Prueba de Nivel de Inglés Borrador

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Prueba de nivel de inglés “BOSTON

Instrucciones: Lea atentamente las preguntas y
responda en su Hoja de respuestas


6. Where do you came from?

1. Hello, Maria. How are you?
a. Work.
a. I’m Mary’s brother. b. Dubling.
b. I’m going home. c. Home.
c. I’m not very well. d. I don´t know
d. I don’t know.
7. When can we meet again?

2. What’s the matter? Have you a. It was two days ago.

headache? b. When are you free?
c. Can you help me?
a. No, I’ve got toothache. d. I don`t know.
b. You’re welcome.
c. No, thank you. I don’t want one.
d. I don’t know. 8. I’m sorry I’m late.

a. That’s all right.

3. What do you do? b. You can’t go.
c. There isn`t go.
a. I’m a dentist. d. I don’t know.
b. I play tennis on Saturdays.
c. I’m learning English.
d. I don’t know. 9. A: Rob, this is Amy.

B: _______ to meet you, Amy

4. Would you like to come to my house? a. Well.
b. Nice.
a. Yes, I went home quickly. c. Fine.
b. No, thanks. I want to go home. d. I don’t know.
c. Well, I like my house a lot.
d. I don’t know.

5. Did you go to Maria’s birthday party 10. My brother is _______ engineer.

last week? a. ..
a. Yes, I did. b. an
b. All right. c. a
c. No, I wasn’t d. I don’t know
d. I don’t know.
11. ________ 10 books on the shelf.

a. There is
b. They are
c. There are
d. I don’t know

Av. 6 de Marzo Nº 112 Mezzanine (Al lado del cajero BNB), 1er. Piso, entre calles 2 y 3 El Alto
+591 60547520
19. We ________ Tv at the moment.
12. My dad doesn’t like ________ golf. a. ‘re watching
b. watched
a. play c. watch
b. to playing d. I don’t know
c. playing
d. I don’t know 20. Mery is a doctor. She ______ at night.
13. _________ your brother speak a. works sometimes
Spanish? b. never work
c. often works
a. Does d. I don’t know
b. Is
c. Do 21. There aren’t ______ classes late in the
d. I don’t know evening.
a. some
14. Joe ________ at school last week.
b. any
a. Didn’t be c. no
b. Isn’t d. I don’t know
c. Wasn’t
d. I don’t know 22. My brother Joe is fair but ______
children are dark.
15. Richard’s brother ________ to work a. his
yesterday because he was ill. b. her
a. doesn’t go c. their
b. didn’t go d. I don`t know
c. didn’t went
d. I don’t know 23. A: ________ do you go to the cinema?
B: Once a week.
16. Jennifer got married ______ 1998 a. How long
a. in b. How often
b. on c. How much
c. at d. I don’t know
d. I don’t know
e. 24. How ______ milk do you drink?
17. You house is ________ than our flat. a. lot
a. bigger b. much
b. more big c. many
c. more bigger d. I don’t know
d. I don`t know
25. Where do you want ______ on
18. My bike is very old. I’m going _______ Saturday?
a new one soon. a. going
a. to buy b. go
b. buy c. to go
c. to will buy d. I don’t know
d. I don’t know

Av. 6 de Marzo Nº 112 Mezzanine (Al lado del cajero BNB), 1er. Piso, entre calles 2 y 3 El Alto
+591 60547520
26. I usually _______ some toast for
a. have
b. drink
c. cook
d. I don’t know
27. My uncle’s son is my ______
a. cousin
b. aunt
c. niece
d. I don’t know

28. We can speak ________

a. Basque
b. Italy
c. Germany
d. I don’t know

29. A: Where`s Andrew?

B: He`s _______ his bike.
a. riding.
b. Playing
c. Driving
d. I don’t know

30. They_______ the TV and watched the

a. turned on
b. looked after
c. turned off
d. I don’t know

Av. 6 de Marzo Nº 112 Mezzanine (Al lado del cajero BNB), 1er. Piso, entre calles 2 y 3 El Alto
+591 60547520

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