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AIMAN NAVEED (1925106001)

KINZA BATOOL (1925106020)

NIDA ZAFAR (1925106028)

NIMRA TAHIR (1925106031)

ZUHA ABDULLAH (1925106046)

SESSION: 2019 – 2023


SUBMISSION DATE: October 3, 2022




1. Introduction
Computer Based Information Systems (CBIS) is an organized integration of hardware and
software technologies and human elements designed to produce timely, integrated, accurate and
useful information for decision making.

2. Working
In information system’ computer based means that the computer plays an important role in an
information system. The CBIS uses computers to collect, process, and store, analyze and
distribute information for a specific purpose, such as meeting a business objective.
CBIS contains the following functions:
2.1 Input
It consist of raw data either from organization or outside the organization to be processed.
2.2 Process
Transfer raw data into useful information.
2.3 Output
The information that has been processed is called output.
2.4 Storage
A place to store useful information.
2.5 Control
Control the evolving of information system.

3. Subsystems
Computer-based information systems in education are structured systems that rely on computer
hardware and software technology to collect, process, store and distribute didactical resources.
Didactical resources include sets of documents for planning, programing and realization
educational process. It also, includes software based on principles of artificial intelligence to
collect information, measure success and evaluate teacher's and student's work. Information
system is employed to support decision making and control in an organization. Information
systems is also used to analyze problems, visualize complex subjects, and create new

Following elements help in the working of CBIS:

3.1 Hardware
The term hardware refers to machinery. This category includes the computer itself, which is
often referred to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), and all of its support equipment. Among
the support equipment are input and output devices, storage devices and communications
3.2 Software
The term software refers to computer programs and the manuals (if any) that support them.
Computer programs are machine-readable instructions that direct the circuitry within the
hardware parts of the Computer Based Information System (CBIS) to function in ways that
produce useful information from data.
3.3 Data
Data are facts that are used by program to produce useful information. Like programs, data are
generally stored in machine-readable from on disk or tape until the computer needs them.
3.4 Procedures
Procedures are the policies that govern the operation of a computer system. “Procedures are to
people what software is to hardware” is a common analogy that is used to illustrate the role of
procedures in a CBIS.
3.5 People
Every Computer Based Information System (CBIS) needs people if it is to be useful. Often the

most over-looked element of the CBIS is the people which is probably the main component that
influences the success or failure of information system.
The first four components make up what is known as information technology platform.
Information technology workers could then use these components to create information systems
that watch over safety measures, risk and the management of data.

4. Contribution
Information and communication technology (ICT) increases productivity and operational
efficiency, reduces costs, impacts on intangible assets such as quality improvement in design
processes and inventory management. Organizations have embraced Computer Based
Information Systems (CBIS) in their managerial functions of planning, coordinating, directing,
controlling and decision making to improve on their organizational performance.

4.1 CBIS contribution in the Business World:

Almost every company has experienced a drastically slowed workflow, because of data
problems related to reliability and accuracy. While running a successful business calls for
proper management of financial and organizational data and statistics, via quality
information systems.

4.2 Contribution of CBIS in modern business:
In today’s continuously changing and fast moving world, customers’ requirements and
preferences are always evolving. The only businesses that can hope to remain competitive
and continue to function at the performance levels that match their customers’ expectations
are those that embrace innovation. In the recent past, any business success has been pegged
on the information technology quality that the business has employed and the capability to
correctly use such information.
The importance of CBIS has increased dramatically, and most businesses have been
prompted to introduce it to keep their competitive edge. Today, nobody can envisage a
business without an effective digital information system. Introduction of CBIS to a business
can bring numerous benefits and assist in the external and internal processes that a business
encounters daily, and decision-making for the future.

Some of the benefits of an information system include:

New Products and Services: CBIS can give a company the competitive advantage by
analyzing how a company creates, produce, and sell their products or services. This means
that the focus will be put on the main goal ahead.
Information Storage: Every organization needs records of its activities, to find the cause of
problems and proper solutions. Computer base Information systems (CBIS) are useful for
storing operational data, communication records, documents, and revision histories. Manual
data storage will cost the company lots of time, especially when it comes to searching for
specific data. A quality information system stores data in a comprehensive and sophisticated
database which makes the process of finding it much more convenient. With such
information, a company can analyze how certain actions affected the business, as well as
prepare cost estimates and forecasts.
Easier Decision Making: Without an information system, a company can take a lot of time
and energy in the decision-making process. However, with the use of IS, it’s easier to
deliver all the necessary information and model the results to make better decisions. The
management team can use the information system to choose the best course of action and
carry out the tasks. When there are several appealing alternatives, the information system
can be used to run different scenarios by calculating key indicators such as costs, sales, and

profits. This way, you can determine the alternative with the most beneficial results.
Behavioral Change: Employers and employees can communicate rapidly and more
effectively with an information system. While emails are quick and effective, the use of
Information Systems is more efficient, since documents are stored in folders that can be
shared and accessed by employees.

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