Tidal Cycles Worksheet

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estuary is a free website where you can use live coding to make music and visuals

a bass drum sound

sound "bd"
this will play the bass drum sound once per cycle

sound "bd bd"

this will play the bass drum sound twice per cycle

sound "bd bd bd bd"

this will play the bass drum sound four times per cycle

sound "bd bd [bd bd] bd"

on the third step the bass drum sound (bd) will be played twice

sound "bd bd bd*2 bd"

another way to write this is with the multiplication symbol. on the third step the bass
drum (bd) sound will be played twice

a clap sound. type "sound "cp"" to play it

a snare drum sound. type "sound "sd"" to play it

a hi-hat sound. type "sound "hh"" to play it

fast 2 $ sound "bd bd [cp bd] bd"

this will play a pattern twice as fast

slow 2 $ sound "bd bd [cp bd] bd"

this will play a pattern twice as slow

this will apply a function or effect every x cycles. For example "every 4 (fast 2) $ sound
"bd bd hh bd"" will play the pattern twice as fast every fourth cycle
# speed
this effect will raise or lower the pitch and speed of a sound. For example "sound "bd" #
speed "0.5"" will make the bass drum sound lower
# speed
by typing "sound "bd" # speed "2" it will make the bass drum sound higher pitched

a sound of a person counting numbers. type "sound "numbers"" to play it
by using a colon (:) after the sound you can choose different sounds from that sound
bank. try typing "sound "numbers:3 "" to hear a voice saying the number three. try using
a colon with other sounds, too!

other samples to try

ade arpy alphabet bass casio

clubkick future glitch hoover invaders

moog odx pad pebbles perc

wobble print rave sax tabla

learn more
the tidal website has lots of resources for further learning. Use the search bar to type in
questions and learn more!

here’s a list of samples included with tidal and descriptions of what they sound like

here’s a list of chord names you can use together with note

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