Slac Script

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Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to our 2nd SLAC. It’s an honour to be a moderator for this event.

To formally start the program, everyone is requested to please rise for our National Anthem to be presented by ma’am
Ruth S. Yrigan.
Please remain standing. As we offer our Almighty God a prayer of praise.
Now, we will having our Gandara Hymn to be conducted by ma’am Jesabel P. Requina.
To kick-off this program we will have our physical fitness program and it is also be presented by via multimedia

- And now please be seated!

Now, to fully start the program let’s call our very own School head Sir Leo M. Amit for the statement of purpose and
Conference Proper.
“Let’s us all give her.
Now Let’s move on to Lecture Proper, the first lecturer will be Sir itself and the topics are about Guides for
Instructions Yielding Archetype and Anti-Bullying Act (RA.10627), let’s give him a round of applause!

- Thank you Sir.

Next presenter will Ma’am Rebeca S. Orcales and Michelle B. Doniza, and the topic is about 10 Ways to Spark
Motivation in your Students, let’s give her a round of applause!

- Thank you

Next, presenter will be Ma’am Jesebel P. Requina, and the topic is about Holistic Development in Education, let’s
give her a round of applause!

- Thank you

Okay, My topic is about Parental Involvement in Education

Now, let’s move on, in Awarding of Certificates, before I call the name let me read the citation first,
Well that’s all about everything ladies and gentlemen. We have finally come to the end of our program. It has been a
great day and a wonderful morning with to all of you.
Again thank you for coming and have a safe journey home. God Bless everyone!

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