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Consigna Trabajo Integrador final

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menos 5) de sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos en presente, pasado, presente perfecto,
modales, condicionales, futuro, voz pasiva, pasado perfecto.

Presentación 15/ 17 de junio de 2021. Subir el Documento en la pestaña

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Marketing is a societal process that is needed to discern consumers' wants; focusing on a

product/service to those wants, and to mould the consumers towards the products/services.
Marketing is fundamental to any businesses growth. The marketing teams (Marketers) have
the task to create the consumer awareness of the products/services through marketing
techniques; unless it pays due attention to its products/services and consumers'
demographics and desires, a business will not usually prosper long-term.

Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution

and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants,
often through market research. The American Marketing Association (AMA) states,
“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and
distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational objectives".


A market-focused, or customer-focused, organization first determines what its potential

customers desire, and then builds the product or service. Marketing theory and practice is
justified in the belief that customers use a product or service because they have a need, or
because it provides a perceived benefit.

Two major factors of marketing are the recruitment of new customers (acquisition) and the
retention and expansion of relationships with existing customers (base management). Once
a marketer has converted the prospective buyer, base management marketing takes over.
The process for base management shifts the marketer to building a relationship, nurturing
the links, enhancing the benefits that sold the buyer in the first place, and improving the
product/service continuously to protect the business from competitive encroachments.

For a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "Ps" must reflect the wants and
desires of the consumers in the target market. Trying to convince a market segment to buy
something they don't want is extremely expensive and seldom successful. Marketers depend
on marketing research, both formal and informal, to determine what consumers want and
what they are willing to pay for it.

In the early 1960's, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of
company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods
or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a
“Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the
early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place
and promotion. The four Ps are:
● Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual
goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope
of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees,
and support.
● Price: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts.
The price doesn´t need to be monetary - it can simply be what is exchanged for the
product or services, e.g. time, energy, psychology or attention.
● Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal
selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or
● Place: (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example,
point of sale placement or retailing. This fourth P has sometimes been called Place,
referring to the channel by which a product or services is sold (e.g. online vs. retail),
which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families,
business people), etc.

Marketing methods are informed by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology,
sociology, and economics. Anthropology is also a small, but growing influence. Market
research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the
creative arts.

El texto elegido trata sobre el marketing, este es un proceso social necesario para
discernir los deseos de los consumidores, enfocándose en un producto o servicio para
esos deseos. El marketing es fundamental para el crecimiento de cualquier negocio.

El marketing tiende a verse como una industria creativa, que incluye publicidad,
distribución y venta. También se ocupa de anticipar las necesidades y deseos futuros de
los clientes, a menudo a través de estudios de mercado. Según la Asociación de
Marketing Americana, el Marketing es el proceso de planificar y ejecutar la concepción,
fijación de precios, promoción y distribución de ideas, bienes y servicios para crear
intercambios que satisfagan los objetivos individuales y organizacionales.

Una organización centrada en el mercado, o centrada en el cliente, primero determina lo

que desean sus clientes potenciales y luego construye el producto o servicio. Dos
factores principales del marketing son la captación de nuevos clientes (adquisición) y la
retención y expansión de las relaciones con los clientes existentes (gestión de base).

Para que un plan de marketing tenga éxito, la combinación de las cuatro "P" debe
reflejar las necesidades y los deseos de los consumidores en el mercado objetivo.
Tratar de convencer a un segmento de mercado para que compre algo que no quiere es
extremadamente caro y pocas veces tiene éxito. Los especialistas en marketing
dependen de la investigación de mercados, tanto formal como informal, para determinar
qué quieren los consumidores y qué están dispuestos a pagar por ello.

Las cuatro P del marketing son:

● Producto: Los aspectos del producto del marketing tratan con las
especificaciones de los bienes o servicios reales y cómo se relaciona con las
necesidades y deseos del usuario final.
● Precio: se refiere al proceso de establecimiento de un precio para un producto,
incluidos los descuentos. El precio no tiene por qué ser monetario, puede ser
simplemente lo que se intercambia por el producto o servicio.
● Promoción: incluye anuncios, promoción de ventas y publicidad, y se refiere a los
diversos métodos de promoción del producto, la marca o la empresa.
● Plaza: (o distribución): se refiere a cómo llega el producto al cliente; por ejemplo,
colocación en el punto de venta o venta al por menor.

teams - task - consumer - product - services - industry - advertising - distribution - factors
- customers - relationship - marketer - buyer - management - activities

1- The marketing teams (Marketers) have the task to create the consumer awareness
of the products/services through marketing techniques.
2- Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising,
distribution and selling.
3- Two major factors of marketing are the recruitment of new customers (acquisition)
and the retention and expansion of relationships with existing customers (base
4- Once a marketer has converted the prospective buyer, base management
marketing takes over.
5- Market research underpins these activities.

first - potential - two - major - new - existing - successful - four - small - growing - related
- many - creative
1- A market-focused, or customer-focused, organization first determines what its
potential customers desire, and then builds the product or service.
2- Two major factors of marketing are the recruitment of new customers (acquisition)
and the retention and expansion of relationships with existing customers (base
3- For a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "Ps" must reflect the wants
and desires of the consumers in the target market.
4- Anthropology is also a small, but growing influence.
5- Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts.


have - determines - builds - provides - buy - depend

1- The marketing teams (Marketers) have the task to create the consumer awareness of
the products/services through marketing techniques.
2- A market-focused, or customer-focused, organization first determines what its
potential customers desire, and then builds the product or service.
3- Marketing theory and practice is justified in the belief that customers use a product or
service because they have a need, or because it provides a perceived benefit.
4- Trying to convince a market segment to buy something they don't want is extremely
expensive and seldom successful.
5- Marketers depend on marketing research, both formal and informal, to determine
what consumers want and what they are willing to pay for it.


identified - suggested - represented - contained

1- In the early 1960's, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a
number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to
purchase goods or services.
2- Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing
3- Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early
1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place
and promotion.
has converted - has been

1- Once a marketer has converted the prospective buyer, base management marketing
takes over.
2- This fourth P has sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a
product or services is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to
which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc.

must - can

1- For a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "Ps" must reflect the wants
and desires of the consumers in the target market.
2- In the early 1960's, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a
number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to
purchase goods or services.
3- The price doesn´t need to be monetary - it can simply be what is exchanged for the
product or services, e.g. time, energy, psychology or attention.

unless it pays (first conditional)

1- The marketing teams (Marketers) have the task to create the consumer awareness of
the products/services through marketing techniques; unless it pays due attention to its
products/services and consumers' demographics and desires, a business will not usually
prosper long-term.

will not/won’t

1- The marketing teams (Marketers) have the task to create the consumer awareness of
the products/services through marketing techniques; unless it pays due attention to its
products/services and consumers' demographics and desires, a business will not
usually prosper long-term.

is needed - is concerned - is sold - are informed

1- Marketing is a societal process that is needed to discern consumers' wants; focusing

on a product/service to those wants, and to mould the consumers towards the
2- It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, often
through market research.
3- This fourth P has sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a
product or services is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to
which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc.
4- Marketing methods are informed by many of the social sciences, particularly
psychology, sociology, and economics.


The text does not have examples of the past perfect, but the form of this verb tense is
subject + had + past participle. The past perfect is used to indicate that one event
happened before another in the past.
For example: I had saved my document before the computer crashed.

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