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The thesis titled “Students’ Listening Skill in Recognizing New Vocabulary at

English Education Study Program of IAIN Manado” compiled by Meganisha
Ibrahim with students registration number, a students of English
Education Study Program, has been examined and defined in the Munaqasyah
session held on May 29th 2023 and has been declared acceptable as one of the
requirement to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) degree with several improvement


The Chairman : Dr. Andi Mukarramah Nagauleng, M.Pd ……………………..

The Secretary : Lies Kryati, M.Ed ……………………...

Munaqisy I : Nur Halimah, M.Hum ……………………..

Munaqisy II : Nikmala Nemin Kaharuddin, M.Hum ……………………..

Advisor I : Dr. Andi Mukarramah Nagauleng, M.Pd ……………………..

Advisor II : Lies Kryati, M.Ed ……………………...

Approved by:
The Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher
Training Faculty IAIN Manado

Dr. Ardianto, M.Pd

NIP. 197603182006041003

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