely silent: no
several feet deep. To one si de, black logs
thunder booms, no lightning flashes, and no
drift lazily atop the stag nant water. To th e
rain falls. When morning come s, the sky has
other, shadows slip through the tree s and t he
cleared somewhat, but it is still overcast, a nd
underbrush, moving in time with the raft.
grows darker througho ut th e day. After a string
The eyes of the swamp are upon you.
of such d ays and nights, when at last th e PCs
leave th e swamp to enter Marais dTarascon, the A hungry crocodile is lurking on t he surface
storm se em s ready to break. “The Gathering of t he water among the drift of dark logs. If the
Storm” (at the end of this section) describes PCs decide to poke a t th e logs, they have a 20
that event. percent chance f spotting th e crocodile. If they
It is assumed that th e PCs travel through the ignore the logs, the crocodile surprises them
swamp by day and s et ca mp at night. With th e
after they move past (-2 penalty to the PCs’
ever-thickening clouds overhead, it is too dark
surprise roll). The crocodile targets one PC who
t o navigate after nightfall, regardless of of
torchlight. Even during t he day, the nature of

. ~ .- ~

victim into th e water, content to grab one meal the frogs, any PC who decides to look around
and flee before the o thers can react. can find th e wreck by making a successf ul
Wisdom check. All that remains of any interest
Croco dile: AC 5; MV 6/12; HD 3; hp 14; AT 2; in the boat is a locked chest. The chest contains
Dmg 2-8/1-12; S D surprise; AL N; XP 65 each; water-logged food, clothes, and two 1 short
THACO 16. swords wrapped in soaking wet clo th.

Giant Frogs 3):AC 7; MV 3/9; D 2; hp 5, 8,

The Giant frogs 10; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6;SA ton gue; AL nil; XP 1 75
ea ch ; THACO 16.
The raft slips through a tangle of tall reed s
growing up from beneath th e black, murky
water. The fog has dissipated, but t he The Uistani Camp
surrou ndings ar e still gloomy. Overhead,
Time is beginning to lose meaning for the
branches entwine to form a dense canopy.
player characters a s gray, sunless days merge
The s ound s of the swam p are louder now, into black, moonless nights. Each night the sky
and they e cho through the trees. Unseen
blackens and boils, but still no rain falls.
creatur es slide through th e reeds below the When this en counter occurs, twilight is nigh.
water’s surface. A chorus of cro aks and In the di stance , the PCs see a light. Descri be
ribbits begins, as if to gr eet you, growing so
the scene a s they draw near to investigate:
loud that every other sound is drowned out
by their raucous song. Then, all at once, the
chorus stops. A little island of dry land rises out of the
stagnan t water. The light comes from a fire
Th e PCs must m ake su rpris e rolls with a -3 that form s th e center of a small camp. In the
penalty. Char acters who are successful can see flickering light, you can clearly see a colorful
a trio of giant frogs a split second before the gypsy wagon, two old mares, thr ee gaily-clad
creatur es strike. Characters who fail the children, and an old woman. A mom ent later,
surprise roll can hear somethi ng large moving two men step into view. One is old and thin,
through th e vegetation before the frogs emerge the other young and strong. They settle
from t he shadow-filled swam p. themselves beside the fire. Then the old man
Each giant frog weighs 15 0 pounds and looks up, directing the gaze of his good eye
measures 4 feet long. It use s its long, sticky upon you. The other eye is milky and blank.
tongue to cat ch prey. While th e tongue caus es The man smiles and motions with his
no dama ge, it doe s receive a + 4 attack bonus. withered hand, inviting you to join his gr oup.
Characters struck by a to ngue ar e reeled in
toward th e frog’s deadly bite. With an att ack How this wagon, called a vardo by its owners,
roll of 20, a g iant fr og can swallow a small-sized made its way to this spot is unclear; th e PCs
victim whole (including demih uma ns under may be sus picious or nervous. The ways of the
four fe et tall). The PCs have inadvertently Vistani are strang e, however, and th e Mists
wandered into the frogs’ feeding ground, and often help them travel where they want t o go.
have been mistaken for today’s meal. This vardo is the sam e one Luc Tarascon
An old flat-botto med boat lies hidden in this visited roughly three weeks ago , receiving the
area , concealed by reeds an d nearly clue which led him and his bro ther t o the
submerged. T he boat has a gaping hole in its Hyskosa scroll. Now, with increasingly horrid
side jus t above the waterline. After defeating events occurring in Marais dTa ras con , this

small Vistani clan ha s decided to move on. The a time after the PCs arrive.
gypsies ar e here to pass o n a warning to the If the PCs approach this clan in a friendly
PCs (though even th e gypsies may be unaware manner, Scarengi responds in kind, though
of that fact at the start of this encounter). Carlon,i remains distant and makes no effort t o
Of the seven Vistani in the camp, three ar e hide his desire t o resume their journey.
small children. Old Scarengi, the ancient Scarengi and his wife tell the PCs that a village
Vistani with o n e blind eye , is th e leader of this called Marais dTarascon lies at the edge of the
small brood. H i s wife, Ryana, a plump woman swamp. “It is not Far,” Scarengi says, “but it is
with silver hair and laughing eyes, is almost as not a place t o visit on a night su ch as this.”
ancient. Their s on, Carloni, is a stron g young Under his breath, Carloni adds, “Better to st ay
man with black hair and a matching mustache. in the swamp.” Scarengi refuses to reveal more.
The th ree small children ar e his. (Their mother H i s wife, Ryana, agree s and says, “To speak of
is deceased.) Carloni drives the horses, an d he evil is to invite it to dinner.”
is eager to put as much distance as he can Scarengi invites the player ch aracter s to join
between his family and Marais dTarascon. It is his family for dinner and t o shar e their f i r e until
Carloni’s sister, Valana, who should catch t he morning comes. “Perhaps,” he s ays with a
PCs’ attention. This young woman’s enchanting sparkle in his eye, “there will even be time for a
black eyes and red lips can set a man aflame. fortune.” After dinner, when the children have
S h e is gifted with the power to see th e future, been put to bed, Valana emerge s from the back
and it was her vision which led to th e recent of the wagon with her pouch of runes. It is the
Tarascon tragedy. Sh e remains in the wagon for first time the PCs have seen her.

The door a t th e back of the wagon opens to
asleep, no matter how hard he or she tries to
PCs awake, they ar e alone.
reveal a shape ly young woman with dark, ere they left it, but no
Expressive eyes. Sh e smil es shyly, then
settles nearby, beside the fire. “This,”
Scarengi pro claims proudly, “is my beautiful Ryana puts a curse
daug hte r Valana. Sh e will tell your fortune.” been washed by a
Valana gazes a t eac h of you in turn, with
the firelight shinin g in her large, black eyes.
“The trouble began when I cast the runes for
that quie t and lost young man,” she explains s have done seven
sadly. “Perh aps it will end with another
casting.” S he holds a flat pan i
stone tiles in her hands. Then,
once again into your eyes, she drops the tiles e other things to do
into t he pan. rascon a t this time.
“The lost on e ha s calle d you ” Valana
gasps. Each member of her family hastily innoce nt Vista
makes a protec tive ges ture. “The dead will
walk with the c oming sto rm, and you must
find a way to put the m t o rest. If you cannot, f the RAVENLOW
th e rain will tu rn to blood It will drown
you-you and all of Marais dTarascon.”
Scarengi quickly ushers his wife and Vistani (7): AC 6 ; MV 12;HD 4 X 4, 1 3; hp
daughte r into t he wagon. “No charge for 21 X 4 , 4 X 3 ; AT 1; Dmg 1-8;ALNE; XP
your fortune,” t he ol d ma n add s hastily. “It is 105X4,7X3;THACO 17.
tim e t o rest after t he adventu res of the day.
Be our
Thu floatiw H o w
Nothing the PCs do can sto p Scarengi and his
At so me point during their fourth day in the
family from retiring. Only Carloni rema ins
swamp, the P f s come across the house in
outside, settling upright into the driver’s seat of
which LucTaraskon resides. The house shou ld
th e wagon with a heavy cloak around him. H e
be as mysbrious a nd threatening as any
closes his eyes as if to sleep. unknown location in Ravenloft.
As the PCs begin to settle for the night, they
see Valana’s sha pely form outlined in the
wagon doorway. S he spea ks barely above a this part of the swamp close in
whisper, but the PCs can hear her clearly. raft, forming a thick tan gle of
“Beware the mad man , she says. “Beware his nd exposed roots, making
blood.” (This is important; b e sure to say the ow and difficult. Shar p, broken
words slowly so th e players remember this tch your arms and legs as you
clue.) Then th e door closes and Valana is gone. ft forward, and th e wind whistles
Valana’s final words refer t o Je an Tarascon eless tune a s it rushes through th e
(the madman) and Marcel th e zombie lord (his As you break thro
blood, as in kin). If th e PCs set a watch, , a light ap pear s in
som etim e before morning t he watch falls

warm an d inviting in the cold, da mp air. The

light is not a t eye level. It hovers in th e dark
so hat you must look up to see it.
Like moths to a flame, you an d your raft
slide easily toward the sou rce of th e light. It
is a small wooden house, hardly larger than a
shack. Light spills from its two front windows
and a wide open door. The hous e appears to
be suspended in th e air above the surface of
the swam p, its reflection shimmering in the
dank pool before it.

Th e house isn't actuall y floating in the air; it

just looks that way in the darkness. Four stout
poles rise from t he swamp, lifting the house
some 8 feet abov e the water. Th e poles
obviously serve protect th e house from rising
water and the creatures of the swamp. Other
than a n occasional croak or cricket song, th e
swamp around the house is still.
The PCs can approac h the small house in any
manner they choose. A s noted, the front of the
shac k has two windows and a n open door. No
curtains cover th e windows. From t he angl e the
PCs have, they ca nnot see inside. T here ar e no
windows or doors on the sides of the structure,
and t he back wall holds only a single window,
also bare. The water beneath and around th e
house is no more than 4 feet deep; in most
places, it measur es about 2 feet. The house ha s
no porch. There is no sign of a boat.
Any attemp t t o get the attention of someone
inside the s hac k results in failure. After the PCs
are about t o declare the house deserted or look
inside, th e following occurs:

Suddenly a rope ladder drops from the

doorway. No figure steps into the light to greet
you, and not even a shadow passes the open
door. Th e ladder, construct ed of wooden steps
and thick rope, simply rolls out with a brief
clatter of knocking wood. T he last ste p hangs
just above the surface of th e fetid water,
inviting you to climb u p into th e warm light.

The ladder waits patiently for the PCs to The boo k up on Luc’s lap is a collection of
cli mb it. N o one appe ars at the doorway to children’s poems. H e gives it up without a
encourage (or discourage) them; Luc just si ts struggle. Every poem is a sh ort rhyme, similar
inside the shack, unmoving. The ladder gently to the confused verses which the you th utters.
sways above t he black water of the swamp. The first pag e co nta ins an inscription: “To Luc,
When a PC has climbed th e rope ladder, read my beloved brother.” It is sig ned “Marcel.”
th e following aloud: Luc do es not c omm uni cat e in any way,
except for the occasional verse (see page 18).
The youth will neither fight nor de fend himself,
The little house h as only one room. All told,
thoug h h e will fly into a r age if someone
mor e than two dozen lanterns hang from
extinguishes one of his lant erns. Even the n, Luc
pegs on t he wall a nd sit o n th e warped
only poses a danger t o himself a s he bashes his
wooden floor, flooding th e sha ck with light.
head a nd body a gains t a wall or the floor. To
To the right of th e door, unopened boxes
calm him, the lantern must be relit.
have been neatly stacked against th e wall.
The PCs can spen d th e night safely within
An open-topped barrel sits beside th e boxes.
Luc’s shack . In the m ornin g, they see the
In th e center of th e room, facing the door,
smoke of a nearby village and can journey to
is a young man. He sit s within a circle of five
Marais dTarasco n. If they decide to stay at the
burning lanterns, with his large, blank e yes
shack for more than two days, Sh ama n Brucian
fixed in place. T he young man is unusually
arrives with fresh food a nd cloth ing for Luc. He
thin a nd pale, and his long, blond hair hangs
limply to his shoulders. His features are
I for information o n Brucian.)
tortured. The simple shirt and pants that h e
However th e P Cs wind up headi ng for Marais
wears are clean and fresh. H e clutches a
dTara scon, Luc follows the m like a faithful dog.
small book in his lap, but mak es no move to Nothing the PCs do short of killing th e youth
get up or gre et you-except to slowly
can st op him from accompanying them. If they
struggle out an incomprehensible phrase:
do kill Luc, the youth returns later as a ghost
“The on desce nd shall evil of night the land,
(see “Luc the Ghost” on page 18).Killing Luc is
at near is signs of hexad this when hand.”
an evil act and requires a powers check.
Then h e returns to his quiet state, neither
spe aki ng nor r espon ding in any way.
Luc Tarascon (lost one): AC 1 0 MV 6; HD 1 1;
hp 7; #AT 1; Dmg l d2 ; SA rage; S D nil; AL N;
The youth is Luc, youngest of the Tarascon
XP 7; THACO 2 0 .
brothers. H e has become one of the shattered,
broken souls known a s th e “lost ones.” He ha s
retrea ted int o himself to block out th e terrors The Gathtring Storm
tha t have oc curred in Marais dTarascon. The
As the PCs begin to leave th e swamp and
phrases h e sometimes speaks are twisted
approach the village of Marais d Tarascon, the
verses from t he Hyskosa Scroll, the last thing
sky fills with roiling black cloud s. Fo r th e first
he was re ading when his b rother Marcel was
time, lightning plays across th e heavens. Still,
killed by zo mbies and h e s hut out the world.
no rain falls. The storm simply hangs over the
The unop ened boxes contain fresh food
swamp and t he village, occasionally sendi ng a
brought out t o th e swamp by Sha man Brucian,
bolt of lightning toward t he ground or letting
the priest of Marais dTarascon. The stores are
loose a clap of omi nou s thunder. When it finally
substa ntial ; the PCs can e at heartily. Th e barrel
breaks, the sto rm promises to be spectacular.
conta ins fresh drinking water.

ais dTarascon is a cluster of small

two-and-a-half miles ood-and-thatch buildings at th e ed ge of
from Port d’Elhour, th e swamp, housing about 300 people. A
on the eastern edge cemetery is perched on a hill overlooking th e
of Souragne’s vast village. T he graveyard is divided into two

I swamp. The PCs sections, one old (area 1 1 on the map), the
approa ch th e village other new (area 10). he old graveyard contain s
from th e west, Marcel’s lair. East of th e village is the Tarascon
emerging from the plantation. From a distance it looks impressive,
swamp on the but on closer inspection, it is obvious that the
afternoon of day fields have not been tend ed in weeks.
4five. The sto rm The PCs c an wander freely, speak ing with
clouds continue to whomever they wish. Murders, zombies,
build despite the disappearances-the events of the past weeks
early hour, it seems have caused a fearful mood to s ettle over the
like dusk. As noted, village. (Assume that Marcel died thr ee weeks
if th e PCs have not harm ed Luc, he travels with ago: regardless of how long th e PCs have spent
them. H e walks just a few ste ps behind th e last in th e swamp.) Everyone is nervous and more
PC, carrying his bo ok of poetry and an tha n a little afraid. S om e have even spo ken of
ever-blazing lantern. fleeing to Port dElhour, but a t the moment
This portion of the adventure is divided into such a cour se of acti on is still only talk.
two sections: a guid e to Marais dTara scon (see Charisma Checks: To gain any personal
the ma p on the inside cover), an d a list of information about the village, i ts inhabitants or
event s that ta ke pla ce in and near t he village. recent events, the PCs must m ake successful
All events are keyed to a certain time; some are Charisma ch ecks. It’s easie st to deal with
also keyed t o a location. For example, “The shopkeepers; no modifier t o th e chec k applies.
Funeral” occurs near the church as the PCs Dealing with c omm on villagers is more
enter t he village; it is assum ed that the activity difficult; a Charisma ch eck with a -5 modifier
will draw them to t hat area. Be sure to is required to ent ice them to ope n up. Only one
familiari ze yourself with t he ev ent s in Marais PC is allowed to ma ke a Charisma check a t a
dTarascon before th e PCs explore th e town. given shop or cottage. If th e PC fails the check ,
As soon a s the PCs enter the village, J ea n another chara cter can return t o try later, but
Tarascon learns of thei r arrival. If Luc is with with a -2 cumulativ e modifier for eac h failure.
th e party, J ea n begins t o plan how to “protect” Some of the clues that PCs can obtain are
Marcel from the knowledge th e youth has noted in the guide to the village below. To ill
retained about Hyskosa’s scroll. If th e PCs have out enco unters in other locations, see “What
killed Luc, Jean doesn’t become overly Villagers Say” on pag e 18.
conce rned with th e party until they try to find
the murderer (him), get to o close t o Marcel, or 1. Full Moon Inn. The PCs are likely to ta ke a
until Luc appears as a ghost (see page 18). room here during their stay in Marais
dTarascon. (Certainly t he villagers will
recommend it.) A fence surrounds th e inn,
which is a large, two-story building with an
atta ched stabl e. The Full Moon Inn serves a s a

meeting place for the villagers, especially mont hs to conduct business. He’s an agent for
during the se dark time s when everyone seeks several businesses in Port dEl hour, m aking
comfo rt and the protection of others. A large deals and t rad es between t he two towns. He
com mon room features a bar and a dozen knows nothing of use about recent events here.
tables. Food is serve d from early morning until H e only knows tha t he wants to finish his
a respect able night hour, and rooms can be business and leave a s soon a s he can.
rent ed by the day.
Jera ld Bascolm and his wife, Henrietta, run 2. Bakery. Louise dC an n op erate s the bakery,
th e inn. Their da ughte r Lillin head s a staff of turning out cakes, rolls, and candies. Her
four barmaids, and their son Jeral d, Jr. tends specialty is red licorice. Her best customers are
th e stable. One of the barmaids is a chatty Mordu, Jea n Tarascon, and th e Bordell children
young woman named Katha. If she warms up to (all of whom like licorice). Besides t his juicy
a PC, sh e tells an in teresting story: tidbit, she can offer the PCs on e piece of
information from the list on page 18.

“Over a week ago , Francois, a local fellow,

3. Carpenter. Marcus Bordell, th e village
well he fell dead right here in the comm on carpenter, builds cabin ets and furniture here. A
room. I was taking a break in the kitchen at half-dozen children-Marcus’s so ns and
th e time , resting my weary feet near t he daughters-run around outside the sho p during
door. I remember, just before people starte d th e day. H e can offer the PCs one piece of
hollering in th e com mon room , got a whiff information from page 18.
of so me awful odor blowing in from outside.
It was kind of like rotte n meat-not that we 4. Pierot’s Cottage. Pierot is the cemetery
serve any here, mind you-but worse. caretaker. By day, he’s in area 10. When night
Luckily, I’ve got qui te a str ong stoma ch. In
falls, he comes home, locks the doo rs, lights a
fact, I was just ab out t o go outside to find out lantern, eat s supper, goes to bed, and hopes to
what could be causing that odor when the wake in th e morning. H e believes that Marais
scream s began. Then I saw Francois being d’Tarascon is cursed by all of this death, and he
carted off to be buried. You know, forgot all is seriously considering leaving th e village after
about t hat awful odor until just a few days the coming storm h as passed.
ag o when old Fiora ment ioned that s he had
smelled it, too. I’d lock your door while
5.Constable’s Cottage. Constable Gremin
you’re sleeping if I was you. Everybody in the maintains an office and a h ome in this cottage .
village do es now.” H e does not like strangers, and he distrusts the
PCs because of their untimely arrival. His
Though Katha doesn’t realize it, she
village is in the grip of s om e terrible evil, and
experienced the odor of death that surrounds
he d oes not know how t o protect it. What’s
Marcel Tarascon-the odo r which surrou nds
worse, about two weeks ag o his son fell prey to
every zombie lord. Fiora lives in the village (see
th e mysterious ailment that kills its victims and
location 12). Katha will point th e way to Fiora’s
then quickly tur ns them into zombies.
house should th e PCs ask, with this precaution:
His son’s death, comb ined with grisly
“Fiora doesn’t spea k to anyone much lately, not
murders and missing people, has pushed the
ev en me.”
constable toward th e edge. H e believes the
Currently, t he Full Moon Inn has only one
murders and some of th e missing people ar e
guest oth er than the PCs: Duncan dLut e.
connected, for he has found the sa me item a t
Duncan travels t o Marais dTarascon every few

Zombie Lord: AC 6; MV 6; HD 6; hp 39; AT 2;

Dmg 2-4/2-4; SA see below; S D see below; AL NE; Spucial Abilitius
THACO 15; XP 650. arcel can converse freely with th e living
dead through a mystical, telepathic ability.
Marcel has all the powers of a normal zombie lord H e can also speak t o dead (per t he spell) by
(see the RAVENLOFT" Monstrous Compendium merely touching the corpse. Further, Marcel can
Appendix). So me of these powers have been control zom bies within a one-mile radius,
enhanc ed by th e Land of Ravenloft, a s noted including monster and ju-ju zombies, an d he can
below. use their sense s to know what is happening in the
area. (This is an enhanced ability.)
Spucial Attacks
ike any zombie lord, Marcel delivers crushing
blows with his fists (two attacks per round, arcel Tarascon was obsesse d with finding
d4 damage each). In addition, th e odor of th e Hyskosa scroll when he was alive.
death that surrounds Marcel affects all living Although he was not evil, his morals did
beings who co me within 30 yards of him. become increasingly twisted a s he searched for
Characters mu st save vs. poison or suffer one of th e legendary scroll.
th e following effects: As noted in th e introduction, Marcel still
believes the Hyskosa scroll holds t he key t o
l d 6 Roll Effect untold power-even now that he is a zombie lord.
1 Weakness (as t he spell) Marcel's mad twin brother, Jean, has promised to
2 Cause Disease (as the spell) find the scroll. (He has no intention of doing so,
3 1 Point of Constitution however.) In the meantime, Marcel is building his
4 Contagion ( as the spell) zombie army by animating cor pses and slaying
5 Character unable to act for l d 4 villagers with his special powers. Jea n helps. H e
rounds du e to nausea a nd vomiting has already murdered many villagers an d has
6 Character dies instantly and given some of the corpses t o Marcel.
becomes a zombie under zombie The PCs battle (and probably kill) Je an a s Part II
lo rds control of a
begins, Marcel unleashes his zombies on the
Three times per day, Marcel can cast animate village, ordering them to find the scroll at all
dead t o creat e zombies. By using this power on costs. When th e PCs approach Marcel's lair in the
living beings, he can also turn them into zombies. old cemetery, th e zombie lord calls some of his
In either case, th e range of this innate power is minions back to aid him.
100 yards. If a living target fails a saving throw vs.
death, he is instantly slain and rises in l d 4 rounds
as a zombie under Marcel's control. (Marcel's Combat
ability to create zombies has been enhanced.)

arcel refuses to fight hand-t o-hand until an
opponent ste ps upon t he platform of bones
Spucial Ouf'unsus n his lair. H e prefers to direct his undead
servants and use his special abilities. When the
ike zombies, Marcel is immune to sleep, PCs reach his lair, he has already used his animate
charm, hold, death magic, poison and dead power once that day. H e can use it twice
old-based spells. H e can be turned a s a against t he PCs if he desires.
vampire, however, and suffers 2d4 points of
dam age from direct contact with holy water or
holy symbols.

4th Level FighterIMadman: AC 6; MV 9; HD 4; hp his servants into ghouls. H e himself, however, has
25; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3or 1-4 1 SA surprise; SD nil; yet to partake in th e nightly feasts.
AL C E THACO 17; XP 210. Str 14; Dex 1 0 Con The villagers still see Je an Tarascon as he
12 ; Int 11; Wis 9; Cha 9. was-a wealthy villager an d leader of th e
community. His recent lapses of violent outb ursts
Equipment: Studd ed leather armor, ring of and signs of foul temper are excused due t o th e
protection 1 dagger 1 in walking stick,
pocketful of red licorice pieces, two potions of When Luc returns to th e village, Je an beco mes
healing, black cloak with hood. furious. He immediately decides to kill th e
interlopers who have befriended the youth, but he
will not attack them in public. Instead, he stalks
Sperial Attacks them at night. H e also tries t o kill Luc so that his
ean is a convincing actor. If he attempts to beloved brother Marcel will forget about his

J give the PCs a false sense of security, they

uffer a -2 penalty t o their surprise rolls.
Victims thus surprised ta ke triple damage, as if
obsession with th e cursed scroll. H e hates Luc and
th e scroll, blaming both for what has happened to
Marcel. He hid the scroll and s ent Luc away before
they had be en backstabbed by a 5th-level thief.
Luc if he has th e opportunity. If th e scroll should
appear before Jean , he will attem pt to destroy it.
Bachground He holds Shaman Brucian responsible for Marcel’s
ean Tarascon was driven mad by the event s of current state , but has not yet fallen so deeply into

J recent weeks. When he found his twin brother

Marcel murde red by zombies, his grief knew
madness that he would attack a holy man.

no bounds. H e knew that his brother’s obsession

with that ancient scroll would lead to sorrow and
ean prefers to stalk an d attack his victims

death , and his prediction held true. Still, he hoped
th e village priest, Sham an Brucian, could perform through surprise. He normally runs from
som e kind of miracle on Marcel. For a moment, it superior numbers. If pressed into direct battle,
looked as if h e did. he us es his healing potions t o replace lost hit
But the priest’s use of a raise dead scroll failed. points and fights savagely with his wicked dagger.
Je an knew what Marcel had become. H e took his H e tries to attac k single individuals away from
brother’s body t o t he old cemetery, where Marcel crowds. If necessary, he will call on his
soon rose as a zombie lord. These events drove servants-turned-ghouls to aid him against th e
Je an toward t he brink of insanity. When he player characters.
watched his brother feast on carrion, Je an became
more than just mad, he became a murderer.
As noted in t he introduction, Je an has pledged
himself to “protecting” Marcel from his obsession.
Je an has hidden th e scroll of Hyskosa in his
townhouse, and h as se nt his brother Luc into the
swamp to hide him from Marcel. Je an also dons a
black, hooded cloak in th e dim hours of the night
and stalks victims for Marcel to fea st upon. In his
mad state of mind, Je an has taken t o leaving a
piece of red licorice behind a t every murder
To fully participate in Marcel’s new stat e of
existence, J ea n h as ordered th e family servants to
feast o n dead huma n flesh as well. This has turned

What Lue Sags W hat U i l l a p r s Sag

he following twisted verses are spoken by he following clues, both true and false, can

T Luc throughout th e adventure. Do not use

verses before th e proper time.
be gat hered from conversations with th e

Chapter One 1 . In the past thre e weeks, th e villagers know of

nine “sud den” deaths that have occurred. (True.
The on descend shall evil of night t he land, at This is Marcel’s work.)
near are signs of hexad th is when hand. 2. Of th e nine who died suddenly, seven were
In sorcerer the Daegon of house the born, buried in sealed coffins, and two escaped into the
though shall unliving, unlife, life scorn. night as zombies. (True.)
The mother stern of child lifeless found, heralds 3. Six villagers are missing. (True. This is Jean’s
evil of night a time unbound. doing.)
4. Red licorice pieces were found along with
Cha pte r Two articles belonging to four of the missing people.
(True. This is Jean’s work.)
Seventh doth suns of son the time rise, to of 5. Lady Grissim, on e of th e missing, was seen
eternity an t o knave the send cries. walking in front of the cemetery. (False.)
lnajira fortunes his make will reverse, dooming I/
6. Besides licorice, there is always lots of blood
th e dre aded with live t o all curse. at the scene of a murder or disappearance. (True.)
The o v e r shining sky the of light th e dead, shall 7. Three weeks ago, Hogarth the field worker fell
t o all turning fail and gutte r red. dead, quickly decayed, and rose as a zombie. (True.)
8. Just over three weeks ago, Marcel Tarascon
Chapter Three died. Some say he was killed by the undead, too.
(This is th e clue given to Luc by th e Vistani.) 9. Je an Tarascon has taken full control of the
Look for th e scroll where t he old rest fine, behind family business. (True.)
th e st one where six st ars shine. The finding, 10. If Marcel was given a funeral, none of t he
however, will cause much pain, beware th e time of villagers attended . (True.)
the falling rain. 1 1 . Cultists loyal to th e Lord of the Dead are
operating in the village. (False.)
12. The old cemetery is haunted by wraiths.
Luc the Ghost (False.)
f Luc is killed anytime during t he adventure, 13. The constable’s son was the second to die,
his ghost returns t o haun t t he PCs. (The first simply falling t o the ground inexplicably. (True.)
time h e appear s, PCs should make horror 14. The Vistani told Old Fiora that the night of the
chec ks with a + 4 bonus.) H i s state as a lost one dead was fast approaching. (True. The night is nigh.)
does not c hange, nor does his desire to see the 15. Sha man Brucian worships the Lord of the
evil of his family stopped . There is only one key Dead. (False.)
difference between Luc alive and Luc dead: th e 16. The night Marcel died, villagers saw Jea n
ghost doe s not follow th e PCs around with a carry him to the church. (True.)
lantern. Instead, the spirit appears from time to 17. Sham an Brucian has gone into th e swamp
time to recite a verse or give the PCs a clue. Luc’s frequently since Marcel died. (True.)
spirit canno t rest until th e evil of his brothers, 18. A vampire has been stalking the village
Je an and Marcel, comes to an end. street s. (False.)
19. Many people ar e missing. (True.)
20. The Old Cemetery was sealed long ago, and
no one has entered it in decades. (True, until Luc
and Marcel found the secret entrance.)

many of these scenes: a piece of red licorice. has dozens of scrolls and books concerning the
If th e PCs give Gremin any trouble, he Sou rag ne and “l ands beyond.” (Like most
threatens to arrest them. A c h a m spell or a inhabitants of the demiplane of dread, he is
very convincing argument can prevent th e unaware that h e is trapped in a realm called
arres t (Charisma -5). With the second Ravenloft.) Few of Mordu’s boo ks a re seriou s
provocation, however, Gremin locks them in works. In fact, only on e contain s any pertine nt
the small stone jaik tor ag e shed next to his information. It concerns th e history of Anton
cottage-at least overnight. Misroi, lord of Souragne. Unfortunately, it is
Escap e from t he jail is fairly simple: t he lock written in an a ncien t lang uage which Mordu
can easily be picked by a thief, and th e door cannot read. The othe rs are more fanciful than
can be broken with a successful bend bardlift scholarly, including Mordu’s favorite, a boo k
gate attempt. A wiser tactic is persuasion; with titled The Cult o the Swamp God
a successful Charisma check, modified by 10,
th e jailed PCs can convince the constable that 7 . General Store. This large, cluttered building
the y ca n he lp th e town. In this way, they avoid is th e village’s general sto re. It is run by the
being known through out town as “escaped dwarf Deruno and his family, who happen ed
convicts.” When th e zomb ies attac k in Part 111, upon Marais dTarascon m uch like the PCs and
th e constable releases the PCs, no matter what decided t o stay. Deruno sells traveling
may have transpired between them. eq dp me nt , foodstuffs, household goods, and
dairy (goat’s milk) pr oduc ts a t fair prices. He
Co ns ta bl e Gremin (2nd-level fighter): AC 4 buys items for th e stor e at half m arket price.
(chain mail and shield); MV 12; HD 2; hp 15; Str Deruno has a few items that may interest the
16, Dex 12, Con 14 , Int 1 5, Wis 13, Cha 1 0 #AT PCs, kept hidden and locked away. The dwarf
1 Dmg 1d 8 1 (long sword); AL LG; THACO will only bring th em out o nce h e ge ts to know
19. and trust t he PCs. If they have been openly
helping the village, he offers th e item s for free.
6. Mordu’s Cotta ge. Mordu, the town eccentric, These include three potions o healing, six 1
lives alone in this small cott age. Unlike most arrows, bracers o A C 6, and a long sword I.
oth er villag ers, Mordu welcomes th e PCs with
open ar ms an d friendly greetings. He does not 8. Blacksmith. The blacksmith is a large,
see m the least bit nervous or upset by recent powerful man named Jordi. H e is quiet an d shy,
events. the contrary, he see ms quite excited and initially refuses to talk a bou t anything but
by it all. He offers them red licorice from an business. If Luc is with th e PCs (and he will be
earth en jar, then as ks what they know about the unless something has happened to him), Jordi
happ ening s in Marais d’Tarascon. clutc hes his hamm er an d ba cks away. H e fears
Mordu, of course, has his own theories about th e young man. Any kind of racket will bring
th e mysterious deaths and disappearances. H e Jor di’s wife, Nadine, running.
believes they have something t o d o with a n Nadine is deeply saddened by the
ancient swamp god that ha s been called to disap peara nce of Colin, her only so n, who
Soura gne by a group of cultists. (He is wrong, worked for th e Tarascons. (Colin is now a ghou l,
but h e should sound credible and sincere to th e but s he doesn’t know it.) If persuaded, Nadine
PCs.) H e promises to find proof, and as ks the explains that Colin never returne d from work
PCs to return the next day to talk further. five days ago, and any inquiry at th e plantation
Before the PCs leave, Mordu shares two oth er ha s met with indifference. The const able has
pieces of information from pag e 18. been t oo occupied with othe r happenings,
Mordu h as long b een an am ateur scholar. H e including th e death of h is own son, but he h as

I promised to check with Jean larascon as soon mention th at J ea n brought Marcel’s body to
a s h e is able. him. Nor doe s he des cribe his failure to revive
Jor di c an provide the PCs with on e piece of Marcel until Part 111 of this adventu re.
information from page 18. His wife responds to The priest has the normal comple ment of
question s with tea rs and pleas for help, but spells. In a locked chest in the chur ch, Brucian
also keeps a scroll with four cure serious
wounds pells, a scroll with two cure disease
9. Church. Sh ama n Brucian is th e village and two cure light wounds pells, and a scroll
priest. H i s church honors th e gods of good, with two raise dead spells. Because of his failure
paying equal service to law, neutrality and to restore Marcel, he is reluctant to use the
chaos, though Brucian himself is neutral good. raise dead spells.
His residence is the adjacent cottage, but lately
he sta ys in the church. Sh am an Brucian (2nd-level priest): AC 10; MV
If persuad ed, Brucian reluctantly describes 12; HD 2; hp 9; Str 13 Dex 8, Con 11, Int 14,
recent even ts in the village. H e says that Wis 16, Cha 12; #AT 1; D m g l d 6 + 2 footman’s
villagers have been dying suddenly, even those mace I ; AL NG; THACO 20.
who appeared str ong and healthy a moment
before. The first such d eath, about thr ee weeks 10. The Cemetery. T he village cemetery si ts
ago, was a field worker nam ed Hogarth. Only atop a small rise overlooking the town,
minutes after falling dead t o the ground, appropriately dubbed “Cemetery Hill” by the
Hogarth rose a s a zombie. Now Brucian always villagers. A 10-foot-highston e wall surr ounds
seals th e coffins of the recently dead. the entire graveyard, and an iron gate on t he
The priest do es not tell th e PCs about the south side provides access. The original
Tarascon family on their first meeting, even if graveyard is sealed s hut an d overgrown with
Luc is with them. If the PCs did not meet vines. (See area 11 ) In con tras t, the new
Brucian in the swamp, h e appea rs surprised to cemetery is well tended an d ope n to th e public.
see Luc now. H e goes to the youth to make sure A single path leads to t he gate.
he is all right, and Luc responds by reciting a If the PCs visit the new cemetery during th e
twisted verse. During this first meeting with the day, they can walk freely am ong t he dea d.
PCs, the priest is rather curt in response to Because of the high water table, bodies ar e
question s about Luc. H e say s Luc is a “lost one” interred above ground. Instead of headstones,
from th e village, but reve als no family ties. the cemetery is filled with ma uso leum s (st one
Brucian also explain s that he to ok pity on Luc, buildings contain ing nume rou s vaults). The
~ occasionally venturing into th e swamp to cemetery also holds several dozen stacked
deliver food and fresh water. vaults, not house d in any building, providing
The priest is secretive becaus e he does not affordable interment for com mon villagers.
trust t he PCs yet. If they return later and The vaults containing those who recently
confro nt him with things they have learned, or died have been sealed a nd locked (the villagers
if they man age to convince him through know them to be undead). If the PCs enter the
subseque nt ac tions that they ar e willing to help Tarascon mausoleum-the most promi nent in
th e village, Brucian nervously explains more. the new cemetery-they discover that it doe s
H e sa ys that Marcel Tarascon was th e first to d ie not hold Marcel’s body. The most recent
in this string of horror. H e also describes the addition to the mausoleum is Claudine, mother
unfortunate changes which this death wrought of Marcel, Jean , and Luc. Sh e died years ago.
in Je an Tarascon, a s well a s in his younger During the day, Pierot, the gr oundsk eeper
bro ther Luc. Brucian do es not, however, and caretaker, can be encountered. (By night,

he resides at area 4. Pierot never e nters the old A secret passage leads from beneath a statu e
cemetery, and he doesn’t know what happened (“A” on th e village map) to an opening in the
to the keys for the heavy locks on th e old gate. hillside (“B’). nly the Tarascon brothers a nd
In fact, he’s su re those locks are rusted shut. If th e zombies know of this passage.
a PC persuad es him to talk, Pierot offers one By looking th rough t he ga te or over t he wall,
clue from pag e 18. In addition, if they ask him the PCs see an overgrown forest of vines and
abou t t he Tarascon family, he say s that Marcel’s trees. They can barely make out crypts through
body was never brought to him a t the cemetery th e wild growths, and th e path is almost
for interment. nonexistent. The villagers an d Pierot
After Dark: N o one, not even Pierot, goes to discourage the PCs from exploring the old
the new cemetery (or old) at night. If the PCs cemetery. Ideally, t he PCs won’t enter this are a
visit after dark, they en counter two ghouls. The until Part begins, but you should not overtly
ghouls are opening u p the mo st recently sealed prevent them from doing so. During the day,
vault: Jeremiah’s if th e PCs allow him to be Constable Gremin might arrive and forbid them
buried (see “Village Events”); Jaz eel Toreng’s if from trespassing. At night, strange rustling and
the PCs stopp ed Jerem iah’s burial. If the PCs slavering noises might discourage them from
pause t o watch the disinterment, then they entering the pitch-black area.
mus t dea l with th e newly-freed zombie as well If the PCs decide to explore the old cemetery
as the ghouls. If the PCs act before the vault is before all th e “Village Events” have occu rred,
opened , they need only battle th e ghouls. go to Part I l l and run the e ncounte rs listed
Both ghouls flee if they lose mor e tha n half there. You’ll have to make two changes. First,
their hit point s or if they are turned. If the the zombies have not yet been unleashed upon
creatu res esc ape, o ne leaves behind a bit of the village. As a result, there will be more at
cloth, which the village tailor can later identify. Marcel’s side; double th e amo unt of zom bies
If the PCs defeat one of the creatures, the listed in each encounter. Second, Jea n is still
con sta ble ca n identify him as Colin, son of on th e loose. H e comes to Marcel’s aid an d
Jordi the blacksmith. If the PCs defeat the fights alongside him in the final battle unless
other ghoul, too, th e constable knows her as the PCs have dealt with him before hand.
Teresa, da ught er of Fiora. Both were servants at
the Tarascon plantation. 12. Fiora’s Cottage. The old woman known as
If the ghouls prove to be too much for the Fiora lives here. Sh e has been badly frightened
PCs, Sha man Brucian arrives and turns the by recent events, and usually refuse s to deal
creatures before the party is killed. with anyone, villagers and str angers alike. Sh e
has barricaded herself in her home, and
Ghouls 2):AC 6; MV 9; HD 2; hp 6, 9; #AT 3; adorned t he d oors and windows with clumps of
Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6;SA paralyzation; SD as garlic, wolvesbane, and holy symbols.
undead; AL CE; XP 1 75 ea ch ; THACO 19. At times, Fiora can be heard calling for her
daughter, Teresa. If the PCs convince Fiora to
1 1. The Old Cemetery. This ancient graveyard speak with them, s he says that foul flesh eater s
has been sealed for more than 100 years. (ghouls) have been rummaging through the
Whatever caused su ch drastic action has been cemetery each night. Sh e has not see n Teresa
lost to legend, but the villagers remember for nearly two weeks; she never return ed ho me
enough t o avoid it at all costs. The only known from work a t th e Tarascon plantation.
ways into the old ceme tery ar e to climb over
the 10-foot-highst one wall or to break the 13. Tarascon Townhouse. In additi on to the
heavy chain s and locks that hold the iron gate. plantation manor (area 15 , th e Tarascon family

maintains this two-story home in th e village. PCs show him th e cloth rip ped from a ghoul in
Je an spe nds much of his time hiding here, the cemetery, he identifies it: th e cloth is from a
plan ning ways to improve his family’s present uniform worn by all servant s at th e Tarascon
situation. Je an is mad; all plans now revolve manor house. (Tomas ma de t he uniforms.)
aroun d murder and joining Marcel as a membe r
of the undead. During the day, there is an 80 15. Tarascon Plantation (not shown). Th e
percent chan ce that Je an will be here. At night, manor house and servant quarters beside it are
the chance drops to 20 percent. in excellent repair. The state ly mano r house is a
The townhouse is locked up tight, and heavy white, two-story building with tall col umn s at
cur tai ns cover every window. All locks a re of th e front. T he servant’s house has b ut a single
masterful quality ( - 60 o pen locks modifier). If floor. If the PCs arrive during th e day, both
he is home , Je an Tarascon refuses to answer houses are locked tight (masterful quality
knocks, pretending t o be gone. H e has nothing locks, -60 modifier). If th e PCs stop by in the
to say to the PCs or anyone else. Any attemp t evening, go t o “The Dinner Party” event.
t o force entry cou ld be noticed by villagers (50
percent chance, with bonuses for ”cautionand
quie t” a s th e DM sees fit). If the PCs are
uillage Euents
spotted, the constable arrives in l d 6 rounds. he following events occur over a number
Breaking into a locked hom e is a crime; the‘
PCs may be carted off to jail. (See area 5.)
If they do manag e to break in while Je an is
T of days, starting with the afternoon o n
which the PCs arrive. Spee d or slow th e
events to match the pace of your players.
home , he av oids the PCs. H e knows where to
hide an d how to move to keep ahea d of the m.
He does not attack even if he has the
Dag One: The Funeral
opportunity t o kill them o ne by one. But he will Upon arriving in th e village, th e PCs can g o
reme mber th is transgression, and will g o after wherever they choo se. Activity in front of the
th e PCs elsewhere at t he earliest opportunity. church shoul d catch their a ttention, however.
The house is well- app ointe d an d full of An outdo or funeral is being conducted (despite
expe nsive (albeit dust y) furniture. Downstairs th e threat enin g sky). Until it en ds, every sho p in
there is a parlor, dining ro om, sitting room,
kitchen, and c oo k s room. Upstairs are three proclaim “Closed for Funeral” and “Gone to th e
bedro oms an d Jean’ s study. If the PCs search Church.” Even the c ottag es are locked up tight.
for a se cret do or in th e study, they find a small If th e PCs wait in fron t of o ne of the shops for
spa ce hidd en behind a bookshelf. In the hiding the funeral to end, they watch from a distan ce
place is a black, hooded cloak and a scroll tube a s a small crowd follows a wagon up to th e
containing t he Hyskosa scroll. The pockets of cemetery. After a sh ort period of ti me, th e
th e black cl oak ar e filled with red licorice. crowd emerges and the shops reopen. If the
PCs decide to approach the churchyard to get a
14. Tailor Sho p. Tomas Levi is th e proprietor. closer look, procee d with this event.
H e and his family make an d repair all type s of
clothing. Tomas tries to interest the PCs in the
Solemn faces gaze a t you suspiciously, but
lates t f ashio ns from Port d’Elhour, showing off
no o ne says a word. The villagers soo n return
gaudy fabric s and foppish patterns.
their attention to t he priest who stan ds over
If th e PCs mak e the necessary Charisma
a coffin wrapped with heavy chains.
che ck (n o modifier), Tomas provides one piece
of information from pa ge 18. In addition, if the

The priest’s booming voice ech oes I

throug hout th e churchyard. “Friends and
family, we mou rn t he untimely de ath of
Jer emi ah dGris,” he laments. “Let us ake
comfort in the fact that he g oes to a better
place, and let us pray that his eternal rest is

peaceful a nd without incident. Jere mia h, you
will be misse d, but you will not b e welcome
here again. Depart this plane and go to th e
next world with our blessing.”
The priest con tinues his liturgy, even
though a muffled bang causes him a
mome nt’s pause. The villagers flinch but
quickly regain their composure. T he bang
sou nds agai n from within t he coffin. Th e
coffin rock s back an d forth, but th e priest
and t he crowd ignore it.

If th e PCs simply watch, the priest directs the

mule-drawn cart up t he hill toward th e
cemetery. T he crowd follows. All the way up the
hill, sounds of something trying to es cape
eme rge from th e shak ing coffin. The villagers
ignore it, but th e priest waves his holy symbol
over th e box and whispers, “Jer emiah, be still.”
At the gate, Pierot, the cemetery keeper, meets
the cart. H e directs the procession toward an
ope n vault. T he att enda nts slide the coffin
inside and quickly seal th e vault. Then, without
a word, th e crowd retu rns to t he village.
If the PCs decide to set the “poor man” in the
coffin free, the priest an d village constable
implore the characters to stop, and t o
reconsider their rash actions. Neither man
fights, however, an d if t he PCs insist, th e
atte ndan ts reluctantly move aside. Once they
start t o break th e chains, the crowd disperses.
Even the constable flees. Only the priest
remains, watching with sad eyes.
Inside th e coffin is Jeremia h dG ris, who died
last night and ha s now risen a s a zombie. Once
free, he attacks the party and tries to escape
into the fields east of th e village. (PCs should
mak e horror checks.) The zombie battles to the
deat h if n o esc ape is possible.

Zombie 1): AC 8; MV 6 HD 2; hp 14; #AT 1; page 16). Successful PCs can investigate the
Dmg 1 8 A nil; SD a s und ea d AL N; XP 6 5 odor's source. If the PCs are in the c ommon
THACO 19. room, at least one other patron succumbs.
Marcel is stalking the village stre ets this
Following Zom bies and Ghouls: f at any time night, seeking to turn t he living into zombies. If
th e PCs decid e to follow a fleeing ghoul or the PCs rush into the stree t, they find bits of
zombie, they can easily track the undead flesh and ichor on t he dirt path behind t he inn.
creatu re to th e fields beyond the Tarascon There is no other sign of Marcel, however. H e
plantation. After that, th e creature loses them has fled t o his lair.
in the rows of crop s and back tracks to the If the PCs check on Duncan dL ute , who was
passage in the side of th e cemetery hill. D o not in his room when Marcel passed, the y arrive in
allow t he PCs to discover this passage yet. tim e to find him rising a s a zombie. If they do
not think to check on the man, h e is missing
when morning arrives. Duncan th e zombie has
Dag Two: tune o f the Crime the same statistics as the zombie in t he funeral
If th e PCs ar e exploring the village, they event , but roll t o determi ne his hit points.
notice the co nstabl e kneeling in an alley,
peerin g a t the ground . Read th e following:

The constable regards you sternly. Spattered

,ate in th e after noon, a ...- grows black
with stor m clouds, the PCs get a chance to stop
all around him on the ground and walls are
a murder. Pick an opportune time t o stage this
flecks of reddish brown. Before him is a large
event. T he PCs could be relaxing a t th e inn or
stain of the sam e substance, apparently dried
talking with so me of t he villagers. In the m idst
blood. In th e cent er of th e stain is a single
of this relative quiet, terror strikes.
piece of bright red licorice.

During th e early hours o the night, Jean A scream shatters the quiet afternoon,
Tarascon stalked one of the barmaids from the echoing throughout the village street s.
inn as sh e ma de her way home. S he never got
~ ~~

the re. Th e only proof of her passing is the Nothing more occurs; there's only a scream.
drying blood. If th e PCs offer to help t he Secretly make a Wisdom check for eac h PC.
constab le, he reluctantly accepts. This event Those who fail think that th e scream cam e from
serves to alert t he PCs to the presence of a th e wrong direction. Those who succeed can
murder er; it do es not reveal who the killer is, identify the direction from which the scream
however, or even who t he victim is. really came, but nothing more. The players
Jea n took the body to the old cemetery as have no way of knowing for sur e who is correct;
carrion for his brother. The murderer always let th e PCs discuss their impressions.
cleans th e blood from his hands and clothes If the PCs choose the wrong way, a sec ond
before returning to his townhouse to rest. scream alerts them t o their mistake. They
arrive too lat e and find Lillin, th e innkee per's
daughter, lying dead in a pool of her own blood.
Nisht Two: The Odor o f Death Red licorice pieces have been scatter ed around
While the PCs are at t he inn, a vile stench her corpse-one piece for ea ch PC.
wafts in to the building. It is the odor of the If the PCs choose t he corr ect way, they arrive
zombie lord; all PCs must sa ve vs. poison (see in time to encounter Tarascon, and surprise th e

black-cloaked madm an. H i s hood conceals his Under no circum stances will Luc accom pany
face completely. H e has just stabbed the young them t o the plantation. If they discuss their
woman onc e but h e has yet t o finish her off. plans to g o there, he st ays behind. If they just
Tarascon drop s his victim and flees, leading the decide to go t here while exploring th e town,
PCs on a cha se through t he village. Make the Luc turns around and walks back to t he inn. H e
ch as e exciting. Let th e PCs get close from time does not want t o go back to his old home for
to time, but never allow the m t o catch him. fear of remembering what he ha s tried so hard
(Tarascon knows th e village mu ch bett er th an to forget.
When they arrive, the large house is mostly
out.) The madman eventually disappears dark. The only so urce of light spills from
around a corner, leaving but o ne trace on t he windows around th e back. If the PCs peer inside
ground a piece of r e d licorice for eac h PC. a lighted window, read the following:
The constab le arrives right after th e PCs,
whether o r not they a re in time t o save Lillin. If Beyond the window lies a spacious dining
she is dead, h e helps the PCs look for th e killer. room with fine appointments, showing taste
If she is alive, he takes h er t o the church. In that and wealth. A chandelier of burning candles
case, sh e survives and manages to tell her fills the room with a warm an d plea sant light.
story. A dark figure leaped out of the shadows A number of large, covered serving trays lie
above her, sh e says. She sc reamed and felt his up6n the table in the center of the room, and
dagger st ab her; sh e remembers nothing else. places have been set for four.
Three servants enter from a side passage,
their hea ds bowed deeply a s they walk. One
€went: The Dinner Par@ of th e servants goes to the table. With a
This event occurs if th e PCs visit the flourish, he lifts the lid from the grandest
plantatipn h n i r e n z a r n m 1 5 i n t h n - \ r a n i n n

safe is to kill young Luc. On d ay four, Je an kills

platter, revealing tonight’s meal: the remains
his younger brother and t he PCs.
of a freshly de ad young ma n. Dried blood
J e a n follows the party around town. H i s goal
cover s much of his pale flesh, and a wicked
is to pick them off one by one, so he strikes
cu t str etches from e ar t o ear. Suddenly, a
when the best opportunity to attack a single
face a ppea rs in t he window, staring with
character presents itself. If no such opportunity
malevolent eyes-the eye s of a ghoul
arises, the madman attacks in desperation
when the PCs enter a concealed or
Je an Tarascon’s servants have all b ecome
out-of-the-way ocation (such a s his townhouse).
ghouls, turned into the foul creatures by eating
Je an goes after a wizard or cleric first,
carrion at th e madman’s insistence. (The PCs
attempting to use his surprise bonus to
should ma ke horror checks.) Je an wants to
eliminate the spellcaster. Then he turns his
emula te an d please his brother Marcel, who
attention on Luc, thoug h he will fight oth ers
now exists by eating rotting flesh. But Je an
who get in his way. If Luc is already dead for
himself has yet to muster the courage to e at
som e reason, his ghost appear s beside th e PCs.
dead flesh; he simply kills and then f eeds his
(See “Luc th e Ghost” on pa ge 18.)
victims to his servants. H e now he h as a pack of
When Jean first attacks, read the following:
ghouls at his beck an d call.
The ghouls notice the PCs and move to
attack . All thr ee have gam e statistics matching The madman s tands before you, completely
th e ghouls in th e cemetery (area lo), but you enshrouded by a black, hooded cloak. Only
should roll eac h creature’s hit po ints separately. th e curved dagger in his pale right hand s
The ghouls battle to the death. As in the visible. Then he toss es back t he hood,
cemetery encounter, if th e PCs are losing, revealing a fac e twisted by ma dnes s and ey es
Shaman Brucian can show up to aid them. lit by the fire of insanity. That fire is clearly
After t he battle, th e PCs can look around the consum ing him, burning away what is left of
house. Except for th e silver platters, all that his mind and his humanity.
remains of much value is furniture. The PCs “You should not have co me t o Marais
als o ca n find a number of the missing dTarascon,” th e ma dman hisses. “And you
villagers-all dead at Je an ’s hands. Clumps of should not have brought that whelp of a
dirt lie in som e of the rooms, but no other trace brother with you ” h e sho uts , waving his
of th e undead exists. Given this sc ant evidence, dagger a t Luc. “You have forced t his
th e PCs will probably think th e ghouls are confrontation Let the blood be on your
responsible for th e murders. Nothing here hands as you taste the blade of Jean
points t o Je an Tarascon himself. The PCs may Tarascon ”
even think that J ean has been murdered, too, With that, t he madm an attacks.
though no physical remains can be found.
Je an Tarascon battles to th e death. During

Oay four: fadB the Madman the fight, th e constable and Sha man Brucian
conveniently arrive if th e PCs need assistance.
After talking to villagers for four days and After th e battle, Brucian offers whatever spells
experiencing the e vents above, the PCs should and scrolls he has left to heal the party.
be close to connecting J ea n Tarascon with
s o m e of th e village woes. Even if they haven’t
mad e this connection, Je an thi nks they have.
Plus, he believes the only way to kee p Marcel

Finally, night covers the land and t he rain

it this far, they begins t o fall.
probably believe
they have stopped
~ the menace and
The Storm
wed the village.
w After all, Je an
With the com ing of night, thunder sh ake s the
village. It sta rt s as a low rumble in th e
Tarascon is dead.)
distance and builds to a terrible, long-lasting
The menace still
explosion that rocks cottages and knocks
exists, but don’t
items from shelves. Lightning danc es wildly
destroy their
across the sky, casting stark shadows in its
illusions just yet.
skitt ering flash. Then th e rain begins, falling
Let t he PCs spend
in large, foul drops that soon become a
th e rest of t he day
deluge. The street s quickly turn t o mud;
healing at t he inn,
small streams form in the cracks and
learning spells, and
depres sions. Vision is obscured by the
then gathering
unending sh eets of d ark water, and th e rain
supplies for their
falls with such force that it hurts those who
journey away from Marais dTaras con. Luc
ventur e into it s fury. Through it all, the
continu es to follow them a round, but he has
thunder continu es to roll above th e village,
fallen silent since t he day before, spouting no
and th e lightning intensifies. The stor m has
mor e nonsense verses.
All t he villagers a re friendly toward the PCs,
and willing to s trike so me excellent deals for As the storm batters the sm all village, th e
supplies and equipment. Of course, no one can tim e for telling storie s around the fire has
provide directions t o plac es larger than Port begun. The PCs ar e probably in th e inn’s
dElhour, but most people are sure the PCs can common room, sitting before th e large
learn what they need t o know about escaping firepl ace with villagers who are waiting out th e
Souragne there. The villagers are anxious to s t o r m As everyone sips their drinks, listening
celebrate; they invite t he player characters t o to the thunder and t orrents, Luc begins to
spend one more night at th e inn. That allows recite his verses. Now, however, he is saying
the PCs a fresh start in the morning, and after them correctly, quo ting directly from Hyskosa’s
all, the weather is poor for travel. scroll. (If Luc died earlier, his ghost appe ars t o
All throu gh t he day o n which Je an Tarascon ramble thro ugh t he verses.)
dies, stor m clouds hover over th e village, just If the PCs have not found the scroll in the
a s they have for days. Thunder boom s on Tarascon townhouse, one of t hem may wish to
occasi on, followed by a flash of lightning, but write down Luck words. After a moment,
otherwise this day is a s dark and dismal a s Sham an Brucian spea ks up. As the priest
those preceding it. Still no rain comes. begins t o talk, Luc lowers his voice, but he does
If th e PCs decid e to leave before nightfall, not st op reciting. “I have a stor y to tell you,” th e
Luc accompan ies them. The farther they travel, sha man begins. “ do not think t he worst is over
the more ag itated h e becomes. Finally, he in Marais dTarascon.”
begins to repeat a new verse, the on e which the He describes the stormy night on which Je an
gypsy Valana g ave him (s ee page 18). f Luc is brought Marcel to him about a mon th ago .
dead at this point, he comes to the PCs as a Marcel was quite dea d, torn apa rt by undead
ghost t o direct them back to the village.

hands. “I retrieved a scroll from my small

collec tion and at tem pted t o raise poor Marcel,”
Zombits on the Mow
Brucian continues, “but something went wrong. After th e PCs have dealt with t he
Marcel remained dead, and J ea n cried out in newly-created zombie, the do or to t he inn
anguish. H e spirited away the cor pse of his bursts open. A villager, soaked t o th e bone
brother. That was th e last saw of Marcel, and despite the cloak he wears, rushes into the
the last time I saw J ea n alive.” (Presumably, common room. H e is out of breath and
Brucian knows the PCs killed Jean.) obviously very frightened. “ The dead a re
Brucian d oes not know what his failed approaching Marais dTarascon ” he m anages t o
mirac le wrought; Marcel did not rise a s a say between shivers and coughs. “An army of
zombie lord until later. However, the priest has the walking dead ” The villager suc cum bs to a
suspecte d all along that som e undead agency racking fit of coughs, and all he ca n man age in
has been at work in his village. Until now, he response to questions is to point toward th e
thought t hat Marcel fell victim to the sa me easter n fields.
agency a s the other villagers. Now he realizes The constable decides to investigate. If the
that the time of trouble began after Marcel PCs follow, they witness the sce ne described
died-and not a mom ent before. Brucian below. If they don’t, the co nstable returns to tell
doesn’t know what that m eans , but he is sure about it.
the events are connected, and he shares his
suspic ions with th e PCs.
You ma ke your way throug h the pou ndin g,
Two things occur just a s the sh aman finishes
slimy rain like blind men. You can barely see
his tale. First, an othe r villager falls over dead.
a foot in front of you unless lightning flashe s,
In l d 4 rounds he rises as a zombie and rushes
briefly illuminating the area. Even then, th e
to capture Luc (if he is alive) or th e PC holding
houses and trees ar e nothing more than
either t he Hyskosa scroll or the copied verses
vague shapes obscured by a shimmering
that Luc recited. The zombie has the same
curtain of rain. Walking is difficult, for t he
statistics as the o ne in “The Funeral” (see Part
dirt paths have become muddy and slick.
ll , but roll its hit points randomly. (Horror
Finally, you reach th e east ern path. T he
chec ks may not be required, depending on the
fields beyond remain hidden by darkness
number of previous zombie enounter s and the
and the storm. Peels of thunder and the
outcome of thos e checks.) Second, Luc stops
driving rain muffle nearly every sound.
reciting the Hyskosa text. Instead, he recites the
Then, in a spectacular crack of lightning,
prophe cy which was given him by the gypsy
th e figures com e into view-dark for ms
Valana. H e repeats her prophesy over and over
moving slowly toward t he village. T hey loo k
until th e PCs get the hint.
like misshapen humans , but it’s hard to tell.
A flash of lighting illum inates th e entire
field. The dark shapes ar e everywhere The
closest are but 50 feet away, sham bling
forward. Darkness returns. It seems as if a n
eternity passes, or maybe just a heartbeat,
and then a brilliant flash lights t he sky. N o w
you can s ee th e figures clearly, if only for a
second . They are zombies , a literal a rmy of
them, and they are marching on Marais


This is th e Night of the Walking Dead, when
no fewer tha n 25 zombies march on Marais
d’Tarascon. (Each PC should m ake a fear ch eck
with a + 2 bonus.) With th e death of Je an ,
Marcel has decided to sear ch for the Hyskosa
village, his efforts will be rewarded; he wants to
demonst rate his total control over the undead.
The zombies have been ordered to lay siege to
the village, killing defender s and tearing ap art I
cottages as they search for the scroll Marcel
The constable asks th e PCs to return to the
village t o help him prep are a def ense. Almost
before they can respond, Luc begins repeat the
Vistani verse tha t led him an d Marcel to th e old
cemetery. This is his way of urging the PCs to
go after Marcel, for they must destroy the
zombie lord to defeat h is army. If the PCs
decide to help th e constabl e and t he villagers
set barricades, Sham an Brucian urges them
toward a different cour se. “Find Marcel’s body,”
he pl eads, a ddin g his voice t o Luc’s. “ am
certain that it holds the key to the terrors which
have befallen us ”
If the PCs head for the old cemetery
immediately upon s eeing t he zombie army,
they can rea ch it without incident. If the PCs
first return t o the village, and later head toward
the cemetery, they must battle zombies to
reach it. Th e rain helps to hid e the PCs, but it
also hides zombies. Have the players trace the
path t he PCs wish to t ake o n the village m ap.
(Conceal the secret pass age if necessary.)
For every 60 feet of progress, roll ld6. If the
result is 1 or 2, l d 4 zombies surprise the party.
If the result is 3 or 4, the PCs surprise l d 4
zombies and c an avoid them if they wish. If the I
result is 5 or 6, n o encounter occurs.

Lair o f the Zombie Master

Near the old cemetery, all is quiet. If the PCs
search t he hillside carefully, they ca n find a
secret passage behind a ston e slab with six
star s carved upon it. (See “ B ’ on the village

map. The passage leads to “A” in the cemetery.) up, placing its grinning skull face to face with
The PCs can also enter t he old cemetery by th e PC.
climb ing over th e wall or breaking through the Any PC who bum ps into a skele ton mus t
gate. On ce the char acters are inside, refer to make a fear check. Failure indicates that the
th e m ap titled “The Zombie Lor ds Lair” (inside character dro ps whatever he is holding and
cover). The nu mbers below match those on t he runs quickly toward the exit. Ther e is a 50
map. percent chance that a dropped item is lost
forever beneath t he water a nd mud.
1. Ancient Gate. Two grotesque gargoyles
guard this gate. (They are no more than statue s, Ske le to ns (3): AC 7; V 12;HD 1; hp 3 4 5;
but don’t reveal tha t.) In every flash of #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; A nil; S D as undead, edged
lightning, the sta tue s appear to move. weapons do half damage; AL N; XP 65 ach;
The g ate can be ope ned with a successful THACO 19.
bend bars roll, or by shattering th e heavy
chains tha t secure it. To break th e chains, the 6. Tomb of Rats. Giant rats inhabit this
PCs must inflict 25 hit points of dam age. Either mausoleum, and they defend it from any
way, the resulting noise al ert s Marcel to their invaders. If the PCs enter the tomb, the rats
presence, d espite the pounding rain. leap out of o pen vaults and attac k.

2. Emp ty Mausoleum. Only dust lies within. Giant Ra ts (3 d6 appear): AC 7; MV 12/6; p

l d 4 (roll randomly); #AT 1; Dmg 1-3; A
3. Zombie Mausoleum. If the PCs explore this disease; S D nil; AL NE; XP 15 ea ch ; THACO 20.
mausoleum, two zombies shambl e out of open
vaults and attack. If the PCs walk past the 7 . Crypts. These above-ground burial vaults
building without entering, t he zombies follow contain the ancient remains of long-dead
and atta ck from behind. Use the zombie villagers. Little more than dust and bones, none
statist ics from “The Funeral” in Part 11 but roll ha s been raised by Marcel, and the y pose no
for hit points. danger t o th e PCs.

4. Decrepit Mausoleum. This crumbling 8 . The Crypt of Stars. One of the vaults in this
building ha s become the home of giant bats. If crypt is open when the PCs approach it. The
the PCs disturb the tomb, th e bat s attack. door to the vault has six stars carved into
it-the sign that designate s it as a depos itory
Giant Bats ( l d 6 appear): AC 8; V 3/18; p for Hyskosa’s scroll. This is where Luc and
l d 4 (roll randomly); #AT 1; Dmg 1-2; A nil; S D Marcel found the scroll weeks ago. It is also
-3 from missi le at ta ck s while flying; AL nil; XP where Marcel met his deat h at th e hand s of t he
35 ea ch ; THACO 20. old cemetery’s zombie guardians. The m ain
guardian is a ju-ju zombie. Like th e oth er
5. Flooded Mausoleum. The roof of this zombies, it now serves Marcel.
mausoleum is crack ed, allowing rainwater t o When Luc approaches this spot, h e beco mes
form a pool several feet deep upon t he extremely agitated. H e remains beside t he PCs,
fractured ston e floor. The pool ripples as dr op but obviously it’s a great effort to d o so.
after drop falls from above, echoing throughout
th e chamber. If any PC enters the flooded tomb, 9. The Tarascon Tomb. Stain ed-gla ss windows
roll ld6.On a result of 5 r 6 he PC bumps are located high upon th e wall at th e front of
into a submerged skeleton. The skeleton stands th e tomb , spilling a sickly yellow light o nto t he

cracked sto ne st eps below. The stai rs lead to a

Seated there is a hideous cr eatur e who
pair of stone doors. Once the PCs ascend the
resembles Jean Tarascon, but with rotting,
stairs, the rain sud denly stops. The “Final
pale gray skin.
Battle” is about to occur.
“Welcome to my domain,” inton es the
figure with a cold, rasping voice. “I a m
hu final b t t l u Marcel Tarascon, lord of the undead. Give
Read this text when the PCs are about to me what I seek. Give me t he scroll of the six
open the doors to area 9, the zombie lords lair. s i g n s . . . or join the rest of Marais d’Tarascon
in living death ”
With that, large shapes shamb le out of the
As the doo rs creak op en, th e yellow light dark recesses that line the chamber walls. As
fr om within bat hes you in its pale glow. A they ste p into the light cast by the foul
vile, fetid air flows out t he doorway in a gust. braziers, you see that they ar e zombies-and
The huge cham ber before you is littered with they a re moving toward you
a carpet of bones a nd half-eaten carrion. The
ceiling is a gl ass dome, through which you First things first: each PC must immediately
can see the storm clou ds parting to unleash make a saving throw vs. poison or fall victim to
a stream of moonlight. Marcel’s odor of deat h. (The sce nt is so
A platform of bones lies in the middle of well-concealed by the to mb t hat the usual
th e chamber, flanked by two flaming braziers 30-yard range do es not apply.) After that , the
that are fashioned from stacke d skulls. Atop final battle can proceed normally. Be sure to
th e platform is a finelycra fted throne. study Marcel’s background sh eet on p age 16

for details on his enhanced powers.

Three regular z ombies move to protect their
master. They have th e sam e statistics a s the
zombies in Part 11, but again, roll to determine
their hit points. A fourth zombie-actually th e
The eclipse is o n e of th e six sig ns of
ju-ju zombi e th at killed Marcel-also sta nd s
Hyskosa’s vision. Throug hout th e round s which
ready to fight. Even if the PCs agree to turn
over Luc or the scroll, Marcel still orders his
and over, and the moon continues to shrink
zombies t o attack. (He knows that adventurers
until it disappears c ompletely from th e clear
ca n becom e valuable soldiers in his army.)
night sky. (After a time, th e moon will slowly
Marcel’s regular zombies engag e t he PCs
return, a s the unseen monster is releasing it
first, while the ju-ju zombie waits to see which
from its mout h bit by bit.)
character a ppears t o be the most powerful.
When the eclipse first starts, Marcel and his
That is th e character it attacks. Marcel battles
zombies pause for l d 4 rounds. During this
any PC who climbs on to his platform of bones.
period of time, the PCs can attack freely. When
On th e sixth round of comba t (or just before
th e momentary pause ends, Marcel screams in
th e zombie lord is destroyed, whichever co mes
primal rage and joins the battle in earnest.
first), a special event occurs which momentarily
The battle e nds when th e zombie lord is
sto ps the battle. G o to “The Eclipse.”
destroyed. When that occurs, all zombies under
his command lose direction and wander off.
Ju-Ju Zombie (1): AC 6; V 9; HD 3 12; hp
22; #AT 1; Dmg 3-12 ; SA strike normally in
round, hurl s pears (one each); SD 1 or better Thu Sun Returns
weapon t o hit, blunt and piercing weapons do th the coming of dawn, Marais
half damage , turn a s spectres, immune to sleep, dTarascon tries t o return to normal.
charm, hold, dea th magic, poisons, cold-based There are many dead, but t he zombie
spells, mind-affecting spells, electricity, magic army lost its drive before th e entire village
missiles, a nd fire d oe s half damage; AL NE; XP
could be destroyed. If Luc is alive, he come s
975 each ; THACO 15. out of his trancelike state. If he is dead, the
destruction of Marcel puts Luck spirit t o rest.
The Eelipsu The PCs are given supplies and equipment to
replace what they have lost. The villagers tha nk
In th e midst of the battle, a great thunder them for their help, but do not ask them if they
shak es the chamber. Then lightning strikes want t o stay. The PCs are a reminder of dark
the dom e overhead a nd the glass explodes, times, and t he villagers simply want to p ut this
showering th e chambe r with glittering period behind them.
shards. Th e full moon above fills the room With the warmth of the welcome sun shining
with a pale red light. Immediately, Luc down upon the m, th e party leaves the village.
begins to d rone repeatedly, “The light of the What happens to them next is largely up to you.
sky, shining over the dead, shall gutter and They can either return t o th e world from which
fail, turning all to red. . . .” they w e r e plucked, or journey t o another island
The zombie lord shrieks and looks into the domain in the foul sea of mists. Whatever lies
sky. The moon is indeed red, and ahead, the Mists rise up somewhere upon the
road. When the tendrils of fog fade away, who
knows what ad ventu re awaits?

  To PlantationlFields 1 5



By Bill Slavicsek

n a rain-soaked graveyard, a small group in the earthly realm after death. And the re
of men s tan ds round a coffin bound with can be no sanctuary on the Night of the
heavy chains. “We are here to mourn the Walking Dead
passing of Je an de Cardeau,” intones the
village priest. “Let us pray that his rest is Se t in a zombie-infested swampland,
eternal, an d that he never returns.” Night o the WalkingDead is an ideal
A s the pallbearers lift the coffin, first-time RA VE NL OV adventure. Players
something scrapes o n the wood from must unravel the mystery behind a string
inside. Quickly and without emo tion, the of murders and disappearance s in a village
attendants slide the c asket into a crypt. plagued by ambulant undead-and all is
Then they seal the door a nd flee. Behind not a s simple as it seems
them, unheard, a dull thudding begins, The hour of fear is upon us. A r e you
growing louder with the ons et of twilight. ready t o face the demiplane of dread?
There can be no peace those who linger 4 t o 6 players, levels 1 to 3.

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