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It was a hot summer afternoon. I Swimming is there in their subconscious mind and if it is
was feeling languid and wanted introduced to them at a tender age, they will learn easily.
to doze off but couldn’t. Kids were If we try to learn as an adult, it becomes difficult because
playing downstairs under the our minds get conditioned and doubt our capabilities.
pleasant shade of the Banyan tree
with their friends. I was watching I liked my daughter’s confidence. She was five and my
them from my balcony. Some son was three so I thought it was the right age to learn
were swinging like monkeys from how to swim. I registered their names and my name as
the aerial roots and some were well for my overall fitness.
Mrs. Kumud Mishra
English Department running after a kaleidoscope of The next day I took them shopping. I carefully selected
butterflies. I jumped off my chair when I saw four to five their swimwear, swimming caps, goggles, armbands,
children falling over each other as the tender aerial roots and kick pads. Kids were excited, and all set, to quote
on which they all were clinging either slipped from their them, for their “Already known adventure.”
hands or got snapped. Fortunately, no one was hurt. They
immediately dusted themselves and started laughing We were all there at the IIT Swimming pool at four ‘O’clock.
and giggling. I could see Akasha’s broad smile that had It was a colossal outdoor swimming pool bustling with
few missing teeth. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. the children and their mums and dads. They found their
They resumed the game without worrying about the gang of friends. The coach formed the groups according
risk of falling again. Their fearless spirit, energy and to their age. Then he took them to the shallow side of
enthusiasm were the opposite of mine. Adoring them, I the pool. He demonstrated “Doggy paddling” and asked
got an urge to get rid of my lethargy. I opened my laptop them to practice. The coach said that my son was under
to check the emails. I saw an email from Gymkhana age, so he couldn’t join the coaching classes. He was
Club. It was about Swimming Coaching classes which disappointed because he had to part from his sister. He
were commencing on Monday. I thought that it would be was like a tail, an integral part of her who followed her
awesome if the whole family went to the swimming pool. everywhere.

My husband is an efficient swimmer as he was born Tanu accompanied his father to the other side of the
and brought up in a village with a beautiful river called pool. He taught him to float, and I was surprised to see
Katana and canal. Katana has turquoise-blue crystal how effortlessly he floated and swam on his own. My
clear water. One can hear the babbling and burbling of daughter was right when she said that they already knew
the river as it springs over the limestone rocks in its way swimming.
and see the pebbles whisking about in its current. He has
After two weeks of
told us many times about his adventures and jolly good
training, the children
time swimming with his friends in that river. I too wanted
learned a few
to learn swimming and knew that kids would also enjoy
techniques, and the
coach took them to
I hollered from the balcony, “Niku! Tanu! Would you like the deeper side where
to learn how to swim? Swimming Coaching Classes are the advanced learners
going on in the Swimming pool.” swam. They were asked
to dive from the diving board set at 7.5 m above the
“We already know how to swim, so we don’t need any surface of the water and then swim back to the coaches,
2022 - 2023

classes,” said Niku in a matter-of-fact tone. who would help them come out of the pool. This activity
was planned to test their strength, flexibility, and courage.
“But we don’t mind going to the Swimming pool.” Tanu
tweeted in a chirpy voice. Some children just obeyed without understanding what
would happen, some were scared, and some were too

I was stunned to see their confidence, or to say

excited. It was the most spectacular event and the parents
overconfidence - Claiming to know swimming when you
stood around the pool with bated breath.
don’t even know the A B C of it! Then I remembered
the baby swimming videos where infants as young as “I don’t want to dive,” Santana cried. He was a skinny
six months old successfully practice advanced survival boy of five and had a big head. Fear gripped him. He
techniques, rolling over, floating and even swimming climbed the ladder with shivering legs and reached the
underwater. diving board from where the coach asked him to jump.
I have also read that children are familiar with the He looked down and cried,” I can’t. I have acrophobia
aquatic environment since they have been floating in and aquaphobia.”
the amniotic fluid in their mothers’ womb as babies. 79
“Stop being a fraidy cat! Just dive.” Santana’s mother Niku met a Korean girl named Grace. She was an
shouted. Others couldn’t make head and tail of these excellent swimmer. Both became good friends and even
phobias. They found him amusing and had a boisterous ventured into the deeper side of the pool. They swam as
laugh. ducks to the water and people admired them for their
Meanwhile, two big rescue guards came from behind,
lifted him, and threw him mercilessly into the pool. My son couldn’t accept the fact that his sister was ignoring
him. She swam all over the pool with her new friend. Tanu
“That’s the crude way of teaching a child.” someone said. was not permitted to go to the deeper side of the pool as
Santana’s teeny weeny, lightweight body, came up, and he was too young. He had to swim under the supervision
he swam huffing and puffing to the edge of the pool. of his dad in the shallow side of the pool.
The crowd cheered him up, and his confidence was One day, Niku and Grace came to the shallow side and
raised to the next level. He pleaded with the coach to played with Tanu. They splashed water on each other.
give him another chance. His so-called acrophobia and They showed him some underwater skills which he found
aquaphobia had disappeared into the blue. interesting. He liked being in their company. After some
That day was the big day for him as he had overcome his time they all got bored of swimming and came out of the
fears. His mom was glad to witness his achievement and pool. They ran around the pool cackling. On an impulse,
was generous enough to give him a treat of chocolate Grace jumped into the pool’s deeper side, followed by
ice cream. I understood one thing that courage is never Niku and then Tanu. When I saw my son jumping into
loud. It’s a soft voice saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” the deeper side of the pool, my heart missed a beat. I
It was my daughter’s turn. She was the girl who cut a screamed for help.
dash. She waved to the crowd with a pleasant smile and “Please save my son. He can’t swim in the deeper side!”
dived into the pool elegantly then swam to the edge like The rescue guards got up from their chairs and asked me
a little mermaid. She got thunders’ applauds. to relax because Tanu didn’t show any sign of distress.
My swimming classes were also going on simultaneously. He was swimming naturally without any fear or doubt.
Though my progress was as slow as a tortoise, I made He was driven by the aim of catching his sister. My
up my mind that I would not give up. The coaching got husband also swam towards them and watched from a
over, but we went to the swimming pool regularly and distance. The way he was swimming gave my husband
practiced religiously on our own. and the rescue guards a feeling that he didn’t need any
assistance. Niku and Grace appeared like ducks who
were followed by a duckling named Tanu.


I arrived at the naturally beautiful, But as you might remember, this was the same time when
bustling grounds of Vana Vani the entire world began to shut down due to a new virus
School on the first of August. After called COVID-19. Two days after receiving my Fulbright
a two-year delay in my Fulbright acceptance letter, I received another letter informing
English Teaching Assistantship me that they had postponed the program indefinitely.
due to COVID-19, I arrived in I was devastated. I had waited my whole life to leave
Chennai, India, and was finally my country and explore the world, and now I was stuck
walking into my new school. The at home, unable to go to the market without fear of
Miss Jordan Smithson Fulbright Program, run by the getting sick. I found ways to occupy my time: reading
Fulbright English U.S. Department of State, places books, watching movies, and writing stories and essays.
Teaching Assistant
recent university graduates and I even tried teaching myself how to knit (I always needed
young professionals in a country of their choosing after improvement). During the middle of an economic

a rigorous application process, either to teach English or recession, I found work as a tutor, then a magazine
to pursue a research project. After studying History and editorial assistant, then finally, a salaried position at a
English at the University of Virginia, I knew that I wanted media company. Every few months, I received a message
to continue in those fields and travel the world and learn from Fulbright giving me hope that the program would
about other cultures. During my third year at university, I still happen, but they have yet to tell me anything specific.
had the opportunity to travel to Kerala, India, for a three- I almost gave up many times. I considered withdrawing
week study abroad program. I loved everything about my name from consideration and moving on with my life.
that trip-- the landscape, the people, and especially the But something inside me told me to hang on.
food. So, I applied to the Fulbright ETA program in India
80 and was thrilled to be accepted in early March 2020.
Dear Readers, provoking artwork that reflect the diversity of our student
We are confident that the positive attitude, hard work,
Eminent psychologist Scott sustained efforts and innovative ideas exhibited by our
Barry Kaufman and science young buddies will surely stir the minds of the readers
journalist Carolyn Gregoire, and take them to the surreal world of unalloyed joy and
in their book ‘Wired to pleasure.
Create’, wrote that we are all
wired to create. While some I join the editorial team in thanking all the creative
people may think of creativity as a talent that only a select luminaries whose contribution made this treasure-trove a
few possess, the truth is that everyone has the capacity to fascinating one. I would also like to thank our Principal
be creative. It’s not about being perfect or having all the Mr. M Sathish Kumar, Vice Principal Mrs. Princy Tom,
answers, but rather about embracing our imperfections administrative staff, teachers and students for their
and taking the risk to discover something new. And our unflinching support and guidance.
annual school magazine ‘Reflection 2022-23’ is a perfect
testimony of this belief. I am grateful to my editorial team who have put their hearts
and souls into the arduous work of editing and compiling.
‘Reflection’ reflects the literary and artistic creativity of Reflection is the outcome of their relentless efforts so Dear
students besides encapsulating the monumental strides readers sit back and take a moment to flip the pages of
of our school. The magazine is to be viewed as a launch ‘Reflection’. It is going to drift you into an enchanting
pad for the children’s creative urges to blossom naturally. world. It will inspire you to pursue your passions, explore
As the saying goes, a mind like a parachute works best new ideas, and be the best version of yourself.
when opened. This humble initiative is to set the budding
minds free allowing them to delve deep into the realm of Happy Reading!
imagination and experience to create a world of beauty Mrs. Kumud Mishra
in the form of words and pictures. We believe that each Chief Editor
student has a unique voice, and our magazine is a place
where those voices can be heard. Our pages are filled
with inspiring stories, informative articles, and thought

Mr. M.Sathish Kumar Mrs. D. Lakshmi SECRETARIES
Mrs. P. Sudha Govind Krishna E. D XI C
Mrs.Princy Tom EDITORS-IN-CHARGE Jishnu Anand IX C
Pulavar K. Sathiya Sayi Nathan (Tamil) Jaywanth Balaji G IX A
CHIEF EDITOR Mr. A. David (French) Beghan Muthuvel P IX A
2 Mrs. Kumud Mishra Mrs. K. V. Jagadeeshwari (Sanskrit)
Mrs. Bhuvaneswari (Artifacts)

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