Media Studies Pack

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Media studies pack: Over summer task/s:

A case study based on Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, part 2:
1) The plot: This is the final movie of the Harry Potter series. It is the conclusion of the adventure and stroyline that Harry and the characters have progressed through during the previous seven movies. Harry and his friends face the ultimate threat of Hogwarts when Lord Voldermort rises to power and Albus Dumbeldore dies. Harry has had to deal with both adolescence and being a wizard while growing up in the series, and now he has to use all of his wizard skills, and combat the evil Voldemort to end it all... 2) Genre and approporiate fan base: The genre is classified as adventure by ' thly_Hallows_Part_2_2D/' and judging by the content of the movie, it would probably be appropriate for teenagers and young adults who like combinations of exciting and scary genre's in a story. Younger fans may be disturbed by a dark and complex film and older fans may like something either more romantic or sci-fi depending on their taste, though there are some older fans who would like this film. This website '' states that while females are more into fiction on average, Harry Potter in particular seems to generate a sense of comfort and familiarity towards males. 3) Age rating: gave it a rating of PG13, with certain internet users seeming to claim that the movie is PG. Overall, the movie seems to be considered as PG-13 or PG-12 and the official is PG13. This means it is appropriate for people of young adolescence at the youngest, to watch. 4) The budget: According to wikipedia, the movie has a shared budget of 250 million alongside part 1. ( %E2%80%93_Part_2) However, the daily telegraph site notes that the budget for this movie alone is about 150 million. ( Who directed the film: According to Wikipedia, David Yates directed it. 5) Stars in the film: The main trio cast consists of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They are 3 major stars actually generated from this movie franchise. Other notable stars in the movie include Jim Broadbent, who has starred in many other british broadcasts, such as Only fools and Horses and Blackadder, Gary Oldman, who has appeared in movies such as Kung fu Panda 2 and Batman Begins, as

Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, and Emma Thompson, who has starred in other various films such as Nanny Mcphee, and Emma played Sybill

Trelawney. These are some stars among others featured in the cast. They are used in order to generate more interest as people will recognize those stars and watch the movie to see them in performance. This will help in gaining overall profit and popularity, which leads to business success. 6) Who made it and who owns it: Wikipedia, ' allows_2/notes.pdf' and ' id=22320' state it was produced, distributed and owned by Warner Bros studios, with slight assistance in production by Heyday films. 7) How it was made: Harry Potter was made with film and then edited by Warner Bros studios and Heyday films, it has elements of 3D effects and the quality of the image is highly above average. is making a digitally remastered version, however. 8) As mentioned before, Warner Bros studios is responsible for the distribution. 9) Release dates: In the UK, it was released Friday 7th July in 2011. ( And in the US on 11th July 2011. ( 10) How many screens was it released on: During the first two to three weeks of the release of the film, it was shown in approximately 582 different cinema screens within the UK. (, In the US, it was viewed in 1,738 as of Auguset 22nd 2011. ( The amount was considerably more in late July when the movie was first released. Overall, a good 2.5-3K cinema's among both countries is an estimate of how many viewed the movie. 11) Five different ways the movie was marketed: Poster =

Trailer = Premiere shown before cinema release:

Sneak peek at ABC family: v=kP9BPMyRVaE

Suspense and continuation methods: This film is continued from part 1 and is the climax of the series. The fact that it is that will make people want to watch it as it is the ending to the series, it's position in the series as well as how long people have waited to view it and it's continuation and climatic storyline will make it automatically recieve interest from the public.

The next task: Representation in a TV drama or soap...

Choosing a character and showing how they are represented in a show:
TV drama: Only fools and Horses. (A TV drama/comedy with elements of a soap opera contained.) Genre: Mainly, it consists of comedy and humour, as that is the purpose of the show, to make viewers laugh. However, some elements of drama, romance, and even suspense are used in the show to make it more interesting and serious when the plot demands it. Actor: David Jason as 'Derek Trotter.' Age: David was 40 around 1980 when the show started. By 2003, when it ended, he was in his early 60's. Derek Trotter, the fictional character portrayed by Jason, was of an ambiguous age, but in the prequel of the show, Rock and Chips, Del was 16 years of age. The prequel was set in 1960, and OFAH started and was set in 1980. This means during the first season, Derek would be around 35 or 36. This means in the 2003 episode he would have been in his late 50's. Ethnicity: Del was white English, along with the rest of his family. Regional identity: Derek was British and seemingly proud of it. He lived in Peckham, located in South London. Costume usually includes: Derek's attire varied throughout the course of the series, but he commonly worn what he considered to be 'trendy' and good for image. This was because he thought image was good for a business perspective, as he thought it would make client's and/or customer's wish to do business with him more. He cared alot about his business as a market trader, because it was what brought in money for him and his family to live on. Because Del had a tough life with many problems, he saw to it that his business would at least get them by, and of course, to increase chances of success and popularity, he needed a good image. Throughout the series, Del was seen wearing a jumper with a set of jeans. These were his normal, standard clothes. Though he made sure they were trendy ones. He was also seen in business suits of all different colours and styles, which was due to his status as a business dealer. In season 6 specifically, he was seen wearing torso braces which went over over he shirt, as he was under influence of successful business man Gordon Gekko, who had braces too. Below are some images of Del's clothing =

Del in one of his coats, wearing a shirt. with jeans below.

Del in one of his many business suits, while holding paper.

Del in his braces from season 6. Lifestyle in 5 words: 'Image, business, drinking and problems.' Friends of Del: Trigger. ( Boyce: ( Denzil: ( These were his 3 old school friends who he hung around with down the Nags head. Besides his family, his 'significant other' who appeared later in the series, and a few other people who knew, these were his main friends. Trigger was the local idiot, Boycie was a snob who thought little of the poor, and Denzil was paranoid over Del always seeming to make a mess of his life. The low quality of his friends were whaty presented the idea that Derek was a peseant, and that he wasn't very respected by his society.

Interests: Del was shown to have interests in gambling, as seen in many episodes, mainly card games. He was into snooker to a certain extent. He was into making a good image, as already stated. He was into hitting on women when appropriate, and he was also into drinking and smoking. He preffered fried foods and fats over more healthy foods. He was into business and market trading, as that was his job

occupation, though it wasn't an official one. He was into getting money any way he could, legal or not. Motivation in most situations: To put it simply, Del had a motto to present his motivation in most situations. This was 'he who dares, wins.' Whether or not he actually believed that to be a legitimate motto or not was uncertain. He may have just used it to persuade people to go along with his ideas. Love life: In the earlier seasons of the show, Del had no permanent love interest, and he hit on any girl he could. In the series, it was revealed he had been engaged countless times in his youth too, and old girlfriends always came back into his life. Eventually, during the later part of the run of the show, Del developed an actual relationship with Raquel Turner, which despite a few flaws and issues, turned out to be his main love life. ( Problems in life: Del had many problems, many a lack of money, an incompetent brother from his perspective, and no love in the earlier episodes, among others. Del also had a problem with his health from time to time, it was even made part of the 'A' plot in a certain episode. Overall, the biggest problem was his struggle for livelyhood. His family was poor and it was his wages from the market that they lived on. This job wasn't easy since what he was selling wasn't any good. Key moment in series: Since the show is finished, there will be no future stroylines for him... How the audience is supposed to react to him: It is a comedy show, and Derek is a character intended for comedy purposes. His quotes, actions and reactions are meant to make the audience laugh at either his personality or his stupidity. From time to time, a process of anger and forgiveness is used. For example, in 'No greater love' Del seemingly ruins Rodney's relationship with a woman who doesn't really go well with him. Then, Del beats up the husband of that woman who was looking to hurt Rodney, and due to the protection, he is then forgiven. Then in 'Strained relations' Del is portrayed as inconsiderate when he laughs at his Grandad's funeral. Then when Del explains it's because he can't get over the death of Grandad that we feel sorrow and forgive him. Del is a mixture, sometimes wer'e meant to laugh either with or at him, sometimes we are meant to feel his emotions and sympathize or understand. Next part of task... Narrative involving chosen character: Del and Rodney made up scene from the show, to present how the characters should appear...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wide shot of the room in set. Lighting props used. Scene filmed at night... Scene: Del's flat, living room, during night... Del: I don't believe it! This is the last time I put my buisness in the care of you! Close-up to Rodney sitting on a chair... Rodney: I am telling you Del, it was going fine until that Mickey bloody Pearce got involved! Camera shot to Del and Raquel on the sofa... Del: Mickey Pearce? When I get hold of him, I'm gonna shove my cigar right up his... Del stands up and the camera shifts to a close-up of Raquel... Raquel: Rodney, you know that Del is counting on you to make a success out of the business? Back to Rodney camera shot... Rodney: I know that, but when we get nothing to sell but Del's crap in the garage it ain't so easy! Camera shot of Del standing up near Rodney... Del: Oi, don't you get saucy with me and Raquel! That crap, I mean, them items for purchase in the garage are worth a lot! It's just that you are about as good as seller as our late Uncle was a boat captain! Camera shot shifts back to Rodney... Rodney: Del, it is not my lack of experience or salesman ability, it is the fact that this business is about as respected as Trigger! Nobody wants to do business with us, we are untrustworthy! And that's all thanks to you conning people out of their money! Close-up shot to Del... Del: Listen here you plonker! I only did that because we needed money on that table! If I didn't scam people, then we would have all been homeless years ago! I mean, I was the only one in the family making money at the time! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As the scene demonstrated, Del and Rodney usually argue over issues that trouble the lives of them both. However, they are always there for eachother when it matters most. The conflicts usually occur over a problem they both have. Both characters are represented as people who have many problems with how they think, such as Del with ripping people off for money, and Rodney being a bit oblivious to simple things, but it's only because they have many problems with their lives. You can laugh at their problems if they do something laughable and stupid about it, you can also sympathize with them if they are truly hurt over something. They are characters with major flaws but also big hearts. They always stick up for eachother when they need to. They also use a lot of sarcasm on eachother which often implicates how they feel towards something related to the other individual. That is a common way of being offensive to each other in their cases. Also, as mentioned in the self-written dialogue, Del said that he had to work in order to help the family live on. When Del stated that, the others suddenly realised that due to the conditions of his life, Del had to do what he did to make a living. This is another example of how the character is represented, through his past and his character development. This way of respresnting a character makes the audience find his either stupid or mean at times, but overall understanding and considerate of him and how he is. Next part of task...
Basic overview of Del Trotter the character: Character: Del. Age: Approximately 35 as of season 1, late 50's as of the final episode in 2003. Clothes: Clothing varies throughout show. Usually seen in trendy jeans and a coat, or in a business suit, not a particular one though. Behaviour/attitude: Sarcastic, unpleasent, assertive. (Usually, many exceptions can be made.)

The next task: Analyzing magazines...

Selecting a magazine of choice and answering the following...

Title of the magazine: Toxic magazine. Why is it called that: It's a random title that has a logo in the cover designed to attract people looking at it. The magazine series is based on media entertainment regarding people ages 7 to 12. What are the significant words: Toxic is the only word that forms the title, whcih makes it the most significant automatically. If adverts are included, then 'free' and 'special' and 'cool' and among many others are significant to

the magazine if considering the adverts featured on the cover and inside the magazine. What connotations do they have: The advertising words are links to connotations in the magazine of what it is trying to advertise. For example, above shows an image of a Toxic magazine advertising 6 free gifts. These words are a way to make the gifts seem really good to have, it expresses the advertised products in addition to it's primary potential, just like in sentences, a connotation expresses a statement in addition to it's primary meaning. These words are a connotation to present the free gifts as better than they actually are. It's a big advertising technique, basically. Also, since kids are the target fan base, that makes the job easier. The publisher of the magazine: Egmont publishing. What other comics does it publish: To put it simply, a lot: What other interests does it have: As well as developing all types of books, including picture books, reading books, magazines and otherwise, it also has other interests. Film has been noted out as an interest taken by Egmont group. The cost of the magazine: As of August 2011, approximately 2.75. How often is it published: Since issues 34, it is release once every 2 weeks. Does it have a readership: Not really. It is not that popular, as it is a small time UK magazine series. There is no group based on people who read and follow it. Website of the magazine: Target audience for the reader: Ages 7 to 12 of mostly males. Males are more into the content inserted into this magazine. How do I know this: Observe the content featured in the magazine and on the cover, it is aimed at a young age range.

How does the reader interact with the magazine: There are many jokes, puzzles and quiz features inserted into the magazine, it gives the readers something to do with it. There are also comic strips featuring a group called 'Team Toxic' featured in every issue. The cover of the magazine: The cover features various characters from fiction. Face reactions vary a lot depending on what emotion they should be displaying on then cover. Just about any facial expression, type of body language, and piece of clothing has been presented in the history of the covers in this series. ( hl=en&q=TOXIC+MAG&rlz=1W1ACPW_enGB402GB402&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=6 6890l69201l0l69518l9l9l0l0l0l0l224l1719l0.5.4l9l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.& biw=1366&bih=581&wrapid=tlif131488960698510&um=1&ie=UTF8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi) The inclusion of fictional characters with various expressions and poses on the cover supports the fact that this magazine is aimed at children of a young age. What else appears on the cover: A lot appears on the cover, besides what I

already mentioned, bold, coloured words in large font appear on the cover such as 'cheats' or 'jokes' toget the kids interested even more. The price, logo's, and even the magazine codes usually appear for the category of the issue of the magazine. Some trademark's also appear on the cover. Particular items featured in the magazine vary. As stated, most fictional shows and characters with decent amounts of fame appear in this magazine for interest gaining purposes. Particulat types of writing: Large bald words with black outlines appear on the cover a lot because they are easy to look at, this technically helps in gaining more viewers in the magazine. Besides those words which stand out, the rest of the text is varied. Many different types of fonts, styles and sizes are used. The cover has a similar layout to most other magazines/comics. The title is placed at the top of the magazine, large enough in size to take up space across the whole to half of the cover. A featured character is displayed, like Iron Man is on the cover display above. Slogans are usually also featured, just like other magazines.

Compare this example to the Toxic magazine cover above. The style of the magazine: The style and presentation of the magazine is unique as it looks cheap, but still appealing. It has basic editing to the visual aspects of the magazine, but edited very well using the basic editing equipment and software. It's price is around 2.75 which is about average for magazine value standards. There was a similar magazine called Jetix which didn't last very long. It was based on the 'Jetix' channel running on Uk television at the time. It had higher editing equipment and higher quality graphics, but the content included was of a poorer standard overall. How does it address it's readers: It addresses it's readers through advertisins techniques, interaction, and paragraph's on certain pages relating to issues based on a certain fictional product associated with the media. The reader's are allowed to address the magazine through contest entries, such as letter writing and image submitting, in which the best images sent to the

publisher's being featured on the images section in the next issue. However, writing letter's freely containing written content about issues relating to the magazine series can be sent to the publisher's for viewing. What types of features does it have: It contains article's based on featured content, which can be anything associated with media entertainment from Spongebob to Superman. They can be article's based on contests or based on new series and games based on that franchise. There are also images and reviews based on those things too. Basically, anything a magazine usually features is included in this magazine series. The advertisements in the magazine: As well as free items being sold in addition to the magazine in almost every issue, there are also lots of products being advertised in the magazine. For a start, a lot of games are advertised. They are usually new during the time in which they are advertised. Also, toys and even TV series are advertised in this series. The price range of the toys and games advertised in the magazine series usually varies from 1.00 to around 50.00 or 60.00 which usualy consist of vary expensive video games. They are usually aimed at 12 year olds, the adverts are. These products are featured because they are what attract the target audience, they are what interest them. Representations in the magazine: Since 'Toxic' is mostly for males, females are not included in the series very often. There don't seem to be any conflicting representations in the magazine series. Representations based on adverts and certain media sources are included, they reflect on the readership as they become interested in what is featured in the magazine. There are limited representations for women, due to this being mainly for males to like. Celebrities aren't usually in these magazines. If they are, they are only mentioned casually and briefly because they are not a focus point of the series. Competition: Since the 'Jetix' series ceased producing magazine's, and anything else media related for that matter, 'Toxic' has had no major competition, when considering what classification it is in. It is a children's series with random media content included. Considering it is released every two weeks, it seems to gain an average amount of readership figures judging by how often it is produced. Specific figure cannot be viewed. Final notes: The reasons for it's popularity are due to it's inclusion of various media content which is very popular among children. Included media includes Spongebob, Pokemon, Phineas and Ferb, Iron Man, The Hulk, Spiderman, Superman, Toy Story, Disney media, UK celebrities, wrestling, and more. All of this gains significant interest and this makes the series popular. The magazine offers a lot, it offers adverts, free gifts added to every magazine you purchase, updates based on certain media, and interaction, and contests.

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