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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Daisy University
Alma Mater of the Caribbean


Made by:
C.I N°27.389.012

García Municipality, July 2023

Family Law is the set of norms and legal institutions that regulate the
personal and patrimonial relations of the members that make up the family.
It is the part of Civil Law that has as its object family legal relationships:
marital relationships, parental relationships, both in their personal and patrimonial
aspect, guardianship and other institutions for the protection of minors and
disabled people. It constitutes the central axis of the family, marriage and affiliation.
Among its main characteristics and applications, we can affirm that family law:
 Seeks the protection of the family and all its members;
 It is in charge of safeguarding the principle of solidarity, which consists in the
fact that the parents (parents) are in charge of the care of the minors;
 It extends to all kinds of families, whether single-parent, of the same gender
or out of wedlock;
 Seeks family protection for kinship, being persons related by consanguinity
(parents and children); affinity (marriage) and adoption;
 This right is constantly evolving, depending on the customs of society. A
clear example of this is the acceptance of equal marriages;
 It is a private right, that is, it regulates relationships between individuals.

Family law is responsible for regulating:

 Marriage: addresses both the issue and both financial and personal effects.
 International marriages: this case is the same as before, but with the
difference that they are couples made up of people from different
nationalities and cultures.
 Parentage: related to the ties between father and son. Whether of
matrimonial origin or not, even by adoption.
 Figures similar to marriage: refers to unions that do not include marriage in
between, such as couples or cohabitants.
 Family patrimony: everything related to assets, rights and obligations that
come into play when a relationship is dissolved or death occurs.
 Guardianship: here it refers to care relationships between people who are
not related by degree of consanguinity.
 Hereditary successions: they can occur both in family, business and work
Family law is one of the most chosen branches of law in recent years by
professional lawyers. This may be due to the great economic and labor opening
that it has, added to the constant social changes. Even more with the international
expansion of law, and the appearance of international marriage, since aspects of
private international law come into play.
The rights of the family, considered as assets of all kinds that the members of
the family need for their integral development, are protected at the national and
international level and it is urgent to know them and promote their exercise, helping
each one, to the extent of their possibilities, in the construction of the common

MAIN IDEA: It is the part of Civil Law that has as its object family legal
relationships: marital relationships, parental relationships, both in their personal
and patrimonial aspect, guardianship and other institutions for the protection of
minors and disabled people. It constitutes the central axis of the family, marriage
and affiliation.

SECONDARY IDEA: Family law is one of the most chosen branches of law in
recent years by professional lawyers.

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