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Ejercicio 3



We’re constantly looking for new ways to build

products, design out waste and pollution, and

keep materials and resources in use for as long as

possible. We aim to maximize the reuse of finite

resources across our operations, products, and

supply chains—and to enable others to do the


Building for circularity

Inspired by the breakthrough work of our
partners at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, our
circular principles are designed to drive
consistency and replicability across our
business for the greatest impact. We believe
that by incorporating circularity into our
designs from inception, things created today can
become the resources of tomorrow and enable
reuse, repair, and recovery. We reuse materials
at their highest environmental and social value,
effectively extending the use of each resource
for as long as practical, while balancing safety
and quality. This helps us preserve embedded
energy, labor, and materials while reducing our
environmental impact.
Our workplaces
At Google, just as we focus on people when it
comes to designing our products, we’re also
focused on people when creating healthy,
sustainable workplaces  — from our San
Francisco Bay Area headquarters to our offices
in more than 190 cities.

Around the world we’ve implemented strategies

to minimize waste generation and identified
diversion pathways that keep the waste we do
generate out of landfills. In 2021, we reached
64% landfill diversion rate for waste from our
offices globally.

Building circular data centers

We’re committed to achieving Zero Waste to
Landfill for our global data center operations
by reducing the amount of waste we
generate and finding better disposal options. In
2021, our global landfill diversion rate for data
center operations was 78%.

Designing out waste in our server management

has long been a Google priority. In 2021, 27%
of components used for server upgrades were
refurbished inventory. When we can’t find a
new use for our equipment, we completely
erase any components that store data and then
resell them.

Google consumer hardware products

To keep materials flowing in commerce
longer, we design them to be safe for human
and environmental systems  — because we can’t
change the chemistry of products once we put
them out in the world.

By 2025, we aim to use recycled or renewable

materials in at least 50% of plastic used across
our consumer hardware product portfolio. 1 And
we’re working toward our target to eliminate
plastic from our packaging and make our
packaging 100% recyclable by that same time.

All Nest and Pixel devices launched since 2020

include recycled materials. 2


We believe that by organizing information about

our planet, and making it actionable through

technology, we help people make a more

positive impact together. We focus on

partnerships that foster sustainability at scale.

Apply by May 30, 2023 to join the Single-Use

Plastics Challenge
At Google, we’re evolving our approach to the
way we source products, serve food, and reduce
our waste by looking to switch from using
single-use disposable products to more reusable

To help reduce the plastic footprint in our cafes

and MicroKitchens, we’re inviting food
companies to join the Single-Use Plastics

Food companies with single-use plastic-free

product packaging will have the opportunity to
test their products at Google food spaces.

If you’re a food and beverage company with

single-use plastic-free packaging solutions,
apply by Tuesday, May 30.

Apply here!

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