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Quality Management System


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Quality Management System (QMS) Self-assessment


Supplier name: ______________________________

Supplier representative (name) ______________________________

Supplier representative (sign): ______________________________

Phone no.: ______________________________

E-mail address: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________

Achilles JQS no. (If approved by Achilles JQS): __________________

The Quality Management System (QMS) Self-assessment is based on NS-EN



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Element 1: Quality Management System

Topic 1.1: Quality Management System

Topic 1.1.1 Additional comments to Quality Management System
Topic 1.2: Quality Management System Documentation
Topic 1.3: Management systems
Topic 1.4: Other Systems
Topic 1.5: Additional comments to Quality Management System

Element 2: Management Responsibility

Topic 2.1: Status of Management responsibility

Topic 2.2: Management review
Topic 2.2:2 Narative response requested if ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’ is selected
Topic 2.3: Additional comments to Management Responsibility

Element 3: Resource Management

Topic 3.1: Competence and Resource Management

Topic 3.2: Capacity variations
Topic 3.3: Additional comments to Resource Management

Element 4: Product Realization

Topic 4.1: Product and services realization (Planning) applicable to the Achilles JQS
Product/Services categories.
Topic 4.2: Product requirements
Topic 4.3: Design and development
Topic 4.4: Qualification and selection of suppliers
Topic 4.5 Supplier/supplies follow up
Topic 4.6: Product delivery and service provision (your own delivery performance)
Topic 4.7: Additional comments to Product Realization

Element 5: Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

Topic 5.1: Handling of non-conformances

Topic 5.2: Internal and External audits
Topic 5.3: Additional comments to Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

Element 6: Risk management

Topic 6.1: Risk management

Topic 6.2: Additional comments to Risk management


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Topic 1.1 : Quality Management System.
Has your company/organization established and implemented a Quality Management System in
compliance with ISO 9001 (latest edition), or similar, suited to the product or service you supply?

(Note: An implemented ISO 9001, or similar, Quality Management System is mandatory to be

Achilles registered; certification is not mandatory)

Yes  No 

If not ISO 9001, please describe:____________________________

Is your Quality Management System ISO 9001 certified?

Yes  No 

If certified, please fill in the following information:

a) Certificate expiry date:________________________

b) Scope of certification:__________________ Please enclose a pdf of your latest certificate(s)

c) Name of Certifying body__________________

d) Last revision of Quality Policy Document is dated:____________

e) Last revision of System Description document is dated:_____________

f) Last revision of Audit Schedule document is dated:_____________

1.1.1 Additional information as relevant:

Based on the above Quality Management System please grade yourself below:
No system A system is A system is The company/
implemented. implemented but not in implemented and in organization is certified
accordance with the accordance with the according to the
ISO9001, latest edition, ISO9001, latest edition, ISO9001, latest edition,
or similar Quality or similar Quality or a similar Quality
Management System Management System Management System.
standard. standard.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 1.2: Quality Management System Documentation

1.2.1 Does your Quality Management System (QMS) cover the defined product/services categories
chosen for this procurement?
The Quality Management The Quality The Quality The Quality
System does not cover Management System Management System is Management System
the chosen cover the chosen complete and covers all (QMS) is complete and
product/service product/service the chosen covers all the chosen
categories. categories and is product/service product/service
available to the categories. categories.
organisation (e.g. QMS is updated when
Company intranet) changes are identified.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

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1.2.2 Does your company have an overall description of your Quality Management System (e.g. a Quality
Company has no Quality Quality Manual has Quality Manual has Quality Manual has
Manual been prepared but is not been prepared and up been prepared and up
complete and/or to date, and available to to date, and available
currently not up to date. all employees to all employees. The
Quality Manual is
regularly maintained.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 1.3: Management Systems

1.3.1 Does your organisation regularly monitor (audit, review, examination) compliance to applicable
standards, governmental regulations and customer requirements?
No documented Monitoring performed for Monitoring performed Monitoring performed
monitoring performed some parts of the and recorded in and recorded in
system but not fully accordance with accordance with
documented. established and fully established and fully
Records kept. implemented procedure implemented

Company can
document that
Monitoring records are
actively used to
improve the
Management systems.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

1.3.2 Does your company have an employee introduction and training programme covering the
management systems? (e.g. Quality Management System, HSE, government regulations, and customers’
requirements compliance)?
No employee introduction Employee introduction Employee introduction Employee introduction
and training of the and training of the and training of the and training of the
governing systems governing systems governing systems governing systems
performed. partly performed. performed , procedures performed ,
Records kept. No established and fully procedures established
Procedures established. implemented including and fully implemented
system introductions including
and training for new system introductions
employees, consultants and training for new
and contractors. employees,
consultants and
and continuously
maintained and

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

1.3.3 Do you have measurable key performance indicators or processes to support with performance
improvement (e.g. delivery time, re-work, non-conformance)
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No systems established. System for measurable System for measurable System for measurable
improvement objectives improvement objectives improvement
partly developed, developed, identified objectives developed,
identified but not fully and records kept identified, records kept
documented. and continuously

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 1.4: Other Systems

1.4.1 Safety Reporting System established

Yes  No 
1.4.2 Waste Management System established

Yes  No 
1.4.3 Environmental Reporting System established

Yes  No 
1.4.4 Health Reporting System established

Yes  No 

Topic 1.5: Additional comments to Quality Management System

1.5.1 Additional comments:


Topic 2.1: Status of Management Responsibility
2.1.1 Has a member of top management been appointed as Management Representative for the
company Quality Management System?

Yes  No 

a) If yes, include name, title and position/reporting line____________________________

b) Has Management representative received formal training in quality management, auditing


Yes  No 

Please list the training received (Names, Titles, Type of training, Date):

Name:___________________ Title: _______________________________________

Type of training: ________________________________________ Date: ___________

Name:___________________ Title: _______________________________________

Type of training: ________________________________________ Date: ___________

2.1.2 Based on the previous answer, please grade yourself below:

No Management Management Management Management
representative representative representative representative
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nominated. nominated but have no nominated with nominated with
specified responsibility specified responsibility specified responsibility
or authority to address and authority to address and authority to address
Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management
System issues System granted. Partly System granted. Fully
ensuring that quality ensuring that quality
processes are processes are
established, reporting to established, reporting to
top management top management
functioning and functioning and
promoting awareness of promoting awareness of
customer requirements. customer requirements.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 2.2: Management Review

2.2.1 Does your company have procedures for Management system reviews?
No documented Management system Management systems Management systems
processes for reviews partly review frequently review frequently
Management system performed, records kept performed minimum performed according to
reviews annually, procedures requirements in ISO
established and records 9001, minimum
kept, follow up on annually, procedures
actions established and
records kept, follow up
on actions, evidence
can be provided that
results are followed up
actively throughout the
year. Status is part of
the regular
Management meetings

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

2.2.2 If “B”, “C” or “D” is selected above, please answer the following questions:

a) When was the last management review performed? _______________

b) State frequency of Management Reviews: _______________

Topic 2.3: Additional comments to Management Responsibility

2.3.1 Additional comments:


Topic 3.1: Competence and Resource Management

3.1.1 Are competence requirements defined for all personnel? (education, training, skills and experience )
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No Competence Competence Competence Competence
requirements defined. requirements defined requirements defined requirements defined
and documented for key and documented for all and documented for all
personnel only. company positions. company positions,
. Training needs identified Training needs
and training plans identified and training
developed. plans developed,
frequently reviewed
and updated.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 3.2: Capacity variations

3.2.1 Do you have systems for handling resource capacity variations (example; change in Working
hours, Out /in – sourcing, frame agreements)
No system in place. System for Capacity System for Capacity System for Capacity
variations partly variations identified/ variations
developed, identified but developed, documented identified/developed,
not fully documented. and implemented. documented,
implemented and
frequently reviewed
and updated.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 3.3: Additional comments to Resource Management

3.3.1 Additional comments:


Topic 4.1: Product and services realization (Planning) applicable to the Achilles
JQS Product/ Services categories.

4.1.1 Has your company defined all relevant processes/procedures for product/service realization?
No documented Processes /procedures Processes /procedures Processes /
processes / procedures in partly in place, but not in place, fully procedures in place
place. fully documented. documented and fully fully documented, fully
implemented. implemented,
frequently reviewed
and maintained.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

4.1.2 Does your company have processes for ensuring that the product meets the defined requirements?
(including ; verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test activities )
No processes in place. Processes identified, Processes/procedures Processes/procedures
partly developed, but not established, developed, established,
fully documented. and fully implemented. developed, and fully
Processes frequently
PAGE 8 of 16
reviewed and

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

4.1.3 What practices does your company have in place related to the use of Quality Plans (covering
administration of total delivery)
No use of Quality Plans. No requirements defined Requirements defined Requirements defined
for development of for development of for development of
Quality Plans. Quality Plans. Quality Plans.

The company has The company has

internal documented internal documented
procedures for procedures for
development of quality development of Quality
plans. Quality Plans Plans.
developed and fully Quality Plans
implemented for product developed and fully
and service realisation. implemented for
product and service

Quality Plans
frequently reviewed
and maintained.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

4.1.4 Does your company ensure frequent follow up of your supplier’s progress?
No formal follow up of No formal system in System in place for System in place for
suppliers progress. place for monitoring monitoring progress of monitoring progress of
progress of suppliers, no all critical suppliers, all critical suppliers,
procedures established procedures/processes procedures established
or records kept but established and and implemented,
performed for some of implemented, records records kept,
the critical suppliers. kept. frequently reviewed
and maintained.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 4.2: Product requirements

4.2.1 Does your company have a system for identification of tender/contract requirements and necessary
assessment activities to verify compliance? (Example; evaluate need for risk assessment, available
resources/competence (internal, multidiscipline), capacity, rules and regulations, customer requirements,
additional requirements, internal and sub-supplier.
No documented Partly documented Documented Documented
processes/procedures for processes/procedures processes/procedures processes/procedures
identification of for identification of for identification of for identification of
tender/contract tender/contract tender/contract tender/contract
requirements. requirements. requirements and fully requirements and fully
No assessment activities implemented. implemented.
used. Assessment activities Assessment activities Assessment activities
partly performed. performed. performed.

No records kept. Records kept. Requirements and

assessment activities
continuously improved
for future deliveries.

Records kept.
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Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 4.3: Design and development

4.3.1 Does your company design and development include all the following topics:
• Design development planning, inputs, outputs, review and verification?
• Discipline Check and Inter Discipline Check?
• Control of Design and Development changes?
None of the topics Topics partly included in All topics included in All topics included in
included in design and design and design and design and
development. development. development. development.

Processes/procedures Processes/procedures Processes/procedures

partly documented and fully documented and fully documented and
implemented implemented implemented

Records kept. Records kept. Frequently review and

update of the
to improve design and

Records kept.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 4.4 : Qualification and selection of suppliers:

4.4.1 Does your company have a system to qualify and select suppliers?
No system for System for qualification System for qualification System for qualification
qualification and selection and selection of and selection of and selection of
of suppliers. suppliers have been suppliers has been suppliers has been
defined but not fully defined, procedures defined, procedures
documented. established and fully established and fully
implemented. implemented, system
information frequently
Records kept. reviewed and updated.

Records kept.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

4.4.2 When qualifying and selecting suppliers, does your company distinguish between critical and non-
critical suppliers?
No difference between Qualifying and selection Qualifying and selection Qualifying and
critical and non-critical of critical and non- of critical and non- selection of critical and
suppliers in qualifying and critical suppliers have critical suppliers have non-critical suppliers
selection of suppliers. been defined. been defined. has been defined.
Processes not fully Processes fully Processes are fully
documented. documented. No documented.
systematic additional
follow up of critical Differentiated follow up
PAGE 10 of 16
suppliers. of critical and non-
critical suppliers
Records kept. performed

Records kept.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 4.5 Supplier/supplies follow up

4.5.1 Does your company ensure that all customer requirements and expectations are communicated to
your suppliers? (Example; Code of ethics, scope of work, QA&HSE etc.)
No formal communication System for System for System for
in place. communication of communication of communication of
requirements and requirements and requirements and
expectations have been expectations have been expectations have
established but not fully established and fully been established and
documented and documented and fully documented and
implemented. implemented implemented

Records kept Records kept. Follow up meetings

arranged to ensure

Records kept

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

4.5.2 Do you monitor performance of your suppliers deliveries? (ex. timely delivery, failure and defects)
No monitoring of Areas regarding Areas regarding Areas regarding
supplier/delivery monitoring of monitoring of monitoring of
performance supplier/delivery supplier/delivery supplier/delivery
performance have been performance performance
defined, but only partly have been defined, have been defined,
implemented, some procedures established procedures established
procedures established. and fully implemented. and fully implemented.

Records kept. Records kept The supplier/delivery

performance data is
used to improve future
Records kept

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 4.6: Product delivery and service provision (your own delivery performance)

4.6.1 Do you monitor your own delivery performance? (example on time delivery, repair, rework, cost)
No monitoring of own Areas regarding Areas regarding Areas regarding
delivery performance monitoring of own monitoring of own monitoring of own
delivery performance delivery performance, delivery performance
has been defined, but have been defined, have been defined,
only partly implemented, procedures established procedures established
no procedures and fully implemented. and fully implemented.
established. The supplier/delivery
Records kept performance data is
Records kept. used to improve future
PAGE 11 of 16
Records kept

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

4.6.2 Does your company perform final acceptance testing/approval of your own deliveries?
No performance of final Final acceptance Final acceptance Final acceptance
acceptance testing/approval is testing/approval is testing/approval is
testing/approval. defined, partly defined, performed , defined, procedures
performed but no procedures established established and fully
procedures established and fully implemented implemented.

Records kept. Records kept. Results is used to

improve future
Records kept.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

4.6.3 Does your company have systems in place for experience transfer?
No experience transfer Experience transfer Experience transfer Experience transfer
performed. partly performed, and no performed, and performed, procedures
procedures established. procedures established established and
and implemented. implemented.
No records kept Experience transfer
Records kept actively used to
improve future
Records kept

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 4.7: Additional comments to Product Realization

4.7.1 Additional comments:


Topic 5.1: Handling of non-conformances

5.1.1 Does your company have a system for reporting and handling of QA non-conformances?

5.1.2 Frequency of reported non-conformance per 1 million man hours ___________ (last 12 months)
(number of non-conformance x man-hours divided by 1 million).
No handling of non- Handling of non- Handling and follow up Handling and follow up
conformances conformances partly of both internal and of both internal and
performed but not fully external non- external non-
documented, no conformances conformances
procedures established. performed, fully performed, fully
documented, documented,
PAGE 12 of 16
procedures established procedures established
and communicated to all and communicated to
employees, records all employees, records
kept. kept. Trend analysis
performed for continual
improvements of future

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 5.2: Internal and External audits

5.2.1 Internal Audits

5.2.1 a) Regular Internal Audits

Yes  No 

5.2.1 b) Performance of Internal Audits

No audit performance Internal audits Internal audits Annual audit plan
performed but not based performed, but not developed and
on criticality based on risk maintained for Internal
assessments. No audit assessments. audits based on
plan established. Procedures established criticality assessments.
No procedures and fully implemented, Audits performed,
established. follow up action system procedures established
in place and fully implemented,
follow up action system
Records kept Records kept in place

Records kept

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

5.2.1 c) How many internal audits performed last 24 months? __________________

5.2.2 External Audits (audits performed towards your suppliers)

5.2.2 a) Regular External Audits

Yes  No 

5.2.2 b) Performance of External Audits

No audit performance External audits are External audits Annual audit plan
performed but not based performed, but not developed and
on criticality based on risk maintained for External
assessments. No audit assessments. audits based on
plan established. Procedures established criticality assessments.
No procedures and fully implemented, Audits performed,
established. follow up action system procedures established
in place and fully implemented,
follow up action system
Records kept Records kept in place

Records kept

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

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5.2.2 c) How many external audits performed last 24 months? __________________

Topic 5.3: Additional comments to Measurement, Analysis and Improvements

5.3.1 Additional comments:


Topic 6.1 : Risk management

6.1.1 Does your company perform risk assessment? Are control mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing
established? (Example risk review in design, tender/contract etc.) Please also comment on regularity.
No risk assessment Risk assessment partly Risks are frequently Risk are frequently
performed. performed, but no identified, controlled, identified, controlled,
procedures established, monitored and reviewed monitored and
performed very for defined areas, reviewed for defined
infrequent and hardly performed, procedures areas, performed
any review and control. established and fully according to an
implemented. international standard
(ex ISO 31000),
Records kept. procedures established
and fully implemented.

Records kept.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Please state the regularity of these activities:

6.1.2 Has your company appointed dedicated personnel to manage risk in relation to the

Yes  No 

a) If yes, include name, title/position. Risk Manager’s Name:___________________________

b) Has dedicated personnel received formal training in risk management?

Yes  No 

Please list the training received (Names, Titles, Type of training, Date):

Name:___________________ Title: _______________________________________

Type of training: ________________________________________ Date: ___________

6.1.3 Based on your previous answer, please grade yourself below:

No dedicated personnel Management Management Management
appointed to manage representative representative representative
risk. nominated but have no nominated with nominated with
specified responsibility specified responsibility specified responsibility
or authority to address and authority to address and authority to address
Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management
System issues. System granted. Partly System granted. Fully
ensuring that risk ensuring that risk
processes are processes are
PAGE 14 of 16
established, reporting to established, reporting to
top management top management
functioning and functioning and
promoting awareness of promoting awareness of
risk management risk management
requirements. requirements.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

6.1.4 Does your company have a risk management system in accordance with a recognized standard
(e.g. principles provided in ISO 31000 Risk Management Guidance Standard or equal)?
No risk management Partial risk management Full risk management Risk management
system at all. system, but not in system, but not system fully
accordance with a completely in line with a implemented,
recognized standard. recognized risk completely in
management standard accordance with a
(e.g. ISO 31000). recognized risk
management standard
(e.g. ISO 31000).

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

6.1.5 Is the risk assessments part of the management process of your organisation?
No risk assessment Risk assessment partly Risks are frequently Risk are frequently
performed performed, but no identified, controlled, identified, controlled,
procedures established monitored and reviewed monitored and
and no anchoring to the for defined areas, reviewed for defined
management. performed, procedures areas, performed
established and fully according to an
implemented. Records international standard
kept and anchored to (ex ISO 31000),
the management procedures established
process of the and fully implemented.
organisation Records kept and
anchored to the
management process
of the organisation.

Please confirm grade of implementation (“A”, “B”, “C” or “D”):________________

Topic 6.2: Additional comments to Risk Management

6.2.1 Additional comments:

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