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1 – 2 клас

I like to play basketball. I play with my friends. My hobby is

drawing. I like to draw animals. I draw with paints and pencils.

1. Do you like sport?

Yes, I do. I like sport.
2. Do you like to play football or volleyball?
Yes, I do. I like to play volleyball.
3. Do you like football?
No, I don’t. I like basketball.
4. Do you like to sing songs?
Yes, I do. I like to sing songs.
5. Do you like drawing?
Yes, I do. I like drawing.
6. Do you like basketball?
Yes, I do. I like basketball.
7. Do you like dancing or singing?
Yes, I do. I like singing.
8. What do you like to draw?
I like to draw animals.
9. What is you hobby?
My hobby is Knitting.
10. Do you like reading comics?
No. I don’t. I not like reading comics. I like swimming.

3 -4 клас
My favorite sport is football. Football is popular in almost all
countries of the world. I like to play football with my friends in
physical education classes. My favorite team is Dynamo. I like to
watch football matches on TV. My hobby is playing the piano. I like
to play classical works. My favorite composers are Mozart, Chopin,
Tchaikovsky and Beethoven. I really like performing at concerts. I
like to play my favorite songs to my friends and family.
1. Do you like to watch football matches on TV?
I like to watch football matches on TV.
2. What is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is volleyball.
3. What are your favorite composers?
My favorite composers are Mozart, Chopin, Tchaikovsky and
4. What is your favorite time?
My favorite team is Dynamo.
5. Do you like to play songs for your friends?
Yes, I do. I like playing songs for my friends.
6. Do you like to play football with your friends?
Yes, I do. I like to play football with my friends.
7. Do you like to perform at concerts?
I really like performing at concerts.
8. Do you watch Olympic games with your family?
Yes, I do. I watch Olympic games with my family.
9. What is you favorite hobby?
My favorite hobby is play the piano.
10. What music do you like?
I like to listen to classical music.

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