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N English Indonesia
1 This agreement, made on the
…… day of the
…………….month of the
year……………… Between:

2 ………………………………
(hereinafter referred to as "the
Employer") and
(hereinafter referred to as "the

3 WHEREAS the Employee and

the Employer wish to enter into
an employment agreement
governing the terms and
conditions of employment;

consideration of the premises
and mutual covenants and
agreements hereinafter
contained is hereby
acknowledged and agreed by
and between the parties hereto
as follows:

5 1. Term of Employment
The employment of the
Employee shall commence
from the date hereof and
continue for an indefinite
term until terminated in
accordance with the
provisions of this agreement.

2. Probation
The parties hereto agree that
the initial six (6) month
period of this agreement is
"Probationary" in the
following respects:
a. the Employer shall have
an opportunity to assess
the performance,
attitude, skills and other
attributes and
characteristics of the

b. the Employee shall have

an opportunity to learn
about both the Employer
and the position of

c. either party may

terminate the
relationship at any time
during the initial six
month period with
advance notice of seven
days with justifiable
reason, in which case
there will be no
continuing obligations
of the parties to each
other, financial or

Para pihak akan The Party will execute a Bahasa Indonesia version
menandatangani versi Bahasa together with English version of this Agreement.
Indonesia bersama dengan versi
Bahasa Inggris dari Perjanjian

Dalam hal terjadi In the event of inconsistency between the

ketidaksesuaian antara versi Bahasa Indonesia and the English version of
Bahasa Indonesia dengan versi this Agreement, (i) the Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris, (i) versi Bahasa version will prevail and (ii) The English
Indonesia akan berlaku dan (ii) version of this Agreement will be deemed
versi Bahasa Inggris dari amended to the extent of such inconsistency
Perjanjian ini akan dianggap to be in conformity with the Bahasa
diubah sepanjang mengenai Indonesia version of the Agreement.
ketidaksesuaian tersebut untuk
menyesuaikan dengan versi
Bahasa Indonesia dari
Perjanjian ini.
This Agreement is made in the Perjanjian ini dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris dan
English language and the bahasa Indonesia. Apabila terdapat
Indonesian language. If any ketidaksesuaian dan perbedaan antara teks bahasa
inconsistency or different Inggris dan teks bahasa Indonesia, maka teks
interpretation between the bahasa Inggris yang akan  berlaku
English text and the Indonesian
text, the English text shall

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Demikianlah Perjanjian Kerja sama ini dibuat

parties hereto have caused this rangkap 2 (dua) bermeterai cukup dan mempunyai
agreement to be executed as of kekuatan hukum yang sama, masing masing untuk
……… month…...year and PIHAK KESATU dan PIHAK KEDUA serta
shall each retain a copy of the tembusannya disampaikan kepada pihak-pihak lain
agreement in original. yang berkepentingan dan ada hubungannya dengan
pekerjaan ini.

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