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Chapter 20

Migration Governance

Andrew Geddes

There are perhaps few terms that are used so frequently in the study of migration yet
have as little definitional clarity as ‘governance’. This is perhaps not surprising, for,
as the political scientist Claus Offe (2009) has observed, governance might best be
understood as an ‘empty signifier’. What he meant by this was that governance
acquires meaning through the ideas, processes, and practices that become associated
with it rather than through a prior independent meaning that it possesses. For
example, if migration governance is described as ‘multilevel’, as it often is, then
this tells us that it occurs in lots of different places across ‘levels’ (local, national,
international), whilst the actual meaning of governance remains unclear. This is a
useful observation to take forward for the analysis that follows.
This chapter shows that a key aspect of ‘migration governance’ is that it acquires
meaning precisely because of what various kinds of actors, such as local authorities,
national governments, and international organisations actually do, i.e. how they try
to regulate and manage migration as well as the ideas that inform these actions. This
then leads to the main argument developed by this chapter, which is that migration
governance is not simply an ex post or after-the-fact reaction to migration patterns
and flows, but is much more closely involved in shaping migration. In turn, this
means that the meaning of governance can be elusive, but the effects of governance
are very real.
This then raises the obvious question of how do these governance effects occur?
As this chapter shows, one of the most important ways in which they happen is as a
result of the classifications and categorisations that are central to migration gover-
nance. Put in more concrete terms, when a person moves internationally and seeks to
enter the territory of another country, then they must seek admission to that state for a
particular reason and for a stated duration. By creating categories and putting people

A. Geddes (*)
Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy

© The Author(s) 2022 311

P. Scholten (ed.), Introduction to Migration Studies, IMISCOE Research Series,
312 A. Geddes

into them, governance processes impose meaning on international migration with

decisive effects on their possibilities to migrate. Migration governance is about
inclusion, but also, powerfully, about exclusion. These processes of inclusion and
exclusion typically occur at state borders, but it is also clear that the meaning of
borders and of the practices associated with borders can differ very markedly
between states.
Using the word ‘governance’ can seem quite technical and could be seen to act as
a disguise for an intensely political process and therefore a stark manifestation of the
power of states (typically) over people. Terms such as ‘good governance’ might
appear neutral but can be loaded with the ideological preferences of powerful states
and a way to impose these preferences on less powerful states.
While the context for governance differs very markedly across the world, there
are also some common elements that are linked to the core dilemmas that face all
governing organisations as they try to make sense of the environment in which they
operate, and then, through their actions, have effects on that environment. The
reference to organisations is highly relevant to the analysis in this chapter because
governance is always everywhere and necessarily an organisational process. It is
about how governing organisations of various types understand the challenges that
they face and then decide what to do, or not to do because inaction is also an option.
These organisations might be public (such as local and national governments) or
private (such as businesses and recruitment agencies), but they are all present in
migration governance.
This chapter looks more closely at the term ‘governance’ to trace its origins and
also to understand more about how it has become so central to the study of migration
policy and politics. The main argument that is developed throughout the chapter is
that it is a mistake to think of governance as simply a reaction to migration, i.e. a
response to migration flows that have already happened. Instead, governance sys-
tems—through their organisation, their effects, and the ideas that animate them—
play a crucially important role in defining the challenges that they face. This is
because migration governance is always an organisational process and these orga-
nisations do not simply respond to the environment in which they operate, they also
actively shape it. As such, migration governance is entirely dependent on the
organisational contexts in which decisions are made, and, of course, by whom
these decisions are made. All these organisations—of whatever type—must ask
themselves, ‘what’s going on out there?’ (how do we make sense of the environment
in which we operate?) and, based on this understanding, ‘what should we do next?’.
Migration governance as an organisational process always involves addressing these
two questions, which means it is necessarily centred on an understanding of the
causes and effects of migration in the past, now, and in the future. These under-
standings, accurate or not, have powerful effects that can be understood as gover-
nance effects, which, in turn, have powerful effects on human mobility because they
form the basis by which this mobility is organised and categorised by governance
systems (Geddes, 2021). This chapter first extends its analysis of governance and
draws from empirical examples from Europe. It then extends its analysis to think
about migration governance in Africa, before also looking at South America. This
20 Migration Governance 313

allows us to see how governance processes are based on some underlying

conceptualisation of the issues or challenges; how these can spread from one region
to another (from Europe to Africa); but also that alternative approaches are possible
that involve different ways of thinking about international migration.

20.1 The Meaning of Migration Governance

The use of the words ‘migration governance’ has become ubiquitous when any
analysis occurs of what various kinds of actors—such as local governments, national
governments, private companies, regional organisations, and international
organisations—are doing when they try to manage or regulate migration in its
various forms (Geddes, 2021). These actors must try to make sense of the structural
factors that can cause international migration. These structural factors are predom-
inantly the effects of economic and political change on international migration in its
various forms. A key point is that these underlying structural changes that can cause
people to move are highly uncertain in their causes and effects. This helps us also to
see that international migration is epiphenomenal; or, put more straightforwardly: it
happens because other things change. So, economic inequalities or conflict could
lead people to cross international borders. There is, however, significant uncertainty
about the effects of these underlying drivers on actual migration flows, which means
that migration governance is also plagued by uncertainty about patterns of migration
both now and in the future. Just because a ‘driver’ is present does not mean that
migration will happen. In fact, a neglected issue in migration research is immobility.
Put simply, the presence of a driver is not a simple trigger mechanism. It is more
relevant to ask whether a so-called driver actually leads to migration and then also to
ask who moves (male or female? Older or younger people?); where they move to
(shorter or longer distance?); and for what duration (temporarily or more perma-
nently?). The result is that “migration governance occurs in the shadow of the past in
the face of risk and uncertainty” because there is considerable ambiguity (Geddes,
2021, p. 1).
Governance is generally seen as “a signifier of change”, by which could be meant
change in the meaning, processes, conditions, or methods of governing (Levi-Faur,
2012, p. 7). Typically, this is seen as movement away from state-centred modes of
governance to less state-centric modes of governing that can be more network-based
and more dependent upon “steering” than direct regulation (Levi-Faur, 2012; Pierre,
2000; Betts, 2011; Geddes et al., 2019). Governance is often seen as ‘multi-level’
meaning that it involves actors at local, national and international as well as
non-governmental actors and the private sector (Lavenex, 2016). Focusing on this
multi-levelness does not mean that the state is written out of the analysis. States
remain central to migration governance because it is the borders of states that define
international migration as a social and political concern and it is usually local
authorities within those states that govern migration and its effects at the level of
communities and neighbourhoods.
314 A. Geddes

To capture the centrality of states, Levi-Faur (2012) discusses “state-centred

governance” that, despite changes in the state (such as limits on capacity,
interdependence with other states, and an increased role for private actors such as
multinational businesses) also recognises their continued centrality. Similarly, Offe
(2009) talks about the “resilience” of the state. While states are clearly key actors in
migration governance, comparison at regional level of institutional settings can show
how state and non-state actors potentially operate across multiple levels of gover-
nance. This creates the potential for institutionalised modes of coordination to
produce decisions ‘above’ the state that can be both binding and implemented
(Scharpf, 1999) or they can also have a more informal character. Governance can
thus be formal or informal. It should also be added that there is very significant
variation across the world in forms of state and in their power, authority, and
capacity to perform governing tasks. It can also make sense for states to work
together and cooperate on aspects of migration policy.
This tells us that governance is often understood as being about the changed role
of the state, but this still leaves open the question of what is the ‘content’ of
governance? To help address this question and apply it to migration governance,
we can draw from Pierre (2000) who defined governance as possessing a “dual
meaning”. The first element of this dual meaning is that governance requires some
attempt at a conceptual level to understand change in underlying social systems. This
means that governance necessarily requires some understanding of what is going on
‘out there’. The second element is that, on the basis of the understandings that
develop, governing organisations seek to manage or steer the effects of these
changes, as understood.
If we apply this idea then migration governance depends on the conceptual
representation of change in underlying economic, political, social, demographic,
and environmental systems that can potentially cause or ‘drive’ migration (Black
et al., 2011). These factors are complex both in their effects and their interaction (see
Chap. 3, this volume), which returns to the point made earlier that migration
governance occurs in the shadow of uncertainty and risk. This is not to say that
the conceptual representation that emerges is necessarily accurate. In fact, given
complexity and uncertainty, it is likely to be partial and even inaccurate. More than
this, it would be a mistake to imagine that migration governance is based on some
kind of politically neutral appeal to ‘the facts’ and ‘the evidence’. Of course, facts
and evidence matter, but they will always be filtered by values and beliefs. More
particularly, they will be filtered by the values and beliefs of the more powerful
actors in migration governance systems, which tends to be richer, high-income
A further consideration is the extent to which analysis of governance is Eurocen-
tric. This is a highly relevant concern because the analysis of governance emerged
from a European context where there are particular configurations of state and
society and also of relations between public and private actors that might not
apply outside of the European and EU context (Draude, 2007). Moreover, it is
clearly the case in the international system that the views and policy preferences of
more powerful states have tended to prevail to the effect that migration governance
20 Migration Governance 315

could be seen as an attempt by more powerful states to impose their preferences on

less powerful states (Frowd, 2018). Governance could also hide or conceal ideas
about migration and migrants that can lead to the racialisation of certain migration
flows that are viewed as problematic because of the supposed race or ethnic origin of
those that move. This has been evident in Europe’s fear of ‘invasion’ by migrants
from Africa and the Middle East and in the actions of the US government towards
Mexican migration, particularly the openly racist and nativist approach of the Trump
administration (de Haas, 2007; Abramowitz, 2018).
By now it should be clear that migration governance includes but is broader than
migration policies. The latter refer to laws, regulations, decisions or other govern-
ment directive related to the management of migration. Governance encompasses
not only these elements, but also the factors related to the organisational contexts in
which decisions are made and also within which implementation occurs. To sum up
the discussion so far, analyses of governance typically focus on:
• norms, rules, policies, laws institutions that can be binding or non-binding norms
and frameworks, at global, national or sub-national levels;
• actors, institutions and institutional mechanisms;
• processes or methods of decision-making and of governing processes from the
local to the global.
But added to this is the way in which, to do these things, governing organisations
have to make sense of the environment in which they operate and, by making sense
of it, they also have effects on it. They do this by deciding what are the issues,
challenges or problems that need to be addressed.

20.2 Governing Migration

20.2.1 Europe

We now develop the analysis by exploring actually-existing migration governance.

We start with Europe, which is the best example of multi-level migration governance
because of the distribution of power and authority across levels from the local to the
regional, but also because the term multilevel emerged to describe the European
context, particularly in the context of the development of European integration.
Distinctive about Europe is the presence of the supranational European Union
(EU), that is the world’s most developed regional organisation with its own institu-
tions and law-making powers. The EU guarantees free movement for its own citizens
and has developed a common migration and asylum policy.
In Europe, as in other parts of the world, migration flows are organised by
governance systems in ways that define issues, challenges and problems. Migration
policy and politics in Europe has been powerfully shaped by the ‘crisis’ of 2015
when more than one million people arrived, mainly from Syria (Alpes et al., 2017).
Although there is scholarly debate about the meaning and relevance of the term
316 A. Geddes

crisis. There is widespread agreement that the crisis about the numbers was also a
wider crisis of politics, institutions, and political leadership (and of solidarity) that
predates 2015. With the large influx of arrivals across the Mediterranean, the EU’s
free movement regime, the Schengen area, also reached a crisis point (Börzel &
Risse, 2018). Temporary internal border controls were reinstalled by Austria, Ger-
many, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and France, crystallising a loss of trust in
external border controls (Ceccorulli, 2019).
While seeming to confirm the need for reform, there were fundamental disagree-
ments between EU Member States about what those reforms should entail. The
‘crisis’ exposed basic divisions between MS about the scope, purpose and operation
of common rules on the protection of asylum-seekers and refugees, particularly the
so-called Dublin regulation which provided that the first country of entry within the
EU would be the country where an asylum application would be made (Guiraudon,
2018; Hutter & Kriesi, 2019). This Dublin system effectively collapsed after 2015
because most asylum seekers arrived in Greece and Italy while other Member States
were reluctant to take on responsibility by showing solidarity to the Greek and Italian
governments or to the asylum seekers and refugees displaced by the Syrian conflict.
Much of the literature on EU migration governance—either implicitly or explic-
itly—emphasises the failure of EU asylum policies. This can mean failure to
achieving the specified objectives of policy, such as effective border controls or an
effective common system to ensure the sharing of responsibility for asylum seekers.
The failure approach “focuses on the inability of states to achieve their stated
migration policy objectives” (Boswell & Geddes, 2010: p. 39). The policy failure
thesis in migration studies goes beyond the difficulties of securing implementation to
also suggest wider deficiencies within the policy process. Researchers suggest that
decision-makers may fail to understand the complexities of the issues that they deal
with; fail to absorb the relevant research evidence; or subject themselves to “hidden
agendas” (Castles, 2004). If failure is taken to mean the inability to achieve the stated
objectives of policy, then failure’ is actually a fairly standard feature in many policy
fields (Pressman & Wildavsky, 1982).
In contrast, a “securitisation” approach emerged as migration became progres-
sively—from the 1990s and reinforced by the 2001 terrorist attacks—perceived and
approached as a security issue. Symbolising this was the commonly used phrase
“fortress Europe”. Securitarian rhetoric can mobilise support for exceptional mea-
sures to curb migration and justify restrictive policies, given the perceived threats.
Since 2015, a securitarian perspective has been reasserted and made evident through
the prevailing political priority to prevent ‘irregular migration’ through tougher
border controls and the narratives—particularly from some Member States about
migration that misleadingly portray recent migration by boat across the Mediterra-
nean as an uncontrollable invasion (Kazharski, 2018; de Haas, 2007).
A key trend in recent work on migration governance has been insights into the
complexity of policymaking of EU migration governance (Bonjour et al., 2018;
Trauner & Servant, 2016). This enables work to go beyond the idea of multi-level
governance to explore in closer detail the complexities of policy and decision-
making. This approach can enable better understanding of the multiplicity of actors
20 Migration Governance 317

involved in migration governance and the mechanisms of coordination and imple-

mentation, of formal and informal networks. EU migration governance can be
understood as a complex network with intense interactions between the different
Member States and between supranational institutions and various kinds of non-state
actors. Researchers have also shown how local actors and sub-national authorities
such as cities have become more important (Scholten & van Ostaijen, 2018). This
has been further impelled by the effects of the 2015 crisis that led to heightened
interest in the organisation, management and effects of reception and integration at
sub-national levels. This builds upon existing work on the role of cities, notably
concerning integration (Caponio, 2019).
Non-state actors also broadened their action and role during emergencies, or new
actors stepped in, either international organisations or local and national civil society
actors: both regarding the reception of asylum seekers, the responses to the human-
itarian emergency, the grassroots movements of solidarity towards migrants, and the
role of humanitarian organisations in rescues at sea (Jeandesboz & Pallister-Wilkins,
2016). Actors have implemented different understandings of crisis and have justified
their own interests in how to do or not do certain things in the area of migration,
asylum, and border controls. While all can then seek to influence migration gover-
nance, both locally, nationally and at the EU level, it is clearly the case that some
actors—particularly state and EU actors—are more powerful than others.
In terms of modes of governance, the crisis has revealed an increased
informalisation of modes of governance (Oelgemöller, 2011; Cassarino, 2007).
This means resorting to extra-treaty and extra-EU law instruments, to non-legal
instruments outside of the EU framework, as well as to informal arrangements that
occur outside of the EU. One example of this is the so-called EU-Turkey statement
of 2016 that was an attempt to co-opt the Turkish government into exerting stronger
controls on movement from its coast to Greek islands in return for up to €6 billion of
financial assistance (Alpes et al., 2017).
To return to the earlier discussion, migration governance in Europe has been
driven since the 1990s by concern about the potential for large-scale migration flows.
Whether accurate or not, this understanding has informed the development of an
approach that has sought stronger border controls—efforts to stop those flows
defined as unwanted by state policies such as asylum-seekers and irregular
migrants—plus efforts to co-opt surrounding states and regions into EU controls.
Migration governance in Europe thus involves a conceptual representation of what’s
going on ‘out there’ (fear of large scale flows, whether accurate or not) and then
attempts to manage migration based on this understanding.
There is another point that can be made here too. It could be that the study of
migration governance is Eurocentric. This means that it could reflect the interests
and ideas of EU Member States and their attempts to impose these on their neigh-
bours to the east and south. Also, governance could be Eurocentric because, as a set
of ideas and practices, it reflects European assumptions about the role of the state,
about state-society relations, and about the relationship between public and private
actors. At the least, we can see that the meaning and effects of migration governance
can be very different in other parts of the world.
318 A. Geddes

20.2.2 European and EU Impacts in Africa

Much existing work on migration relations between Africa and Europe has focused
on the potential for migration, particularly from Africa to Europe (Mercandalli et al.,
2017; de Haas, 2007; Flahaux & de Haas, 2016). In popular and media representa-
tions, this has also been represented as potentially uncontrollable migration, or, as de
Haas (2007) put it, a “myth of invasion”. European and EU perspectives have been
powerfully shaped by the idea that there is scope for large-scale migration from
African countries towards the EU, which has also led to a focus on containment and,
for those that do move, return (Landau, 2019; Dragsbaek et al., 2019; Collett &
Ahad, 2017; Trauner & Deimel, 2013). In the Horn of Africa, the EU and some of its
Member States have become critical players in migration governance with signifi-
cant political effects in the region, including being used to the advantage of author-
itarian governments (Koch et al., 2018).
Extending the analysis to migration governance in Africa sees two points emerge
about the meaning and practice of governance. One is the role played by power in
global migration governance. Since at least the early 2000s, the EU has actively
sought to wield its power by exporting its migration policy preferences and practices
to African countries. This has focused in particular on the issue of returning migrants
from African countries defined as irregular to their countries of origin. Migration
governance could then be seen as something that is imposed on African countries, or,
at the very least, contains elements that match closely with the preferences of
non-African countries.
Linked to this is a second point which is that an ‘external’ perspective can neglect
the realities of migration in Africa and lead to policy responses that do not reflect on-
the-ground realities. One reason for this is the powerful legacy of colonialism that is
seen in many ways, including through the definition and location of borders. Borders
were often colonial impositions that could defy, for example, long-established
practices of interaction that were then separated by these imposed borders. Migration
management can have powerful effects on traditional cross-border movements
including by pastoralists and informal cross-border trade. This illustrates diver-
gences in the conceptualisation of migration governance between African and
European countries (Hammond, 2019). With a strong underlying EU impetus,
there has been a focus on border restrictions with border towns and crossings
increasingly being controlled and secured. This limits and even criminalises the
traditional informal crossings that existed long before colonial borders were
imposed. The implications of such divergent conceptualisations are far-reaching
and can impact the livelihoods of millions of traditional communities in border
areas (Ong’ayo, 2018). It also neglects the important role that cross-border move-
ment plays in sustaining peoples’ livelihoods (Naish, 2017; Catley et al., 2013).
Informal cross-border movements alleviate the danger of famine by enhancing
access by communities in deficit areas to food items from surplus areas. The
introduction of migration management—meaning a controlling, restrictive oversight
of cross-border movement—has become the norm. The EU has sought controls that
20 Migration Governance 319

can stifle the smooth flow of trade while increased requirements and empowerment
of security officials at border posts means increased vulnerability of informal cross-
border traders to harassment and bribes. Limitations on cross-border movement
lowers the commercial benefits that communities can reap from collaborations and
facilitates illicit trade and movement. Controls can undermine food security and
conflict early warning systems, as well as weakening trust in border areas that can
also be conflict-prone. Cross-border trade and mobility can also alleviate hunger by
enhancing access to food items from surplus areas by communities in deficit areas.
The introduction of controls can undermine efforts to build resilience and food
security in borderlands in the Horn of Africa. This can be understood as an effect
of migration governance that, as we discussed earlier, depends on some underlying
conceptualisation of the issue or challenge and then attempts to manage or steer the
issue, as defined. In this case, the EU has sought to impose tougher border controls in
African countries and to return irregular migrants (Geddes & Maru, 2020).

20.2.3 South American Alternatives?

South America has since the 2000s been seen as offering a distinctively progressive
and liberal counterpoint to prevailing global trends in migration governance. Elected
in the early 2000s, left-wing governments across the region committed to a new
approach to migration proclaimed a right to migrate and urged the
non-criminalisation of migration (Acosta Arcarazo & Freier, 2015; Cantor et al.,
2015; Acosta Arcarazo, 2018). This challenges the idea that migration governance
must follow the kind of approach developed in Europe with a strong focus on border
controls targeted at migrants from Africa and the Middle East. A “liberal tide” of
progressive migration laws and policies in South America was a conscious attempt
to position the region as separate and distinct from both the United States as the
continental hegemon and from regional approaches to migration in the EU that were
labelled as harsh and repressive (Acosta Arcarazo & Geddes, 2014). At the regional
level, the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) relaunched itself in the early
2000s, including with the MERCOSUR Residence Agreement (MRA) agreed in
2004 and in force since 2009, which has been seen as a regional manifestation of the
“liberal tide”. Analysing the distinctiveness of these developments in South America
can help to dispel the myth “that worthy innovations are bound to happen in the West
and only echo in the rest—or that normative advancement in migration issues drips
naturally from North to South” (Pedroza, 2017, p. 141).
320 A. Geddes

20.3 Conclusion

This chapter has made three points about migration governance. First, as an “empty
signifier”, what matters most about migration governance is the meaning given to it
by the ideas and practices associated with regulating and managing international
migration. Second, governance cannot be understood as simply an ex post response
to migration. Instead, migration governance, through the categories and classifica-
tions that are developed, plays a very powerful role in shaping the issues and
challenges that are faced. Third, migration governance is an organisational process
that focuses on two questions that all organisations must necessarily address:
“what’s going on ‘out there’?” and, on the basis of an understanding of what’s
going on out there, “what should we do next?”. This means that migration gover-
nance is powerfully driven by understandings of the causes and effects of migration.
These may be more-or-less accurate or more-or-less partial but are always formed in
the shadow of considerable uncertainty and shaped not only by facts and evidence
but also by values and beliefs. Once established, however, ideas about the challenges
and issues to be faced can have considerable effects that can be understood as
governance effects. These governance effects were then illustrated by exploring
the development of European and EU responses to migration and to the underlying
understanding of the challenges that are faced that has led to a focus on borders and
security. These have then spilled over to shape migration governance in Africa in
ways that might not correspond with on-the-ground realities in African countries. It
was also shown that alternatives are possible, as was seen in South America.


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Andrew Geddes is director of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) and holds the Chair of Migration
Studies at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute.
Prior to joining EUI, he was Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield, UK.
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