Fast Fashion To Environmental Impact

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How does fast fashion contribute to the environmental impact of the fashion industry, including

carbon emissions, water usage, and waste generation?

It's no secret that there are serious environmental concerns around the way the fashion industry
currently operates.

But how bad is it, and what might happen if the sustainable fashion revolution does not take off?
Here are statistics to illustrate this issue


 Fashion is considered to be the second-highest polluting industry in the world.

 The fashion industry is responsible for 2.1 billion tonnes of carbon emissions each year.
It produces around 4% of total global greenhouse gas emissions - more than shipping and
aviation combined.

(retrieve from:


 Around 70% of the fashion industry’s emissions came from upstream activities (these
include the production of materials, preparation, and processing).

 If no further action is taken over the next decade, the industry’s GHG emissions are likely
to rise to around 2.7 billion tonnes a year by 2030, reflecting an annual volume growth
rate of 2.7%.

 At its current rate, the fashion industry will use up 26% of the entire global carbon
budget (based on a 2 degree scenario) by 2050.

 Making fashion a circular economy could reduce 33% of the CO2 emissions associated
with textile production.

 The carbon footprint of the clothing industry could be reduced by 63% by switching to
renewable clean energy sources.


 Between 80 and 100 billion new clothing garments are produced every year.

 But Only 1% of clothes will get recycled into new garments.

 87% of the materials and fibers used to make clothing will end up in either incinerators
or landfills. -> cause soil pollution

 That’s one truckload every second.


 20% of global freshwater pollution is caused by textile treatment and dyeing.

 It takes 2,000 gallons of water to make just one pair of jeans.

 Synthetic man-made fibers account for 35% of microplastics released into our oceans.

(source: UNEP,European Partiament, Ellen MacArthur Foudation, UN, McKinsey)

According to our group survey:

 FF has a huge negative impact on environmental especially on carbon emissions,

water pollution, etc.

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