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Company Profile

Who We Are
The Ballot House is a registered organisation with the

Companies House in London, UK with global operational

outreach in electioneering and perception management

through analytical primary research and digital media


Our Mission
We aim at creating a sensible, inclusive and inductive

approach towards electioneering by enabling all possible

poll tools and research methodologies to help our

candidates win their electoral battles.

We aim to extend our tentacles and reach out to the Global

South and Global North regions on the planet to provide

poll, perception management and electioneering for a

successful “battle for ballot”.

The Ballot House UK (India) Pvt. Ltd is a registered

organization in India with the Companies Act 2013. This is a

subsidiary of The Ballot House UK Ltd.

Scope of Work
Our key areas of work include but are not limited to the following:

Political Intelligence

Gather intel from ground research in vivid and disguised mode.

Cognitive Intelligence and Data

Management of data by using data analysing tools and creating the average
values/inductive analysis of retrospective analysis data of election polling
booth/ward/ councils approach.

Perception Management

Deals with the psephology coupled with behavioralism. Also analyses and design
campaigns with electorate and garner neutral influences for the benefit of the client.

Field Operations

Where political affairs of the constituency be observed, analysed and campaigns

shall be developed and presented to the respective candidates for effective and
inclusive electioneering at constituency level.

Primary Research

First hand information of the data using qualitative and quantitative approach to
gather information on the socio, economic, political and cultural insights of the
political territory of the client; which help develops campaign strategies for
Digital Media and PR

A uniformed, regular promotion of the political ideologies, insights, activities and

development of the candidates shall be promoted through online social media
platforms. Create a sustainable buzz to maintain a healthy PR which is dire necessity
for electioneering.

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