English Production 06062023

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The Banovallum School

Aim, Aspire, Achieve

Headteacher: Mr G Edgar

01507 522232


Dear Parents/Carers

The Banovallum English department are pleased to let you know that on the afternoon of
Tuesday 13th June, all Year 7 students will be enjoying a production of A Midsummer
Night’s Dream in the school hall, courtesy of the renowned Quantum Theatre Company.

There is no charge for the production, however there will be a slight change to the school
day. Year 7 students will be eating their lunch during period 4 to enable their uninterrupted
enjoyment of the performance. To avoid too much disruption in the canteen, we would ask
that students bring a packed lunch on the day. Those pupils who are entitled to free school
meals will, of course, be catered for.

As this is an in-house, compulsory addition to our programme of study, we will not require
any permission documentation from home. We are sure that you will appreciate that this is
a fantastic enrichment opportunity for students to enhance their learning by witnessing a
staged production of the Shakespeare play that they have been studying in class. The
experience will be memorable and educationally valuable for all as well as meeting the
requirements and expectations of our broad and varied Key Stage 3 academic curriculum.

Thank you in advance for your support with this initiative. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully

E Young

Mrs Emily Young

Teacher of English

Proud member of Horncastle Education Trust www.horncastleeducationtrust.org

Banovallum School, Boston Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire. LN9 6DA

Company No.08175402
The Banovallum School
Aim, Aspire, Achieve
Headteacher: Mr G Edgar

01507 522232

Proud member of Horncastle Education Trust www.horncastleeducationtrust.org

Banovallum School, Boston Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire. LN9 6DA

Company No.08175402

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