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Cabanela, Caesar Angelo B.

BSMT 22 B-6
C/O Fran Caster Pacardo

Exercise title: Causes of corrosion

L.O 3.4 discuss the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces & ballast tanks & how corrosion can be
identified & prevent
1. Write a comprehensive discussion about the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces & ballast tank
2. Write a comprehensive discussion about the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces & ballast
tank can be prevented

Corrosion is a natural process of materials, usually metals, moving towards their lowest
possible energy state, resulting in a spontaneous reaction between the material and its
environment which results in the degradation of that material. The word derives from Latin
‘corrodere’ which translates to ‘gnaw to pieces’.
Corrosion in Ballast Tanks is the deterioration process where the surface of a ballast
tank progresses from microblistering, to hydroscaletric electration, and finally to cracking of the
tank steel itself.
Epoxy and modified epoxy are standard coatings used to provide protective barriers to
corrosion in ballast tanks. Exposed, unprotected steel will corrode much more rapidly than steel
covered with this protective layer. Many ships also use sacrificial anodes or an impressed
current for additional protection. Empty ballast tanks will corrode faster than areas fully
immersed due to the thin - and electo conducting - moisture film covering them. For marine
applications, mild steel remains the number one metal for constructional purposes by virtue of
its relatively low cost, mechanical strength and ease of fabrication. Its main drawback is
that it corrodes easily in seawater and unless adequately protected, rapidly loses strength
which may result in structural failure. The diagram below demonstrates the cycle of corrosion.
From the mining of iron oxide, producing steel, to corrosion. With proper planning, ship-owners
can ensure that their ships are operating at maximum performance and maintain cost efficiency
while preserving the condition of their assets. If poor surface preparation is the cause of
deterioration, then the only solution is to remove the paint and start again. It pays to get it right
the first time.
5 types of corrosion
 Galvanic corrosion is the most common form of corrosion and therefore the most
dangerous. This occurs when two or more metals are in contact with each other, while
submerged in an electrolyte solution like saltwater. As a result, the more reactive metal
begins to deteriorate at a faster pace which is never a good sign in regards to personal
safety. Physical signs of corrosion are flaking and blistering of paint and eventually lead
to pitting of the metal.
 So, Stress corrosion cracking leads to rapid failure of ductile alloys. In addition, the
stainless steel develops microscopic cracks from tensile stress and forcing the object in
opposite directions.
 Therefore, Crevice corrosion involves the interaction of one metal part with two
connected environments such as a tight, confined space, where elements like oxygen
are limited. In conclusion, depending on the environments involved, pitting or
cracking may occur, causing some serious damage.
 Hence, Inter-granular attack is the differences between granular boundaries and granular
bodies of a metal which occurs at the microscopic level. The surface area crystallizes a
metal and is more vulnerable to corrosion than their lower layers causing inter-granular
fractures along the metals surface.
 Flow-accelerated corrosion this type of ship corrosion occurs from the constant flow of
water against a metals surface which can be particularly harmful and may rapidly
breakdown a vessels protected layers.

2. Write a comprehensive discussion about the causes of corrosion in cargo spaces & ballast
tank can be prevented
How to prevent corrosion?
Preventing corrosion requires elimination or suppression using two principal methods, cathodic
protection and coatings. Generally, cathodic protection systems are used in conjunction with
coating systems.

Sacrificial anodes:
When two dissimilar metals are immersed in seawater, the metal with the lowest electrical
potential will suffer the greatest corrosion. For example, the corrosion rate of mild steel can be
controlled by connecting it to zinc as it will then become the anode and corrode. In this example,
the zinc anode is referred to as a sacrificial anode because it is slowly consumed (corrodes)
during the protection process.
Impressed current systems:
A vessel hull can be made cathodic by using a direct current source. An impressed current is
applied in the opposite direction to cancel out the corrosion current and convert the corroding
metal from anode to cathode. In this example, the negative terminal of DC is connected to a
pipeline to be protected. The anode is kept in to increase the electrical contact with
its surrounding environment.
The effectiveness of coatings preventing corrosion depends upon many factors, for example,
coating type, end-use of coating, and vessel operating environment.
Low permeability and good ‘wet adhesion’ i.e. adhesion under immersion, are widely believed to
be the single most important aspects of corrosion control by coatings.
For maximum coatings adhesion, steel surfaces must be clean, dry and free of oil, rust, salts and
other contaminants before painting.
Highly cross-linked, chemically curing systems are likely to have relatively low permeability
characteristics and film thickness can affect it. In general, thicker films delay the passage of
oxygen and water to the steel surface. High film thickness (>400 um dft) can therefore offer a
high degree of corrosion protection which would best be achieved in multi-coat systems rather
than in a single coat.
Damaged coatings
Coatings in service may be subjected to mechanical damage. Maintaining corrosion protection
can therefore best be achieved by using coatings which offer both abrasion resistance and
corrosion protection. It is recommended that coatings have good ‘undercutting’ resistance i.e.
resistance to under-film corrosion creep at damaged areas.

Other mechanisms used to prevent corrosion in non-immersed, above water areas include:

 The use of anticorrosive pigments such as zinc phosphate. This pigment is slightly
soluble and can form a corrosion inhibiting molecular layer at the steel surface.
 The use of metallic zinc as a sacrificial pigment, in essence the development of an “in
situ” cathodic protection system.

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