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Artwork by Klutsen

Living Potion of
Tiny ooze, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 14 (4d4 + 4)
Speed 20 ft


8 (-1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +4, Cha +2

Condition Immunities deafened, exhaustion, prone,
Damage Immunities acid, bludgeoning, poison
Senses Blindsight 60ft, passive Perception 12
Languages Understands common, but only speaks in
How to create a Living Potion bubbles & chirps.
Challenge 1/8 Proficiency Bonus +2
Should a wizard or artificer-- especially an Alchemist
artificer-- choose to use a potion as a consumed material Amorphous. The Living Potion can move through a
component of their Find Familiar spell, they create a Living space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Potion of that type. Stronger potions, such as a Living
Greater Potion of Healing, may require higher level spell slots Innate Healing Properties. During a short rest, the
to create, but expending a spell slot of the same level later on Living Potion of Healing can slowly help heal
will allow you to resummon that Living Potion until you another creature by sacrificing a part of itself. The
summon a different familiar. living potion may roll any number of its hit dice to
heal a target creature. If it rolls more than one dice,
Living Potion Variants it can target a new creature for each dice rolled.
Any potion can be animated into a "living potion"-- a special Dissolvable The Living Potion takes 1d4 damage the
kind of Flubber-like ooze that takes on the properties of the first time it touches water on a round.
potion that it's made from. Actions
For example, a Living Potion of Water Breathing might
have a swim speed, removes the Dissolvable trait, and allow 1 DRINK ME. The Living Potion of Healing jumps into
creature to breath water while it's in their mouth. A potion of the mouth of a willing or unconscious creature, and
poison could create an ooze with a poison attack, dealing as is drank. That creature heals for 2d4 + 2 health, and
much damage as the potion would normally do, but the the Living Potion dies.
Living version would need time to recharge itself before using
it again (Recharge 6 perhaps).
Have fun with this idea, and work with your DM. If you
are the DM, think about making the next potion your
party comes across wave at them from inside the bottle!

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