Book 6 Unit 4

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VOCABULARY: Taking a vacation

GRAMMAR: Combining sentences – and/but

VOCABMLARY: Taking pictures with a camera

GRAMMAR: Answering Why-questions with because

DIALOGS: Asking about vacation and trips

READING: Alphabetizing and scanning words and phrases

Identifying the topic of a paragraph
LISTENING: Listening for information
What's new in Lesson 4?

Nouns Verbs Other words
cheek in
check out but
hotel load final
lake relax tier I timei
Rest long ittip/timei
Ocean Smile
ovc riiipht
rest uiiort ttrip/timc i

roll (of) z'hy



Why am you late? at first
Because I didn't look at the clock. at last
Para mailed letters, rind I mailed packages. go sightseeing
of postcards, but he never take a picture of
Bruce bought e lot
mailed them.
Take a rest

Take a vacation
Vocabulary Taking a vacation

Exercise A Look at the pictures and read the word

Mountain ocean trees on a beach lake

Waterfall stream river desert

Listen to the paragraphs about places in the USA..

Visit Yellowstone National Park on your

next vacation. It's in Wyoming end also
the states of Idaho, and Montana. Walk
in the mountains, swim in cold lakes, and
fish in mountain streams and rivers.
Have your lunch out8ide and take a rest
under the tell trees. Camp overnight in o

Take a vacation in Hawaii! Swim in the

ocean and relax on the beach. Stay at
the Milton Hotel Resort and rest next
to the pool. Go sightseeing and visit
mountains, waterfalls, and streams.
Take time this year to visit the United States
50 state.

Visit Washington D.G. Check in at the

Town Center Hotel; it's right downtown
rind close to all the sights. The children
will like .sightseeing at the White House.
the Capitol, end the Lincoln Memorial
See the city's many museums, listen to a
concert, or go to the theater. Visit
America's capital and learn about the
e 1. Some people like to swim a, on Lake Tahoe.

g 2, Do you like to stay b. in New York City?

a 3. Let's take our boat

b 4. Did your brother go sightseeing d. on t.he beach.

d S. I'm tired from Brimming. Let's rest e. in a hotel pool

f 6. Bob's checking in f. at the hotel.

c 7. There’s salt water g. in a hotel?

Write each word in the correct column.

Tent hotel ocean resort relax

River camp check in stay lake
Swim sightseeing stream rest check out

Places to sleep Things to do Places to swim

Tent Stream
Check in
Hotel River
Check out
Camp Ocean
resort Lake
Listen to the sentences. Circle T for true and F for false.

1, T F O T F

2. T F 7. T F

3. T F R. T F

4. T F 9. T F

5. T F 10. T F

Exercise F What do you like to do? Circle your answers

l. Where do you like to stay overnight’?
at a hotel ot a reaort ct e rempgrnund

2. What do you like to see?

the ocean lakes

3. Where would ynu like to rest?

on a t›each under a tree RtSIMOViC

4. What state would you like to visit?

California Florida New Ynrk
5. When will you take a vacation?
in 6 monthB next veer in 2 years
6. Where would you like to tnke a vacation?
Hesvaii Yellowstone Park Washington TI.G.
Exercise G Ask questions and write your classmates answer in the Chart


SU What ia the nRme of a mountain in your country†

SZ: Mount Rushmore. It'a in the state of South Dak‹ita

in the United Stnteu.

Mount Ruehmore




Tell about your classmates' countries.

Mount Rushmote is a mountain in the USA.

aga The Mojave is a

state of New York.

Lake Tahoe is a lake

Read the names of 20 activities Americans like to do.

go inline skating go biking play tennis play golf

go rock climbing go hiking go horseback riding go skiing

go sledding go to museums go to plays go snowboarding

go sightseeing go fishing go water skiing go boating

go scuba diving go snorkeling go windsurfing

Ask your partner these questions. Write the answers.

1. Where do you want to take a vacation?

2. What do you wont to do there?

3. Where do you want to stay?

4. What do you want to see?

5. How long do you want to stay?

Exercise K Use your parter´s answer above to write a paragraph

Combining sentences — and/but

’ The conjunctions and and 6ut can be used to join two statements

My vacation is next month. I want to travel.

My vacation is next month. and I want to traved.

*•” Use and to show addition. It is used when the statements are similar.

I like the Navy now. I didn't at first.

I I ike the Navy now. but I didn't at first.

” Uee duf to connect statements that express opposite ideas.

Exercise A Read the e-mail messager. Underline the words and but

From: Sara Masters Sent: Web 9/4/2022/ 9:12 am

To: Bruce Sweanson
Subject: What´s new?
Hi, Bruce.
How arc you? How do J'ou like the Navy? Did you get the package I
sent you? My vacation is next month, and I want te trowel. I'd liku to

' visit you, but I'm not sure that I will. I'm also thinking nbout going to
Chicngo. I'm waiting for your answer. Please e-mail me.

From: Bruce Sweanson Sent: Web 9/4/2022/ 10:31 am

To: Sara Masters
Subject: Your vacation
Hi, Sara
Yes, I got the package of delicious cookies. Thanh you. I'm sony I
didn't write, but I have a lot to do every day. At first, I didn't like the
Na y, but I do now, Sun Diego is nice, but I'm not happy. I'd like to see
you. Please come to California. Why do you went to gn to fihicago?
From: Sara Masters Sent: Web 9/4/2022/ 11:02 am
To: Bruce Sweanson
Subject: Why Chicago?
I´m thinking about going to Chicago because my friend Martha lives there. I’ll
send you some cookies again next week.

From: Bruce Sweanson Sent: Web 9/4/2022/ 12:33 am

To: Sara Masters
Subject: Bring Martha!
Bring Martha with you to California. You´ll like in there. This state has
mountains lakes, rivers, and the Pacific ocean, You can do a lot of things, and
you can go sightseeing

From: Sara Masters Sent: Web 9/4/2022/ 4:57 pm

To: Bruce Sweanson
Subject: Martha´s coming
I talked to Marth. She would like to go with me to California. She needs a rest.
Can we visit you in 6 weeks? I don´t have a long vacation. It´s just 7 days.

From: Bruce Sweanson Sent: Web 9/5/2022/ 9:44 am

To: Sara Masters
Subject: A good time
Six weeks from now will be a good time for a vacation. That will be after my
final week of training. I can take a short vacation for 4 days.
b 1 Sara wants to see Bruce. a. but you can't .swim in the ocean.
2. Bruce likes San Diego, b. and she wants to visit Martha.
3. You can sightsee in Chicago, c. and you can swim in the ocean.
Sar 4. You can see mountains in Texas, d. but she won't go to Chicago.

d 5. Sara will go to San Diego. e. but he's homesick.

f Sar

6. Bruce will finish his training, f, and tell take a short mention.

Check() the statements that are true for you.

a. I like the ocean, and I like lakes.

b. I like the ocean, but I don't like lakes.

c. I like lakes, but I don't like the ocean.

d. I don't like the ocean, and I don't like lakes.

2. a. I like to stay overnight at a hotel, but I don't like to camp.

b. 1 like to stay overnight at n hotel, rind I like to camp.
c. I like to camp, but I don't like to stay overnight at a hotel.
d. I don't like to camp, and I don't like to stay overnight at n hotel.

3. a. My country doesn't have lakes, and it doesn't have a desert.

b. My country has a desert, and it has lakes.
c. My country has a desert, but it doesn't have lakes.
d. My country has lakes. but it doesn't have a desert.

4. a. We have mountains in my country, but we don't have forests.

b. We don't have mountains in my country, but •'e have forests.
e. We have forests in my country, and we have mountains.
d. We don't have forests in my country and we don‘t have mountains.
EXERCISES D Fill in the blank with and or buy

1. Sara´s sister wants to travel, but she does not have any money.

2. We met our new instructor, and we liked him.

3. Some students come to class every day, and they do their homework.

4. We'd like to go to the movies, bu t we don't have time.

5. Washington D. C. has buildings, b u t it doesn't have mountains.

6. Bruce didn't like the Navy at first, a n d he wasn't happy.

Ask your classmates what they Iike to do on vacation.

Write sentences about what your classmates like and don´t like to do
1. Capt Martins like to go sightseeing, and he likes to visit museums.
He likes cities, but he doesn´t like mountains


VOCABULARY Taking pictures with a camera

From: Sara Masters Sent: Thurs 9/19/2002 7:00 p.m

To: Bruce
Subject: Hotel reservation
I made a reservation at the Hotel Royale this morning. Well check in on
the 3", and we’ll check out on the 8. Do you need anything? Can we
bring anything for you?

From: Bruce Swenson Sent: Thurs 9/19/2002 10:29 p.m

To: Sara Masters
Subject: What to bring
Thanks, but you don´t need to bring anything. Just be sure you have your camera
and a few rolls of film. You´ll want to take a lot of pictures.

From: Sara Masters Sent: Thurs 9/21/2002 5:11 p.m

To: Bruce
Subject: Camera
I bought a camera today, and I loaded it with film. I went to see your
parents, and I took some pictures of them. Your mother is happy because
she got a letter from you at last. They smiled for the pictures, but they
want to see you, too. I'll bring those pictures next week. Then, I'll take
some of you to send to your parents.

a camera smile take a picture a roll of film

EXEERCISE A What do you like to do? Check () yes or no for your answer.
Yes No
1. I like to travel

2. I like to travel and take pictures.

.3. I have a camera.

4. I can load my camera.

o. 1 used a few rolls of film on my last vacation.

6. I always smile in pictures.

Unscramble tha letters and write the word.

1. slemi smile 6.adol load

2. Goln long 7.rctpeui picture

3. Arecma camera 8.lorl roll

4. Milf film 9.stroh short

5. Stupe upset 10. Noitacav vacation

EXERCISE C Listen and fill in the black with the missing words.

Sue wanted a new camera for her vacation. She went to a store and blought one.

She also got 3 roll of film. The Opened one and the store clerk showed her how to
load the c a m e r a . Now she can take pictures in California.
1. I'm tired. I need to
a. travel
b. load
c. rest
d. choose

My parents stayed with me one night. They stayed

a. overnight
b. on time
c. night
d. a week
3. He needed a for his camera.
a. dial tone
b. roll of film
c. picture
d. roll of towels

4. My children were happy yesterday. They all day long.

a. smiled
b. cried
c. cut
d. upset
I´ll with my camera.
a. leave a tip
b, make a reservation
e. cash a check
d. take a picture
On their vacation, Ben's friends will in New York City
a. take off
b. go sightseeing
c. point to
d. go back


Answering Why-questions with because

Because he
Why did your brother Iike the ocean.
1 ti?

1. Why are you ambling?

A. Because I'm upset. b. Because I'm happy.

2. Why did your friend get a good score on the book quiz?
a. Because he studied. b. Because be slept in class.

3. Why are you eating?

a. Because I'm hungry. b. Because I'm thirsty.

4. Why is Town upset?

a. Because his test grade was bad. b. Because his test grade was good.

5. Why is Joan thirsty?

a. Because she's tired. b. Because it's hot outside.
EXERCISE B Match each question with its answer

e 1. Why does Sara need a suitcase? a. Because she wants In stay at o hotel.

b 2. Why is she going to California? b. Because the wants to see Bruce.

d3. Why did she buy a camera? c. Because Martha will travel with her.

a 4.Why did she make a reservation? d. Because she wants to take pictures.

c 5.Why does she need a room for 2? e. Because shell travel to California.

Answer these questions.

Number 1 is an example
1. Why are you in class?
Because I want to learn English (Answer will vary)

2. Why do you put your money in the bank?

3. Why were you late for class?

4. Why do you want a car?

5. Why did you call your family?

6. Why were you studying last night?

Write a question for each answer.

Number 1 is an axample

1. Why are you studying now? (Answers will vary)

Because I have a test tomorrow.



Because he's sick.

Because I like to travel.

Because it was dirty.

Because I am happy.

EXERCISE E Ask your partner questions about the underline sentences

Use why in the questions.

Bruces parents returned from their vacations two days ago. This year, they took their vacation in the mountains. Mrs.
Swenson didn´t want to go to the ocean. People say a lot of nice things about Lake Tahoe. So they went there. There
are tall, green trees near the lake, and the water is clear, blue, and cold. After Lake Tahoe, they went to San Diego.
They wanted to see brce, and thet also wanted to go sightseeing. Mr. Swenson took many pctures. He liked San Diego a

Example Wy did the Swenson´s take their vacation in the mountains?

Because Mrs. Swenson didn´t want to go to the ocean
Asking about vacations and trips

Mr. Jackson: How was your vacation?

Mr. Swenson: It was great.
Mr, Jackson: Where did you go?
Mr. Swenson: First to Lake Tahoe, and then to San
Diego to see Bruce
Mr. Jackson: Why did you go to Lake Tahoe?
Mr. Swenson: Because many people said that it was
very nice. It really is a great place for
a vacation.

Look at the chart and fill in the Information.


EXERCISE A Look at the chart and fill in the information.

I like it because it's warm and sunny.

Why do you like the
beach at San Diego?
AIphabetize the words.
boat order ocean plate people postcard pick

but bank

1. 2. 3.
Bank ocean package
Because off people
Blade on pick out
Boat order plate
But overnight postcard

Circle the word that \s different.

1. cool cold hot

2, captain cmlonel major military lieutenant

3. ear thumb nose mouth eye

4. cake Candy cookie ice cream soup

5. lettuce Cheese Carrots Onions potatoes

6. dirty clear cloudy rainy sunny

7, score grade class test quiz

8. telephone dial receiver 9hgrpener

9. drugstore soap toothbrush toothpaste shampoo

10. soccer basketball baseball gymnasium tennis

Circle the phrase that is the same.

1. a score of 92 2. go to the bank 3. played basketball

he scored 92 go to the BX played basketball
be scoring 92 go to the base playing baseball
to score 92 go on the bus play basketball
a score of 92 go to the bank played baseball
to score a go in the boat plays basketball

5. the sun shone winter weather

4. a spring day the sunshine winter weather
a rainy day the sun's shine windy weather
a spring day the sun shines windy winter
a sunny day the sunshine's
a summer day the sun shone winter white
R cloudy day

S. arrive on time 9. site n check

7. travel by boat arrive at ten with n
travel by ship arrive on time check write a
travels by boat arrive in time check cash a
travel by boat
arrive in a check wrote
travels by bus
taxi arrive iii a check sign
travel by plane town a check
READING Identifying the topic of a paragraph

Read the paragraph and seven the topic.

Diane words at a shoe store downtown. People buy their 8hoea from her. She
hells small shoes, big shoes, and shoes in different colors. She talks to many
people every day, and she helps them, Diane likes her work.
n. customers
b. shoe 8torea
c. Diane's work

2. There are fifty states in the United States. Forty-eight of the states are
between two very large oceans. The forty-ninth state is between Canada and
Russia. The fiftieth state is in the Pacific Ocean.
a. states in the US
b. the Pa fic Ocean
c. Canada and Russia

3 People do different things on their vacations, Some people from cities like to
travel to the ocean, and some people like to go to the mountain. Sortie people
from small towns like to travel to big cities. They like to go sightseeing, and
they also like to take pictures of buildings.
a. people
b. vacations
c. big cities

Bob has a sore throat. He got it yesterday; and today it really hurts. He'll go to
the doctor this afternoon. The doctor will give him medicine tor his throat. Rob
will have to take one spoonful every four hours. He'll be fine in a few days.
a. Bobo doctor
b. Bob's medicine
c. Bob’s sore throat
Each paragraph you will hear gives information aobut one topic. Look at the questions first.
Some of them questions will be answered to the paragraph. Then listen to the paragraph. Put
a check mark next to every question answered in the paragraph.

EXAMPLE: a. How many of the states are near the ocean?

b. Where do people in these states take a vacation?
C. What can people do at the ocean?
d. When do people go on their vacations?

l. a In which city does John live?

b. What does John do after 6:00 pm.
c. How many people come to the barbershop?
d. Where does John have lunch?

a. Who likes to go to the Big Onion Rest8utent?

b. Who's the cook at the Big Onion?

e. How much does lunch cost?
d. What tone does the restaurant close?

3. a. What's the matter with Jim?

b. Where's the doctor's office?
c. What’s the doctor's name?
d. What will Jim take every four hours?

4. a. Where's Aldo's clothing store?

b. What time does he open his store?
c. What things does Aldo sell at his store?
d. Where does Aldo go on vacation?

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